HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-06-04 CPC MINPLAGE: TINE: PLAJAING COV.ISION City Council Chambers 7:00 June 4, 1979 Tom Farrell meister Albert Panum Charles swanson David Knefelkamp Ann Bodlovick On Niska Jack Shelton Albert 1--eepke Owins to a mlaunderstanding,the representatives from the Heritage preservation coaission did not attend for the planned 1:eet1ng at Ep.m. Afurther meetiag on July 949Y9 is planned. According to ordinancer3 506 and L02, ,ectings with tie lierit4ge PresorvatiJn Commlsaon are required four times por year and they arc necocary for the purbosc of electing a Chairman. To Farrell called the meeting to order at 7:00 7).E. The liinute[:.; of the !-)rovius meeting 1,:()'u aprovod by An.1 Oodlovick and seconded by David T.nefolkamp. OLD.3USISS Ca:.o Boca Case Jo. Case i;o. NEW BUSINESS 354 .4)roved by city council 355 Denied by City Council Amprovcd by city Council 357 Withdrew Case Jo. :553 Stan Hanks 127 ,I. Water S. Stillwater Special Use permit Construction of 10 Unit Apartment Building Mr. hanks presented his plans which were examined carefully by all present. Ann Bedlovick questioned the presence of off street parking, and Mr. hanks answered that it was present on olive st. although it was not shown in the plans. The City ordinance stated that there had to he 8 covered parking facilities for an apartment unit of this type and rr. Hans had 12. Jack Shelton strite that lar.L 1.:arch there had been a query on the entrance and exit on 3rd. St. from the proposed anarents as this could cause an obstruction, owevor, this would not apply if the entrance and exit was on olive st. Jac Shelton did st to that the aidcv;alk on Olive St, is giving problem::; and is craced and raised in places. rtorein considernbie t'useusn about tIle nunber of narking snaces -hich should be _ade available to tne Lenants of the apart:Aents and what would actIzally be available. I;anks announced he wonid be villin to put in whatever parkinr is required. Farrell drew overyonels attention to the parking ordinance 547. ir.ueister aked Stan Hanks if he olanned to give un the office building in the area of the al'artment and he otted that he would if the planning Cemmision and the council a Teed to his request for a Special Use permit. To Farrell stated that '.1ans was asking for a resolution for estab- lishin a redevelo-cment arca w:thin the City and when that is done " ,a o two Stil• ate4.- sslon nd becou.es a high density area tills will create a new zoning in the area aplied for0 with this application, therefore, comes two variances - one for a different floor ratio and ono for parking. Nr. Hahks needs one more stall for irkLnj and there is nothing to be done about the floor ratio. David Knefelkamp asked if the apartments would b* for seniors, and wan told that thepesould be as there is an elevator in tho apartfients and they are near to town. meistor as';ed if thore was aay pic-nic area or play area in the pian3. Ranks answered that in the back of the building there is 25 foot to tho property line which would be suitable for that use. Tom Farrell asked what the building would bo aided with and was told :it would be stucco (which. did not appear on the plans). Tom stated that the pronerty fails within the restoration area of the old town. He said that the town wants to preserve the history nn quaintness of old stillwater. As the property falls in that area the Council would like to see the outside of the building blend with this, it wa:i felt that stucco would do this. jr. moister motioned that a special use permit be granted and that a special. 1.180 perit for an office block be cance-Jiled if the council ar,proved the S-pecial Use perit. David. KnefelkamID seconded the motion with the recommend- ation that ;.r. Hanks cooperate closely with flon N1ka. The five hundred dollars deposit was to be retained, motion unanimously carried. .359 flary Glennen 92-:1) Zourth Ave. Stillwater 459-3403 Variance To build aa attached deck to within 1 foot of south property line. An 3odlovick asLed who lived oa lot 5 and wao told tht Funarifs lived there audthat they had no onjection to the plan.. Charlos swanson aakd if there was to be a deck and a stairway' and was told that there was. He asked how close the house 'as on lot 3 and was told about 402. David Knefelkan-o :Jovod that the variance be ap.:roved and Ann Bodlovick seconded the motion. liotion unanimously carried. 360 John J.:. Lyon 423 S. 3roadway Stillwater Variance to build a garaLw with a 4 foot side lot clearnce. Thoe were some quostionEJ abo.At the plan which was attached to the applic- ation. Nr. Lyon pointed out the proxiatty of other propertiec.J. Mr. Enef6lkamp asked if there v,ore any objections from neighbors and was told the rc were not. Ir. Swanson asked how near the nearer:t neighbor to the garage was and was told. about 20 foot. Russell 1,1eistor LAotionod that the ap-i:dication be approved, seconded by David Knefelkamp. Dation unanimously carried. Tom Farrell announced 'that Dick Lacase had avroached him with regard to w• page three ti1iatc.L1anni1 Coa.Assion_cohte a variance for a -Ti.de let no hi client, ,jr. pizinger, wished him to construct an in-grotrnd ),Dol. No formal application had boon made yet, so plans and details were not available at this -ooint.Te /yoel would be nearer to next lot than is non.ial. Ann Bodlovic stated that the house had coot the city a gro:-,t deal of money as flooding had been a problem. As the property on which the house stands is 15 feet ±ro:t the liftstation it as felt that the bottom of the pool should be no lower than the floor of the house. ;Ir. LaCas:e stated. that at present the proposed )ool would be 2 feet lower than the house floor. Ann Bodlovio% asked Ron Niska what his foolings were about the watHr problem. I -1r. Shelton stated thL.,t ice could build up. in the culverts. Mr. Swanson asked if there were any frost footings to the pool and was told there were not but that a relief pipe would be put in inhere water had been a problem. Ann Bodiovick again stated that the lift station near the house had not worked properly and Dick LaCasse statea that extra fill would be put in tOr the pool. Mr. Swanson st-ated that if there was a further water problem with the pool Dr. PizinEer could cu' the City for 1,,iving permission to build it. The swimming pool could not be put in the bach yard but would be put in the aide yard and it this area for which the variance to refluirod. Nr. swanson motioned to ap,)rovo the variance conditional uoonthe bottom of the pool being no lower than the baseent of the house. Aon Bodlovic seconded the notion. There was some discussion a to whether the motion to aprove the variance could be passod if proper aplionipn had not been nado. fr. el Lon staLed tk,,t the neighbors would have to be notified of the plan when the formal apolication vas made. The applio—tion may not go before the Council until Juno 26 or the firrA week in July. The committee rocelx.ended that Dick LaCasse make formal applicntion immediately. June 25 will be the Licxt meetin: of the master plan Committee. yr. Farrell will be ort vacation and Er. fleister will chairman the meetin. Heritage Preservation meeting will take place on July 9 before the Planning Commission meeting at 6:30 p.m. Mr. Knefelmap motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Hr. 1,;eister. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.1. pf..-_:sectfully submitted ,_. 4,/- ( . . Lc,- IN. • \--I L f,..._ Patricia :.:;.. Gill t secretary, Stillwater plauning Commission -t L. 7 NJ tL • ), -a .<3 3