HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-02-23 CHC MIN He:3p<;cu uUy ~\JI') m.iu.ed. ';;:ilO[f'i'i' (Xc .\c\tn~ ~'.::(rcrclry ,:.. tTIorion to adjourn 'Il.'as made hv ~!~, Purcell ami seconcled t,,' ~\l~ Czar. AI[ in fav(,r. \it'~ling \\-a~ adjourned at 9A5p.ril ::()Cffiis~jor; wembef~ further approved that ,~'~ are re:~oj\"t;(j lCi lake the c:nflicl eJ interest proposal io referendum in ihe e':el1[ it !~ Got :lppr:A::'J lw Ci,': "'...;! \1,": ;(,':1 h" \lr ,.- ,.,!sva. ::"d ~..r(""'j'-!':'I-! h\' \l~l- r I' .o.h {'>'I' mj ",., J _J......~., .1...'.J .......~ . .... I'" J.l\ _....... ............ lJ_y.... "". _ . ~ ....u_ ~J. \.4.1 ).1 aher (ommi~~joj1 members approved forwarding tbe conf1ic~ of 'intere~t proposed amendment. now written in ordinance form. to Mayor and Council \vith a reque~t for approval. Motion fOf\\iarded by Mr. ~eister and ~econded by M::, In other bu~ine~:- lhere was a short discussion of expiring \erl11~ and seal"ch for ne\\' members Which should begin immediately as nmice Jlas been posted in tile Cil~' 5 legal publication. Eacb of us shalll.hink of po~sible candidate~ to lie reyje\\'ec al the next meeting, The team bUlidmg se~sion ended in our resolve for each member to llring 4 l~ey i~sue~ to l1'le next meeting for discussion and a means of selling an agenda for 1 he next 12-18 month:-. \Ir Old introduced and \velcomed James Purcell who facUitated ci team b liiJding exploration session for the Commision me ill l)er~. ( See encl(l~ure. \ A motion \Vas made by Ms Rucb and seconded by Ms Czar to approve the minutes for the January 26; i 998 Pleetmg. All in (avor. \'jsitors: James Purcell ~rr Old called the meeting to or'der at 7:30 p.m, ~lembers absem: Richard Slivik ~1embers pre~ent: Kathy Czat, Steve Kei~ter. Hb""ard Liebeiman, Laurie Maher. Timothy OJd. Nancy Purcell i'vlary Ruch. and Don Valsvik. CHARTER COMM1SSION February 23.1998 l4J06 07/06/98 09:32 FAX 612 351 7327 / / ,/ MSI ARCHITECTS S . . . . .