Stillwater, Minnesota, November 12, 2009
Regular Meeting:
The regular meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners was held on Thursday,
November 12, 2009 at 8:30 A.M.
All Commissioners were present, with President O'Brien presiding. Also present was
Mike O'Rourke, Jane Dickinson, Nancie Klizke and Tom Corman.
On motion of Commissioner Nyberg, duly seconded by Commissioner Speedling, all
voting "Aye ", the Agenda was accepted as presented.
Mike O'Rourke, Jane Dickinson & Nancie Klizke were at the meeting to discuss the
matter of private and or shared service lines which they all have and have had problems
with their services. After much discussion, on motion of Commissioner Nyberg, duly
seconded by Commissioner Speedling, all voting "Aye ", the Board will discuss this at an
executive meeting.
On motion of Commissioner Nyberg, duly seconded by Commissioner Speedling all
voting "Aye ", the minutes of the October 14, 2009 regular meeting were read and
approved as written.
On motion of Commissioner Nyberg, duly seconded by Commissioner Speedling, all
voting "Aye ", Resolution No. 1406 was approved for payment.
Tom Corman reported to the Board that the water is turned on at the new parking ramp,
hydrant flushing is complete and they have repaired a Golden Anderson valve at the
Olive Street Pumphouse. He informed the Board that the meter at our Laurel Street
Pumphouse needs to be sent in for repair and two other Golden Anderson valves need to
be repaired.
Manager Benson explained to the Board that the annual contract with SafeAssure needs
to be renewed at a cost of $2,165.00 and after discussion, on motion of Commissioner
Nyberg, duly seconded by Commissioner Speedling, all voting "Aye ", the contract may
be renewed, not to exceed a cost of $2,165.00.
Manager Benson brought up the matter of the Water Board mailing the Utility Bills with
the Water Bills and or taking over the Utility Billing from the City. Commissioner
Nyberg spoke with City Administrator Hansen on this matter. After discussion, on
motion of Commissioner Nyberg, duly seconded by Commissioner Speedling, all voting
"Aye ", a letter will be drafted and sent to City Administrator Hansen.
The following items were discussed, with no action taken:
1. Accounts receivable balance as of October 31, 2009 was $319,543.24; the actual
amount is $343,355.26. This amount is $18,000.00 higher than last years.
There being no further business, on motion of Commissioner Nyberg, duly seconded by
Commissioner Speedling, all voting "Aye ", the meeting was adjourned.
Attest Manager