Stillwater, Minnesota, June 11, 2009
Regular Meeting:
The regular meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners was held on Thursday, June
I l 2009 at 8:30 A.M.
President O'Brien and Commissioner Nyberg present with President O'Brien presiding.
On motion of Commissioner Nyberg, duly seconded by President O'Brien, all voting
"Aye ", the Agenda was accepted as presented.
On motion of Commissioner Nyberg, duly seconded by President O'Brien, all voting
"Aye ", the minutes of the May 31, 2009 regular meeting were read and approved as
On motion of Commissioner Nyberg, duly seconded by President O'Brien, all voting
"Aye', Resolution No. 1399 in tribute to the memory of Robert Thompson was approved.
On motion of President O'Brien, duly seconded by Commissioner Nyberg, all voting
"Aye ". Resolution No. 1400 was approved for payment.
Tom Corman brought the Board up to date on the 2009 Street Project. As of June 10 th ,
new watermain has been installed and put into service with the addition of one hydrant
and all but one of the galvanized services has been renewed from the main to the curb
stops. John has been reading meters and Andy has been mowing grass.
Manager Benson explained to the Board that the sealing of the test well was not figured
into the bid for the test well #12. Manager Benson received an estimate from Keys Well
Drilling in the amount $2,975.00. After much discussion, on motion of Commissioner
Nyberg, duly seconded by President O'Brien, all voting "Aye ", sealing of the test well
was approved not to exceed a total cost of $2,975.00.
Manager Benson had distributed the 2008 Audit Report and after discussion, on motion
of President O'Brien, duly seconded by Commissioner Nyberg, all voting "Aye ", the
2008 Audit Report was approved.
Manager Benson explained to the Board the need for a company credit card, and after
discussion, on motion of Commissioner Nyberg, duly seconded by President O'Brien, all
voting "Aye ", a company credit card may be acquired with a credit limit of $2,000.00.
Manager Benson will be the primary signer with Tom Corman being the secondary
The following items were discussed, with no action taken:
1. Accounts receivable balance as of May 31, 2009 was 65,022.68. The Actual
amount is $100,411.41. This is $10,000.00 more than last years.
2. Discussion was held regarding water service connections to accessory dwellings.
Manager Benson was instructed to write up a resolution and bring it back to the
July meeting for approval.
3. One application was received for appointment to the Board, and after review by
the Board members; Manager Benson was instructed to write a letter of
recommendation for Steve Speedling to the Board of Water Commissioners.
There being no further business, on motion of Commissioner Nyberg, duly seconded by
President O'Brien, all voting "Aye ", the meeting was adjourned.
Attest: Secretary