Stillwater, Minnesota, January 14, 2009
Regular Meeting:
The regular meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners was held on Wednesday
January 14, 2009 at 8:30 A.M.
All Commissioners were present, with President O'Brien presiding.
On motion of Commissioner Thompson, duly seconded by Commissioner Nyberg, all
voting "Aye ", the Agenda was accepted as presented.
On motion of Commissioner Thompson, duly seconded by Commissioner Nyberg, all
voting "Aye ", the minutes of the December 10, 2008 meeting were read and approved as
On motion of Commissioner Thompson, duly seconded by Commissioner Nyberg, all
voting "Aye ", Resolution No. 1394 was approved for payment.
Tom Corman reported to the Board that there have been two watermain breaks since the
beginning of January and also a couple of frozen services.
Tom also asked for permission to buy three new winter safety jackets for the crew and
after discussion, on motion of Commissioner Thompson, duly seconded by
Commissioner Nyberg, winter safety jackets may be purchased, not to exceed a cost of
$600.00 for all three jackets.
Manager Benson was approached by Dave Schultz with Amateur Radio inquiring about
putting an antenna on our water tank. Manager Benson explained to the Board that the
previous Board agreed that no transmitter antennas from private companies would be
allowed on their water towers. After much discussion, on motion of Commissioner
Thompson, duly seconded by Commissioner Nyberg, all voting "Aye ", the antenna
installation on our water tower was denied.
Manager Benson received a letter from the City of Stillwater requesting that we waive
the Water Availability Charge for the new parking ramp that is going to be constructed
across the street from the Water Department and after discussion, on motion of
Commissioner Nyberg, duly seconded by Commissioner Thompson, the Water
Availability Charged will be waived.
Manager Benson asked the Board for approval to promote Andrew Straus to Water
Maintenance II. After discussion, on motion of Commissioner Nyberg, duly seconded by
Commissioner Thompson, all voting "Aye', Andrew Straus is hereby promoted to Water
Maintenance II with the appropriate wage increase effective February 1, 2009.
Manager Benson brought up the request from the City of Stillwater on us taking over the
Utility Billing that had been tabled from the last meeting. Manager Benson explained to
the Board that this would mean that the Water Department would have to hire another
employee and with the limited space we have that this would not be feasible to do.
Therefore, after discussion, on motion of Commissioner Nyberg, duly seconded by
Commissioner Thompson, all voting "Aye', the request was denied.
The following items were discussed, with no action taken:
1. Accounts receivable balance as of December 31, 2009 was $17,789.65. The
actual amount if $81,490.13. This amount is $10,600.00 less than last years.
There being no further business, on motion of Commissioner Thompson, duly seconded
by Commissioner Nyberg, all voting "Aye ", the meeting was adjourned.
Attest Secretary