Oct. 13, 1997
Present: Jerry Fontaine chairman
Glenna Bealka, Russ Hultman, John Rheinberger, Kirk Roetman
(7:45), Don Valsvik, Darwin Wald, Tom Weidner and Terry Zoller
Others: Steve Russell, Community Development Director
Chairman Fontaine called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.
Mr. Rheinberger, seconded by Mr. Wald, moved approval of the minutes of
Sept. 8. Mr. Fontaine noted a correction in Case 97-47. Mr. Hultman voted
against approval; Mr. Zoller voted in favor of approval. Minutes as
corrected were approved unanimously.
Case No. SUP/97-51 A special use permit for a drive-thru at Culver's
Restaurant, 1725 Market Drive in the BP-C, Business Park Commercial
District. Dave O'Brien, applicant.
Mr. O'Brien was present for the discussion. Mr. Weidner asked if the HPC
• review included the drive-thru. Mr. O'Brien responded in the affirmative.
He also noted that the roof is shingle not metal as indicated in the color
renderings. Mr. Russell explained some access easements that will be
required of the applicant.
Mr. Rheinberger, seconded by Mrs. Bealka, moved approval as conditioned;
all in favor.
Case No. SUP/97-52 A special use permit to conduct a home business and
related support functions for an art gallery at 821 Third St. S. in the RB,
Two Family Residential District. Peter Young, applicant.
Mr. Young was present. He explained the gallery will be open by
appointment only and would not be open to walk-thru traffic. There is
parking for two cars behind the house. He presented a list of signatures
(see attached) of neighbors he had spoken to who have no objection to his
Bill Betzin, 719 S. Third St., questioned how a commercial operation in a
residential neighborhood affected zoning. He also asked about signage. Mr.
• Fontaine explained that the zoning allows for "cottage industries" with
little or limited public exposure. Signage would be limited to two square
• feet.
Mr. Zoller, seconded by Mr. Weidner, moved approval as conditioned; all in
Case No. V/97-53 A variance to the front yard setback (20 feet required,
16 feet requested) to rebuild/expand a front porch at 670 S. Broadway St.
in the RB, Two Family Residential District. Michael and Beth Diem
Ms. Diem was present. She said she had a note from the Lammers
expressing approval of the project.
Mr. Zoller, seconded by Mr. Rheinberger, moved approval as conditioned; all
in favor.
Case No. V/97-56 A variance to the rear yard setback (25 feet required,
17 feet requested) for construction of a 3-season porch at 1941 Oak Glen
Lane in the RA, One Family Residential District. Michael and Rhonda
Ruffini, applicants.
• Mr. Ruffini was present. He explained that his lot is narrowest at the rear
of the house. He said they had looked at other options, such as a gazebo.
Alternatives either were not complimentary to the neighborhood or didn't
provide enough usable interior space. He noted the proposed porch is nearly
in line with neighboring properties.
Mr. Rheinberger, seconded by Mrs. Bealka, moved approval as conditioned;
all in favor.
Case No. SUP/97-57 A special use permit for a two-room bed and
breakfast located at 1117 N. Fourth St. in the RB, Two Family Residential
District. Mark Balay representing Aldine West, applicant.
Ms. West was present and said she was aware of all the conditions of
Mr. Rheinberger noted the request meets all conditions of the B&B
ordinance, such as the age of the structure, the distance from other B&Bs,
Roxanne Joyce, 1114 N. Fourth St., expressed a concern about parking and
the impact on the neighborhood. Ms. West replied that she only plans to be
• open during the summer and early fall and four on-spite parking spaces are
Mr. Weidner asked if the manager would live on-site and whether Ms. West
has any plans to restore the exterior of the building. Ms West replied "yes"
to both questions.
Mr. Russell suggested adding a clarification to condition of approval No. 3
to indicate that guests shall park on-site. Mr. Valsvik asked if that would
be a condition of all B&Bs.
Mr. Rheinberger, seconded by Mr. Wald, moved approval as conditioned with
the clarification to condition No. 3; all in favor.
Case No. SUP/97-58 A special use permit for a brew pub at 402 S. Main St.
in the CBD, Central Business District. Vittorio's Restaurant, applicant.
Chris Most was present representing Vittorio's. He objected to the
condition of approval (connection to the storm sewer line). Mr. Most said
the owners have no problem in working with the City and would not object
is to putting a date on completion. However, he suggested the City shouldn't
penalize the new owners for a problem that originated with the previous
owner. He said they would need to close down for a time in order to do the
sewer connection and would prefer to do that in the off-season.
There was some discussion regarding the possibility of having the Mosts
provide a bond or sign a contract guaranteeing the work will be
accomplished by a certain date. Chris Most noted that according to their
purchase agreement, the previous owner is responsible for the cost of the
sewer separation.
There also was some discussion as to using approval as an enforcement
tool. Mr. Russell noted the City can't control the previous owner; it does
have some control over the current property owners. Mr. Weidner objected
to using the SUP as an enforcement tool, noting the City has other options
for enforcement. Mr. Weidner suggested the issue is a Council matter and
is not the Planning Commission's role.
Mr. Valsvik, seconded by Mrs. Bealka, moved approval with no conditions.
Motion passed 8-1, with Mr. Zoller voting no.
Case No. V/97-59 A variance for an oversized shed (16 x 20, 120
maximum) at 14440 Dellwood Road in the RA, One Family Residential
District. Robert and Harriet Stevenson, applicants.
Ms. Stevenson was present. She explained the shed is needed to store
equipment to maintain their long driveway. The shed won't be seen by
Mr. Rheinberger, seconded by Mr. Roetman, moved approval as conditioned;
all in favor.
Case No. SUP/V/97-60 A Special use permit for a 76-unit condominium
and variance to the height requirement and setback at 304 S. Second St. in
the CBD, Central Business District. Croix Builders Inc., applicant
Case No. SUP/V/97-61 A special use permit for a 339-stall parking ramp
and a variance to the setback requirements in the CBD, Central Business
District. Croix Builders Inc., applicant.
Mr. Weidner abstained from the discussion and vote on these two cases due
to his firm's association with the projects.
Present for the discussion were John Roettger of Croix Builders Inc. and
• Jerry Runk of KMR Architects.
Mr. Runk went through the architectural renderings and elevations of the
projects. He explained several changes made to the previously proposed
condo project. The changes were made to provide for better access to the
site; more units with views of the river/downtown; and access to Third
Street. The structure has been shifted to the southwest of the property
and a parcel purchased from SuperValu. All parking for the
tenants/visitors is provided on-site. The Third Street access is provided
on the 8th floor. The height of the structure at the roof is 820 feet, 720 at
the base elevation.
Linda Rorvick, 150 S. Third St., asked if the City is involved in the
financing of the parking ramp. Mr. Russell and Mr. Roettger said the City is
not involved. John Bourdaghs of Shorty Cleaners said he is working with
Mr. Roettger on the parking ramp project.
Ms. Rorvick expressed concern about the massing of the parking ramp
structure and a concern the structure would obstruct the views from their
building on Third Street. Mr. Fontaine noted the parking structure conforms
to the ordinance and does not require a variance for height.
Richard Kilty, 118 W. Oak St., Stillwater, asked about the connection of
• the parking structure to the National Guard Armory and whether there
would be egress on Chestnut Street. Mr. Runk explained the entrance and
exit would be off South Second Street only.
Mr. Roetman raised the issue of the provision of parking for the
commercial spaces, including Shorty's, on the first floor of the ramp. Mr.
Russell said according to the ordinance, the commercial use would require
the provision of 50 spaces. Seventeen short-term parking spaces are being
provided for retail customers. It was noted the owners could make their
own arrangements (pay or fee) with employees. Mr. Russell suggested a
33-space variance to the 50-space parking requirement could be an option.
Mr. Roetman questioned the placement of mechanical equipment. Mr. Runk
noted there is a four-foot parapet on the roof. Mr. Runk also said they are
looking at the possibility of locating the equipment on one of the lower
levels of the ramp and venting to the outside. Mr. Roetman suggested
adding a condition of approval that no mechanicals be located on the roof
of the parking structure.
Mr. Hultman, seconded by Mr. Wald, moved approval of Case No. SUP/V/97-
i 61 as conditioned with the additional condition regarding the placement of
mechanicals and the 33-space parking requirement variance. Motion
passed 8-0, with Mr. Weidner abstaining.
Mr. Rheinberger, seconded by Mr. Roetman, moved approval of Case No.
SUP/V/97-60 as conditioned. Mr. Fontaine and Mr. Zoller spoke briefly
about their previous concerns with the height of the structure and the
possibility of obstructing views. Mr. Fontaine suggested that perhaps the
addition of the Third Street entrance had mitigated the previous concerns.
Motion of approval as conditioned passed 8-0, with Mr. Weidner abstaining.
Case No. SUP/97-62 A special use permit for a home business for
organizing seminars located at 812 S. Seventh St. in the RB, Two Family
Residential District. Cynthia Crane, applicant.
Ms. Crane was present for the discussion. She explained she would not be
conducting seminars in her home, just organizing such events. Sally
Colemier, 714 S. Seventh St., spoke in favor of the request and questioned
the condition regarding no other employees being allowed. Ms. Colemier
noted that other businesses such as B&Bs are allowed to have additional
employees, such as housekeeping people. Mr. Fontaine pointed out the
condition applies to regular employees of the business only.
Mrs. Bealka, seconded by Mr. Valsvik, moved approval as conditioned; all in
Case No. SUB/97-63 A subdivision to combine the southern half of Lot 2
Market Place 2nd Addition with Lot 1, located at the northwest corner of
Market Drive and Curve Crest Boulevard in the BP-C, Business Park
Commercial District. Video Update, applicant.
Pete Johnson and Don Starr, architect, were present representing Video
Update. Mr. Russell noted that access easements are required; Mr. Johnson
said that is understood.
Mr. Valsvik, seconded by Mr. Wald, moved approval as conditioned; all in
Other business:
Mr. Fontaine noted the City Council had approved two appeals, one from the
Fischers for their lumberjack shows and another for construction of a
• garage, which the Planning Commission had denied.
Mr. Fontaine also noted the City Council has directed the HPC and Planning
Commission to look at the ordinance and regulations regarding signage on
County Road 5.
Mr. Valsvik, seconded by Mrs. Bealka, moved to adjourn at 9:15 p.m. All in
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Baker
Recording Secretary