HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-09-13 CPC MINSTTL WATER PLA!,,TNTNC r()MMTSSTr)N
D. tee: S5eptelnl-_)er 1?, 19931
T ii-to 7:00 ;,.m,
Mc- rp.bers, P re iit- rr r-?rI Fontaine, Chairman
t?l n Bea I k -a, L'ne E11.1 )t:t , D ;_ rothF
Rub Hamlin, Jay Kimble, Kirk Roetman,
D.._.Lwi.ii Wilfl, and Don Valsv.ik
Steve Russell, Comm. Dev. Director
Ann Pung-Terwedo, Planner
Mcrti.(?n by Don V;,Alsvik, seconded by Duane Elliott to approve the
minutes of August 9, 1993, as submitted. Carried $-0.
Mr. Foritainf, explained the changes to the Planning rornriissir."n:
t (7n.rn i =s i.nn i ; now the f irra l dec i s i on m.#k-r, except for cases
0tl.e r wi s e ,
• t1"j 3t ure appealed to th,_ City -,__•,,ncil with-in 10 daVF '
the Cases will not he heard ?,y the City Council.
Case No. SUP/93-50
ct i._.1w,_-,,ter Parkf:
RCM, Medium Dens
Tim Thomsen, Parks
- A Special Use Permit for the construction of
. - -, age garage at 1.3?? South Greeley Street
Department). Th+2 property Is located i.n the
ity Residential District. City of Stillwater,
Department, Appl.icant.
0t,_,,,- Ru,==,N11 prr:te.r_I the.: ass for Mr. Thomsen. The garage
wi17. bP h,,i1 1,L we?:t ref the taxi ,ting f.-ic11.1ty. The rommission
questioned what material. vriII be ti ed on the outside of the
building. Mr. Elliott :-iiggester:l either concrete block or lap
si(111-111 to rrratch the existing hiti.ldi_ny. He also suggested that
t h Ine 1 -,r flie eyi.-f-ine building and the
L;r pused building. Mr. Kimblp agreed, in the event_ this parcel
is e=ver 01<l.
Motion by Rob Hamlin to approve the Special Use Permit request
i_t-h two cc,ndit ion..,, as wr:itLon, r, ,3 ! h , addition of Cond. No. 3:
t'}"y?t r'a7r?'=tut?.rt. the ? } r 1?p ?: irlIngo rT1r?
ion of the bu i l r i n c, ,f b1nck
rand . No. 4: the site be platted for 11:-, t h bu Id i ngs:. F- nrde0, }, _,
Kirk Roetman. Motion carried 8-0.
Case No. V/93-51 - A Variance to the :side and rearyard setback
equi.rements (approximately 4 ft. sideya.rd proposed, 5 ftv,
rF't1r1 I red, ?L'p,1: Xi Ma t e I V 2 {t . R l nC llr?5 rea'ry-7irfl proposed, 5 ft.
required) for the rc?nstr_ucti on of a 41 ft. by 21 ft. four-stall
1. ra,ei l.oc',sited at 51^ South Second Street in the RB, Two Family
wI14--•Y T?1 1t,7;1T]a (7orlTlIi.ss!on
Per-.i-tIerit!aI P ir-strict- .
T) "V n A. T? ter` el 11 t,wn?r? pxesE?nted the :application. H!,
expl.,ained ta large tree fell on :and damaged the existing
garage. He wanta to ret~cjnc;t,rarct the garage using the same
fot-atir_iatioT,, r,_ather than rebuild. He. doe: not wish to n,,c!ve the
h it would limit arcF.. r= t the
garage, and al:-;o because of a largo tree in that location. He
has spoken to the neighbors to the immediate north, and they have
A nt? ?rhY?(?r, Matir.ic~e Stener,?:c!n, as ke( for clarification on the
c c t i {-n of the r-j ar,-± e . Mr. Peterson =.tated t hat it will. he in.
t I j e same location as the exi-Sting garage, using the same
it + ., ..:a by Don Valsvik, :seconded by Dorothy Foster to approve L
'.r.-a. lance request. Carried 8-0.
r ,
9 r'1. Varl.at+.C'p Fti t-?{}-:1+
re.1s-tireme nt (?40 ft. proposed, 3n feet rncl!tire(I for tije
const_rTar_.t_1nit of in entr{inc-;e addition at 2614 Edyewnod Court in
the PA, Single Family Resitlential Dist:-'t.
Linda Kult, owner, preson!.-otl t-ftt rF,clrTe?;t . the J:at'erl t h}!
wi ± p, j, 7 l ntr She has hang i `,,pped
fath?r - i n -1.-aw in a wheelchair and they would like a larger entry
t:o e n a l,1e hire tilt' home in the wheelchair. The plans
also include adding a closet in the entryway. Tall the
=Llrr t','! ti n0in9 rlt,i(j1 }"' ;f":ti ,ratrt.u 11 wit:}1 t t1e ?t-ldi t lorl
Tor . F11 i c tt asked about the port ion of the entry nearest the
street, and gt.jestioned f. .a f i-ve ft_tot add i t, i on would be
r'!?ffiri.f=rtt rather than 8 feet., The applic.=tnt stated that the
xt three fey t- w(:it d pr('.vt cla T t,t n! fr...!r a ,-,I (-')se,,t ?nrt .i' n,-I ?.Fa f: .
f t?1_s: the addition would be mare attractive and j,sefrTl at
feet rather than 5 feet.
Motion by Glenna Bealkn, ,econded by Dort Val ;vik to approve th
V._ar i,anre retlt-aest w ith tIIt- c°! j,c1 i t. iort;; :a:-, wr_ it.f- EA , .
M° N,_r(tll 1 i .. -t:-att,c' t-'t!,at- lie
_ i` i
eement with Mr. F11 i.!t_t_, and a five foot addition would t_7e
more acr_eptable. He .staged that there is a «eL of tandarc s
a tjA ??•- fit n in {-.he t-iO..,re r•yr i.Xw,', r`, rl d evel t'tpmerlt. He feF 1!_: that
this W11LI1d be L:,tiatting a precedent: In C ..Uixwoo0 .
?1 r T' 1 Y(t L' 1 i t + T:_;=t r! y r i_ t'1 `' r y o (t t! E. cto t ' f this, type wC` '-'.ld h:?vT.:, tt.; rome before, t-t-!e Pl inning rcjmmission with reasons. He feels
LI:a!_ tIt°t_t_ ft2tis not that signific:arit.
Mr. Filiott stated than t e. pe-c-a}-,1e in thc- cul,--de--la.c cannot.:
' '' a p1 rtrt ,,, , _cmwi oP.
JT117-'P-1 17
speak for the entire r7oixwood community, and a certain unified
• standard exist---, in the development. Mr. Kimble stated thdt_ those
?S?etbacks• were inor i.mpt?r:tant in the beginning, when C- lixwood was
bu i It . P. i ece then, thprp have t",Fen -.(-, en adi:1 i t t c?n =• to the
Croixwood development.
The vote was taken .=-id the rnot ion carried 5 to (D. Elliott, K.
Rte??trnir>, +nd R. Hamlin voted no.)
Case No. V;93-53 - A Variance to the sideyard setback requirement
rl ft- prt,L,? d, 5 ft, r.egt,ired) fnr the construction of a 28 ft.
} y 22 fF. {3a rage ,it ?13 W. Laurel Street, in the RB, Two Family
Residential District.
Daniel. Hore;si, owner, presented the application. He stated that
the game will liave a standard pitched roof, not a gambrel rnof
shown in the application. It will have 4 inch lap siding.
The existing structure is in bad shape and needs to be replaced.
Motion by Duane Elliott, seconded by Dorothy Foster to approve
t_he Variance request with two conditions as written. Carried 8-
ra` e 130. V;'?3--F4 °- f+ Var. i inc I , t-.t-Je -,irley=jrd setback regtair,-mpnt
ort a corner lot (16 ft. proposed, 30 ft . rr}quired ) for an
addition to a residential. structure. The property Is located at
402 SnLit Y, Owens Street in the RBI Two Fami ly Residential
Dis F -r 1, t.
T,+-, ,tt PJN- r.?, i1 pep-.ertt?<<1 the recpiest. Be explained that the h{?me
is occupied by his d t+.Tghter and her family, and they ne--ed niore
space. There are two b?droorris in the home, and the plans are for
two additional bedrooms.
The member,; of the Commission d i scu _.srd various other locations for the addition. i'Ir. E1' J :!: t:!
i" c•r,tt° i ?3??r..tl??? e
r0orn on the south side of t'hE, liouse . The applicant. stated that
two rtiap1 e trees would have to be removed nn that s i de tj f the
hn!_rse. The Comtr;i .f i,on felt that, because there f?;pem to he, other
L prat ions mror e accepted l e, Lh" ti;p1 i ,tt t: ?,c,tt l r? he g i ven the.
option of uontinu ing 1-he caret to come up with another
alternative, rather than havir-t:t the case denied at this time.
Mr. Nesvacil agreed to the continuance to study the situation and
coTr;e_ back wit}) a m(--,r? location. There 1°'" pi) ft?
For ttie ...
Motion by Don Valsvik, seconded by Kirk Roetrrtan to continue Case
No. V193-54 to (, [itt-tare meeting and to recortimend that the
'appl i rant w?,rk with staff in revising the application. Carried
(Mr. Kimble was absent fr.nm the remainder of the meeting.)
September 13, ? ^?
• Shurel,irid Ordinance
City Planner Ann Puny-Terwedo explained the Shoreland t rt?inan<. ,
vrf c h Sri ? 1 ? ie:,rF,? ,r,rient on Lily Lake, Lake McKl.zeick, Long
T,akr a i i d Brt-rwn' s Creel; as, pi rt of the imp1( mentation of the
Surface Water Marta- gerrient plans.
Chaff-ratan Fontaine expressed his objection to Subd. 71 page 11,
item No. 7,1),2: Nt_! cutting or removal of tree, over six i >nchey i:-,
rl iam- t: Pr .
Moti.t,n her Tln N7,:t r tr, adopt a
resoll_stion recommending approval of the Shorel Ynd Ordiance to the
City Council. Motion carried 6--1 (Mr. Fontaine Votf-'(3,
RV Parking Ordinance
:., the `;rt,po ?t or??ir?ance re l?lati.n the
'tr,r,age f rF:c'reaticrl±l vehicle_ in the resident i._±l ?l.t,trict.
Motion by Don Valsvik, seconde=d by Dorothy Foster to approve the
arnel-trlmeni to tl-te e-ning ordinance regulating parking. Carried 7-
t'!r. Russell reminded the TDOMbers c,f 1 workshop tin the
• rlpr iGp 1Crr, Pl:: ri nF ? t. 1i(l.rir1aV r! II7tJ .
Motion by Rob Hamlin, seconded by Duane Elliot to adiotir.rl the
meeting at ^ : ?5. p.m.
Submitted by:
Shelly Schaubach
Recording ^ecr et: 3r y