DATE: November 18, 1991
TIME: 7:00 P.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Gerald Fontaine, Chairman
Angela Anderson, Gene Bealka, Glenna Bealka, Duane Elliott,
Gary Funke, Don Valsvik, and Darwin Wald.
ABSENT: Rob Hamlin.
ALSO PRESENT: Steve Russell, Community Development Director and Ann
Pung-Terwedo, City Planner/Substitute Secretary.
The meeting was called to order by Gerald Fontaine at 7:00 P.M. Chairman
Fontaine welcomed new member Darwin Wald.
Motion by Gary Funke to approve the minutes of October 14, 1991 as submitted.
Seconded by Don Valsvik. ALL IN FAVOR.
1. CASE NO. V/91-51 - A continuation of a variance to the sideyard setback
requirements for construction of a garage on a corner lot (30 feet required,
17 feet requested) and to the size requirements for an accessory structure at
317 North Owens Street in the RB, Two Family Residential District. Donald
Hill, Applicant, presented the proposal.
Duane Elliott questioned the large space for the storage of vehicles. Mr. Hill
explained he plans to fix snowmobiles and other recreational vehicles. He also
stated he prefers not to eliminate the parking area for his father's RV which
is parking on his property during the summer months.
Gerald Fontaine was concerned about the 17 foot setback from the street to the
garage. He felt there wasn't adequate room to park cars and allow room for
pedestrians to walk without walking in the street. There are no sidewalks on
this side street.
Gary Funke agreed with Mr. Fontaine. He would like to see the plan changed to
accommodate more driveway area thereby changing the work area of the garage to
the west.
Duane Elliott made a motion to deny the request as proposed, seconded by
Angela Anderson. ALL IN FAVOR.
2. CASE NO. V/91-50 - V/91-53 - A continuation of two variance requests for
the placement of a pylon sign and free-standing sign at 110 South Greeley
• Street. The property is located in the RB, Two Family Residential District.
Heidi Rosebud and Melissa Johnson, Applicants.
Mr. Russell presented the background on the sign proposal to date. The new
sign plan consists of two fifty square foot pylon wall signs. One sign will
face Greeley Street and the other will face Myrtle Street.
Heidi Rosebud presented the new sign program proposal and changes made from
the last Planning Commission meeting.
Angela Anderson questioned the illumination of the signs. Ms. Rosebud stated
that the sign would illuminate approximately 10-15 feet from the sign.
Mike McCarthy, 210 South Greeley Street, presented an alternate sign proposal
for the signs. He also presented a resolution from Rivertown Restoration
against the signs as proposed and support of the alternate sign proposal.
Mr. McCarthy stated that three issues stand out on this proposal.
1. The need for signage;
2. Parking lot lighting;
3. Character of the neighborhood.
Ms. Rosebud stated the sign plan, as proposed, met the concerns of the
Planning Commission.
Melissa Johnson, retail shop owner at the site, stated that signage for the
building should also appeal to the younger generation.
• Bridget MConnel, employee at the Stillwater Fitness Center, stated the sign
needs to be visual to all customers.
Mr. McCarthy stated that this type of signage in residential neighborhoods is
a problem throughout Stillwater.
Don Valsvik made a motion to approve the sign prograM as proposed for the two
fifty square foot wall signs. Seconded by Gary Funke. Approved 6-2 with the
following conditions:
1. All existing signage shall be removed.
2. No other permanent or temporary signage is allowed.
3. The illumination shall be of a moderate intensity approved by the
Community Development Director.
4. The sign shall be turned off by 10:00 P.M.
3. Case No. SUP/91-55 - A Special Use Permit to maintain a cougar on a
residential property within the City of Stillwater. The property is located at
1251 West Orleans Street in the RA, Single Family Residential District.
Richard Sowers, Applicant.
James Anderson, Attorney for Mr. Sowers, presented the proposal. He discussed
his background with wild animals and his experiences with pheasants. He has a
great appreciation for wild and endangered animals.
Mr. Anderson reviewed the "conditions of approval" with the Planning
. Commission. Changes were made to the conditions to clarify the wording. These
include the following:
1. Mr. Anderson wanted to clarify what the cat did when not supervised and
was changed to read: " The cougar shall remain inside its confinement
space at all times when not supervised. Outside the confinement space,
on the property, the cougar shall be on a leash handled by an adult."
2. Mr. Anderson stated that Condition No. 2 was too strict. Mr. Sowers '
wants to show his cat at special functions or other City festivals or
activities. Mr. Anderson suggested this condition be changed to have
the Police Departments or other City personnel approve functions the
cat may attend within the City limits of Stillwater. The condition was
changed to read "The cougar shall not be allowed to walk the streets of
Stillwater, or be allowed in City parks or on City property, without
prior approval from the City Council or authorized personnel.
3. This condition was changed to read: "A detailed structure plan of the
new confinement space shall be submitted to the Community Development
Director for approval before building permits are issued.
4. This condition was changed to read: "The confinement space shall be
locked at all times when the cougar is in his cage."
6. This condition was changed to read: "No other cougars or other wild
animals or undomesticated animals shall be allowed on the premises.
Angela Anderson had trouble with the definition of "wild animal"
8. Mr. Sowers stated the owners of the property should not have to giver
• permission on this request. Mr. Valsvik stated that if Mr. Sowers
wanted a woodshop business in his house, he would need approval from
the property owners as stated in the Zoning Ordinance. This conditions
stands as stated.
10. The noise issue was discussed. The issue of defining noise nuisances
from a public safety standpoint was questioned. This will be reviewed
before the City Council meeting.
Mr. Sowers stated he wants to walk the cougar around Stillwater.
Mark Hall, Mr. Sowers friend and resident of Oak Park Heights, stated
he was raised with a bear and feels that wild animals are not a threat
to the public.
Don Valsvik stated that this is a city of 14,000 people. The City needs
to have regulations.
Jerry Fontaine stated that there is an Ordinance now. The Planning
Commission is implementing that Ordinance.
Sis Casanova questioned if anyone can get a Special Use Permit for wild
Peter Bergerson, National Coordinator, Owners of Wild Animals, stated
animals can be in control on public property if properly controlled.
Jerry Fontaine closed the hearing.
• Duane Elliott made a motion to approve the Conditions of Approval as stated
and revised. Seconded by Don Valsvik. APPROVED, 6-2, AS CONDITIONED.
4. Case No. SUB/91-57 - A 10 foot by 135 foot Minor Subdivision of Lot 13,
Block 11 to Lot 14, Block 11 of Churchill, Nelson and Slaughter Addition. Lot
13, Block 11 is located at 1020 South Fifth Street in the RB, Two Family
Residential District. Dennis and Marge Galowitz, Applicants, presented the
Mr. Galowitz stated that this subdivision would clear up the title on the
property since their garage is presently 10 inches over the property line.
Don Valsvik made a motion to approved the subdivision request. Seconded by
Gary Funke. ALL IN FAVOR.
5. Case No. PUD/91-58 - A Planned Unit Development and Resubdivison for the
construction of two duplex units at 310 North Second Street in the RB, Two
Family Residential District. BARK Properties, Applicant.
Mr. Russell presented the Planned Unit Development proposal in relation to
density, setbacks, and specific conditions of the site.
Mr. Briggs, reviewed the proposal with the Planning Commission.
Juff Orff, neighbor, questioned the easement when the neighboring property
owners sell their property.
Frank Rheinberger, representing neighbor Alice O'Brien, has concerns with the
tile system in the walls and the impacts of the development on neighboring
Duane Elliott questioned the system on the property. He stated this system
outlet should be connected to the storm sewer and not the sanitary sewer on
Mulberry. Attention should be drawn to that concern.
The following conditions were added or changed:
1. No increase in run-off to the South.
2. Present retaining walls be maintained except for a sidewalk access to
North Second Street. These are the walls with the drain tiles.
3. The cistern drain line should be connected to the storm sewer.
Case No. SUP/V/91-59 - A Special USe Permit and Variance for the construction
of a multi-purpose addition to St. Mary's Church. The property is located in
the RB, Two Family Residential district. Richard Olson and Richard Huelsman,
Clark Engler presented the site plan
and brick which will pick up details
the two maple trees t the rear of the
for the proposal. He reviewed the color
from the church. They also want to save
property. The new site plan will reflect
Duane Elliott questioned the parking in the area. Dick Huelsman stated the
site plan has been changed to reflect the new parking arrangement. The change
in grade of the property on the driveway will be similar to Richard Kilty's
Mr. and Mrs. Medberry, 210 West Pine Street, stated there only concern is the
wall of the structure. They would like to see the building pushed back 7-8
Jeff Johnson, 309 South Fifth Street, said he also had design concerns.
Mr. Kilty questioned a retaining wall, which would be two feet from the
sidewalk. He asked if the retaining wall is to protect the footings on the
building. He also questioned why a kitchen was incorporated into that specific
location. He also asked whey the elevator could not be relocated. Mr. Huelsman
stated the elevator needed to be located in an exit corridor.
Father Miller stated that this facility will meet the needs of a growing youth
population of the church community. It is also needed for funeral and church
functions at the site.
Mr. Huelsman reviewed the lighting which included pedestrian lighting to match
the lighting in the church.
Mr. Olson also said he would plant five foot shrubs to screen the property.
Drainage will also be corrected.
Mark Balay, neighbor, expressed his concern about the parking lot improvements
across the street. He said these issues have been identified and resolved with
the church. He has no problems with the project as proposed.
Mr. Fontaine restated the "Conditions of Approval" as written and added
conditions regarding drainage and driveway slope,'east instead of west.
Gary Funke made a motion to approve the Special Use Permit and Variance as
proposed. Seconded by Darwin Wald. ALL IN FAVOR.
Jerry Fontaine made a motion to adjourn. seconded by Angela Anderson. ALL IN
The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ann Terwedo
Substitute Secretary