The Heritage Preservation Commission /Design Review Committee met Monday,
November 1, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers of City Hall, 216
North Fourth Street.
Present: Chairperson Jeff Johnson, Tim Stefan, Jay Michels, Brent
Peterson, Howard Lieberman, Katherine Francis, and Pat Qualey.
Not Present: Bob Kimbrel.
1. Approval of Minutes - October 4, 1993.
Brent Peterson made a motion to accept the minutes. Seconded by Jay
2. Case No. DR/93 -30 - Design Review for a six square foot projecting sign at
2 ast C estnut Street in the Historic Commercial District. Mark
Docksteader, Applicant.
The applicant was not present. However, the proposal was reviewed. No
additional signage will be allowed.
Jeff Johnson made a motion to approve Case No. DR/93 -30. Seconded by Brent
Peterson. ALL IN FAVOR.
3. Case No. DR/93 -12 - Design Review for a landscape plan and design elements
as conditioned 76r a 171 car parking lot at 100 West Pine Street. City of
Stillwater, Applicant.
Ann reviewed the project proposal. She gave detail on the landscaping,
wall, fencing, light fixtures, benches and trash receptacles.
Lighting was discussed in detail. Katherine Francis stated the benches may
not be appropriate. Jeff added that more research should be done on the
benches and trash receptacles.
Tim Stefan made a motion to approve the plan as proposed. Katherine Francis
seconded the motion with an addition that the benches and trash receptacles
be further researched. ALL IN FAVOR.
4. Prison Site Study:
Jeff Johnson updated the group on the prison study. He mentioned lots of
people have their own ideas regarding how the site could be used.
The group will be updated on the progress of the study.
5. Stairway
The Commission discussed a stairway which was painted white and black
checkered. The facade was also painted.
The Commission directed Ann to write a letter to the owner of the building
stating he is in violation of the Ordinance.
The Commission questioned what could be done if the owner did not comply
with the Ordinance.
6. Awards for Preservation:
The Commission iscussed the award Dick Kilty recently received from the
Preservation Alliance of Minnesota for restoration of the Jassoy Block.
Katherine Francis wondered why the Heritage Preservation Commission had
never given awards. She felt the Heritage Preservation Commission should
have sent Marlene a "Thank You ". Ann stated she had personally sent her a
letter as did the City Council.
Jeff Johnson suggested awards for good restoration and signage be given
during Preservation Week in May.
Jeff Johnson made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Katherine Francis. ALL IN
FAVOR. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m..
Respectfully submitted
Ann Pung - Terwedo