MARCH 6,1995
The Stillwater Heritage Preservation Commission met Monday, March 6, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. in
the City Council Chambers of City Hall, 216 North Fourth Street.
Present: Bob Kimbrel, Roger Tomten, Jay Michels, Howard Lieberman, Katherine Francis,
Brent Peterson, Todd Remington
Not Present: Jeff Johnson
Others: Mike McGuire, Dick Zimmerman, Bob Sherlock, Lee Gohlike, Don Roettger,
Lyle Anderson
1. Case No. DR/93 -45 - Addition to an existing trash receptacle for the Dock Cafe, Brick Alley
and P.J. Asch, Otterfitters. Mike McGuire, applicant.
Mike McGuire presented the proposal. He stated that all the materials will match the existing
Bob Kimbrel questioned at what point does the structure look utilitarian. Mr. McGuire stated
that this is the use of the structure.
Motion by Lieberman to approve the proposal. Seconded by Francis. All in favor.
2. Case No. DR/95 -6. Design Review for a facade alteration at 132 South Main in the
Downtown Plan Area. St. Croix Drug, Applicant.
Don Roettger and Lyle Anderson presented the proposal. Mr. Anderson stated that the proposal
includes repairing the stucco above the second story windows. The applicants felt this proposal
restores certain elements, such as the band, which were original to the structure. The
Commission questioned other alternatives to the proposal. Mr. Roettger stated that this is the
only alternative at this time. He researched it in detail.
The Commission discussed whether the project could be done in stages.
Jay Michels stated that the aluminum band is not appropriate. Bob Kimbrel felt that the proposal
as presented is not appropriate.
Ann Terwedo stated that the applicant did not give other alternatives. She is not an architect or
engineer and does not have the expertise to give advice in solving the water problem which is
causing the present stucco to fall off the building. If the City had a building rehabilitation
program, they could get more directly involved.
Stillwater Heritage Preservation Commission
March 6, 1995
Roger Tomten and Todd Remington, both architects, volunteered their time to meet with Mr.
Anderson on March 11, 1995 at 9:00 to inspect the site and recommend some alternatives.
Motion by Michels to continue the proposal to Monday, April 3, 1995. Seconded by Francis.
All in favor.
3. Case No. V/95 -17. A Variance to the sign ordinance for placement of two signs (one
allowable) at 1501 Stillwater Blvd. in the BP -C, Business Park - Commercial District. Dick
Zimmerman, Applicant.
Mr. Zimmerman presented the proposal. He stated that Video Update needs two (2) signs
because the sign on the corner is not visible to traffic going south on County Road 5. They are
the biggest tenant in the building and need more signage.
Bob Kimbrel questioned the alternatives listed in the proposal.
Mr. Zimmerman stated that his tenant has 7,100 sq. ft. and two signs would be appropriate.
Howard Lieberman stated that reducing the allowable signage would be more appropriate.
Mr. Zimmerman stated that he is a businessman and signage is important. Tires Plus has three
(3) signs.
The Commission questioned why a sign program was not submitted.
Bob Kimbrel felt that two (2) signs with reduced height is a good compromise. Howard
Lieberman agreed.
Motion by Lieberman to allow the sign variance with a reduction in the sign area to 24 inch x 20
feet and 5 feet x 2 feet, 9 inches for both signs. Katherine Francis seconded the motion with an
addition that the signs be uniform with other signs on the mall.
She felt that Subway on the north end should be consistent with Video Update.
Roger Tomten stated that Video Update took the corner and has visibility.
Lieberman amended the original motion. He made a motion to deny the request. Seconded by
Remington. All in favor.
Stillwater Heritage Preservation Commission
March 6,1995
4. Case No. V/95 -18. A Variance to the sign ordinance for the placement of a 100 sq. ft. sign
(65 ft. required) at 2500 West Orleans in the BP -C, Business Park - Commercial District. Signart,
Bob Sherlock presented the proposal. He stated that 100 sq. ft is reasonable. He reduced the
sign area from the original proposal. The pole will be green.
Bob Kimbrel stated the sign was appropriate. He felt that the City has developed guidelines and
the Commission is fulfilling its mandate.
Motion by Lieberman to deny the request. Seconded by Francis. All in favor.
5. Maple Island Building, Lee Gohlike presented a concept plan to reuse the Maple Island
Building for a micro- brewery, bed and breakfast, and restaurant.
Mr. Gohlike wants comments from the H.P.C.
Some members felt that brick elements from the west and east elevations be brought into the
south elevation.
Mr. Gohlike wants to follow the proper process. They need a good engineer to help them follow
the right pathway. Todd Remington liked the concept and recommended that they take that spirit
into the future.
6. Ann reviewed the North Hill Survey including the Historical Overview and Survey Overview.
7. Friends of Parks. Katherine Francis updated the group on Friends of the Parks.
Motion by Peterson to adjourn. Seconded by Kimbrel. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 9:45
Respectfully submitted,
Ann Pung- Terwedo