Feb. 3, 1997
Present: Robert Kimbrel, chairman
Katherine Francis, Jeff Johnson, Howard Lieberman (8 p.m.),
and Roger Tomten
Others: Sue Fitzgerald, planning
Absent: Jay Michels and Brent Peterson
Chairman Kimbrel called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.
Approval of minutes The recording secretary asked Mr. Johnson to clarify
the 6th condition of approval for Case No. DR/96 -41. Mr. Kimbrel recalled
the 6th condition as the structure shall be located three feet from the
property line. Ms. Francis asked that the minutes be changed to reflect
that Aldine West is the applicant in Case No. SUP /DR/96 -76, not herself.
Mr. Tomten, seconded by Ms. Francis, moved approval of the minutes as
corrected; all in favor.
Case No. DR/97 -1 Design review of exterior modifications at 210 N. Main
St. Cindie Sinclair, applicant.
Kristen Camray appeared on behalf of the applicant. She explained the
first priority would be the fence and trellis area. She said the intent is to
look more like a garden setting vs. a gas station.
Mr. Tomten expressed a concern about the height, 6 feet, of the proposed
fence. Ms. Camray explained the fence would have a large grid pattern and
there is a considerable setback from the sidewalk. Ms. Fitzgerald also
noted, as proposed, there will be a lot of shrubbery in front of the fence.
Mr. Johnson suggested that the applicant might consider varying the height
of the fence to provide a more friendly look for pedestrian traffic. Mr.
Tomten said he thought the concept is good, but requested that the
applicant come back with additional drawings and elevations.
Mr. Tomten, seconded by Ms. Francis, moved to table the request, with the
applicant asked to provide more detailed drawings, including some
construction drawings for the requested trellis. Motion passed
Case No. DR/97 -2 Design review of exterior modifications and signage at
304 N. Main St. Mark Balay, applicant.
Mr. Balay and owners Pete and Terry Sampier were present for the
Mr. Balay provided color samples and a color sketch of the building and
proposed signage on the east and south elevations. He said the intent is to
have the same type of color scheme on the north and west elevations. Also
provided were photos of a building in White Bear Lake which the Sampiers
restored and which is on the National Register of Historic Places.
Mr. Johnson asked about plans for the small shed of the north side of the
site. Mr. Balay said it may not be the same siding as the main building;
there are no special changes planned, he said. Mr. Johnson also asked if the
lunch wagon would continued to be located on the site. Mr. Sampier noted
the operator of the lunch wagon business has a lease for another year and
the operation would continue through this summer; he said he is unsure
whether it will continue in operation after this year.
Mr. Kimbrel asked about exterior lighting; Mr. Balay said currently there
are no plans for exterior lighting. Mr. Balay also noted the requested
signage will utilize an existing bracket.
Mr. Tomten, seconded by Mr. Johnson, moved approval as conditioned. Mr.
Johnson suggested that condition of approval No. 1 be clarified to indicate
the design for the projecting sign be reviewed and approved by Planning
staff, not the Planning Commission. Motion passed unanimously.
Case No. DR/97 -3 Design review of the addition of one bed and breakfast
room at the Laurel Street Inn, 210 E. Laurel St. Mark Balay, applicant.
Present for the discussion were Mark Balay and owners Doug and Debbie
Mr. Kimbrel noted that in terms of the city's ordinance, the request needs
to be considered based on the number of original bedrooms in the home.
There was some discussion as to the fact that most of the bedrooms were
part of an addition made to the original home sometime between 1870 and
1880. Mr. Balay noted that Secretary of Interior standards use 100 years
as the "line of demarcation" in considering historic standing.
Mr. Johnson noted the addition to the home was made before the 100 year
timeline. The Inn is located in an isolated neighborhood, has adequate
parking and is of sufficient building size and lot size, all favorable
factors in considering the request, he said.
Mr. Kimbrel, seconded by Mr. Johnson, moved approval of the additional
B &B room; all in favor.
Other business:
• Tim Stefan and Duane Kell of Ankeny, Kell Architects were present to
update members on plans for the new sports complex. Mr. Kell briefly
explained the plans and described the 16 -acre site, which will also house
the city's public works facility and armory /community center.
There was some discussion as how to accommodate parking during peak
use. Mr. Kell said there are ways to mitigate potential problems through
scheduling; a parking management plan will have to be developed, he said.
Mr. Johnson asked about architectural ideas. Mr. Kell said the facility will
not look like Cub /Target, but the Market Place design guidelines will be
Mr. Kimbrel asked about the potential impact on traffic flow in the area.
Mr. Stefan explained the SEH is doing an impact statement which will
address those issues.
Mr. Kell said the intent is to keep the HPC updated as plans proceed.
• Update of Sabin Addition Architectural Survey. Members were provided
with a draft of the first portion of the survey. Ms. Fitzgerald asked
members whether they approved of the format. Members were in
agreement the format is very readable and is appropriate as long as SHPO
• Review of Bed and Breakfast Special Use Ordinance. Ms. Francis raised
several concerns regarding the existing ordinance. After some discussion,
it was agreed that Ms. Francis and Mr. Kimbrel would work together in re-
examining the existing ordinance and come back with their
recommendations for possible revisions.
• Election of Chairperson and Co- Chairperson. This items was tabled until
the next meeting.
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• Other items:
Ms. Fitzgerald reported the grant request for reconstruction of the wall at
Pioneer Park had been rejected. She also reported the HPC's year -end
report had been submitted to SHPO.
Ms. Fitzgerald asked members to let her know at the March meeting if they
wanted to attend the spring training workshop May 14 -15.
Mr. Fitzgerald said she had received information regarding criteria for
placing homes on the National Registry. She said that was something she
would like the HPC to look at this year. Mr. Kimbrel said he would like the
HPC to look at recommending some local designation.
Several comments were made regarding the status of the new St. Croix
River crossing.
Mr. Johnson raised several compliance issues: wall packs and lighting on
poles in the parking lot at Midwest Professional Building; wall packs and
lighted menu board at the car wash. Ms. Fitzgerald said she had sent two
letters to Mr. Krongard (owner of the car wash) regarding the use of the
temporary "now open" signs, as well as the requirement for down - lighting
on the building. She noted the city has issued its first misdemeanor for
failure to comply to Stillwater Brick and Stone. Ms. Fitzgerald said in the
future she could copy members on letters sent on compliance issues.
Ms. Francis, seconded by Mr. Lieberman, moved to adjourn the meeting at 9
p.m.; all in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Baker
Recording Secretary