March 3, 1997
Present: Robert Kimbrel, chairman
Katherine Francis, Jay Michels, Brent Peterson,
and Roger Tomten
Others: Sue Fitzgerald, planning
Absent: Jeff Johnson and Howard Lieberman
Chairman Kimbrel called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.
Approval of minutes Ms. Francis, seconded by Mr. Tomten, moved approval
of the minutes of Feb. 3, 1997; all in favor.
Case No. DR/97 -4 Design review of renovation of the Maple Island Farms
building, 219 N. Main St. Tim Stefan, Stefan and Larson Associates,
Present for the discussion were Tim Stefan and Vern Stefan.
Members were provided with elevations drawings. Tim Stefan outlined
phase I requests and briefly discussed phase 2 concept plans using a
building model. Also provided were samples of the requested awning /trim
color, signage type style, stucco color and brick sample.
Most of the discussion centered on the requested blue color for the
awnings and window trim. Vern Stefan explained the blue is a requirement
of the parent company of the hardware store; he also said a brighter color
is needed to draw attention to the fact that something is new at that
location. Tim Stefan said it is possible that the blue might not be carried
through to the phase 2 portion of the project if the color is too vivid to
work along the long elevation of phase 2.
Mr. Michels suggested going through each of the phase 1 requests as
outlined in Tim Stefan's letter of Feb. 20, 1997. Those requests included:
replacement of overhead doors; replacement of double -hung windows with
Andersen units; stucco skim coat of east CMU structure and painting of a
graphic, to be determined; addition of metal awning structure over the
existing weigh scale; addition of cloth awnings on the west elevation;
addition of metal awning over the winery elevation; removal of various
exterior wood elements; and surface mounted signage on the concrete sign
Members indicated approval of each request. Mr. Michels moved approval of
all the requested items in phase 1, including the requested blue color for
the awnings, and incorporating the seven conditions of approval as
recommended by staff. Mr. Peterson seconded the motion.
Tim Stefan said condition of approval No. 7 as recommended by staff could
not be met and should more appropriately be a part of phase 2 conditions.
Members agreed. Mr. Kimbrel asked that the motion be amended to deal
with the requested blue color at the next meeting. Ms. Fitzgerald
suggested amending the motion to indicate the color of the sign band is to
be natural aluminum as indicated in the discussion. Mr. Michels and Mr.
Peterson accepted the amendments.
The amended motion, approving all Phase 1 requests in Mr. Stefan's letter
of Feb. 20, incorporating conditions of approval 1 -6 as recommended by
staff, specifying that the sign band be natural aluminum color and
delaying approval of the requested awning /trim color until the April
meeting passed unanimously.
The Stefans invited any input regarding phase 2 plans. Mr. Michels asked
when parking would be addressed. Tim Stefan said a workshop with the
City Council and Parking Commission will be held in May. Mr. Michels
expressed a concern regarding screening and placement of the rooftop
mechanicals and asked that the developers be sensitive to the fact that
the mechanicals are in the view of the entire city. Mr. Tomten suggested
corbeling of the block to break up the east and south elevations. It was
also suggested the developers consider treatment of the parking area as
indicated in the Lowell Park renovation plan.
Other business:
• Lumber Baron's trash enclosure. Ms. Fitzgerald said she had contacted Mr.
Dougherty who in turn told her to talk with the new management at the
hotel. Ms. Fitzgerald said the manager had indicated he would fax an
agreement that the enclosure will be completed by the end of May. Mr.
Michels pointed out the HPC has never approved plans for a permanent
enclosure; the previous approval was for a temporary structure only. Ms.
Fitzgerald will contact the hotel management and request that plans for
the permanent structure be available for review at the April 4 meeting.
• Lighting for Richard Anderson's project. Members agreed there is not
much that can be done. Ms. Fitzgerald noted the use of the light fixtures is
not in violation of city ordinance or code, and as such the HPC is
powerless to take any action.
• Sandwich board signage. Ms. Fitzgerald indicated she is preparing a
letter to be sent to downtown businesses informing them the city will be
enforcing the sign ordinance which does not allow the use of sandwich
• Mr. Kimbrel said he and Ms. Francis will be meeting to discuss the city's
B &B ordinance. Mr. Kimbrel also said he had talked with Lee Bjerk of
Images or the Past and Present about taking photos to document downtown
storefronts, if the city will pay for the film /processing. Ms. Francis,
seconded by Mr. Michels, moved to request that the city pay for the photo
materials; all in favor.
• Design guidelines update. Mr. Tomten provided a handout of light fixtures
for inclusion in the Downtown and Business Park design guidelines. He will
get a list of manufacturers' number to include in the design guidelines.
Mr. Kimbrel suggested including examples of signage in the design
• HPC Awards. Ms. Fitzgerald provided members with a list of projects
reviewed by the HPC in 1996 and 1995. Members will review the list with
a decision on the award recipients to be made at the April meeting. Ms.
Fitzgerald said there had been some discussion about including a
residential award category this year; however, she recommended that be
postponed until 1998.
• Election of chairperson and vice chairperson. Mr. Michels spoke in favor
of following the practice of having a new chairperson each year. Last year,
it was agreed the vice chairperson would become chairperson the
following year, with a new vice chairperson elected. Mr. Tomten is the
current vice chair and agreed to serve as chair for 1997. Election of a vice
chairperson was tabled until the April meeting. Mr. Peterson thanked Mr.
Kimbrel for his service as chairman in 1996.
Mr. Kimbrel, seconded by Ms. Francis, moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:55
p.m.; all in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Baker
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Recording Secretary