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Stillwater, Minnesota
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Junker.
Present: Councilwomen Avise, and Bodlovick, Councilmen MacDonald,
Peterson and Mayor Junker
Absent: None
Also Present:
Press: None
Citizens: Four Bidders
Finance Director- Coordinator, Kriesel; City Clerk, Schnell;
City Attorney, Magnuson; Superintendent of Public Works,
Shelton; Public Safety Director, Abrahamson; Director of
Parks & Recreation, Blekum; Consulting Engineer, Moore;
Building Official, Zepper
This was the day and tine set to open bids on One - 10,000 GVW Single Axel
Dump Truck for the Parks Department.
The advertisement for bids was published in the Stillwater Evening Gazette,
the official newspaper of the City on January 30, 1981.
The following bids were then opened and read aloud:
#1 - Trail Dodge, Inc. x Total $12,380.85
4665 S. Robert Trail Trade In 1,200.00
Inver Grow Heights, Mt. Net Bid $11,180.BS
#2 - Brookdale Ford x Total $11,730.00
2500 Casty X10 Ne In 9230.00
Minneapolis $ 9SL30.00
#3 - Stillwater Motor Co. x Total $12,394.00
Stillwater, Fir. 55082 Trade -In 3 400.00
Net $ 8,994.00
#4 - Danes Ford Personal Money Order Total $13,967.82
St. 54024 Nettle In 4,106.18
$ 961.ldi
#5 - Charles Olson & Sons Void (Bid void since it only included
677 Transfer Rd. the accessories and no tnrk)
St. Paul, Mt 55164
These bids were referred to Mr. Belem and the City Attorney for a recame datim
this evening
Hone at this time
February 17, 1981 4:00 P. M.
1. MR. 2EPPER explained to the Council the problems that he is having with Steve Olin with on
apartment at 102 South Harriet in getting him to coaply with the codes for rental property and
asked for Commit direction on this matter.
Mt. MAGNUMM stated that the City could sue him or bring an injunction against him for being
in violation of the codes.
On motion of Councilwoman Bodlovick, seconded by Caxmilman Harry Peterson, the City Attorney
was directed to file an injunction against Steve Olin stating that he is violation of the codes
and that he should correct the hazards that exist. (all in favor)
1. MR. ABRNIAISCN remanded the Council that the authorized eiployment of Karla Ehlenz peter person
could expire on March first and asked for Council direction on the matter.
On notion of Councilwtea m Bodlovick, seconded by Cotamilwman Avise, the Cmxxil authorized
the continuation of anploymatt until April 1, 1981 for meter person, Karla Ehlenz, and then they
will make a detemdation at that time about the positicn. (all in favor)
February 17, 1981
2. MR. ABR HP2SON asked the Council about the repairs for Engines 4, 6 and 8 since they are
ours directed
having a lot of pie to
shop and report get some quotes to have this work done at a heavy equipment repair
s with theca
bck t the Council.
PUBLIC YESKS 1 MR. MELTON reported to the Council on a water line repaisubmitted he is r bill atd F db� and the cost
by Thetas Palmer,
190 Northland Averse. The original was installed by as -half of this moan. to have it replaced was $275.00 and he is requesting that the City pay
MR. NKNISON reported that the City did only costs three
ree - seam to warranty and services we are
in the yewidl against a ndhd did not feel that & notvfee. was the City ye for t he cattracts for this work. It is up to the Cancil to decide lni los8
f a t City the City wants to give these people and it was the mhrehsus that they will
treat each of a teac claim h claim individually as it comes in. Bodlovick, the
on notion of Councilmen Harry t et r hose by cU a% Bo Palmer, 190 ail
Northland�orr� ter line replacement. ($137.50 - all in favor)
PARK AND RECREATICH sign to rave the trees and grates in
1. MR. Bi170M asked the Council if he could have persds
the sida�alks on Mirth Fourth Street and put some different trees on the inside edge of the
sidewalks from the tree supply that he currently has and put in the sidewalk blocks.
On motion of Councilman Harry Peterson, seconded by Camoilwmmn Bodlovirk, the
Cancel authorized Mr. Blekm to remove the trees in the sidewalk an Mirth Four
Street and wherever possible plant replacevett trees m the property inside
sidewalk. (all in favor)
2. The Recreation emission had discussed at their most recent meeting the possibility of
leasing Iollfner Park since they had a request from a Yacht Club that wnjd like to lease the
land for outings for their embers. request was
W. BUM has the received and will check specifications art aid get copies to in the past Men a the Co it an they � then proceed
to advertise and take proposals• cleaned up and to try to negotitate with 3. There was discussion about Setting the Ample property
him to get a higher figure for his lease.
The Mayor will contact Mr. Aiple and discuss this matter with him and report back to
the Council.
Me. Mlle repeated hat the feasibility study for the Oak Olen Development will be ready for the
which next meeting ing whith will be March 3 1981-
• an ATTORNEY'S REPORT Orth regarding t
Mr. MOr h
and Me use of
MR. MPQ4tE I reported that he was to meet with the Coastguard a Or t there ding t a
the waterfront in Iaaell Park and to date this has not been possible,
meeting wry shortly.
1. MR. MEWL explained same of the facts about the Joint Powers Agt� and the revenue .o the
and the franchise fees that the City would realize from this operation,
City after about fair years would be about $15,000 and the Mayor requested that the Canon
could see a copy of the proposed agreement so that all are treated equal.
KRIESEL will continue to draft the Joint Powers Agreement and directed W. Magnuson to
work with the City Attorneys of Oak Park Heights and Bayport on this.
2. MR. KRIESEI. Made reference to the Fire Ontracts with hips and t• mhmm:a man which
accepanied then as to the rates that will be charged for the caning
3. W. KRIESEL asked the Coaoilfor direction regarding the AFSOln contract and the information tat
he had sent then regarding their contract. representative and
He was directed to present the offer to the employees and their with the p eh and an if
bring their reaction back to the Comil, rather than hold a meeting wth.
they do not accept it, then it will go to the mediation on February
4. MR. ((UMBEL briefed the Council on a suspension for Gordon Seim for three days sae years ago -
Mr Seim has requested that this suspension be rescinded as he felt that it wasl
have had the right to s cen e forth that felt
ime that appeal it. happened so long ago that he
'1 •
February 17, 1981
The Council felt that the time lapse is so great that nothing should be done about it and
W. ABRNIHBCM felt that the Council should meet with him individually and see what the
problems are - he did have his chance for a hearing at that time. He stated that Mr. Seim
is unhappy about this letter being in his personnel file and nothing was mentioned to him
about money - he wanted the letter removed.
On motion of Camcilman Harry Peterson, seceded by Cancilaaroan Bodlovick, the
Council directed that if Mr. Gordon Seim wants this matter of his suspension
considered by the Coavnll that he petition for a hearing and this will be discussed
at that time and that a decision can be made after such a discussion. (all in favor)
5. MR. RRESEL informed the aomcil that the City has received a letter fern the Minnesota
lkparonent of Public Welfare informing us that Dick Anderson had applied for a CRJ Rule 8
licensing for the 306 West Olive Street house - this world be a counseling program for females
ages 16 to 18 years of age who do not have a very good home situation and they will be
eouseled for job place ant and the average stay world be about six months.
MR. AMMON feels that he still has a Conditional Use Permit to operate a facility
under the DPW ruling at 306 West Olive Street and Mr. leers will be writing a letter to
the City outlining what they are proposing there.
There was discussion about this permit and MC. MM21ISOh1 stated that the Council did not remits
this permit at 306 West Olive Street, so legally he still has a permit for this address, and
also for the one m Myrtle Street.
On motion of Caoaoilman Harry Peterson, seconded by Cancilse an Bodlovidc, the
Council revoked Richard Anderson's permit for 306 West Olive Street - a letter is to be
sett to the State and a copy to Mr. Anderson with the unferstnoding that he has the
right to on back and petition for a new permit (all in favor)
(Mayor Jauker did not indicate a vote on this motion)
1. On notion of Q,incilwaman Bodlovick, seceded by Councilman Macllamld, the City Clerk was
authorized to attend the City Cleric's seater at Brooklyn Park at a fee of $60.00 for the
registration. (all in favor)
2. ah notion of Cost iC l not Harry Peterson, seconded by Qancilnlm Mac0oald, the Council directed
that the claim from Mary Am Glaser, 15180 Upper 63rd Street be referred to the &Garry -
Keszoey insurance Agency. (all in favor)
3. la City Clerk informed the Council that she has the Board of Water Camdssioner's Annual
Report for 1980 and is available for the Council to inspect.
ADJOU ?EYf - On imam of Coatcilwaan Bodiovick, seconded by Cotrmilman Harry Peterson,
the meeting recessed at 5:35 P. M. until 7:30 P. M.
Attest: .e J.t.,,,, .
City'Q it
345) •
Stillwater, Minnesota
The meeting was reconvened by Mayor Junket.
The Invocation was given by the City Clerk.
Present: Councilwomen Avise and Bodlovick, Councilmen MacDonald and
Absent: None
Also Present:
February 17, 1981 7:30 P. M.
Finance Director /Coordinator, Kriesel; City Clerk, Schnell;
City Attorney, Magnuson, Director of Parks & Recreation, Blekum;
Consulting Engineer, Moore
Press: Free Press - Julie Edstrom
Bud Kern, Neal Skinner, Bill Pauley, Jim Gannon, Frank Aiple, Jr.,
Bruce Douglas, Tony Zeuli, Brian Cameron, Don Lessard, Larry Lee
Victor Wilcox
1. MR. DON LESSARD, 204 South Third Street, appeared before the Council regarding a
docking permit for his 30 foot boat at Lowell Park for the summer months.
MR. MAGNUSON stated that the Coastguard is in the process of developing a policy
for the waterfront and they are working with the sheriff's office on this - the
Council has the right to regulate the wharfs and the docks by City Charter, but
there is a problem with the exclusive permission - the charter boats have a non-
exclusive permit for dockage.
He suggested that this matter be tabled until the policy is established, and
Mr. Lessard was directed to come back at the April 7th meeting.
This was the day and time for the public hearing on Case No. 404 for a Special Use
Permit for Frank Aiple, Jr. for an automotive repair shop for 224 West Linden Street.
Notice of the hearing was published in the Stillwater Evening Gazette, the official
newspaper of the City, on February 6, 1981 and copies were mailed to all property
owners within 300 feet.
The Mayor opened the hearing.
The Planning Commission granted this Special Use Permit on February 2, 1981.
MR. AIPLE explained briefly his operation which will be only in the daytime hours
from 8:00 to 9:00 to 5:00 P. M. and he personally got the signatures on the petition
that he submitted stating that they are not opposed to this operation.
The Mayor closed the hearing.
On motion of Councilwoman Bodlovick, seconded by Councilwoman Avise, the
Council granted a Special Use Permit to Frank Aiple, Jr., 224 West Linde Street
for an automotive repair shop in his garage at this address which will be subject
to review at the end of one year. (all in favor)
MR. BRUCE DOUGLAS, representing Oscar Kern, Neal Skinner, Jim Torseth and Bill
Pauley appeared before the Council regarding the proposed rezoning on connection
with the Joint Powers Agreement. At the present time the Joint Powers is considering
a modification of the zoning provisions that are applicable to his client's property.
The modifications would split into two distinct land use zones of Industrial property.
Under the City's zoning structure uses in one zone are also permitted in a higher
level zone - under the proposal that is before the Joint Powers Committee this would
February 17, 1981
not be the case - there would be two separate zoning structures within the
same community if the change in the zoning is adopted. He was requesting that
the Council not allow their representatives to vote in favor of this change.
The lot sizes being proposed under this ordinance amendment which would vary
between 24,000 square feet and two acres, but yet no study has been undertaken -
no one has looked into the factual underlying basis upon which to determine
whether two acre sites will in fact be the appropriate size for industrial growth
in the future. One of the things that is provided in the Joint Powers Agreement
is that if they don't get the unanimous vote that change does not occur which
leaves his clients with the existing type of zoning that the City has elsewhere
throughout this City. He felt that his clients are being asked to act as land
banks - being asked to take their property and only develop it as heavy industrial
property in part and that is not fair to them and it is not right. If that is
what is occurring, then the City should be taking their property by condemnation,
and awarding them monetary damages for what is happening. Who knows what will
develop there in the future - there may never be heavy industrial developers that
will come into the community - on the other hand there might be many light
industrial developers that might like to come in. He felt that there are a lot
of things that have not been considered in terms of facts, the Council should
knw too his want
within the
community - they do not want to be forced to become a land bank without just
compensation - they do not want their future flexibility of development limited.
His client does not wish to see a split classification of industrial since it
takes away his flexibility.
COUNCILWOMAN BODLOVICK indicated that they are operating with County zoning
ordinances out there with two classifications - Industrial and Commercial - and
Mr. Douglas stated that the City operates with another set of zoning ordinances.
If Kern wants to leave it Industrial and leave it as it is - she would have been
happy six months ago.
COUNCILMAN HARRY PETERSON scated that back in November they got a proposal from
the Kerns and this is a cutout of this particular section - their proposal is
that you take the area from Tower Drive to Curve Crest Blvd. and that one is
MR. DOUGLAS stated the Pauley group was asked specificially to come up with a
counter - proposal and they would like that withdrawn, and that it so be considered.
shopping enterY concerned
bakeries, etc. out in that area - there is a need for small enough lots for small
industrial activities - need jobs, we are not looking for a 3 -M plant out there -
we are looking for the plant that employs 10 to 15 people - he is not going to
continue to be an opponent to the expansion of Commercial venture out there - he
will support Light Industrial as much as possible.
MR. DOUGLAS stated that the two acre requirement has a tendency to limit the
value to any developer who comes in to occupy that as a Light Industry - if they
do not need a full two acres and yet they are by virtue of the economic realities
of dealing in land that they do end up acquiring a two acre. parcel.
COUNCILWOMAN BODLOVICK explaired how this all came about with the application
from Ray Martin Plumbing which was denied through legal counsel.
COUNCILWOMAN AVISE could not see any reason to make any changes until there are
some confirmed facts and reasons to do so.
BUD KERN stated that the pressure was put on by the Joint Posers on them to come
up with a change and he said that they did not want to change - they wanted to
leave it the way it was - the only reason that they brought this in was because
they asked for a proposal.
On motion of Councilwoman Avise, seconded by Councilman MacDonald, the
representatives on the Joint Powers Commission were instructed to oppose the
amendment for the zoning regulation changes in the Industrial Park. (all in favor)
2. MR. LARRY LEE, 2345 Rice Street (Yorktown, Ltd.), St. Paul - he is an Industrial
and Commercial Developer and he is doing work in the northern suburbs of St. Paul
and he has a request from Victor Wilcox to come into the City of Stillwater and
put a roller skating rink in the Joint Powers Area and they are meeting with this
commission tomorrow evening for the approval of the site plan - this will be
located on Lot 7 of the Matt Hooley Addition. This would be adjacent to the west
of the St. Croix Car Wash.
They are requesting Industrial Revenue Bonds financing for this project
and would like the Council to set a hearing for $525,000 Tax Exempt Issue.
r 44 8
-, •
February 17, 1981 T
On motion of Councilwoman Bodlovick, seconded by Councilman MacDonald, a
Ayes -- Councilwomen Avise and Bodlovick, Councilmen MacDonald and Peterson
and Mayor Junker
NAYS - -None (see resolutions)
(The principals will be Tom Beckon, Larry Lee and Victor Wilcox)
2. On motion of Councilwoman Bodlovick, seconded by Councilman Harry Peterson,
the Council authorized the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign the Firefighters
Union Contract for the years 1980 and 1981. (all in favor)
3. On motion of Councilwoman Bodlovick, seconded by Councilwoman Avise, a resolution
AT A BID PRICE OF $20,250."
AYES -- Councilwomen Avise and Bodlovick, Councilman Peterson and Mayor Junker
NAYS -- Councilman MacDonald. (see resolutions)
4. On motion of Councilwoman Bodlovick, seconded by Councilman MacDonald, a resolutiin
AYES -- Councilwoman Avise and Bodlovick, Councilmen MacDonald and Peterson
and Mayor Junker
NAYS - -None (see resolutions)
1. On motion of Councilman Harry Peterson, seconded by Councilman MacDonald, the
Council approved a Beer Permit for the St. Paul TVI Family Picnic at Pioneer
Park for Friday, May 29, 1981 from Noon to 8:00 P. M. (all in favor)
2. On motion of Councilwoman Bodlovick, seconded by Councilman MacDonald, the Council
authorized the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign the Fire Contracts with the three
Townships as presented. (all in favor)
3. On motion of Councilwoman Bodlovick, seconded by Councilman Peterson, a resolution
AYES -- Councilwomen Avise and Bodlovick, Councilmen MacDonald and Peterson and
Mayor Junker
NAYS - -None (see resolutions)
None at this time
- - -On motion of Councilwoman Bodlovick, seconded by Councilman Harry Peterson, the
following Contractor's Licenses were approved: (all in favor)
Capp Homes, Inc.
3355 Hiawatha, Minneapolis 55406 General Renewal
Philip L. Nelson
R. R., P. 0. Box 616,Baldwin, Wisconsin 54002 General New
- - -On motion of Councilwoman Bodlovick, seconded by Councilwoman Avise, the Council
approved a Gambling License for the American Legion Club, 103 South Third Street.
(all in favor)
From Gerald T. Beall regarding installation of a pedestrian light - Highway 95
at the Railroad Viaduct.
On motion of Councilman Harry Peterson, seconded by Councilman MacDonald,
this matter was referred to the Public Works Department to take this to the
Highway Department and report back to the Council. (all in favor)
February 17, 1981
On motion of Councilman Harry Peterson, seconded by Councilwoman Bodlovick, the
Council approved the payment of $50.00 to Dick Colemier for his work on the new
computer system. (all in favor)
(This will be added to the Bills Resolution)
On motion of Councilman Harry Peterson, seconded by Councilwoman Bodlovick,
minutes of the following meetings were approved: (all in favor)
January 6, 1981
January 6, 1981
January 12, 1981
January 20, 1981
January 20, 1981
February 3, 1981
Regular Maeda;
Adjourned Meeting
Special Meeting
Regular Meeting
Recessed Meeting
Regular Meeting
7:30 P. M.
7:45 P. M.
4:00 P. M.
4:00 P. M.
7:30 P. M.
7:30 P. M.
MAYOR JUNRER recognized two Eagle Scouts who were in attendance at this meeting
for a Merit Badge - Tony Zeuli and Brian Cameron
The following resolutions were read and on roll call were adopted:
1. Directing the Payment of the Bills.
2. Industrial Bonding Hearing for the Roller Skating Rink
3. Awarding the Bid for the Three Police Cars - Brookdale Ford
(Councilman MacDonald opposed)
4. Awarding the Bid for the Truck for the Parks Department (Stillwater
Motor Co.)
On motion of Councilwoman Bodlovick, seconded by Councilman MacDonald, the
neeting adjourned at 8:35 P. M.
Attest:_-. /Q ��"
J City Clerk