MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Rice, Kevin LaCasse Chief John Gannaway, CSO Dennis
Pasket, Bill Turnblad.
COPIES TO: All commission members.
LEVEE PROJECT: The last time the levee was discussed, there was about a 100% budget over-
run so the question was: are we going to be able to afford this, how are we going to make this
work. There will be a meeting with the corp. and their engineering consultants on Friday
morning to see how we can still afford it. We're still on schedule to start construction next
spring as long as we can find a way to pay for it. No further information.
Action: Bill to get further information after Friday morning meeting.
PARKING RAMP: At the council meeting Tuesday night (June 17 they approved bond sale so
it is right now being marketed and sold. We are still working on getting the cost of that project
to within five and a half million dollars or so. Last meeting we discussed how some of the
additional costs may have to be put off and paid for by other ways; example, through capital
improvement/park initiatives, perhaps parking revenue. We got very close to the 5.3 we'll raise
in bonds sales. Over the next five weeks or so, our consultants will continue to draft the
construction plans. They'll go out to bid, we hope, in July. By the end of July -early August we
should have bids back and then we'll know (depending on how bids come in) which features we
can put in now and which features may have to be delayed. We'll know more in about six
weeks. Developmept contracts -there are three different land owners involved in this. We're
having a little bit of difficultly because of this. The Lowell Inn has two parcels involved in this
project (their parking lot); Trinity Lutheran Church has two parcels involved (everything on the
3 Street side of the church). We had to enter into a development contract. In the development
contract, it set out certain details. See the contract handed out during the meeting. The Lowell
Inn (in exchange for their land) we will give them credit towards their parking they would
normally pay for which is 23 parking spots. We will essentially credit their account for the
amount of the assessed value of the property they are giving. Each year we will negotiate
whatever the numbers are going to be for the cost of their spaces and it gets deducted from their
account. When it gets down to zero then we can start charging them whatever market rate will
be and whatever we negotiate per year. From the church's point of view, Sunday mornings and
church holidays the ramp will be open to the public. There is nothing in the contract about
Rivertown Commons because they aren't really a partnership of the agreement. They currently
have eight spaces that is actually on city property that they are simply allowed to use the space
on a gentleman's handshake. For the ramp we need this land and those spaces go away. The
question was is the city going to give them any kind of a deal on those eight spaces in the ramp.
The counsel hasn't decided yet. There is some discussion as to those spaces as to who actually
owns them as the city has not maintained these spots. These spots are used by the residents of
Rivertown Commons. There is a law called adverse possession that as long as someone has
maintained the property for so many years in absence of the owner himself they can claim that
property and take possession of it. The counsel approved use of but not ownership of this land.
Maybe do a lease agreement concerning this land. The counsel has approved the ramp project
and we will be getting the money for it. Our budget is still 5.3 million dollars. Depending on
how the bids come back we'll know what elements we have to eliminate or find another way to
pay for. The counsel has talked about taking money from the reserves up to half a million
dollars. There is also parts of the ramp /landscaping and park improvements that could be done
through capital improvements fund or through our park improvements fund. The consults feel
comfortable that for 5.3 million dollars of revenue plus the other things we're talking about: we
could either eliminate stuff or find other funding- concern expressed for eliminating spaces.
Because of the economy, we most likely will be getting bids around our budget of 5.3 million
Action: Bill will be getting more information.
POLARIS RANGER: A new Polaris Ranger was purchased for use in parking and special
occasions such as Lumberjack Days and will be used by the CSO's. It was approved by this
SEAL COAT: Our cost for North Main (lot 8) is $7100.00 and the UBC lot is $5945.00. This
project will be done in either July or August. This commission is responsible for these lots.
These prices are a little high because of fuel costs.
'LIGHT: The downed light post in the South Main lot belongs to Xcel Energy. Tim talked to
Xcel and they hope to have it done in July 4th. Its going to be a different style to what's already
DOWNTOWN CAMERAS: A new (second vender) vender came in to look around. The
potential location of the cameras are the South Main lot, the UBC lot, Lowell Park (2), Mulberry
and Nelson/Water Streets, and also one covering the bridge Highway 95 North and Highway 95
South and there are nine total.
Action: John to get more information and bids.
TROLLEY: The owner of the trolley is paying for their parking spots on time.
LOFTS OF STILLWATER PARKING ISSUE: Tim Moore was down a couple days ago talking
to John and we are going to put signs up (no parking beyond this point) directly in back of the
Desch (sp) building. This commission is paying for the signage which will run between
$1200.00 and $1800.00.
Action: Signs to be posted No Parking Beyond This point by Public Works.
PARKING AMNESTY: John ordered information on parking amnesty and they should be here
shortly. John also ordered a bunch of top ten reasons why employees park here sheets, like what
David Letterman does, to go along with the amnesty information.
PARKING ISSUE WITH NACHO MAMAS: There is a parking issue with the employees of
Nacho Mamas. They park by their establishment and stay there all day. They do pay their
tickets but they still park there. Ethel from Ethel's Dress Shop complains about this as there is a
handicapped parking spot there that she uses as if it's her own personal spot. This is getting
under control though.
ISSUES WITH UBC PARKING LOT: There are some issues with perimeter parking around the
UBC lot. Emergency vehicles cannot always gain access to this lot. This is a very busy lot
because of Teddy Bear Park. The parking demand is very high during the summer. There was
some discussion of making this a pay lot or putting a parking attendant here. The hours could
possibly be from 10:00 to 3:00. This lot needs improvement: an attendant, signage, parking
maps, concrete barriers, and possibly getting a consultant come in to help us out. There was
discussion on the wordage of a sign regarding where you can and cannot park (on map parking
spots in green, no parking area in red) and a disclaimer.
Action: Denny to get map made by engineering and have an attendant sit up there.
STOP SIGN ON CHILACOOT (SP) HILL: There was some concern about the stop sign as
there is a blind spot to your right as you come done this hill. Denny had both the east and west
side of that stop sign painted 30 feet up yellow for visibility.
REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION: We still don't have a grasp on what's going to
happen. There's a promoter who's trying to promote downtown tours. He's confident he can get
200 -300 delegates to Stillwater a day. The opportunity to make revenue is pretty substantial with
probable bus parking /reserving parking lots.
BUS /LIMO PARKING: Bus /limo parking should be by the Recreation Center on Curve Crest
Boulevard. Put up signage by the trolley on Water Street as this is a highly travelled area and
with the buses, this area is very congested. This information should be put on the website and
the Stillwater Chamber of Commerce's website. The chamber of commerce should be
contacting the tour /bus companies with parking information. There was some discussion of
having an intern contact the tour companies and/or bus companies. Mike Danielson was
supposed to get back to this commission regarding parking information on the website and other
marketing information, but he never did.
Action: More discussion is needed on this issue by commission.
Parking ramp
Republican National Convention update
Downtown cameras
UBC lot parking issue
Levee project