HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-03-28 CC Packet Special Meeting . ------" . /!A.I-, r illwater "~ - - ~ -- ~ THE BIRTHPLACE OF MINNESOTA J March 24, 1989 M E M 0 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MAYOR AND COUNCIL MARY LOU JOHNSON, CITY CLERK SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING - TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1989, 4:30 P.M. This memo is to remind Council that a Spe~ial Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday afternoon, March 28, 1989 at 4:30 P.M. to discuss the following: 1. This is the day and time for the Hearing to determine whether the liquor license of Meister's South Hill Liquor Store should be revoked or .~I,t~pgnfte(:LJ9L\m__JO_st)(ty.__( 60J__cJaYLQr_J'rt!~t!H~r._tt!~__Ci t.Y~ounci 1 shou 1 d impose a fine for failing to comply with Minnesota Statutes prohibiting the sale of alcoholic beverages to a minor. Notice of the Hearing was mailed to Mr. Meister on March 9, 1989. 2. This is the day and time for the Hearing to deterine whether grounds exist to remove motor vehicles from the property of Douglas A. Jahnke located at Notice of the Hearing was mailed to Mr. Jahnke on March 14, 1989. 3. Approval of use of building at for Dispatching Office for Rivertown Taxi. 4. Any other business Council may wish to discuss. CITY HAll: 216 NORTH FOURTH STillWATER, MINNESOTA 55082 PHONE: 612-439-6121 1. . David James Meister Stillwater, Minnesota 55082 d/b/a Meister's South Hill Liquor 117 W. Churchill Street Stillwater, MN 55082 NOTICE OF HEARING You are hereby given notice that on March 28, at 4:30 p.m. in the City Hall, 214 North 4th Street, City of Stillwater, Washington County, Minnesota, the City Council of the City of Stillwater will conduct a hearing to determine whether your liquor license should be revoked or suspended for up to sixty (60) days or whether the City Council should impose a civil fine not to exceed $2,000.00 on grounds that you have failed to comply with Minnesota Statutes prohibiting the sale of alcoholic beverages to a minor. The specific violation are the grounds for this possible action by the City Council occurred onth~ 14th day of February, 1989 at ...............19:12 h, ou.r, s.a.s.. d.e..t.....a...i..led in the inc.ident .reports ma.de a part of ._._...' ~.~.~_~__~ot.~~~:__,_~_~l1.~bi!-._~.~~_~.onsisting of pages one thru five. You have the right to appear at the hearing and be represented by counsel, the right to present evidence and the right to cross- examine witnesses, the right to testify and the right to submit rebuttal evidence. Dated this q~ day of March, 1989. Attachments . ../ INCIDENT REPORT .QLICE . f111\ v:~!e~ "'---~-- DEPARTMENT , t . r,' '.: > ..~!.. JII.lf RPD I rllP) CONIlECll11l1 CASlllUlo\WlS JCF 88-9843 DATI OCCURRED I 11YE OCCUIUlEll 021489 1912 MEISTERS SOUTH HILL i liME ARR l'ARI II1o1E ClR. (TeLl .211 DU ,~I. ,.. z t ~ '-.. 5 " '0 )\ ~ '0 INITIAL OfFEliSE cu.sSIFlCATlOIl SB LIQUOR VI OA'E IUPORTED IRPOI U21489 , GRID NeR (LGNI 1912 f'\Ai:E co..ymED (Pl.CI v COOt: CHURCHILL HYE ASua, /TASI IUlll COtil J._.. 1\O . I\oglllar'" lMlIIl IW41 (WT fIRST WIDDU\ Ii . r.ulPld RP . llapoItlng htly Ii . ""',1IId SEX RACI I AGE I DATE Of Jlll111 - - M _ Ql 18 ll' CQOi ft1 ~t.e -A' uoc ucs 1912 1912 2130 A J. I OCCUPATION nuPHONi RES, 397145 lIES, COOl IU UAHTlTY 8IlAHD HAUl PROPEllTY DESCRlPrlON IIHCLUOl SERIAL /IIO.} HOOLEY STEPHEN JOHN MC 30 STILLWATER 439-8344 -..~....~ ..,-,--._-~_._- ARR STED AND LODGED I THE WASHINGTON COUNTY JAIL UN GROSS NISD LCOHOLIC BEVERAGES TO A PERSON UNDER THE AGE PENDING A FORMAL COHPLAINT FROM THE CITY Al ARRESTED AND RELEASE AT THE SCENE PENDING A FORMAL COMPLAiNT FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY. M SD CHARGE, MSS 340.503-:1.' PURCHASE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES BY A I'I:RSB DER' TIlE AGE-OF 21 YEARS. BEBERG A COMPLAINT AND FURTHER INFOR}~TION THAT BEEN PURCHASING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES COPIES SENT TO -'. .. APPAMO IY DAn-' :-~TlSSliiiitD TO - ,..-- I:~J , l~fAllI >>ACt "OOI~ PlOOf'" __ R.c....1Cl fTo,,",', ,.". .IM I)j . . . -POLICE SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET r-- Sf i ~~~-~ INITIAl OffENSE CUSSIFICATION uoe ucs LIQUOR VIOLATIONS ARRESTS r\ ~ '" \ - W:USSlfY TO ,,[: DEPARTMENT ' ' .... _. _. uoe ucs ".. ":'1.1'1". .'~ I.. .:.......",: -- '...' ," ~. VICTIM 0IlllIIlW. RINlIf I DATE IlIllGIIW. lW'OIlT ...' .- DAlE THIS REPORT COHHECTlHG CASE JW.WllClIS ~.. . \:... COllE; C~ JoJwMlll SB.Sulljod S.SuIpecl A-AnU&14 V'~ ~ed Ilwnw w.w...... RP.IlIpan'1l9 hit,' ., COOf IlAIoIE llAST FIRST llIDOlE) 001 ADORfSS ZIP CODE TELEPIlOIlE RES, BUS. - . - - - RES. - . . BUS, .:..,. - - RES, BUS_ IS. IlU:'s.HO. I PROI'fRJY VAlUE I I I TYPE PTC SVl-RVL OUAHTJTY BRAND HAllE PROPERTY OESCRIPrlON (INCLUDE SERIAL NO,) AT THE SOUTH HILL LIquOR S'1'OR~ ON A REGULAR BASIS. A SURVEILANCE OF THJ:: 'TTQTTOR ~'T'O'R~ WAS CONDUCTF.D BY SGT KLOSOWSKY AND MYSELF ON 021489. SURVEILANCE tJA~ r.ONnTrr.'T'Fn FROM A UNMARKED SQUAD CAR USING BINOCULARS WHICH GAVE US A CLEA \JTFJ,J OF 'T''HF. T TQUOR ~'T'ORF n?llLHq 191' 'HR~. ....~tif-nR:~FRvFn.i vonN~' ciHT'T"R"'-MALE"""EtiTERING THE LIQUOR STOF.~~m>.I'L!!htlDED. TH!:: ~TT'R TFr.'T' FXT'T'Fn "IiH'F. ~'T'ORF TN APPROXIH..I\TELY 5 -10 MINUTES CARRYING TWO CASES OF Ht'FR ANn A H PACT( OF SMAT.T. ROTTLES. THE SUBJECT PUT Ttl~ B~ER INTO THE BACK SEAT OF HT~ ("AR..J.m~ClLlJA~ A RU1'F. BllI.GlLMItllLLlC-~31AGE__TnE S1}HJEQT T!'iEN u"_._ ~~TFRFn THF VFHTr.TF ANn UA~ STOPPED AS HE WAS ABOUI-rQ~U1L AH~Y BY SGT. -l<.LOSOlt!SKY ANn MVSJ..t F tJF TnENTTFTEIL.OlJR~ET.V.!::S-A!m,JHLSIJBJECT WHO S,!ATED HE WAS 18 YEARS OLD. THE SUBJECT WAS THEN PLACED IN' THE BACK SEAT OF OUR SQUAD -*ME SUBlE.TT 1.J...~ INEORMEIL.HE T.JA~ TlNllER ARRF~'T' FOLEURCHA~IN{LALCQHQUC BEVERAGI. BY A PERSON UNDER THE AGE OF 21 YEARS. THE SUBJECT WAS IDENTIFED AS "AI" (BRe AND WAS READ HIS RIGHTS AS PER THE MIRANDA WARNING FROM NY MIRANDA CARD. "AI" UNDERSTOOD HIS RIGHTS AND WAIVED THOSE RIGHTS STATING HE WOULD TALK TO US. UNDER QUESTIONING "AI" STATED HE HAS BEEN BUYING BEER ~~~-.!-.Iq~O~_~~~~t THE SOUTH HILL LIQUOR STORE SINCE HE WAS A JUNIOR IN HIGH SCHOOL. "AI" STATED HE (. HAS MADE APPROXIMATELY 40 PURCHASES FROM TP.E STOR~~~D' ~O;'-~~KE~ FOR ID FROM RtI'OllIlHG PARlY III1lnIIIIlla in_lOA ..."... 1/14 COIIICl, COPIES Sl NT rD OFfUII 'tQU,~ a BAOGf NUYBER S8N ~ ~-,- /jJ~ IIOAlU IlWl( Uf _ '.IN ~AAP\I\" IUCOYllUD PROP\R1Y _. ._ APPROVED BY DAT~_ I ASSIGNfD ro ... I - ,All( . ..:- . __ .!.-2_ IHr.IIlIHT l\[CUSSIFY TO .. INITIAl OFFENSE ClASS lCATlOll LIQUO VIOLATION ARREST llOC ucs SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET . . . ... ........ llOC utI VlCTIU OAIGIHAL llEl'OllT DATE 0llIGlllAI. REPORT DATE THIS REPORT COHNEClING CASE NUMBERS '..,,' y.yw:an J-JuwInlII AO-IIIOIsIMId 0MlM SB.SulljIcl W'W_ S.Suspocl RP-l\aoonJng hnY DOB ADORESS l\[S, BUS, A-AtIlSlId coot; C-GlInpIIIAIdI COllE NAIlE flAST FIRST WIDOl ZIP COllE TEUPHONE -- -- RES BUS. -:- --- RES, BUS. 'T'1-\'f' r.T ,~Rl(~ PIlOI'ERlY TYPE I'fC VAluE SVL-RYl BllAHD NAWE PfIllPERIY ll(SCRIPTION (INCLUDE SERlAl. NO.1 asl APPKOXlMATELY 10 TIMES 1\1:: WAS ASKED FOR . IT\ AND tJH~N o ND AND WA1K~D OUT". "AI" FURTHEF. A Nl1 itA J" UnlIT n RMER-ADDRESS OF 221 W Cijg~RY ST.. STILLWATE lL..CA~QUTH IHLLLIQUOR STORI::FORHC'. E PHONE WOULD. ASK IF EVERYONE '-lAS 2._ AND LIQUOR WOULP__THEN BE DELIVERED BUT OT ASK ANYQtlLALTHE PARTY FOR 10. "Al .--1lE-AND 1-\'1 IS _____..u.~.,-..,..__.~-_~,~___,.~_._-'_.__~__. THE PF~ISnN MAl(TNr. THF AR5-QLD. UtlUEIL.f.URTl1ER QUESTIONING "AI JUST SOLD HIM THE BEER HAD ALSU SOLD HIM BEER AND LIQUOR IN THE PAST (APPR X 5 TIMES) AND DID NOT uASKIAl" FOR IDENTIFCATION Ot': ANY OF THE OCCASSIONS. 'A1" ALSO STATED THAT THE CLERK IN THE STORE WAS ONE THE PERSONS WHO HAD MADE THE nOME DELIVERIES. "Alu'COULD NOT IDENTIFY ANY OF TAKEN WAS A 8 PACK OF SP CIAL EXPORT BEER IN 7 02 GLASS BOTTLES. ns 'PHRCHSF~ n~ HOMF nFT.T\lERIES. ---:rAKE N-Imo--EV-I.DE NCE---WA OF PABST BLUE RIBBON BEE NE-CASE-OE-BUDWEI.SEB-BEELIN _..12_. 02.- CANS _ONlLCASE-. IN 12 Ol CANS. BOTH CASES CONTAINING 24 CANS. ALSO -AT-TH-IS TIME t.JF. TOQ~ --TIlL..P.ERs.mLJ..J1iD-HAILJU S Rll'OllllHQ PAlIlY 1l/1li" UIlI....lIWlOII.. Of It... 11\0 "",IlQ, NID-THE-LIQUQR-STORE-TO_~L~KE AN.IDENTIFICATIQR-O~) QLILllULTIlLBEE "Al~IDENTIFED uA2"_HIIQ..HAS-BEHIN COPIES StH( 10 OFf leu SICilIA APf'ROVED BY __::~ 1 "AsS!GH[D TO ~ ~ _ PAlil -2- ,.-- -~-.~ 11l1~' IWlt IN&:UI$NI .P. LICE -St, \\vater. -..;;~::::::- DEPARTMENT SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET INITIAl OffENSE CUSSIflCATIOIi uoc UC$ uoc ucs \..~ rJ=: \ ~ . - -. ", : ,~ l'-, <. \:)1 i.... '.. L.....; .;to~.. .:....:.: ~ ". VICTIM 0llJa1lW. IlEI'OIIT DATE 0RIG1lW. IlEl'OIlT DATE THIS IlEl'OIlT toHHEClING CASE NUW8EllS CODE: C-(cmpIIinInI ...JwonII y.YlalII JlO.lIoglolOla4 0wnIr coa: IlAWE lUST ARST WIOOl.E 6 B. SuIljocl W-WIIn'" S,SlIspod .. _'" R'-~ hIty 0011 AOORESS RES, BUS. A-Alr.sa.! liP Coo( TEL EPliONE RES, BUS, RES, BUS. IS. PROPERTY TYPE PrC YALUE SYL-RYL 8RAHD IWolE PROPERTY llfSCIllPTION (INtlUOf SERIAl HQ,) THE COUNTFR AND THE ONLY PERSON IN TH~ LIQUQR STORE_AS-THE PERSQN.JlliQ.HAIL- Tn~T ~OT.n HIM THF 'RFER "A211 WAS PT.ACFD UND~RRESLANILREAILHI5-1UGHTS A~ PFR THF MIRANDA WARNTNG FROM MY MIRANDA CARD-AND~IE-UNDERSTOQD-THQSE RIr.HT~ - WF DTnNOT Ql1F~TTON "A,ltAT THT~u-POTNT_JUIL.:HAD.':"'HTM''r~ANsMHTF.n TO ._- ,_...,_~~__U.~,~fI.!_~~_~.~'2.T~~~~_~~~~.:._~~__~~FT CF.R PFTFRS.ON----SG:I:.-KI.pS01!SK~..._TtiFN.:_,r.~ T.:1 .~D ._ "~'R" tJHO T~ TIt" OWNER OF THF ~TORF ANILJNFORt>1FD..JIlM_OFJHLARRE.S'L...ANIL..TQ COMF TO THF ~TnR~ ANn TAKF CHARr.F "~'R" ARRT1lED-ANILADVISED-MLTD-.HRA,. HAP'PT "Stilt WAS ALSO ADVISED THAT ANY ACTION TAKEN AGAINST HIMSELF AS THE OWNER . WOULD BE THROUGH THE CITY COUNCIL IN RESPECT TO HIS LIQUOR LICENSE. -sr.,. KT O~OlJSKV AND MVSFT F THEN RFT,FASED "A 1" AND-AD.VISED-HIH-1!lLIo1( _D-SEEK A FORMAL COMELAIHLAGAlNS.'LHIM-THROUGR-THE CITY AT.TORNEY.._.IT..:SHOULD-BE-NOTED- --.:ruA:t.....IN...-J:HE-OUNION-OE-AG.'LKLOSOWSKY_ANILMYSELE- YIL FEEL- "Al'~ --LOOKS _TO'_BE SGT KLOSOWSKY AND MYSELF THEN WENT TO THE JAIL TO TALK TO IIA2". "A2" WAS AG1-, . REMINDED OF HIS RIGHTS AS PER MIRANDA WHICH HE UNDERSTOOD. "A2" STATED HE' WOULD TALK TO US. "A2" STATED THAT "AI" WAS A "REGULAR" CUSTOMER AND THAT ~lING ,AIITY 1I/bmlIllllIIlll"""Il'''~ De III11I/ld ""'id, COPIES SENT TO ,~:,~C:~:~~.~~._~~"'." ~....~ ~ N:~~,R~S:~.~.~.::::_ APPROVED BY DAii -[- ASSIGNlO TO I ~AGi-? " ... .. . . IlOC ucs P LICE Qil' lv~~."~'. ~ ~~)' DEPARTMENT SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET ARRESTS IlOC IICS . . .,' ....,. i . ....:- '''-', ;;. "...: ~:-."~ VICtIll CIIIlIIlW. AUOlll CATf OIlIlilMAltil'Ollr CAlf THIS til'ORJ CONlIfCTIHG Wi lIuwaus CQQl; C~ J._ V.YIalla llO-~04 o.-r COOf IllAIIt lUST flAST WIDll f S8.SuIljocI w.w...... &.liuJfloQ JIPolllpGlIlng 'OIIJ DOl AIlllRESS RES. IUS. "'''"eu04 lIP COO( TEl f PltO II( '- MS. BUS. RES. aus. IFICATION "A LONG TIM~AGO.'~h:r_W!HqL.TIME ENTIFICATION CARD WITH lII~LPHQTO STATING HE ONTRARY TO TH~TA.'IEM~N'L.'~Al~]IAIL~!V~lLYS Wln~R..- lLYHEN ASKED HUT INSTEAD JUST WALKED QuT OF THE-- HOffRTY lYft PIC VAiUi SVl-RVl IIWIO IIAMf P/lDI'fHIr llfSCIlIPJ101I ,'IIClUDC SlIIlAl. Il1O.1 . HE HAD ASKED "AlII FOR ~1" HAD PROnUCED lJAS 21. HF. ~ATD ~"ORF "A'l" UAS Al.SO QIIE ;;rJP~El1..,,4.BOUT THUIOME-DEL.lVl::RIE5-..AND STATED TH~.._ _HOMP. DET.TVRRIEs......ARLNOT_ DE_UNLESS_IDENTIFICATIQN_.CAN nr;. ESTA~1ISH~"Q a_WLTH~ CONCLlJDF.D OlIR THE BEJ:::R TAKEN FROM II Al" IS ENTERED AS EVIDENCE AND ALl.. REPORTS IN THIS CASE -- -- --- -.. ...- " --_. . -.. . - ___. -..-.... _...... . ....- - -YILT. RF FORlJARDED TO Tll' ITLAT.TQRI:IELF.QILEQRMAL.CQMFLAINTS.&-_ ..... .. -..... .' .... --. .....--...--..- . -- - .. -. ... .. ... ~ -... . O",".II/iMA.'~ .. .-c :-::-9 .7.:~... .--c-..-.-.--... - COPlU UNI TO .W~._~_...___I A~.==--_ --.--. -. DAlt I ASS~NlOl.0.. . _ '__=r~~ -1 NPllaIIllG 'AllY 1__ _............ W ""'11\0 ""'id """'''IIt... ..".....",,, "".tt"". . .-. . .' '. . I ~ .. . STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SSe COUNTY OF WASHINGTON) Mary Lou Johnson, being duly sworn, on oath says that on the 9th day of March, 1989, she served the attached Notice of Hearing upon David James Meister at both his home address and his busines address by depositing such notice in the United States mail in Stillwater, Minnesota, properly addressed with postage prepaid addressed as follows: David James Meister Stillwater, MN 55082 Meister's South Hill Liquor Stillwater, MN 55082 (which are the last known addresses of said-individual )------ --- ----------- --"-1/)---'-' --.---.-.-.-. .' .-.------...-.-.-..- I 'J 'c2M/V IJ~ Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of March, 1989. 1- 4~Rf rs/-~~ Notary Public @<~ NILE L KRIESel ~JJ NOTARYPUBUC-UINNESOTA \- WASHINGTON COUNTY My Commlllllon ExplrnOct.15,1990 ~ . . -e.- . t2vvl-~~ ---,-,_.,.-~,,~~,",~~~ Qtil~ate~ '" ;;-" T " "CE " "..". ~) 3/~P!P( - NOTICE OF HEARING FOR REMOVAL OF ABANDONED VEHICLES TO: DOUGLAS A JAHNKE STILLWATER, MN. 55082 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on the 28th day of March, 1989 at 5:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 216 North Fourth Street, Stillwater, Minnesota 55082, the City Council will determine whether grounds exist to remove motor vehicles from the property of Douglas A. Jahnke located at North Second Street. A copy of the St i 11 water Department of Pub 1 i c Safety Not i ceof 'Pol i ce Intent to Remove Abandoned Vehicles From Private Property for the subject motor vehicles is attac.hed to this notice as Exhibits IIAI" IIBII, IICII, 11011, and IIEII. '<' -,",--._-_..,-,..,,~,'.~. .'...~,,""---','---'~'--~"",~._-,-'-_.- -""~",~,,,,,,--~---,,,,--"~'~~"~.-._-~.,,.,-_. CITY HALL: 216 NORTH FOURTH STlLLWATEFl, MINNESOTA 55082 PHONE: 612-439-6121 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) COUNTY OF WASHINGTON) 4IIt Mary Lou Johnson, being dul sworn, on oath says that on the 14th day of March, 1989, she served the attached Notice of Hearing upon Douglas A. Jahnke at his home address by depo iting such notice in the United States mail in Stillwater, Minnesota, prop rly addressed with postage prepaid addressed as follows: Douglas A. Jahnke 024 North Second Street Stillwater, Mn. 55082 (which are the last known a dresses of said individual) JL~~~ Mary Lou Jo~on Subscribed and sworn to bef ~-'--~~'~~'--~'."'~----'''''_--~-~-"-,~._._~<-~-,"~~~-"-~'-~'~ ""---~-~---..:. this 14th day of March, il;~ NILE L. KRIESEL ~ ~r~r;c:~~;r~~~~ A My CommiSSIon ExpIres Oct.15, 990 . . ~ G~~",- }l.JYL ~~ C"'~ wJ .- J1J.- 17~ ~ e~~ j.;:kJ 7Gr~~ J~ ~ ~-Jc- G"'--Gr! 3, -.2 -'6 '1 CJL~e~~ ~ ~~t7~. . C( 7 /U Lf?-- )JL I",. ,.. ..-_..._-~._--_._._~..._.._._.._~---_.._---_...... ^' ~~~"""_" ''. o. .'.._~~,'_._,_..,,___~_...., _.""_~',,_,~,.~___~~,_.'.__"""_"""'~"~......P.,,'~-"___..'''_"""._~_.~.,,....~.._._.,.,_.._,._.,~......~,__.____,______.'.___''_'____"''_~_...,..~_____ C_M___'__.'" .. ..-.'. '..' - . '- ~," , ~ - '- , ,-' ,. ,~ ~ .' ,'. .... .. - "- . . . - .... ,. - -'-, -.. ... '.::" .. -. -" .:~ .:-':: .. ..~: ';.':' ~ ,- :" ,'- :.'._'~' 'j-" . . . '.".,.- ." ." ,~ '" ." '.. . . . '. .' :.. ':. /.;';' ).-.~. . ~ \. -. eQLICE ~til~va~r ,"""",:",.--. , ~_____---- ~. t!' tI,()!a (;" D EP ARTM ENT RECUSSIfY TO SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET COO€: C~ J..lwnI V.VIcllnI 1lG-..... Ownw COOE !lAMe (lAST FlRST MIOOLEl sa-SulllIcI ~ uoc ucs uoc ucs '. .~ .1T:-"'t :.-'7'; .'J ,.-",;::,!--!~", V1CT111 0ll1611W. REI'OIlT IlA Tt QRIGIIIAL RUOIlT ~'/7Y.Y CCIUlECTlMl CASI NUII8EJtS ~ 513 Jd;;JJ)~ iJCJuqks ,4~h -. ~ . ~ 1';1 -- -~- PROPl:RTY TYPl: I'TC VALUE SVl-1M. BIWlO !lAME PllOPEIlTY OESCR1PllON (INClUDE SERIAL NO.' (1'11 02 tJ7ff' / a--- ~: -9...-t:.-<. ~rz~ . Z /"&I:?4/ ~ ;;-.; .fl( $ ~v~ a-' ~~-':' #z.~~ /t~ "- ~/??/ ? _ 7!e ~~ eFt~. /~ ~ St:l{J4;4,t:~),. _~.~~~~- ~~:~'Jf~~~~-- 12"","'tz:, ;;:;/4 - - 7Z~-~-~~~-J:1~--'75~"e.-c:-~ -- )' / / ,- d~ (1~'y~ ~1-.#'p',/ &- 8cJo /c& ~ ~ ~~~. ~ ~ ~ ~/ 4 ~;ttZ ~~ et--R. C.- ~:::p- 7'~ ~ /~ ~-rf) ,,~.a-uz. A.,~d.-'t/'~ ...,"- ~ ~ ('XZ::-.:r ,. ~,' ~-(s:)~~ <"7~ ~ ~ fh(.., ~ .t:~ ~tf- 4~ ~~ ~zY~'r' (/)lih:3 {!~ ~~zt;. -~ r~J' p)/?7.2 A~~,., ])NuJg?<:;"-/~/!~ (~) /97/ C!A4v. ?'4.. ~IAI-r{t33 ~:f7 (0 197d e4v (!drV~ .Kd~c,l17 s-/~ (~)/7~f ~ 7if;-,',,~ Sr~/~7 ~/. tid ~~ ~ ~ -6J 5/J(:ki)"k",-) CL-Q.. ~JL4~ ~ "'- r~ ....:.-- ~u-- if 9tJ h;~. . . ~ c-~~ ~~ ~ J~ Z c1~~ ~ t:t-~ ~ t5a.h-~.~ (dX ~~) ~ 47..,--..,.Q 'J: / / - / / ,., \ P"X. 5i. 'V4..l1hYQ ~ (/.;2//rr7. Ja.u..,t<t! e..~ .#> ~ WIT l1J IIEPOIlTlIII PA/fTY I ....... IIlII __ . .. _ .., ....s. APPllOYelIY IlA re ASSlGlIEll1ll S'TOlBlI'lU9lTf _ IIfDMJIEIl PIlllPfllTY _ -=or ___ uoc IlCS ... eQLICE Qtl\~a!.e~ 1.ral~~OON -=__---..- ~ A0/ ,e EPARTMENT Ra:USSIFYTO SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET uoc ucs VICTIM OIll6lIlAl. I\&llIlT COllllECTlIl& CASE NUWIERS .-"' .~rl~''''I.:'';; ". ':l";:-~..~". COO(: C~ ~ y._ AG-1IIqIIIftd OlIn<< COllE 'lAMe (lAST FIRST M'OlllEI Sl-SubllCt ..- SoSiaClocl ..~ l'w1y 008 AOQAtSS 1l'ES. Bus.. ~ liP caoe TtW'HOIll RES. BUS. \ RES. BUS. ISH \ ITEM HO. TSH a~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ A2.4-7-~ ~~~ IS- ~ ~ a..-.O ~..:a;, A';~ ~,,:. ,<-. ~ ~ .~ "'~n rf- --17 )J1~/4 ~, /7/7. ~ ~U--~ ~~ ~ ~ ,n- oz..ll.P9 ~ ~...~ ~ 2$"" 7Z-;;~ (j7i5c!"':;- ~. ~~rZ; ~ /J~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~j .r:L /9?C. ~ ~"-~ './ ( 4J #') C, <f'f- {, 3/ [' e,,14~'?' ,,,fa. -(.,), .;, A...o.Z: ~ ~~~ C tJ~. 'cL, <..J2 11~t' ~~. ,:_ ~ '~~ ~ -& ~-:;J -J2 ~ J1,'~ n~.-.. ~-x.;"-" 7<..- I y d PllOPERTY TYPE FTC VAlUe SVl-ilVl BRAHO HAilE PllOPERTY OESClUPTlON (INCLUDE SERIAL NO.) CQlIIfS SfHT TO l'VllIITllII PIJCfY I .... dill ___ . IllIIIW .. c:8IY'CL V IWll ~~. MMNEIlBY fJlTJIES IWlE AI/II8T _ STQlEIl PIlllPEllTY _ IElMIlED PIIOI'EIITY - ..... - DATE ASSlG.llEll TO . .... ..... ,.,.. .. --.."~ . . ,: ~: ~.:.:~:~~ \. :..-.. . . - " . ~ . DAVID MAWHORTER PUBLIC SAFETY DIRECTOR POLICE CHIEF THE SIRTHP!..4CS 0' MINNESOTA GORDON SElM FIRE CHIEF DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY DIVISION OF POLICE NOTICE OF POLICE INTENT TO REMOVE ~S~NDON VEHICLE FROM PRIVATE PROPERTY Dea~: ~g~l~bs_Q~~sB ~g~l~bg_blg~~gb~gB Douglas A. Jahnke --~ --------- --St1.TIwater7"MN--S'5"lTh~----- --------------------------- ------------------------------ -----------------------~------ PI.1~Suant to Sf: i llwate~ City Code, Chapter 40, Abandoned Vehicles, the vehicle listing to you as ~ Owner and/or __ Lienholder has been dete~Mined to be abandon within the city fo~ the following reason(s); Vehicle has l'1!Ained far- a period of 11ft than 4S holll'5 on private property without the consent of the pltI"5Cft in control of such property ar- in an inoperabll condition such tMt it hilS no suhstantiill potential furih... us. consistent with its ll5ul functions and is not stored in an I!I'lI:losed Fag', Vehicle has l'1!lJained on private pro!lll"ty far- a period of .... than 48 holll'5~ in--a disabll!d~ttftlition aJld without license plates conspicuously displayed, _Li:L_VehiCllthU l'tIIilinedon.privatl ~ufOl"~ a period of~ than 4&~irn-1figbbd-mlditi1l'lnJ'dliit/'i liC1!l'lY plates lIhich hilve in expiration date .en than 90 da}1 priar- to tM dati of insp,ction. The abandon vehicle ~ubject this notice is ~; YEAd 4;3__, MAKE ~__, MODEL _~~, SERIAL *_________________, COLORCS) _______ LICENSE *________, STATE ___, TAB *_________, EXP. The abandon vehicle is currently at the following location; Unknown model vehicle, covered with tarp and other items, situated in rear yard --;outhof-girage-itlrn24-NO-second-St;----------------------------------------- You .... hll"eby adviSld that thl Still..tll" Police ~..t intends to IWllYe this vtIlicll if YOlI do not conhct tM PoliCl ~...t iIld sake ilI'Tange.nts to cc.ply with the provisions of this ordinara within l' ca11ftlW' days of this notiCl. You are furih.... idviSld thilt )'011 hat tbIt right to a hNl"ing '-fen the Still.t... City Com:il rtprdill! the ~al of yout' vwhiel.. If YOlI dfti,.. a herilllJ, yeN lISt notify the eity elll'lc .ithin l' ea1..... dIys of the dat. of this notiCl in ...\ting. Aft... the hHring, if 'fOI dBi,.. OM, the City Coanc:il "ill tithr Iffi,., ,.,.". at' Illdify the II"OflOSId iCtion by thl Police ~1Iftt. DAVID MAWHORTER PUBLIC SAFETY DIRECTOR 9Y~ //~ S~~ Polic. D.p.~tm.nt Data ~J /(~ IfRf Sincerely, . .ban_vehOl ~ .. ~ 20It c:. sr...' 212 North Fourth Street. Stillwater. Minnesota 55082 Patte. PM"e: 812-439-1314 or 812-4:39-13:38 Fire Pttone: 812-439-6120 --._- ~,..... @ . DAVID MAWHORTER PUBUC SAFETY DIRECTOR POUCE CHIEF :';"~:f~~" ., ~,! ~~I: a, ,.... . - THE SIRTHPt.N:! 0' MINNESOTA GORDON SEJM FIRE CHIEF OEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY DIVISION OF POWeE NOTICE OF POLICE INTENT TO REMOVE ABANDON VEHICLE FROM PRIVATE PROPERTY Dear: ~g~l~bg_Q~~sB ygal~bg_bls~~QbQgB Douglas A Jahnke -- --------- --Stil~at~r-MN--55082------- -----------~--------------- ---------------------~------~- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ Pursuant to St~llwater City Code, Chapter 40, Abandoned Vehicles, the vehicle listing to you as ~_ Owner and/or __ Lienholder has been determined t~ be abandon within the city for the following reason(s); Vehicle has rmained for a period of .D't! than 48 hol/J'! on privat. pro!)Rrty ..ithout the I:OnSerlt of the Pf"'Oft in c:cntrol of such property or in an inoperable c:ondition 5lICh tMt it hu no subsiantit11 potem:iil furth... 11M c:cnsistent .ith its us~l fllllCtions and is not stOl"ed in an enelosed gU'ag., --.,--" --~'--'-'-- Vehicle has r8iined on privati property for a period of 111ft than 48 holl1"5 fJi iI-ai~b1I!irmHion-mf-..ithout liC2!l!l plates conspicuously displiyed, _.LX_VehiCllthureuinedon privatlpropertydfor Idperiodofllor!-than -'~li"Oiir! in a di~led c:ondition and Mith liC1!nY pl~tn Ilhidl haft an expiration dati 111ft than 90 daY5 prior to the date of inspll:tiOfto The abandon vehicle subject this notice is a; YEAR 1972 MAKE Datsun MODEL 2 Dr SERIAL * m.S3069225 --~-, ---------, ----------, -----------------, COLOR<S) _~!!r__ LICENSE .E~~~___, STATE ~!_, TAB *_________, EXP~~~_~~2 The abandon vehicle is currently at the following location; St, side yard, west of garage ------------------------------------------------------~------------------- You ant hll'fty advised that thl StillNottll'" Poliar Dtpirt=-nt intlnds to I"'MlM this venic:le if 'JOG do not contact tn. Poliar 0tpU't~ and uke aI"l"UllJRelts to ~ly Mith tn. provisiOM Of this ordiNl'lCl ..ithin 15 c:a11!ld.ar d&ys of this noiicw. YOCI ant furth... iMlviYd that you IYvI tn. Mght to a hNring blfcn tn. StiU...t... City Coancil J'IlFdiJl! tn. ...."at of 'jOIJI' whic:l.. If)'Oll dftiN a hHrinIJl yw..m notify tr. city clri within 15 e.a1..... c/IyI of thI.d.lt. of this notiar in ..itinIJ. Aft.. U. hNring, if you dlsiN OM, the City Coanc:i1 ..ill tithlr affl..., r'I'tII'W ar IDdlfy the propogd action by the PoliCl DIpart~. Sincerely, By U~ ~Zdy Stillwat.r Polic. D.partm.nt Dat. _u...-!/~/~~I fi? DAVID MAWHORTER PUBLIC SAFETY DIRECTOR .ban_V.hOl . .' '- ~ 0... sr.., 212 North Fourth Street. Stillwater. Minnesota 55082 Pollc. Phone: 812-439-1314 or 812-439-13:38 Ftre Phone: 812-439-6120 NOTICE OF DEPA TMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY DIVISION OF, PoweE TENT TO REMOVE ABANDON VEHICLE IVATE PROPERTY -. ; . ~ @ i1Iwater e . DAVID MAWHORTER PUBUC SAFETY OIREcroA POUCE CHIEF THE BIRTHP\.AC! 0' MINNESOTA GORDON SEJM FIRE CHIEF Dear: ~snlQbs_QH~sB ~sHlgbg_bls~~Qb~sa Douglas A. Jahnke --- ---- ::=~~}I~~~E~:@:=1~2:82- ------------------------------ Pursuant to Stillwater Cit Code, Chapter 40, Abandoned Vehicles, the vehicle listing to you asX;_ Owner and/or Lienholder has been determined tq be abandon w"thin the city for the forlowing reason(s); Vehicle hu l'ftiined for a period of control or sud1 property or in an i consistent with its usual functions than 43 houn on p1"ivab pro~y without the cons.nt of the pII'5Oft in able condition such thie it hiS no substillii.tl potentioll furthlr II5e is not stored in an enclosed g.tragl, Vehicll hu l'ftiined on private pro. license plates conspicuously displa --------::."7' -""-----.---....-----.---.-- - c_ --.- --~----_.---- X Vehicle hu l'ftiined on private . liCt!l'l!5e plites Ilhidt holvl an elll1iraei y for ol period of lml"e than 43 houn in a di~bled condition and without -- , . -,Q;-a period oflcn thift48heun in a cHQlilld c:OiidluonanifiiUI--------e-- date lml"e than 90 days iJl'ior' to the date of inspection. The abandon vehicle subjec this notice is a; YEAR l~t~, MAKE _~~~_____, MODEL ~~ckuf_____, SERIAL *__~~~~~~~~~~_____, COLOR (S) &EEL~~~- LICENSE I ~_4]2__, STATE ~_, TAB *~~~~~~~__, EXP. ~~_];~87 -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- side yar , west of garage the following location; The abandon vehicle is cur You arw hlf"!iJy adviSld th~e the 5til1~tl!'l" Pol"l:lt Dtp.trt-.nt inbnds to !'ROVe this vehicle if you do not contzt the Polil:lt o.part8l!lt and uke ilTUllJ.-nts to ly ltith the provisions of this ordiNl'a ltithin IS wllfld.tr d~ of this notil:lt. You a'e further advised thole you h the right to a hHrintj befen the 5tilh..tll'" City Coancil NgftilllJ th. I'SlYU of 'tfNI' vwhicl.. If 'fOIl dltSirw a "1IlJ, yeN IIlISt notify the city clri within IS caIn. ~ of tM elite of this notic:w in ritinlJ. After the llRrintJ, i you mire OM, the City CoucH _ill lit!lr affi,.., r'IftI"W ar lIIdify tM propoRd dion by the Polic:w 1lepirt8lftt. DAVID MAWHORTER PUBLIC SAFETY DIRECTOR 'd~#~y Still at.r Polic. O.partm.nt 1.4--L( ) /f.! 1 . Sincer.ly, By aban_v.hOl Oat. _ 20It 0. sr..., 212 North Fourth Street. Stillwater, Minnesota 55082 Pal . Phone: 612-439-1314 or 812-439-1338 Phone: 812..(39.6120 '. .' 'f , .. Ollwater - ~ \ THE BIRTHPlACE 011 MINNESOTA ...~ . "'.. '.. ." 4 ~..' - '~~~~.i~ . : r" ',~ @ . DAVID MAWHORTER PUBLIC SAFETY DIRECTOR POUCE CHIEF - GORDON SEJM FIRE CHIEF DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY DIVISION OF POLICE NOTICE OF POLICE INTENT TO REMOVE ABANDON VEHICLE FROM PRIVATE PROPERTY Dear: ~s~lQbs~~~sB ~s~lQbg_blg~~QbQsR Douglas A. Jahnke -- ---------- --St[llwater~MN--5508Z------ --------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ Pursuant to Stillwater City Code, Chapter 40, Abandoned Vehicles, the vehicle listing to you as ~ Owner and/or __ Lienholder has been determined tq be abandon within the city for the following reason(s); Vmicle has l't!UiJIed for a period of IDI"'e than 48 houn on privata property Nithoui the consent of the pII"'5On in control of such pI"llpIrty or in an inoper-able condition such tMt it has no substantial potential further> laY consistent Mith its usual functions and is not stOl"!d in an enclosed garage, Vehicle has l't!UiJIed on private property for a period of lOre than 48 hours in a di5ibledcondition and -without liCl!Me plate! COII5pic:uously displayed, - ._'-X~VehiC:II has 1't!U_ ~privat.propertyfor a period of IDI"'ethan48""1'ICW'!;llTlf~DreacOiiUhon and with liC!!n5lt plate! llftich l'Iaft an expiration date lOre than 90 days priOl" to the date of il'l5plCtion. The abandon vehicle subject this notice is a; YEAR121~_, MAKE _~~~_____, MODEL _~~!~~~__, SERIAL *__~237~~49~2~t____, COLOR(S) _EE~~~ LICENSE #__~~R2!I_, STATE _~, TAB *_!249~i~~_, Exp.~~1288 The abandon vehicle is currently at the following location; side yard west of garage ------------------------------------------------------------ You ;re hll"t!by advised that the StillNit.,. PoliC2 o.part-.nt intll'lds to !WOVe this ""'ide if you do not contact the PoliC2 DepBt.ent and MIte an"ang...ms to ~ly with the provisiOM of this ordiMl'lCl .Uhin 15 c:aJ..w- days of this notiC2. You.. furth... __ tMt you Mve the right to a hHring bet.,... the StillltAt... City Coan:i1 ~ing the r'8)Yal of 'JfM' VItIicle. If yGlI dfti... a 1HNri1'llJ. }'CIe..... notify the city elri .ithin 15 eall1l'ldw days of the date of this notiC2 in ritil'llJ. AftII" the hRril'llJ, if you desi... one, the City Coanc:il _ill littler afn..., ~ cr 8lldify the proposed action by the Polin. Depart8lnt. Sincerely, ~~ --- ,----- ...... DAVID MAWHORTER PUBLIC SAFETV DIRECTOR By aban_vehOl Stil water Polic. DepartMent '-:d- /1 I fR'f' . Date ..- . ...... :011 l)e sr.. 212 North Fourth Street. Stillwater, Minnesota S5082 Potlc. Phone: 812-439-1314 or 812.439-1338 Fire Phone: 812..(39.6120 .",...i~';",..'..j...';,.- ---.- ~~~:-::~~ - @ . " r, iIlwater e. DAVID MAWHORTER PUBLIC SAFETY DIRECTOR POUCE CHIEF Tl4! BIATHPt.AC! 0' MINNeSOTA GORDON SElM FIRE CHIEF DE ARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY DIVISION OF. POLICE NOTICE OF POLICE INTENT TO REMOVE ABANDON VEHICLE FROM PRIVATE PROPERTY Dear: ~s~l~bs_Q~~sE ~s~lgb6_~ls~~Q~~sR --- ::S}:!Ir~~2!~~=:~~]~- ------------------------------ PI~rsuant to Stillwater Ci y Code, Chapter 40, Abandoned Vehicles, the vehicle listing to yo as~_ Owner and/or __ Lienholder has been deterMined tq be abandon ithin the city for the following reason(s); Vehicle has l"!Uined fer a period 0 11ft then 48 holon on print. pro~~y without tha consent of the penon in control of such property er in in i pll"aIale condition such tMt it bas no sllbshnti~l potential furthll'" lIY consistent with its 1I5~1 functions and is not stored in an !rlClosed girage, . -------.-..---- side yar west of garage ----------------------- ----------------------------------- Y for a pl!I'iod of :Illn! tban .\a hoW'5 in a di~bled c:ondition and without ~-,----_... ..- Vehicle has reained on privab pro license plates conspicuously displ --~_-.------'~---- --.-"'-~.;~~~~ hiS l"!Uined on private pro for a pl!I"iod of Iln than 43 hours in a di~bled CONlition and lIith li~ plates Mhidt have an fXlIil"at on data IOI"'! than 90 daY5 prier to tM date of inspldion. The abandon vehicle subjec YEAR I ~1_, M~KE _!.~::<!.___, notice is a; !~~~~_____, SERIAL *__~~~___________, COLOR (S) ~<lr.:-=!!__ STATE ~_, TAB *_________, EXP.~E~~~1981 The abandon vehicle is cur the following location; You are hreby advised that thl Still~te,. Pcli ~lIIftt intends to ~lt this wnic:l. if ytN. do not c:ontKt tM Poli~ 1lIpart.eni .uod 1IIIt. arT'1Jl9.-rlts to ~ y with tile provisions of this ordiNla .ithin 1:5 at.... daY5 of this notia. YOU.vtl furthll'" idviSld tMt ytN.""" he Milt to a hHl"ing l>>forw the SUllllltr City eo..til J'I!II"ding the raovu of 'fOCI" wnielL It 'f'1II dtsin a hRri ,'f'1II iIat notify the city elri .Uhin 1S wll'ldw ~ of ttw lilt, of this noti~ in llriting. Aft... tile huring, if dtsin OM, the City Com:il will ,ithr 11ft,., J"IWI"'Y at' llIdify tM proposId idion by the Poli~ ~.eni. .b.n_veh01 By /11_" ~~#-ZPY- ~~;; Poliee O.p.rtm.nt Oat. J . Sincerely, DAVID MAWHORTER PUBLIC S~FETY DIRECTOR .' .'. 212 North Fa rth Street, Stillwater, Minnesota 55082 PoI~ one: 812-43901314 nr R1".A.ta...1""" ~ March 24, 1989 Dear Mr. Russell: I am writing to you on behalf of Rivertown taxi, My company is asking the use of the building located at 823 S. 4th St. }s a dispatching office for my company, for the period of 4-1-89 thru 5-1-89 until the use permit can be approved by the city of Stillwater. At this time we have no plans on altering the structure of the building in any way, It will be used solely as a dispatching office during the hours of 5:00 a,m. and 2:00 a,m. seven days a week, We won't have more than 3 or 4 people in the building at anyone time, We will also have two cars parked on the property between the hours of 2 a.m. and 5 a,m. while we are closed one of which will be in- side and out of public view, If you have any other questions please feel free to call me at home, 4JO-0083 Sincerely yours ~:t~ Martin Withuski ,,,.__.__'C,^~'"_'"_.c_ ._ ~ . --- . .. illwater ~ - - ~ T H :-;-1 R T H P LAC E 0 F M INN E SOT A i) TO: Mayor and city Council FR: City Coordinator DA: March 23, 1989 RE: PARKS BUDGET AMENDMENT FOR FENCING During the budget process, the Parks Director requested $8,000 for fencing and a backstop for Bonse Ballfield (adjacent to O'Brien Field at Lily Lake). This request was not included in the original c/o request submitted to the Finance Director prior to the budget workshop with the Council. 'However, this request was included in the total c/o budget request submitted by Dick Blekum for the workshop held on September 15, 1988, My recollection, notes and copies of the Park Director's c/o requests indicates that the request for the fencing was approved either at the workshop on September 15, 1988 or at a subsequent meeting, I think whathi3.ppened is that.the budget worksheets were not adjusted to reflect the added request and the item was therefore not part of. the final budget document that was approved - even though it--was--approveaDy-th~'eouncil:----'.. -------- I think it would be appropriate to move to amend the final budget to include the request. I have checked with the Finance Director and she had included the request to be paid for from the c/o bond fund. ~A CITY HAll: 216 NORTH FOURTH STillWATER. MINNESOTA 55082 PHONE: 612-439-6121 . $.t.U-LUlcz);e-t. pcu.k.4 dp.t.. ~ ../U-4.-vJ-J I (~ v::tqll5:l~t~~) lq8q ca.,,'u:"a-L Ou..t../..a.lf OuAf7.eZ -teq.~a - -tecJ.w.ed bl.{ pcu.f:. bocu.d 8/17/88 .f. a ID e.U p aA.k. p-i.cn-ic iJ.M-L.t.e.e --- c/o ot..he.e (g.eYl.e-t.a1.) 2 d4-i.Yl.k-i.~ fo~a-i.Y1.4 p-La.'f~o~nd e.~~~eYl.t .t.e.YI.~ w-i.nd4C4ee~ ( $.t.ap-LeiJ. COU-t.t.4) .ee--LaJfl.p -L4-ht..4. a..t Nolr...t.h.t..and paA./~ .teYl.YI.-i4 c.t4.., hackelf 4-i.nk & ho44.e.4hoe. CO~4. --- fenc-i.~ G back.4i;op {04 !$OYl.4e. bd-Lt-i.e..l..d C10 auA:.oMo.t-i.Ue. !:-::o-:C / Ollf.ac-i.Yl.e4lf. -& .... e~pM e.rtt 4e.p-Lace. f).ohYl. 1)ee.t. .t.t.a.c.t.04 & 4ep-La.ce. 9o-td ~c.to-t--Loa.de-t r.:owe.-t. . . t.ot.wI. eopUa./. o~ --~60~ . ~616o" f? t? () () 'f'\ t.-- -' -;::;; b ~ (7 ~ ~-_...-- . $6,000.00 \ 1,800.00 7,000.00 1,000.00 , Iq,800.00 ~OO.V $ . 17;600.00 $0,00.00. $ 6,000.00 25',000.00 $11,000.00 9-oe-L .'<. f)-Le.k~ 5~pt.. pcu./~4. StU./../lJa.:te/r.. pz /r..k.~ D pt.. ~r~J~ ~ ~ ('~ To {;/s/t;-W~~ 1989 ca.pUaL ou.tJ...a.f./ bu.dq.et. /r..eq.u.ef - /r..evued blf pa/r..k co",,,,~.i.on 8/17/88 . 1.o/IJe./.../.. pcuk p.i.CnA..C ~he./..t.e/r.. C/O ot.hu (q.eYl.e/r..a..!..) 2 d/r...i.~~.i.~ fou.nta.i.n4 p./..alf<f/r..oIMtd. efZ,u..i.pr.tent t.e nn-U.. /IJ -i..nd.4C/r.. e e 11. - - - $6,000.00 1,800.00 l,OOO.OO 1,000.00 /r..e-./..a.mp ./...i.<fht4 at. NO/r..t.h.!..a.nd p k t.enni4 CO~, hockelf /r...(.nk & ho/r..~e4hoe CO~4 Iq,800.00 $29,600.00 t'1a.ch.i.Yl.e/r..f./ & eq,u..i.pm.ent -t.epdce tjohn. Deue Uac.to/r.. & O/IJU /r..ep./..a.ce 9o/r-d Uac.to/r..-./..oa.de/r.. ~ '] ot.a..!.. cap-Ua./.. ou.:t./..a.1f 6,000.00 -- ----------25",000.00 un $11,000.00 . 00 ) / ~. R. ri./..ekwt Supt.. plVr.Jr.4 . .I , " "'I.... . ~H~~te~ THE BIRTHPLACE OF MINNESOTA ~ TO: Mayor and City Council FR: City Coordinator DA: March 14, 1989 RE: EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENTS Accompanying this memo are the employment agreements for steve Russell and Dave Mawhorter. The agreements need to be amended to include the new work hours for exempt employees. The new work hours are 8:00 a.m. - 4:'30 p,m. (Article 3-1, page 3-1). ., Steve and Dave also are covered by the personnel policy and would receive certain other benefits or would be subject to certain provisions of the policy that are considered benefits suc:h as family care .leave, funeraLleave,parentaLleave and compensatory leave, Provisions for sick leave, vacation, severance pay, holidays ~ and insurance are specifically addressed in the employment agreements so the ,---- --"--agreements"Wouldcontrol; -"'Steve . and Dave-are --requestJ..ng-that-...t.heJ;e..agreement ~ be modified to include the same benefits that the other exempt employees receive (except that Steve would like to retain the language in his agreement pertaining to vacation). I would recommend that the City Council amend the employment agreements as follows: Stephen Russell Agreement 1. Duties, Amend 1.c. to read: c. Regular working hours for the EMPLOYEE shall be from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p,m., Monday through Friday (weekdays). Attendance at Council meetings will be required at the discretion of the EMPLOYER. Exhibit "A" 1. Sick Leave (I). Amend to read: . Employee shall receive sick leave according to Section 7-6 of the Policies and Procedures Manual date Novenmer 1, 1988. CITY HALL: 216 NORTH FOURTH STILLWATER, MINNESOTA 55082 PHONE: 612-439-6121 . ,. 2, Severance Pay (III). amend to read: Employee shall receive severance pay upon retirement due to age or physical disability according to Section 7-14 of the Policies and Procedures Manual dated November 1, 1988. 3. Holidays (IV). Amend to read: Employee shall be granted leave with regular pay for holidays according to Section 7 -4 of the Policies and Procedures Manual dated November 1, 1988. 4, Insurance (VII). Amend to read: Employee shall receive insurance coverage according to Article VIII of the Policies and Procedures Manual date November 1, 1988. David p, Mawhorter Agreement ..-...-- . 1. Exhibit "A" Duties. Amend l,c. to read: c, Regular working hours for the EMPLOYEE shall be from 8: 00 a.m. ..--..---to- 4: 30 up ,m" Monday -through"Friday.(weekdays).---HGwe.vel:',.-it is generally understood that due to the varied nature of patrol and administrative responsibilities the actual hours of work may vary from time to time. It is further understood that the EMPLOYEE will be available at all reasonable times to conduct police business of the City of Stillwater. Attendance at Council meetings will be required at the discretion of the EMPLOYER. 1. Sick Leave (I), Amend to read: Employee shall receive sick leave according to Section 7-6 of the Policies and Procedures Manual date November 1, 1988, 2. Vacation (II). Amend to read: Employee shall receive vacation leave according to Section 7-5 of the Policies and Procedures Manual date November 1, 1988. 3. Severance Pay (III). Amend to read: Employee shall receive severance pay upon retirement due to age or physical disability according to Section 7-14 of the policies and Procedures Manual dated November 1, 1988, 4. Holidays (IV). Amend to read: Employee shall b granted leave with regular pay for holidays according to Secti n 7-4 of the Policies and Procedures Manual dated November 1, 1988. 5. Insurance (VII). end to read: Employee shall rec ive insurance coverage according to Article VIII of the Policies d Procedures Manual date November 1, 1988. .... . CN'___._~ . 6TH DISTRICT, MINNESOTA WASHINGTON OFFICE: 414 CANNON HOUSE OFFICE BLDG. WASHINGTON, DC 20515 (202) 225-2271 DENNIS McGRANN ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT GERRY SIKORSKI WHIP AT LARGE . ENERGY AND COMMERCE ST OFFICE AND CIVIL SERVICE CHAIRMAN, HUMAN RESOURCES ~ongrt55 of tbt Wnittb ~tatt5 ~oU~t of l\tprt~tntatibt~ Rlasbtngton, 1D~ 20515 DISTRICT OFFICE: 8060 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NE. FRIDLEY. MN 55432-1862 (612) 780-5801 JUDY SANDERS DISTRICT DIRECTOR SELECT COMMITTEE ON CHILDREN, YOUTH. AND FAMILIES Ma r c h 21, 1 989 Mr. Wallace Abrahamson 216 North Fourth Street Stillwater, MN 55082 De a r Wa 1 1 ace : Thank you for contacting me regarding the location of a Visitor's Center in the Lower St. Croix. Stillwater's proximity to the Twin Cities and access to the St. Croix make it a logical choice for the location of a center. In addition, a Visitor's Center would complement the unique downtown area of the city we 1 1 . . ~ I have been working closely with Congressman Obey's office --.----arfci-wnh.Mf.:-To'ny-Ah de "rsO Ii "0 f'lne--N al'r6-haT-PcfI"K-SeYVrce:--ou r efforts are currently focused on obtaining the funds needed for the project and we are doing what is necessary to make the proposal a reality. . My f~ily and I have experienced firsthand the beauty of the Lower St. Croix since making our home here years ago. Today, the attractions of the area are being "discovered" by residents of Minnesota and Wisconsin and there is a growing need for a center to welcome visitors and inform them of all the area has to offer. Such a Visitor's Center will be a positive addition to the Lower St. Croix and the city of Stillwater. If you have any questions, please feel free contact me. GES:tb ~ THIS STATIONERY PRINTED ON PAPER MADE WITH RECYCLED FIBERS . March 22, 1989 Mr. Nile Kriesel City of Stillwater 216 North 4th Street Stillwater, MN 55082 Dear Nile, For the first time ever, 18 chambers of commerce representing almost 50 metropolitan communities have joined forces on a single issue of tremendous importance to business owners - property taxes. On April 4th, this group, known as the Metro Property Tax Coalition, is sponsoring a luncheon on this issue and the keynote speakers will be Senate Majority Leader Roger Moe and Speaker of the House Bob Vanasek. As you know, it is very difficult to obtain both of these individuals as speakers at the same time, particularly during the legislative session, so it is evident that we have their ~. attention. The next step is to present the position oUhe Coalition and the effects that increasing propertytaxeshaveon----------. Minnesota companies. ___e._Stillwater.Area~Cha01beLhaSJJeen.alloted.a.certain_numbeLo.1.seatsJOLttteJunche..olLalJd.J:d liKEUQ in'Lite-y.~tUJQjojD_lJS in representing your community. Again, the luncheon is Tuesday, April 4th and will be held at the Bloomington Marriott. Registration is at 11:30 with lunch served promptly at noon. Cost for the luncheon is $35 per person, with the additional funds beyond the cost of the lunch being used for the development of publicity and lobbying. After a great deal of research, the Coalition has determined that high property taxes is not only an area of concern to commerciaVindustrial property owners, but has had a significant impact on a number of homeowners as well. In addition, in this area, we are particularly vulnerable to the effects of high property taxes due to the aggressive business recruitment being done by our neighbor, Wisconsin. I hope that youor a representative from your city will be able to join us for this luncheon. Please call me as soon as possible if you are planning to attend so that I can secure the number of seats we will need. Reservations must be made by March 29th at the latest. Checks can be made payable to the Stillwater Area Chamber. High property iaxes is a very complex issue and it continues to be a senous problem for businesses in Minnesota. The fact that this Coalition has been formed is evidence of our commitment to working together for equity in the property tax system, and we are confident that we can make some strides toward doing that this session. Please call me with any questions or concerns at 439-7700. c . ~~~ 01{ #,q, Brick Alley Building. 423 So, Main Street. Stillwater, Minnesota 55082-5127 · (612) 439-7700 . ~iJ ~<lte~ THE BIRTHPLACE OF MINNESOTA ~ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL 17 STEVE RUSSELL, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR f~ MARCH 24, 1989 SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC ASSISTANCE. . Attached is a draft set of submittal requirements for private developers requesting City assistance. With this information it will be easier to evaluate the benefits of the project to the City and be more certain that the project is economically feasible The $3,000 application fee would cover City costs; i.e. Attorney, City Engi neer, and Pl anner for submittal review. This amount could be refunded if the City enters into an assistance agreement for the proposal. With Council approval of the submittal' requirements, they can be used for proposal assistance requests. . CITY HALL: 216 NORTH FOURTH STILLWATER, MINNESOTA 55082 PHONE: 612-439-6121 . . . REQUEST FROM CITY OF STILLWATER FOR PUBLIC ASSISTANCE FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT The following information is required to review requests for public assistance. All requests will be evaluated with the goals and objectives of the Development Program for the Development District, City Comprehensive Plan Policy, Zoning Requirements and Limitations Established by Minnesota Statutes 469.124 to 469.1345 and Sections 469.174 to 469.179. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 1. A completed application form and application fee. 2. Qualifications of developer, including prior experience in similar or other developments. Qualifications of principal member of development team, including the architect, construction company, and financial advisor. 3. Financial capability of developer, including anticipated public and private funding for the development project. 4. Site plan, schematics, and narrative describing location, type of development, scope, and size of proposed project. 5. Preliminary economic analysis showing existing taxes, future taxes, and source and use of funds. 6. Identification of public assistance being sought, i.e. land assembly, re 1 ocati on, demo 1 it i on, support ing parki ng facil iti es, beaut i fi cati on activities, etc. 7. A'planning and zoning analysis which identifies potential zoning changes or variances needed for the project. 8. Statement identifying the specific development objectives the project will address. 9. Developer's target dates for start and completion of the various phases of development, including completion of preliminary and final design. 10. A statement from the developer indicating their willingness to undertake the development of the proposed project if: a. A satisfactory agreement can be reached for the City's commitment for the requested public improvements; b. A satisfactory mortgage and equity financing for the proposed project can be secured; and c. The economic feasibility and soundness of the proposed project have been analyzed and confirmed to the satisfaction of the City and the developer. . 11. . ~ Statement of willingness of developer to enter into an agreement, after project planning has been completed, which would require developer to provide appropriate guarantees prior to the City's issuance of bonds or expenditures of funds to undertake public activity related to the proposed project. 12. Statement as to the willingness of developer to work with local owners or tenants who wish to remain in the project area as appropriate. 13. Any other pertinent data developer wishes to propose. APPLI CATION 1. Applicant a. Name b. Address c. Phone d. Authorized Representative e. Business Form (Partnership, Corporation, etc.) f. Date the Partnership or Corporation was formed. 2. Names and addresses of principal partners, major stockholders, etc. 3. Names, addresses, phone, and contact person for firms providing consulting services for the project. a. Architect/Engineering b. Financial c. Market d. Legal e. Other . 4. Financial History/References a. Have you applied for conventional financing for the project? List status and details. b. Have you or any of the principals in the project ever filed for bankruptcy? c. Have you or any of the principals ever defaulted on property taxes for property in the City of Stillwater? d. Are you or any of the principals currently delinquent on property taxes for property in the City of Stillwater? e. List three financial references. 5. A $3,000 application fee must be attached to the application. This fee is designed to cover the City's out-of-pocket costs associated with evaluating the proposal. Any portion of the fee not used will be refunded to the developer. If warranted by the complexity of the proposal, additional deposits may be required.