HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-01-10 CC Packet Special Meeting . . . /'r?~. January 6, 1989 M E M 0 TO: MAYOR AND COUNCI MARY LOU JOHNSON, CITY CLERK FRm~: SUBJECT: SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING, TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1989, 4:30 P.M. This memo is a reminder to Council that a Special Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 10, 1989 at 4:30 P.M. in the City Hall Counci 1 Chambers, 216 North Fourth Stieet, Stillwater, Minnesota to discuss the following: 1. Downtown Pl an Imp lement at ion. 2. Workshop - Possible Acquisition of Rivertown Commons by Washington Co. HRA. 3. Notice of Application for Dock Permit, (Dock Cafe} . 4. Any other business Council may wish to discuss. CITY HAll: 216 NORTH FOURTH STillWATER, MINNESOTA 55082 PHONE: 612-439.6121 . . . TO: ii1{\YOR l\ND CITY COU IL. r:: I STEVE RUSSELL, C ITY DE: \J[~ L DIRECTOR Dt\TE: ,]l\NUM.;Y 6, 1989 SU HOP ON PL~ l-\N I xr I ON Oct 23 the City Council approved Do own Plan Action Committee has and Cmnmittee established. Plan. Since that time, a and a Design Review Process the OVJll -~ J.l') nted At Oct er 23 Public Hearing, there [)ovntovm Capital Improvements and t various projects. Q i s c u s s -j 0 n )~ e c ornme n din 9 of TIF funds avan le I . pnaslng for the /,idS The pur S2 of this workshop is to go OV?f i s calle(J for" in the pl an, the tIll k"ing and to get Council direction on hat vlork program. more detail the various capita th went behind the recommen pr ects should be inc:lu din pr ph as "j n ~j the :L Repres atives from SEH and the City F nanCE Director will be the me 1n to present the information and cU:S\ller qL~sticns. I have included the implement ion section of the town Flan ich includes phasing and a led Dovmto\rm Capital Improvement en which vias used to velop the implement ion section. I have also in U G the streets and utilities part the plan that describes many the p ical conditions that need to r\TT NTS: Implementation Section - town P-an pend-ix - Capital Improven1:::'nts I)re Str s and utilities S ion of Dc Plan CiTY H;\LL: 216 ~JORTH FOUfriH STILl.WrlTE:: 11\j',c:SOT!\ 55082 PHONE: 612-4:'0(-)121 . . . c::-~ ,,~-J .0 (1) -~'..." C:) -:,.<-;, ..>_J ;,__ t.~ ...;-' f{') 1""'"- ~._ -''If :;:::l U .. 'f"-~ , , ....c,.' t:~- .,;:: 4- (iJ V,.. n~':S u') "~'... L,~ (~) r".- ~ C1~ "1'''''' (:~<j --- (D ~i-...) L~ r (1.) Cl ~n Ui ,- ::.) -j) ~fI-.~ .",::::J \,.;. en c CD ::.. r:: ~J) :~ -""{ c () -~...) u~B .... U Zl r"-: L.. ...1--' C) "+-~ ;!:: ::: ~:2 -", +.J ~... () ;"U I '.~' ,~"' ,;L I~) 2'L) ~~~ ::) o [\1 E~ '~'." (\J C)_ -4--' tJ) ::J (") (:~ In U) C'" L.~ N... i:zj ~,:; '-' ,.J,N,l ,,:) o. c ~D 'i"~' C) ~;~ ;'/') OJ C.l U t~j ,.t.,,) r,:,:': '.'1 ,,~ Q) CLl ~-!--, U (;.1 !~j (1) C) !...... ".~ (;,~- eu .~,::I v> CD C:-,l ~:; ~ c: Q) ~"'- ~"~ :?~ t) (~). ...[~ ,,~_ tl') ::~"' ::? cn 0) eLl u n b- fW Q) ",'~1 f(J ,4..) f1J -1;:;; 'f) (1) ':.1 t_ .,h CiJ o n:J .~.: .~.l ~..1 (/) (;) u tj'; r'~ .-1, C) ..-:.) F::~ ..{...J 1_ (\'1- Cl..<{... o f,~ C) c, .._. r.::: t!l ,('~ r-I if) ...;--> .,b.,) !J) r::::: c?,~ ;~:. oj ('i',J '*,~, )J<t I. .0_,..... t.l 0) c: C o _..f.-.J CD CD -0 ()) ~.::: f~'- k.. i;ij ,"1j t"1j o I E, U1 U) 0) I- en (;) I- 0. ,!") (1) ,1.-,) n:J [, ,.,.1 ~') nJ r,;: ~I""" rd f.t3 0"- E (-j f VI t,,") I ~~!:~ ~;:: '-) (/) +~ r.::: Q..l r:::.: ill ;". C) L_ et. f/") " C: (j"j ::1 (') c-d C) {/') L_ tl) 'j-'.~ (J rfS =3 /"'- :;." (.) (:5 c: U') .>w.. CJ (;:~i ~r'- "" -C, L,_ (t)~lJ u Ql trl ~j o rs L"," F (0- ton 1':1) (.,) OJ ~~ \lJ "L..t , ~("- ~~-'... ., ",""" () f'- ~2.'1 (;..'1 ),,~ c t!) ..;,~,.) C~. ,~:: 0 ,~,-) rd L_ et) 'U 1;, c: C) u I- I ,p ...." r../i ,...... L. Ij) r:: C) t"'~1 t-;_ "'~) .r..... ,~:'l a. cg ~J rtJ t:!J c: Q ";,,.} Vi r.: ,. c.J reS U r:J.. .tJ '!._ ::1 ,~._~ :i~ f\~ 0 ! C!1-1-,) (.} C) $..... ,.... L_ 'el 1-' Cl. 0.. r,:: (") ,:,,>,'1- I :.'-. ;;:: 00 r'~ t/1 o CD of._.> , , CD to _,l i.._) <lJ {\:::J (/) t;') ::., f.i') QJ U (iJ [:: QJ C) tr} 1',..1) v') r- ,.1 CL nJ c.: t;:5 ~~ ~S Cl. :...J ~}J U) t:: 0) 0) [" <: PRO J L~.I~j fl, CT I OtL2. RESPONSIBLE AGENCY EST. COST TIMING ZONING AMENDMENTS 1 pt Design Guidel lnes lnc.. bui lding height CC/CPC 1 0 Phase I Year T 1. - 1 1 2. Est , ish Des'ign Revi e\'1 Process CC/CPC 0 Phase I Year I i 3. !\dnp t N (:v" Znning Uoistrict a.. C0(11-."... -1 Business District (CSO) CC/CPC 0 Phase I Yea)' r l... I , v I 0. . 1 b. fJ 1,1 b 1 1C f\drnini strative Oistr.ict ( P f, \ CClCrC 0 Phase I Year J Cor f1arks c('cation and Upen Sp ace ( II \ CCjCi'CI UN1< U PII,lse 1 Ye ill , / d. Transportation, Uti 1 i Ues 0 Parking (TUP ) CC/CPC/ONR 0 Phase I Year I Gl t1 \,1,-,<' t Hi! 1 Residential Zonojng CC/CPC 0 Phase I Year I t. \1...,...... ... I:; /\dopt Over lay Land Use & Design Regu ' .L' CC/Cf)C 0 Phase I Year I --' . lilLions for special sites - 8 6. \,/1 se Parking Hequireme s. C 01111ne rei al District cClcrc 0 Phase I Year Residenti al District CCICPC 0 Phase I Year 1 7. p,c] 0 P t Demol . +- . Ordi nance 1,- 1 on OTHEf~ {l,CTI ONS 8. point Downtown Pl an I~ct ion Connni ttee CC 0 Phase I Year I 9. Deve iap and I leme.nt .Hi s t or i c Sui lding CC/HPC 0 Phase I Year T .J. 10. f:acade Ilnprovement/Loan .Prograrn HPC/CC 11 I lement Do\~ntov/n Spring C1 ean -Up Program eCI DTP AC/ CS 0 Phase T Year I 1 12. Purch ase 1'11, ,1 berr y Point Property CS NI~ 2 Phase I '(ear I ll, ~ 13. Study City/pr'ivate Ov.!n(~1r>snlp c Lift Sri dge CS/DTPI~e Nf\ Phase I Year'" I O.j PRIV,I\TE . . .' . . 14. relocation 2 North In of BN Switchina/Star --' priv e develop!nent e Yard -j 1::: .!.,J. 1 ~ ..l...\..-'.. town Historic Building Survey Opvclop Ph0se I rove~11e t Fi ancina oqram ( j I' ! 1- I: 01,'\ ~,' '. '\.,,'.'1 ,{ . :;eer< ~ornrnurrj'cJI sup ... Ii ",UH;. J. r'ovemenLS view new devel nt with Desigrl Guidelines n LOt'" lillplc:inentl1L on !-'Y'O~F'CSS Land Use/Design Stu for Site 7 (Aiple leased land) Land Use/Design Study for Site #8 (Kolliner Park) 1.7. 18. 1 0 .1..:;.. () ('l ,_v... 21. 22. i)TD fir ((',/('(' . II i\v/VJ vV DTP,L\C/CS CC ORC Nf\ /~c $18,5CO o u o U!i)f\C/C~;/CC DTPAC/CC $10,000 Phase I ONGOING Phase I Phase I filG ONGOING PHll,SE II PHr\SE II .r Year I Year T L Year I 1. City Council CC, City Planning Commiss OOwfltown Design Review Committee ORe, on CPC, ity Sta Down"towll Plan Actioll Cornmittee O-fPC, CS, and Department of Natural Resources 2. Cost not available at this time. OiP f1,C/CC $ 5,000 I -c o '.J <i"I C:;,'.C cd ~~J r,._ r<, (J) (0 y.: ~~;~J c' c ~.~ c: :) CJ u) ';::1 L. ..,..... ''t''- C Ci b NNr- ~.;~,) C) ~'"l ','"l <:J J c; ;::) ,- i::: ((;' ;:,J,~ f.l_.~ _.,~ . r;::( U Q) U"-;' v"i ~-, (0 ,,~ r-y CJ U 'It'._~ ~,._ r.: () lO <:) ,,~~,) .~''t F--< U ."..". ('C; ~/) {jJ ,-" QJ {.J ;J) ~~(D ro :.} IJ') t,i"} TJ' ~~"J R'~~;; () C r:: ::-.- cd ('"" 1.U (J} ..:::; ,," E::~J tl,-_. U L,,,, r,i ~. <tl CD "1...,,,) ,:1 U (.<) ,e +--> o (n ~j C) ;:;~ 6 ",;..~ c- o) ~,~ '::J .." if) rf1 ,.- V) ~lJ U 0) c: I Vl C (1) eLl U C:L I.... o. :::l r(l o Vl 0) QJ .:::: c:t::: -+.',) () .... o u "f"~ , r:: C:+_,~ D Cl. "Cl ~:: . ~" ~, .y.""", I Q)QJOJ r= ..1:= OJ 6u~.jJ U .jJ ('J 1- en CI) ._ Cl....Q o OJ .D ....;:l E OJ E .IJ rcJ :;;.. .;;:: QJ > ~ <of.:; ..c6~ <.) -1-' '0 '0 -<--'c C.l en -,- ...;:l .wCE CI)''- ~ (D 1_ 0 CI) v,a.) u l.... en OJ GJ ::J ~~J en c: III (.() C 6 l.... OJ (f) (1J I.... O. r.t) 1\:1 (1) en (tj _;4'" r... ~ CJ OJ C -c r::: L. 3'; ~ -1-' it) o (1):-.l l.- I;- C: ..a '+- ::~) c: OJ rcJ ."'" l(j o. ~, CJ o I.. "0 .- U E ..~ c') r= t- .,.- Cd f.f.-_ ("~') Vl .;...> rJ C CJ Et/) CL..f-' o C ~w OJ QJ r- (lj (JJ C.JC.J -+-' _0 ..[,~) or- 0 t-- ~ ~ 0-0 (.,) C p_' ra Vl c: L. ~ 'r- ('0 Q) Oc: Q) D~"_~ -'0 "t'~ ~ (/') .+-J C <: .;~ :o~ 0) ~ ~.::l ~ C..: '-.. c: ~ -l..J :5..Q 1(;) ro OJ C ,"'- 1':-:: l.... ..:: Ll. ci3 0 6 E ~ ~- a.Cl 0 ~~ g. g- L- rcJ ~; E Vl OJ 4- .... ~ ...,.) V) 'o~'; r.: ~ (/') C 0 (- r0 ~ OJ........ W .- '-' ~ Q. o."IT5<UO .~ \ ~ L. tt> Q) ::J a c el- l.!-. <:D g- GJ. e!.l (.) Vl 'r- l.... Vl '-, 1- cu (J.J ,-(J.J:>,OJE;..>-J o ?"'.jJ OJ Q) V) C ,;) .......p L. r: c: .p 5::: wedk: (""(1 (.') 1= r- Q) ~ :..~. () E:.PI",,~>c~l... 0.060(\:1....... ~~ t",.. Q) U u.r.::. -0 wc C.J E E: en rt) _Y. s_ U) I'J) c(~) rt;l - ..1,_' . I.... oCL. L_ C,) ~> LIl CJ 0_ C'~ <;{ C;~.:;~:E:::Je: _", (:J -r- ~r- c: r >- o. rt) Cl ~~ C ~._ ill ;"" '\- i'd r'"'- 01 ~ -<..l c..) ,,;.J CJ ;?.1"- tI) L. ~ ~;: g- g;:: ~::: ~) t.J ,....-- (}) 0) C ....~ :> _~o 0) .p .C) '1:::1 CJ .~~ r~- ;:::.) q} QJ c:; .j..) 0 ..z~,) E C_. L 0.'-'" o.n 0 (/) y~ '1- ); ''- ~~ C) f::: co:: w (.) 8 f(j :~~ o,~ ',i. ~ cn _ .::': t:; ClJ' Vl (~ ~ U ,1....) C_ r;:( .,.- C) (:j ~~~~;~~: U~~~~(;'E o 1... C () (1,) .,9.'J) Cl. """"" r- ' 6 .~~ ~~) ~J) C'}) ~-) c':.: ..,...... e-: c o f:','': ~._ ;'.<':t o U ..t.J 2; Cl ".." (.1') W cd Q:3'O OJ ,.... IV o :> b_ (.{-.- CJ J.:l 0 U QJ .c: C) }- L (J) ...r:::. c: 4--' {(J r"') .r."'" ,'- I':~ CL ":-.~ ob r'- --i-..J <tl OJ )':: ""Q en ::so OJ Cl. L Q.. .IJ >-, .;..> r.: VI n:i +.J Ec: QJ 0) E OJ ...;..J: > WI.-f: ~:; 0 a. '+- E: ....... 'r- @ 6 <...> VI CI) OJ u<tl 0-'-' 2i. 0_ ro ,oj ;~) c: L> I/l 01 0..-_ IJ) tFl .;;:: OJ *",.) U u C.l ~;~J <i) l-:;3 (I") c: a ~ OJ ,,, .r.:; C) if) .j.J U ~l--~) QJ 0 CJ fd r.r.2l ~,....^J :::; U ~. -0 '+_ ~ .,'- OJ tJ) ...u "'B (J.) i5. CI) .J,~) ~: I/l C' r.:1 1.... CJ) -r"- 0';"> 1.... I./l ~-' c: QJ E !,/) '- OJ OJ > r- o 4--' c... 1:-'1.. L.. EO -r- 4- (I.) ./..:1 .1-' r::1 CJ --C, O. I.. v, 0 CLlCl I.. U C (!) (!) OJ I." rO.;;::.;;::.r.::..p -,--' t--l- 0 E o , '" ','_a Q- CQ) >r.: 1- 3: 0) 0 t/) ~J (1) c: r_ '::;- C1.. 0 -0 ~... 6 ..p r:: -. 2; o c -g .3 '\,'1 Cll rO ~ ::1 r:: r<::\ .0 ....J r- 1.- cO)QL. 00C3-0 u,~J,..) tIl W t/"l U'l <n l.... o .- OJ In N ~ P r,:l 0-- OJ U (!) L. r.: .:::::. ('.:$ o -+-' ..;.> 0 <1.:5 Cd *,J =B > I.... (')VlVl If) (!) ()) (,) L L :3 C) Vl (l) t_ 0.. C-.: o OJ .~-.. en .f-J (1:1 n:l ~ ..[.., c L CD-1- WEL. :CC.JO ~ +> (l,) Cl.. Ii"l ~: ,S .c: . >-, W C1- > I.-C ::1 reI <flU t')) .,~,~) C cd ..c ...~,~'" (,)--/-" t..J r:j OJ:::' U'l I.- 1'0 CA... (t) l~_ o. VI t \ ..{.."l C 1._ ,'--,e 4.. ~~ ilJ I... c: (;) . "'-' >') C..l.. ~~ ,.......,. 1._ ..... C UJ r:: 0 U? OJ ~l) t_ ~_, t.. t_ 0.. ::"J (J U i:.: r:: (Ll -... It) ~m r;) OJ ..;.J c: ;Z o Cl U (.'1.. . o ~l .r..J Co ,.-' ...... ,-- ~ :~":~ \ f\:S h~~ \6 L>. g. U .::.., v1 -,," oJ <f- t..", .r- (,) . .."..... -? '0> \."- . ?~ 1\.. The previous town Plan sections on Ur an Design, Parking, Streets a Utilities scribe mprovements necessary to achieve the plan. For exa.mple, the Urban Design section describes improvements to the appearance of Downtown Streetscapes, the Parking Section describes the reconfi gura t i on of parking lots, and the Uti 1 it i es Sect ion calls for the replacement of sewer and water mains. To better understand v/hat is required to implement the plan, th1ssprt1on dp~rrihps pach project call~d for in the plan. The Capital Improvement Program is surrmarized in Table The program lists projects in sequence of implementation, classifies the type of project study, deslgn or construc- t; 0 n, est i ma t e s pro j e c t cost and 1 i 5 t S po S sib 1 e sou r c e s 0 f funds. Projects ure listed us Philse I, Pllllse II, Phase III or Special Projects. Phase I projects are assigned a year, 1-2 or 3-4, representing the year of implementation. Phase II, Phase III and Special Projects are not assigned a speci- fic irnplernentation r because a long-terrn financing plan has not been developed and fund'ing sources ha.ve not been fully explored. In developing the implementation program, certa'in defini- tions and assumptions were used regarding project timing, costs, staging, phasing and funding. The definitions and assumptions are listed below. Tim1 n9. The t imi n9 sequence of improvements is a "bes t es tima te" knowing what sources of funds are available and the need for Downtown improvements. Other factors, beyond the control of the City, can affect project construction scheduling. Factors such as availabilHy from outside aoencies or corrmunity groups, final dec"ision on location and~timing of construction of the Highway 36 Bridge, the City purchase . . .' . --- s~rIrJr!~':rA~rEJ1 A}OWi'rI~OT{I~ CI?.l-;I~rUL It~iP!lOVB#rEl\{~r HORK TASK CLASS . PIU\SING COST EST ., POTEN'rnu, FUNDING sounCES 1 ) DEVELOP FIlRlGNG HANAGEHENT PLAN 2) DEFII'iE 1:~UTUIlE Pllill{Il{G FTNi\NC:rNG I'I,j\N :1 ) H!\TLfWJ\D 1'Hl\CKI\GS Cr,EI\NliP PEDESTltIAN CROSSING 4) GENER1\I~E ~rOPOGRliPl{IC MAPS AREA 1 AND AREA 2 5) I cPv~TC~L (TV) IM~PF~TTONr .......1.4.!.J___ t"" \...... Alu ~V.A...c.. OF DOWNTOWN SEWERS 6) REFINE STREETSCAPE ELEMENT SECTION 7) UIPLEMENT LOvlELL PARK IMPROVEMENTS (MYRTLE TO NELSON) B) H1PLEPiENl' Pl\RKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS AREA 1 " , :.~ ) nUT.IhTF: PURCH1\SE OF r-Hn,BERRY POINT PHOPEH:l'Y 10) DESIGN AREA 6 STREETS CAPE s s s s s s e c S D I YR 1-2 5,000 4,900 2,600 12,000 20,000 9,100 472,200 87,000 4,000 5 r 9()O PHASE I, YR 1-2 SUBTOTALS 622,700 I YR 1-2 I YR 1-2 I YR 1-2 I YR 1-2 I YR 1-2 I YR 1-2 .i. YR 1-2 I YH 1-2 I vn ., ""} .....l.i.. ..4,.-k GOB, PAD, RB, GF, TIF, ASS/Ue l\SS/UC GOD, PAD, RB, GF, TIFf GF, rrIF' ~rIF f GF 'rIF, GF TIF, GF TIF, GF, GOB, LAW TIF, GFr PAD, RB rpT'~' ......!i..~ , GF, L 11l~1 1'iIF, Gl;-' STILLWATER DOWNTOWN CAPTlfili IMPROVB1illiT 1hf'{) ~t it -r 1\ ~.';I{ 11) IMPLEMENT AREA 2 STREETSCl\"PE 1 '} \ -LL.J H1PLENEN'f "DOCKING PLAZA" JNPROUF"MEN'r~ c 13) IHPLEHENT "\.JPl.TER STREET" IHPROVENENTS 14) IMPLEMENT AREA 2 PARKING LOT IMPHOVEMENTS 15) IHPLEHENT "v1AHDEN! S :HOUSE!1 RETIlINING i.Jl1LL 16) INPLENErrr" COl>IHERCIl'.L PLAZA" IHPIWVI1ENTS 17) DEVELOP MULBERRY POINT TOPOGRAPHICAL MAPS CI.lU.H; ]t]~J\1:;.1.N(; CW;T l;."l'......".~ ...5. I Y'J 2-3 126, 000 h I YR 2-3 100, 000 .,. YR 2-3 I 395, 800 ..... I YR 2-3 40, 500 T YR 2-3 18, 750 -'- c c c r< v c y ..... YH 2-3 150,000 ~~ ;:) ... .1.. YR 2-3 6,400 $ 837,450 PHASE I, YR 2-3 SUBTOTAL 299,000 18) IMPLEMENT MULBERRY POINT IMPROVMENTS 10' ..J ) IMPLEMENT AREA 4 PARKING LOT IMPROVENENTS 20) IMPLEMENT MULBERRY BOULEVARD IMPROVEHENTS 21) HIPLENENT "N.ARINA PLAZA" 22) TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS FOR AREA 5 . C II C II C II C II S II . 104,900 , 184,300 150,900 14,100 l\I. FUND NG TIF, GOB, RB, ASS/OC, S 11]1' D TIF, LAH TIF, GOB, SWTD, ASS/UC, SCDBG TIFF, DAD, RD, GOB, ASS/UC MSA, GF, TIF, GOB TIF, ASS/UC, GF TIF, GF TIF, LMJ, GOB TIF, PAD, RB, GF TIF, GOB, SVJTD, ASS/UC TIF, GOB, ASS/UC TIF, GOB .' . f;*I~.I r..I..t-lli~r l~:!t r;()lfIl'~~r()h!f': f:n ~.~ .,r .~"J\ 1".. ~:'J;O HIe 1~ AS!{ CI.2i1SS . l-::I-filsrr..IG ,cos~r ~-:ST .. ~p(JTriEI'rTIAr~ FUNIJli'2G SOUItCES TIFf MSA, SWTD, ASS/UC, Ir'1PLEl'1Er,~lr TiREA 5 IJ>iPRO\lE:r"1EJ:'{TS " .~ \ .r.'", J IMPLEMENT AREA 5 PARKING LOT Il1PROVEMENTS 25) IMPLEMENT AREA 6 IMPROVEMENTS 26) IMPLEMENT MARINA ACCESS ROAD It1r)ROVE:.'iE!~11S 27) GENERATE TOPOGR11PHICliL HAPS nm::r. 7 28) IMPLEMENT AREA 7 IMPROVEMENTS 29) DEVELOP TOPOG.RllPHICAL NliPS KOLLINER PARK & AIPLE PROPERTY 30) IMPLEMENT AIPLE PROPERTY IMPROVEHEN'l'S 31) IMPLENEi:iT KOLLI.NER PARl\: IHPROVE~'lENTS 32) RE-EVli.LUA'I'E priRKING DEHlu.m (A.S NEEDED) 33) D1PLEi'1EN'l''' OVERLOOK PLn.Zll" c c D C s c s c. ro v s c II II II II 1,750,100 66,300 67,800 95,300 SUBTOTAL $2,732,700 III III 45,000 2,305,120 SUBTOTAL $2,350,120 III III III III SPEC PROJ N/l\ N/A N/A N/A 11'1,900 GOB TIF, PAD, RD, GF TIF, 115A, GF TIF, GOB, ASS/DC TIF, GOB, GF mT~' ..l ~....",- MSA, PAD, SWTD, ASS/DC, GOB TIF, GOB, LI'iW TIF, GOB, LAW, GF TIF, GOB, LAW, GF TIF, GOB, LAW, GF '1'lF, LAIi] s~rILI~i;JliTER DO\t~l\t~.rOS~~I Clll~ItrfiI.t Il1PRO'rE}"iEJ,rl~ ~'il () I~JC ~r Ii S l( CU\SS }l)llri~)I!'IG COST EST POTEN"TIiH.. FtJ1lfDING sounCES TIF, LAH 34) HIPLEHENT "PIONEER PARK PLAZA" 35) INPLEMENT "LOHELL PLAZA" 36) IMPLEtmNT "MILL PLAZA" C 99,800 TIF, LAW TIF, LAH TIF, LAW 37) Il1PLEr1ENT "HISTORIC PLAZA" 38) IMPLEMENT 2ND & OLIVE PARKING R.ANP 39) INPI,EMENT" GRl'ilW GP,RAGE" PEDESTltIl\.N Hl\Y 40) IMPLEMENT WATERFRONT LEVEE INPROVEMENTS CLASSIFICATION S == STUDY D == DESIGN C == CONSTRUCTION . SPEC PROJ c SPEC PHOJ 101,500 C SPEC PROJ 162,300 c SPEC PROJ I 104,600 c SPEC PROJ 2,052,000 c SPEC PROJ 157,300 c SPEC PHOJ 638,900 FUNDING SOURCE ABBREVIATIONS GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS == TAX INCREMENT BONDING == STORM SEWER TAXING DISTRICT == ASSESSMENT/USER CHARGES == SPECI~L LEGISLATIVE APPL. == ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMIN. == SMALL CITIES DEV. BLOCK GRANT = LAvlCON == FARMEHS HONE ADMINISTHATION == PARKING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT == PF;.RKING RAB? REVENUE BONDS == TIF, PAD, RB, GF, GOB, ASS/UC TIF, GOB, GF, ASS/UC TIF, EOA, LAW, GOB, SPA, GF GOB TIF S~'JTD ASS/UC SLA EDT\. SCDBe LAI.J FHA PAD RB METER REVENUE DONpS = RO MUNICIPAL STATE AID == MSA CITY GENERAL FUND/TAX LEVY = GF . .' . . ., of property for public improvements at MUlberry Point, and parking structur'e, North Main Street Private Development timing, and results of sewer inspection, all could affect project implementation timing. Public Improvement Areas To help describe capital improvement, the Downtown Planning Area is separated in ten pub 1 i C improvement di stri cts, as shown on Figure The districts were defined based on physical features such as the river, major streets or pnrkinn 101;$ and tyre of propo:)oc! improvements. The size of the districts is manageable In tenns of construction acti- vity and financing. Projects as described in tile Capital Improvements program generally proceed from District 1 through District 10. Stages of Construction Capital improvement projects are implemented over a two-year period. First-year tasks include development of concept, feasibility, design and financing followed by construction. The stages of project implementation of Capital Improvement Projects are described below. Concept - In concept stage alternative solutions are iden- tified and evaluated for consistency with the Downtown Plan Goals and Objectives and Design Concepts and Guidelines. Feasibility - During feasibility, pros and cons and costs and findings are refined, the feasibility study provides details sufficient to allow se1ection of a specific alter- native. Design stage. specific duling. - Detailed plans are prepared during the design These details include technical specifications and information on consfruction sequenCing and sche- @ Implementation Pllase Imp!ementation Phase Boundary @ Private Development Site ~.'" y",-. (\) ..... "'-" . ,. '. ~. ~,..... ~~',.., ~, ""'- .........."'-i.;:,. '" .~"". . ST. CROIX HIVER ., 'j,/.>\: /'.,/, ' 1(./""; ~~(: );$, ~('~,l J"........ !.1{ / :.,,/I:'(;)// .. .:'. $0"'//..? "'.; v. ( !}.'.... ;' ...' 11;,1 i' 1,/ .. , I;,' '. , !,' /,' 9 t 1,.1 " , ;111..CJ D... .R 0 d I~ 1 uO "t~ [J l:IO CJ l-_..~.._n_~ .- _"_ I n } n..lO l Tall1l ! ,snO((1 1 I I '-:::::r 1--' ----:.......~i 1II1111 ~ ~ '''.\W r __.._J III ~~T 1"'''Al/t.-TV-q nO\7il1\.Tnr110~lITl~..,T ~~.. ,"f;"'-T i! _~ ~1.~~~~: ~{::~A ~~~JU'~~~~._~~ I'~ _.3: . ~l~ ~, -~ ~",.. -- ~- --.- "" ~. """'--~-~~ - ,",,"",,-- ---- ...-..-~-~ ". ---~_.~-""......-._----- ,---~- ~---~ .-.~ Rgure Implementation Phasing . . Financing - The financing program provides the fiscal tools necessar~ to implement the project in the following year. Construction - Construction wi 11 vary depending on vlOrk task. For example, implementation of the parking management plan limy result in better si\lning of short-term and 10ng- term areas and opening pr1vate spaces to the pub11c. 1.1 a In Street streetscape improvements caul d i nei ude constructi on of sidewalks, curbs, gutters, pedestrian streetlights and replacement of underground water and sewer lines. ., PART 3: COSTS The Capital Improvement costs in Table are based on reasonable cost for construction of the design concept con- tained in the Downtown Plan, using 1988 dollars. The figures include engineering, administrative and legal costs. The costs do not reflect land acquisition costs, financing or .i nterest charges, special permi t studi es such as eovi ron- mental impact statements or outside funding by other public or private organizations. Funding Funding options are as varied as the types of improvements. Each funding source has guidel ines that dictate what pro- jects can be funded. Funding for selected types of improve- ment projects is listed below: Tax Increment Financing - Public improvementl1and acquisi- tion. LAWCON Grant Program - Park and Recreation Facilities. Special Assessments - Construction and maintenance of public improvements, i.e., parking/streetscaping/utilities. Parking Revenue District - Surface or structural parking. Since funding techniques may vary from year to year and pro- ject to project, a detailed funding strategy has not been developed, but will be a part of project implementation planning. Because of its importance to downtown improvement project funding, the Downtown Redevelopment District and tax increment financing is described separately. . . .' . . ., Financing Plan for Downtown Improvements One of the first year tasks for the Downtown Plan Action Corrmittee is to develop a long-range financial plan for capital improvements. Besides Tax Increment Financing there are several state and federal sources that should be explored. Approval of the Downtown Plan w111 make it easier to approach these agencies with specific ideas and requests for assistance. There are several major, local foundations that may be interested in assisting the City. The record of civic organizations is good regarding beautification of the Downtown. Lowell Park was or; 9; na 11y donated and improved by a 1 oca 1 bus i nessman, and Ko 11 i ner Park for years was maintained by the American Legion. This tradition can again be called upon by the DTAC to help improve the Downtown. In developIng u long-term financial pldfl. the foliovilng guidelines should be followed: o Seek widespread, corrrnunity support and i nvol vernent in the design, financing and construction of Downtown improvements. o Maximize the effect of City improvements by coor- dinating them with private development and other public actions. o Relate costs of capital projects to benefits or service provided. o Obtain maximum state, federal, private and nonprofit organization assistance. Tax Increment Financing The need for Downtown improvements has long been recognized by the City. In 1985, the City' established a Scattered Site Tax Increment Financing District to help provide funds for redeveloping Downtown. The Scattered Site District includes ~- parts of the Sti 1 h'iater Industrial Park and most of the Downtown Planning Area. Designated scattered sites located within the district produce tax increment that can be used for redevelopment purposes. Map shows the Downtown District Area and scattered site parcels. Tax increment from the District started coming to the City in 1986. Since that time, $232,477 has been received. Tax increment funds can be used for pub 11 c improvements i.e., streets, sanitary sewers, water mains, sidewalks, parks, ["larking lots and public pla7as, li1l1rl i1cqlJisition i'lnrl site preparation. Tax increment that can be expected for the 1989 - 2010 period is estimated below. Reflecting recent construction trends, the increment will increase 90 percent between 1989 and 1990. Based on current planning approval and develop- ment plans, tax increment can be expected to increase in future years. The long-term financial plan can estimate future new increment and plan accordingly. ESTIMATED TAX nICRH~ENT FOR SCATTERED SITE DISTRICT 1989-2010 1989 1990 1991 1992 - 2010 AMOUNT $ 193.571 370.000 370.000 7,100,000 Tax increment can support a certain level of bonded debt. A conservative estimate of supportable bond debt based on existing construction and tax increment indicates that $2,150,000 could be available to finance downtown improve- ments in 1990 using a ten-year'bond according to the figure below. . . .' . . \ / ! f -~~~l 12 IS'DOl ~ 1S'1:l1!l'iM - FEl EEl n . E~ l-=EJ L~ \ -l --- Y-ll' ~ ++,-..-1; - 1. ,~--- ~--+- ~ . ... ~..u_.._.._._..~_ :_..! ..:-.1 3 .! - ,,"'0 ~ ~ ~ ~'d=;T, I~-! ~j ~ ~~mirn8' IS 1I1Nj<::::t.C I '0'~ ~}~irn,~, IS ~ll.l::lq"t I EJ ~[Qo-.- .-i . ~ ffi _'_;; i b , ~ _~ ~ i ,,~ 1- ~~=- i -t- rr n r~ .~.~. i-, - r .. mi 18 N:kJ1\f1 I ITIJID! [[WI ~! ,,,- B ~I r.._.._..dJ \ /..,. i / ~. : /II~~ I -....1 '" Q .;;: B- o <l: ~ "- ~ ~ c: ! i r-- . ;;: ~ I .~ -! -. C/) Q) () ... (\J c.. Q) ..... en -0 Q) ... Q) .- .- ('iJ () en ;:~ ~i- '" ~ z < ~ Z ~ ~ Z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ io-l( ~ Wi . ~ aJ 1 <i- OX .0 E 0 _c::. 0 W "'Cl u I/) <r- aJ.4-l COW ;::I \.... .,... c::: _0 0 <i- 1-< U') 0'1 UaJ aJ ZW ^ ^ -0 e:: ;::l ::- _"'-I :::s aJ 0 Or--.o ..,'~O 0 U ~N 0 e:: -0 ~ 'r- e:: lO ltl 0 c en resl1.. ~ U...... N I- iA- c: res en I/) ..- c: ~- ~ ttl 0....... .4-l '-, 0::: .- I/) ...... .-4e:;; .1::. ltl .... ~ w.J U.,... X W I- !;:l- NM :::J U (1) -' C/) "N E c: 0;:') ...., e;: ,.., 4D ttl<i- ~ to I- "'.;:: ... .. I/) c: 0 I- ZtJ.J _N ltl ..- 0::%1- ;,:::) >- <i- aJ 0-% 0 I/) Q,.. W ...". L(') ~\.... :::J 0..1-~ ~.... "'Clltl :::;:l%W e::a>aJlI'l (.I? UJ a=: o >,.1::."'" % ,,-' .o1.4-lC 1-0..% -i-J OJ roo,- l- V) OlE . W-S ro l- e:: O..l oW~ O).r-~r- > :;... >-, <i- -0 0 OUJI- I l- I... WO >-,aJ ltl Q. 0 W ...., ..c: enE % C!1 I- ~""'" c::1- aJ'r- 0%1-4 o ti~_ OJ I- Q;;1-,,", .-Ie::: :3= l- I- w ...., . I/) 0 0,,",0 ~i- aJ c:'+- w_W U') 0 ltl"- 0 I-~~ "'- IX Ntn .0 ..... en :$WW 1-< -- res-i-J c: ...... I- ZW .. .. 01""- ttl',.- _ :x:: I- :;::) ::- _N c:: 'r- "'Cl "0 ...-...-< 0 I'd c:: c: ""_U ~O I/) :> aJ 0 U.l j;':; V') <.... => ro ED . I .J \ ., . . .' PART 4: PHASING .c- Proper phasing of improvements maXlmlzes funding and timing opportunities and provides maximum benefit to the eorrrnunity. In developing the capital improvement phasing sequence, an approach was. taken that begins with small scale higher qua 1 ity improvements and gradually increases the sea 1 e to gain credibility for the Downtown Improvement Program and to proceed generally from south to north with emphasis on improvements that will promote north/south and I~ain Street pedestrian movement, create a sense of open access to the river and address specific needs of localized developments (i.e., streetscape and utilities) while creating a homoge- neous downtown concept. Practical factors that were taken into consideration when phasing improvements include: ^ maximum of $1,300,000 of TIF 1s available for first phase improvements, Certa in ut i1 it i es improvements such as 1 i ght i ng and streetscape should occur simultaneously whenever possible to control costs and minimize disruption, Improvements in the right-of-way along North Main Street will react to private development as called for, Special projects can occur at anytime, dependent on availability of funds, Main Street reconstruction between Nelson and Chestnut must be delayed until new Highway 36 Bridge is constructed, ~laximum benefits should be achieved by leveraging for City funds with private projects. With that information, projects were included in Phase I, II or III implementation sequence. Special projects were placed in their own category and could occur with any phase. Phase I year 1 and 2 improvements listed below include improvements to Lowell Park and the parking area between the railroad tracks and Lowell Park, parking management and financing plans, sewer line inspection, streetscape refine- ments and railroad cleanup. The total cost of Phase I year 1 and 2 activities is $622,700. With minor reductions, this is within the estimated TIF revenues available. Surveys/Studies ($ 57,600) o Study and recommendation for railroad trackage cleanup and pedestrian crossings 2,000 o Generate topographIc lIlopS ror Improvement district 1 and 2 12,000 o Physical inspection of downtown sewers 20,000 o Refine streetscape design elements section 9,100 o Develop parking management plan 5,000 o Develop future parking financial plan 4,900 Design ($ 5,900) o Design improvement district #6 streetscape 5,900 Construction/Implementation ($559,200) o Construct Lowell Park Improvements $472,200 o Construct parking lot improvements for District #1 87,000 . . .' . . . C:Vl .U(lJ ''- ..j....> Vl CV.o Oro.o .:><: N',,- roLo ;; en ~ U .I-J 3:C:0.~ .:;,c. en "0 "0 Cl.lLc (lJ ..c:; ro.,- Vl.I-J 4-'o.y-4-'u -u U (lJ ......oCl.lo.. 2 Cl.lu...-,x Cl.l::: 2QJ .--......uo. Q.. (/) c: QJ E ro ..- .0 OL ro UCJr--"- ......roUe Vl rd '''- cv rd 4-':::;::~5;-u c: cv ~ gEU cv ..... E c > 4-' 0 rd ouU L:::::l VI o.I-CV4-' E.I->..c:; ~ Vl 4-' E c: Cl.l .q B U >. e 0 COO-l-> rd L'.... -0:>' Q.."'" C c..o4-'ErdCl) rei cv ..... .I-J +.> NCV e M L....... (lJ C u4-'...... E.,..... cr..n.......(lJ.c. Lrd .-+.> rei -0 0...,.... CV......LcE3: >. cv rd'P- Vl4-' -0 .......4-'~....... Q) u............. (lJ-I-> ..c:Q) ClJ L en (I) .I-J .-- Vl -1--' C Vl 0.. rdVlOrd E ..c:;...-.--..c::co 0... 0 rd 0........ U Vl L rd ClJ E>' rdc LClJ Olcu 0-1-> 1....4- 0..,.... 4- I Vl EQ) 0'.... C U4-'O 0).,-..,.- L>-'-' .,.- Co. l/)4-'C U"O rd~ :;:EC rd ~ L~ ~Olc... 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ClJE r..n .,.... o o Study city/private ownership and operation of lift bridge o Explore relocation switching/storage yard of Burlington Northern o Assist downtown business and organizations develop pro- motional program o Participate with National Park Service to find location for LOWPf ~t. rrn1x V151tor Center o Evaluate downtown visitor center locations o Coordinate the development and design for Phase I capi- tal improvements (e.g., Lowell Park, Nelson Street, Streetscape design elements) . . .' ~ ",. '/ . . . APPENDIX STILLWATER, MINNESOTA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Ger:eral Wi~h the adoption of the Downtown Plan, the City moves into the implementation phase of Downtown Plcnnir:g. The implementation phase is more action oriented which involves continual reassessment of financial, physical, and political limitations and opport::.mi ties. It will be the responsibility of the Dmmtown Plan Action Committee, City Council, and staff to monitor progress on plan implementation and revise the plan to response to ch~ngingconditions. ~tal Improvement Program The previous Downtown Plan sections on Urban Design, Parking and Utilities describe irrprovements necessary to achieve the plan. For example, the Urban Design section describes irr-provements to the appearance of Downtown S~reetscapes, the Parking Section describes the reconfiguration'of parking lots and the Utilities Secticn calls for the replacement of sewer and wcter mains. To better understand what is required to implement the plan, this appendix describes each project called for in the plan. T:--,e C::..pi tal Improvement Program is summarized in Cepit::..l Improvement Table. The program lists projects in sequence of implementation, classifies the type of project study, design, or construction, and estimates project cost. p:'oj e::ts are listed as Phase I, Phase II, Phase III, or Special Projects. Phase I projects represent immediate action 1 to 4 years. Phase II represents mid-term action 4 to 8 years. Phase III represents longer term action 8 to 15 years. In developing the implementation program, certain c3fir:i tions and assumptions were used regarding project timing, costs, staging, phasing, and funding. The definitions and assumptions are listed in the following. . Ti::ling. The tim"ng sequence of improvements is a "best estimate" nowing what sources of funds are available and th need for downtown improvements. Other factors, b yond the control of the City, can effect proj ect onstruction scheduling. Factors such as funding vailability from outside agencies o=- community gr ups, final decision on location aEd timing of construction of the Highway 36 B=-idge, the Cit purchase of property for public ir:provements 0 Mulberry Point and parking structure, Nort Main street Private Development ti.ming, results of sewer inspection study, all cJuld effect pr ject implementation timing. P~blic Areas. To help describe capital improve ent, the Downtown Planning Area is ssparated in ni e public improvement districts, as shown on map The districts were defined based on physi features such as the river, rrajorstreets or parking lots and types of improvements c lIed for. The size of the districts are m nageable in terms of construction activity and fi ancing. Projects as described in the Capital Imp ovements program generally proceed from district 1 through district 9. . sta es of Co proj ects are i ?irst year tas feasibility, d construction. i.mplementation f described below. Capital improvement plernented over a two year period. s include development of concept, sign, and financing followed by The stages of project Capital Improvement Projects are Concept solutions consistenc Objective Guideline . In concept stage alternative are identified and evaluated for with the Downtown Plan Goals and and Design Concepts and Feasibili cons and feasibili to allow -. During feasibility pros and osts and findings are refine, the y study provides details sufficient election of a specific alternative. . Design - Detailed plans are prepared during the desi stage. These details include . . . technical information scheduling. and specific sequencing and specifications on construction Financing The financing program provides the fiscal tools necessary to implement the project in the following year. Construction - Construction will vary depending on work task. For example, implementation of the parking management plan may result in better signing of short term and long term areas and opening private spaces to the public. Main street streetscape improvements could include construction of sidewalks, curbs, gutters, pedestrian street lights, and replacement of underground water and sewer lines. Costs. The Capital IQprovement costs in the attached Stillwater Downtown Capital Improvement Program Table are based on reasonable cost for construction of the design concept contained in the Downtown Plan, using 1988 dollars. The figures include engineering, administrative and legal costs. The costs do not reflect land acquisition costs, financing, or interest charges. Special permit' studies such as environmental impact statements or outside funding by other public or private organizations. Funding. Funding option are as varied as the types of improvements. Each funding source has guidelines that dictate what projects can be funded. Funding for selected types of improvement projects are listed belo~: Tax Increment Financing improvement/land acquisition. Public LAWCON Grant Program Facilities. Park and Recreation ~ecial Assessments Construction and maintenance of public improvements, i.e., parking/streetscapingjutilities. Parking Revenue District structural parking. Surface or Since funding t year and proj ec strategy has not of proj ect impl its importance funding, the Do tax increment fi . chr:iques may vary from year to to proj ect, a detailed funding been developed but will be a part mentation planning. Because of to dOw~town improvement project ntmm Redevelopment District and ancing is described separately. Phasing. Prope phasing of improvements maximize funding and timing o~portunities and provided maximum benefit to the community. In developing the capital i prcvement phasing sequence, an approach was t ken th2t begins with small scale higher quality "mprovements and gradually increase the scale to gain credibility for the Downtown Improvement Pro ram and to proceed generally from south to north ith ern~hasis on improvements that will promote n rthjsouth and river Main street pedestrian move ent, create a sense of open access to the river and address specific needs of localized deve opcents (i.e., streetscape and utili ties) whil creating a homogeneous downtown concept. . Practical factors that were taken into consideration w en phasing improvements include: imum of $1,300,000 of TIF is ble for first phase improvements, Cert in utili ties improvements such as light' ng and streetscape should occur simul aneously whenever possible to contr 1 costs and minimize disruption, ements in the right-of-way along Main street will react to private pment as called for, "Special Pr()jects" can occur at anytime, dependent on availability of funds, Main Street reconstruction between Nels n and Chestnut must be delayed until new Highway 36 Bridge is cons ructed, . . Maximize benefits should be achieved by leveraging for City funds with private proj ects, All parking lots (public and private) will be maintained by the City through parking lot assessment and maintenance district, Parking lot improvements are assumed to consist of, but is not limited to: . bituminous overlays curb and gutter lighting landscaping signing/striping/marking All streets where more than one utility is being reconstructed or replaced, will be assuned to be totally reconstructed, For purposes of this report, all do...-ntown sanitary \sewer is assumed to need replacement or rehabilitation. The rehabilitation and replacement are assumed to be equal in cost. Wi th that information, projects were included in Phase I, II, or III implementation sequence. Special projects were placed in their own category and could occur ~ith any phase. A narrative description of Stillwater Downtown Capital follows. each item Improvement of the Program . Phase I . TEMIZED DESCRIPTION TILLWATER, MINNESOTA CAPI AL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM 1. Develop "p rking Management Plan" o use for entire downtown area. o Evalu te public/private certa'n lots. co-use of o ent 1st endations. year management o of . o Ident'fy staging recom endations. of remainder 2. Define fut re parking financing plan. 3. o future expenditures based on ted need. o Discuss revenue sources pros and cons of optio s ( i. e. meters, permi ts, assessments, parking district tax). o Develop long range financing plan. o Initiate financing program parking taxing district). (i.e. , Burlingto pedestria o Northern trackage crossings program. cleanup and meetings with City, consultant, committee. trackage available for removal. pedestrian crossing areas. . o Clean-up techniques. o o Co or inate implementation of Clean-up. . 4. Generate topographical surveys for Project Area I and 2. o Conduct topographital surveys of Lowell Park area (Chestnut, Nelson, Main, Rj.ver) proj ect area I and consider cafe area project area 2. o Generate topographical maps for detail design of areas I and 2. 5. Physical Inspection of Downtown area sewers. o Locations are as follows: . Main Street (Laurel to Nelson) Second street (Mulberry to Nelson) Water street (Myrtle to Nelson) Mulberry (2nd to Interceptor) Myrtle (2nd to Interceptor) Chestnut (2nd to Main) Nelson (2nd to Interceptor) o Physical investigation includes clean~ng, televising, smoke and/or dye testing and manhole inspection. o Review information recommendations. and develop o Develop cost estimates rehabilitation staging. and o Evaluate roof alternatives. leader disconnect 6. Refinement of streetscape and landscaping elements . In order for the improvements to create a homonogeneous effect the nature and style of certain streetscape and landscape elements will need to be defined early in the implementation process. Such elements include but are not limited to such items as: . S reet lighting 1 minaires. poles and corative lighting minaires. poles and nch styles. treatment. ypical plantings (types of trees nd shrubs). ound system locations. ignage styles. improvement materials and . o Assem Ie life cycle cost and design limit tions of various models. o Condu t consensus building workshop to solie' t input/approval from Steering Commi tee, City staff and public, relat've to design elements. o and document designs and models selee ed based on input of Steering Commi tee, City staff, City Council, and consultants. o design packet This manual may on request to property owners a typical illu trating examples. be made available deve opers and local . . . . interested in on-site improvements which would be considered in character with the downtown improvement. } 7. Design Lowell Park Improvements Resolve flood proofing needs and techniques o Review options in detail. o Using Steering Committee, public works, Council, Federal, state, and local agency input, select and document the method of flood water control to be designed into water front improvements. o Identify lL~its of flood levee. o Procure necessary permit and approvals. Transient boat management. o Evaluate existing and transient boat traffic. potential o Explore options dockage. for transient boat o Explore options for transient management ( i. e . , meters, restrictions, separate hourly overnight dockage, etc.). boat time and o Adopt and document short term and long range management plans. o Obtain necessary land, access/egress rights to plan. easements, implement and the o Implement short term management plan. 8. Implement Lowell Park beautification (levee to railroad) address: o Identify theme. o Pedestrian ways. . o parki g lot landscaping. o Park landscaping. o Flcod protection design considerations. Lands sCl.llp fe2.tu location, design, texture. o Sicew o location, design, style. o amenities accent (i.e., benches, lighting, water 9. Design 1. lot improvements project area o efficiency of Lowell Park lot. . o Maxim adjac efficiency of Water street and lots. 10. Implement 1. arking lot improvements in Area o Adore such i terns as light ng, access, egress, impro ements landscaping. drainage, surfacing 11. Mulberry Pint Purchase. o Initi Mul be and complete negotiations for Point purchase from railroad. o Explo e such options as Aiple property l~ld wap, out right purchase long term base. 12. Develop Ar a 6 streetscape design. o Prepa e preliminary design for Steering Co~~i tee review. . . . . o Develop detail plans. Landscaping Lighting Drainage o Develop cost program. funding estimates and Prepare North Main Streetscape (Area 6). o Depending upon implementation schedule of Zephyr Depot and Staples Mill sites improvement area 6 may be considered in the first years of implementation. o Conduct topographical surveys .of Main Street right-of-way (Mulberry to Elm). o Generate topography maps. o Prepare preliminary streetscape improvement plan for Steering Committee review. \ o Prepare detail plans for next year implementation. o Submit plans for necessary state and local review. 13. Develop concept for parking lot improvements for project area 2. 0 Maximize efficiency of lots. 0 Identify areas of expansion modifications. 0 Prepare details of parking lot modifications. 14. Design landscape improvements Area 2. o Conduct topographical surveys. o Generate topographical maps. 15. . o preliminary concept for Steering ee Review. detail plans sheets for: o lson street turn around aling Plaza rking lot improvements S reetscape improvement V'sitor center location o Submit plans for necessary state and local review. Implement 2 improvements. o Canst improvements. . arking lot improvements horeline improvements edestrian way improvements ock access ways. o Final'ze financing plan. 16. Implement:Docking" Plaza Improvements. 17. o Coord' nate with Andiamo and transcient boat elocation. o Coor land Dockside Cafe with Implement "Water improveme ts. street" streetscape 0 Cons ruction related services. 0 stre t reconstruction. 0 ing improvements. 0 alk improvements. 0 cape improvements. 0 "Co ercial Plaza". . . . . o Obtain necessary easements. 18. Implement Water Improvements. street storm Sewer o Identify drainage patterns. o Construction storm sewer. 19. street Sanitary Sewer Implement Water Improvements. o Review results of TV reports. o Rehab as appropriate. 20. street Watermain Implement Water Improvements. o Reconstruct as necessary. o Replace services as necessary. 21. Implement Area 2 Parking,Lot Improvements. o Public and private lots. o Add landscaping. o Add signing. o Add regulation signing. short term. long term. 22. Implement Area 2 Roof Leader Disconnect Program. o Identify needs. o Identify locations. o Obtain easements. 23. Design Main Street streetscape improvements. (Nelson to south). 24. 25. . o preliminary concepts 9 Committee review. for o cost estimates. o detail plan. o assessment roles. o Submit local necessary for plans ev-iew. state and Implement Main improvement . Street streetscape o ct improvements. . L"ghting Plantings Sidewalk o Finalize financing plan. Design repair. House" retaining wall o Evalu te retaining wall and sidewalk repai along north Main Street in vicin"tyof the old Wardens House. o funding participation Department of Transportation. o Prepa e necessary topographical surveys. o Prepa e retaining wall design plans for next ear construction. o Submi agenc Eor necessary State and local review. 26. Implement repair. "Wardens House" retaining wall . o Provi e construction related services. o Docum nt costs for agency participation. . . . o Implement improvements. vTall repairs storm sewer repairs Sidewalk repairs 27. Implement "Commercial Plaza". o Obtain easements. o Add landscape and lighting. 28. Generate surveys. Mulberry Point topographical o Conduct topographical surveys. o Generate topographical maps. Phase II 29. Develop preliminary design Mulberry Point improvements. o Resolve restaurant parking. o Resolve boat trailer parking. o Resolve landscape hierarchy. o Prepare preliminary concept for Steering Committee review. o Develop concept plan. 30. Finalize negotiations with purchase of Mulberry Point. railroad for 31. Design Boat Launch Facilities o Resolve boat landing location with short and long term. o Develop preliminary design of short term and long term locations. . 32. Design Hulb rry Point improvements. o Prepa e cost estimates~ boat trailer parking. o o landscape hierarchy. o preliminary concept for Steering ee review. o plans. improvements 33. Design Mul erry Boulevard. . 0 Evalu te traffic circulation. 0 Defin landscaping hierarchy. 0 Prepa e preliminary design for Steering Commi tee review. 0 Devel p detail plans. andscaping ighting rainage 34. Design Are 4 parking lot improvements. o ~valu te circulation needs. o Prepa e parking lot design for Steering Cammi tee review. o p det~~l plans. andscaping ighting rainage . 35. Solicit n improveme permits for Mulberry Point . o As they pertain to periodic flooding, impacts on river corridor, etc. 36. Design "Marina" Plaza. o Prepare preliminary design for review. o Prepare detailed plans. Landscaping Lighting Boat ramp improvements. 37. Develop Area 4 improvements funding program. . 38. Implement Mulberry Point improvements. o Landscaping. o Roadways. o Lighting. o Shoreline improvements. '"', 39. Implement Area 4 parking lot improvements. o Landscaping. o Lighting. o Resurfacing. 40. Implement Mulberry Boulevard improvements. o Streetscape. o Curb and gutter. o Sidewalk. . o Lighting. o Lighting. 41. Implement "Marina" Plaza. . o Lands aping. o Ramp. o Light ng. 42. Develop to agraphic surveys of Area 5. o surveys. o o topo maps. 43. Develop design. 5 preliminary streetscape o e preliminary design for Steering tee review.. . p detail plans. andscaping ighting rainage o Prepa e cost estimates and funding plan. , 44. Design Are 5 storm sewer improvements. o Main treet (Commercial to Mulberry). 45. Design Are 5 sanitary sewer improvements. o Rehab as necessary based on TV reports. 46. Design Are 5 watermain improvements. o Recon Stree on Mulberry (3rd to Water o Recon Stree on Commercial (2nd to Water 47. Design Are 5 roof leader removal plans and cost estim tes. . o Entir area. 48. Develop Ar a 5 and funding program. . . . 49. Implement Area 5 storm sewer improvements. 50. Implement Area 5 sanitary sewer improvements. 51. Implement Area 5 watermain improvements. 52. Implement Area 5 roof leader removal program. 53. Implement Area 5 streetscape improvements. o Solicit private utility improvements in Area 5. o Burry overhead power lines. o Replace water services. o Replace hydrants and valves. 54. Implement Area 5 parking lot improvements. o Public and private. o Lighting. o Surfacing. o Landscaping. 55. Finalize funding program for Area 5. 56. Design Marina access road improvements. o Obtain easements. 57. Design improvement concepts as necessary. to 61. "Overlook Plaza" "Pioneer Plaza" "Lowell Plaza" "Mill Plaza" "Historic Plaza" 62. Implement streetscape improvements in Area 6. o Obtain necessary MnjDOT approval. 63. Finalize funding plan for Area 6. . o Solic"t Mn/DOT participation. 64. Finalize funding improvemen s. plans for plaza o Solic t participation by civic group and other funding sources. Phase III 66. Develop to ographic maps\in Area 7. o Condu t surveys. o Gener te drawings. 67. Design Are 7 streetscape improvements. o Prepa e concepts for Steering Committee revie . o Prepa e detailed plans. o Prepa progr estimates and funding cost 68. Design Are 7 storm sewer improvements. ___'u 0 Prepa e detailed plans. 0 Main treet (Nelson to Myrtle). 0 Chest ut (2nd to River) . 69. Design san tary sewer improvements Area 7. . . o Rehab as determined by TV report. o Assume 100 percent replacement. 70. Design Area 7 watermain improvements. o Prepare detailed plans. o Hyrtle (3rd to Pavillion). o Chestnut (2nd to Water). 71. Desi~ roof leader elimination program. o Prepare detailed plans. . o Secure easements. 72. Imple::J.ent streetscape improvements in Area 7. 73. Imple::J.ent Area 7 storm sewer improvements. 74. Imple:nent Area 7 sanitary sewer improvements. 75. Imp 1 e:nent Area 7 watermain improvements. 76. Imple-:nent Area 7 roof lead disconnect program. 77. Establish Area 7 funding program. o Establish assessment program. 78. Develop topographical maps of Kolliner Park and F~ple property. o Develop boundary surveys. o Explore DNR set back requirements. 79. Prepare concept design site. for Kolliner Park . o Explore options. o Review with Downtown Action Committee. . o Review with DNR, etc. 81. study Aiple property site use. 82. Prepare co cept design for Aiple property site. 83. Prepare co t estimates and funding plan for Kolliner Park and Aiple property improvement . 84. Evaluate n ed for additional parking ramp improvements at Mulberry and Second, if needed. o Depen ent upon Lowell Inn expansion. for additional parking ramp at . 85. 86. Design Kol Park Improvements. 87. Design Aip e Property Improvements. \ 88. Implement olliner Park Improvements. 89. Implement iple Property Improvements. . . Special Projects SP-I Prepare 2nd and Olive Parking Ramp Feasibility study o Evaluate potential sites. o Evaluate potential configurations. o Evaluated development costs ($/space). o Select and alternative. recommend a particular o Prepare preliminary layout of selected alternative. . o Prepare rendering alternative. of selected Design 2nd & Olive parking ramp. o Conduct topographic\surveys. o Conduct soil investigation. o Begin parking ramp site negotiations. o Prepare cost estimates. SP-2 Design 2nd & Olive pedestrian accessway to Main Street. o Conduct topographical surveys. o Negotiate land acquisition. o Prepare detail plan sheets. SP-3 Construct 2nd and~Olive parking ramp. . SP-4 Implement pedestrian way and streetscape improvements adjacent to Grand Garage. o Close street. o Add lighting. ..).. . o Add I ndscaping. SP-5 Levee Impr vements o Revie levee improvement options. o Explo e funding options. o Selec preferred option with Federal~ state and local input. o Ident levee improvement limits. o Ident economic feasibility. o Prepa e preliminary concept. o Obtai necessary permits and approvals. . o Budge for next year construction. Design lev e improvements. o Condu \ topographical surveys. o Gener te topographical maps. o \ Prepa e preliminary design for Steering Commi tee and Agency review. o Atten review meetings. o Prepa e cost estimates. o Prepa permi Federal, state and local o Prepa e detail plans. o Prepa e cost estimates. o Levee coope local sched and f improvements are contingent upon ation from Federal, state and agencies. Actual implementation Ie dependent upon agency approval nding timing. . . SP-6 Implement levee improvements. o Prepare necessary agency documentation. o Finalize financing. SP-7 Implement improvements to: to SP-II "Overlook Plaza" "Pioneer Plaza" "Lowell Plaza" "Mill Plaza" "Historic Plaza" . . STILLWATER, DOWNTOWN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SEH FILE NO. 87119 TIMING COST CLASSIFI- WORK TASK PHASE YEAR ESTIMATE* CATION 1. DEVELOP PAHKING MANAGEMEN'r PLAN I 1 ~,OOO 8 2. DEFINE FUTURE PARKING FINANCING I 1 4,900 S PLAN / 3. IDENTIFY RAILROAD TRACKAGE CHANGES I 1 l,600 S AND PEDESTRIAN CROSSING PROGRAM 4. GENERATE TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS AREA 1 I 1 12,000 S AND AREA 2 5. PHYSICALLY INSPECT DOWNTOWN SEWERS I 1 20,000 S 6. REFINE STREETSCAPE ELEMENTS I 1 ,9,100 S SELECTION 7. DESIGN LOWELL PARK IMPROVEMENTS I 1 17,800 D (MYRTLE TO NELSON) ~ 8. IMPLEMENT LOWELL PARK IMPROVEMENTS I 2 449,900 C 9. DESIGN PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS I 1 3,500 D AREA 1 10. IMPLEMENT PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS I 1 83,500 C AREA 1 11. INITIATE PURCHASE OF MULBERRY I 1 4,000 S POINT PROPERTY 12. DESIGN AREA 6 STREETSCAPE DESIGN I 1 5,900 D 13. DESIGN AREA 2 PARKING LOT I 1 3,000 D IMPROVEMENTS 14. DESIGN LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS I 3 8,400 D TO AREA 2 15. IMPLEMENT AREA 2 LANDSCAPE I 3 100,900 C IMPROVEMENTS 16. IMPLEMENT "DOCKING" PLAZA I 3 100,000 C IMPROVEMENTS 17. IMPLEMENT "WATER STREET" I 4 263,100 C STREETSCAPE AND ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS 18. IMPLEMENT "WATER STREET" STORM I 4 26,900 C SEWER IMPROVEMENTS . . .' . . .' WORK TASK '!'IMINO PHASE YEAR 19. IMPLEMENT "WATER STREET" SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT 20. IMPLEMENT "WATER STREET" WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS 21. IMPLEMENT AREA 2 PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS 22. IMPLEMENT AREA 2 ROOF LEADER DISCONNECT PROGRAM 23. DESIGN MAIN STREET STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS (NELSON TO SOUTH) 24. IMPLEMENT MAIN STREET STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS (NELSON TO SOUTH) 25. EVALUATE AND DESIGN "WARDENS HOUSE" RETAINING WALL REPAIR 26. IMPLEMENT "WARDEN'S HOUSE" ... RETAINING WALL REPAIR 27. IMPLEMENT "COMMERCIAL PLAZA" 28. GENERATE MULBERRY POINT TOPO- GRAPHICAL MAPS 29. DEVELOP CONCEPT FOR MULBERRY 30. FINALIZE NEGOTIATIONS FOR MULBERRY POINT PURCHASE 31. DESIGN BOAT LANDING (AS NEEDED) 32. DESIGN MULBERRY POINT IMPROVEMENTS 33. DESIGN MULBERRY BOULEVARD IMPROVEMENTS 34. DESIGN AREA 4 PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS 35. PREPARE EASEMENTS AND PERMITS FOR POINT IMPROVEMENTS 36. DESIGN "MARINA" PLAZA 37. DEVELOP AREA 4 FUNDING PROGRAM 38. IMPLEMENT MULBERRY POINT LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS 39. IMPLEMENT AREA 4 PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS I I I I I I I I I I II II II II II II II II II II II 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6' 6 COST ESTIMATE* 49,500 46,700 37,500 9,600 3,000 14,100 8,000 10,750 150,000 6,400 11,000 5,000 4,000 14,100 12,900 4,600 2,000 10,900 3,100 264,800 100,300 ." . CI.1\SS.tFI '"' CATION C C C c D C D C C S s s D D D D S D S C C TIMING COST CLASSIFI- WORK TASK PHASE YEAR ESTIMATE* CATION 40. IMPLEMENT MULBERRY BOULEVARD II 6 171,400 C IMPROVEMENTS 41. IMPLEMENT "MARINA" PLAZA II 7 140,000 C 42. DEVELOP TOPOGRAPHIC PLANS FOR II 7 14,100 D AREA 5 43. DESIGN AREA 5 STREETSCAPE AND II 7 120,000 D STREET IMPROVEMENTS 44. DESIGN AREA 5 STORM SEWER II 7 3,000 D IMPROVEMENTS 45. DESIGN AREA 5 SANITARY SEWER II 7 11,300 D IMPROVEMENTS 46. DESIGN AREA 5 WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS II 7 14,900 D 47. DESIGN AREA 5 ROOF LEADER II 7 1,500 D DISCONNECT PROGRAM 48. DEVELOP AREA 5 FUNDING PROGRAM II 7 3,500 S 49. IMPLEMENT AREA 5 STORM SEWER II 8 26,400 C IMPROVEMENTS 50. IMPLEMENT AREA 5 SANITARY SEWER II 8 124,500 C IMPROVEMENTS 51. IMPLEMENT AREA 5 WATERMAIN II 8 163,600 C IMPROVEMENTS 52. IMPLEMENT AREA 5 ROOF LEADER II 8 9,600 C REMOVAL PROGRAM 53. IMPLEMENT AREA 5 STREETSCAPE II 8 1,271,800 C IMPROVEMENTS 54. IMPLEMENT AREA 5 PARKING LOT II 8 66,300 C IMPROVEMENTS 55. PREPARE FUNDING PROGRAM FOR AREA 5 II 8 3,500 S 56. DESIGN MARINA ACCESS ROAD II 8 7,300 D IMPROVEMENTS 57. DEVELOP "OVERLOOK" PLAZA DESIGN II 9 6,300 D 58. DEVELOP "PIONEER" PLAZA DESIGN II 9 6,300 D 59. DEVELOP "LOWELL" PLAZA DESIGN II 9' 8,000 D 60. DEVELOP "MILL" PLAZA DESIGN II 9 8,300 D 61. DEVELOP "HISTORIC" PLAZA DESIGN II 9 8,300 D 62. IMPLEMENT STREETSCAPE AREA 6 II 9 64,300 C . . .' t . . . .( ~ . TIMING COST CLASSIFI- WORK TASK PHASE YEAR ESTIMATE* CATION 63. DEVELOP AREA 6 FUNDING PROGRAM II 9 3,500 S 64. DEVELOP PLAZA FUNDING PROGRAM II 9 10,000 S 65. IMPLEMENT MARINA ACCESS ROAD II 9 88,000 C IMPROVEMENTS 66. GENERATE TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS III 10 45,000 S AREA 7 67. DESIGN STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS III 10 130,000 D AREA 7 GO. DESIGN BTORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS III 10 9,600 D AREA 7 69. DESIGN SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS III 10 9,700 D AREA 7 70. DESIGN WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS AREA III 10 26,000 D 7 71. DESIGN ROOF LEADER IMPROVEMENTS III 10 6,000 D AREA 7 72. IMPLEMENT AREA 7 STREETSCAPE III 11 1,430,000 C IMPROVEMENTS 73. IMPLEMENT AREA 7 STORM SEWER III 11 105,600 C IMPROVEMENTS 74. IMPLEMENT AREA 7 SANITARY SEWER III 11 106,920 C IMPROVEMENTS 75. IMPLEMENT AREA 7 WATERMAIN III 11 286,100 C IMPROVEMENTS 76. IMPLEMENT AREA 7 ROOF LEADER III 11 28,600 C DISCONNECT PROGRAM 77. ESTABLISH AREA 7 FUNDING PROGRAM III 11 3,500 S 78. DEVELOP TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS OF III 12 39,200 S KOLLINER PARK AND AIPLE PROPERTY 79. PREPARE CONCEPT FOR KOLLINER PARK III 12 N/A S REDEVELOPMENT 80. PREPARE COST ESTIMATES KILLINER PARK III 13 N/A C 81. STUDY AIPLE PROPERTY SITE USE III 12, N/A S 82. PREPARE CONCEPT FOR AIPLE PROPERTY III 12 N/A S SITE ~.. . . . . "" ~._~l ,--,---,_J Ol c:: +-' V) ..... >< Q) Q) ..c: +-' c:: "0 Q) ..... '+- +-' c:: Q) "0 V') LlJ ..... I- ..... ~ ..... I- :;:) c :i Q) !... Q) . ~t o a.. Q) !... V) l'Cl Q) !... l'ClV) E':;; Q)>, :c-;;; Oc:: ~l'Cl -0 C::c:: ~l'Cl o c:: ..:..: V') I- LlJ LlJ 0:: l- V') V) c:: o c::..... ..... +-' ItS lOr- '''-~ +-' -0 !...c:: Q)O UU " . ..... ..... ..... I V) C::C:: Q)O -0..... ..... +-' U Q)Q) ..o~ o Ou +-' . 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O:::J V).,.... 0 :::J +-' ..c: OUV) lOr- .,.... . !...-otdQ) l'ClV)Q)V) >.,....!... l'Cl !...td..c: :::J a.. ..c: ......, >, +-' -0 ..c: .....!...:::J U ~0+-'l'Cl _V)Q) -0 c::e:e:'+- Otd~O ..... 0 +-' >, +-' e: l'Cl+-,e:0 c::...... ~..... ..... !... 0 +-' "OOCll'Cl !... ..c: +-' o +-' (1) c:: 0:::J..c:Q) Utd+-'E .>, I~ e: Q)td !...V) :::J Ol+-' ...... e: LL.Q) !... e:Q) 0::: ...... -0 -0 (1) +-'!... tdO ~'+- -0 e:-o .,.... Q) Q) V)e: ...... td !... ~~ "'0 Q).c. V) V) ~>,. l'Cltde: +-,Eo !... Q) ~ Q) en ...... ...... e: Ol +-' l'Cle:l'Cl V) ..... +-' V).,.... "'C lOr- ,.... Q)>...... V) (1)..0 O,....td o..Q)..c: o +-' Q) !... !... o..!...!... (1)Q) Q)~~ ..c:Q)Q) l-enV) !... l'Cl +-' e: l'Cl en J i i' -1- Watermain Improvements .. ... Sanitary Sewer Construction ) ( Storm Sewer Additional Lines o Replace Manholes . Replace Valves and Hydrants , l.-. c ~ ..... '-.... -" ~,~ ' ST. 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',. ! ,1 u The sani tary sewers ,on Water Street between Nel son Street and Myrtl e Street also have not had major work in recent years. The actual structural condition of this sewer will have to be determined by televising. In addition to rehabil itating sanitary sewers in the study area, most of the manholes will require some form of reha- bilitation. Sewer services will need to be reviewed to the extent possible while televising sewers. Some services may need replacement also. I I I L / / The Capital Improvements program 1ncludes ant1cipated construction phasing and costs. Water Mains I , ! ", L..- The known water main replacement areas at this time are on the following streets: L ,.-- o Chestnut between Second and Water Streets o Myrtle Street between Third Street and the St. Croix River o Commercial Street between Second Street and Water Street o Mulberry Street between Third Street and Water Street These water main areas are shown on Figure I. i... l~ The proposed phasing and estimated construction cost for water main items are included in the Downtown Conceptual Improvement program. The exi sti ng water main on Chestnut Street is eight-i nch diameter. The Sti llwater Water Department has recorded numerous water breaks during the winter and summer and feel this main needs replacement. . . .( . ' . . I. I.. I The water main on Myrtle Street has various ranges in size. The existing main diameters are four-inch, eight-inch, and twelve-inch. This water main has also exhibited various breaks. The water main on Commercial is also an old main and has had many breaks. This water main is a six-inch dlamctcr. The water main on Mulberry Street is eight-inch in diameter. The water department has indicated this main needs replace- men.t/ a 1 so. In addition to these locations for water main replacement, other mains requiring replacement may be discovered during construction. All lead and galvanized services must also be replaced with,'copper. pipe. The long dead-end water main on the north end is a concern to the water department also. A study should be conducted for a solution to this problem, so any needs within the study area can be resolved before street surfacing and beautification is completed. L All the fire hydrants and gate valves within the study area need to be replaced. All property owners should be contacted to discuss their need for water service to vacant properties and fire service to existing buildings. Storm Sewer I ~ The storm sewer requi rements identified at this time are shown on Figure Also, as each implementation phase is designed, additions to the existing storm sewers may be needed. The study area appears to have sufficient storm sewer on east-west streets except for Chestnut Street from Union Alley to the St. Croix River. There is an existing storm sewer on this segment, but it probably is not large enough. j I . .t .. . Main Street and Water Street are in need of some drainage improvements. Storm sewers installed along the portions of Main Street will also provide an outlet for clear water con- nections from existing buildings. As the implementation phases progress, all the known clear water connections will have to be reviewed and storm sewer outlets for them provided. The requi red storm sewer on the north end of Ma in Street is required to provide a pick up for spring water flow on the sidewalk and beneath the rock wall south of the old Warden's House. Special consideration will have to be given to the intercepting of this spring water so that unstable soil con- ditions will not result. Coordination with the Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) will be required for all storm sewer design along Ma in Street and part of Chestnut Street whi ch is trunk highway. Private Utilities The private utility companies have said that they do not anticipate any major renovation of their systems. Electrical service which is presently overhead within the floodplain area is planned to stay overhead. However, Northern States Power Company (NSP) representatives have stated that the number of overhead service lines may be able to be reduced and some of the transformer areas at the back of buildings revised. Ongoing coordination with the private utility companies will be required for each implementation phase to make sure their needs are satisfied. . . .c ., .. . . . ,"",;"",~ .~: :;......-,~. ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... .......--:'$;...,....... ~n Tele,'1one (E12) 458.0936 .~ Telec:pier (6:2) 458.1696 · :11rw;;'hi~gt~~"C~unty Housing and Redevelopment Authority Park on the River · 4 5 5 Broadway Avenue · Saint Paul Park, Minnesota 5 5071 ......................... .......................-... ................"......... ........................... .......................- . .....0.............................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . ..-.. .................. ..... .. ...........,..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . ..... .' ...........--. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ......... ..... ..... .... ..... . . - . . . . . . . ,.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . ... . . . . . . . .. . ... . . . . '" . . . EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Dennis L. Balyeat January 4, 1989 Mr. Nile Kriesel/Coordinator City of Stillwater 216 North Fourth Street St'llwater, Minnesota 55082 Dear Nile: For your and the city councl I 's Information, I have enclosed a copy of an article from the Friday, December 23rd edition of the St. Paul Pioneer Press Dispatch regarding the continuing dilemma In providing affordable housing for senior citizens and families throughout the country. 3cer~ Dennis L. Balyeat Executive Director /m Enclosure \~ro~ ~ ),~~. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS District I. David Berg · District 2, M. Neal Erdahl . District 3, Robert Lafayette · District 4. David Kriesel . District Elmer j\brris Pub 1 i sher c IPPING F I L E T. PAUL PI NEER PRESS & DISPATCH Date DECEM3ER 23, 1988 . K mp faces tough task ill eting housing needs Washington With e designation of Jack Kemp as the new Housing and Ur- ban De elopment secretary, there is good reason to hope that the Bush ad 'nistration will take an active role in increasing the sup- ply of af ordable housing. By ap ointing Kemp, George Bush raises the priority of housing .on the n tional agenda. The secretary-designate can hardly be ex- pected 0 take on a job with the challenges HUD offers. without bringing to bear all of his energy. intelligence and, yes, fame. More- over, K rnp has made it clear, he regards the problems of the inner . cities conditions unacceptable in a country as prosperous as ours. Kemp will find ample, indeed daunting, challenges. For several years, t ee distressing trends have been emerging for many Amer- icans in earch of a decent,\affordable place to live: 1) young fami- in . creasing numbers, cannot buy their first home, which has DAVID O. MAXWELL to e first decline' in 40 years in the overall home ownership rate; 2) e number of affordable housing units for poor families who ren grows scarcer each day, and 3) our most visible housing shame, omelessness, afflicts even poor working families. Now, bsent the possibility of greatly increased federal funds to spur co truction and rehabilitation of affordable housing, the new secreta must use his office to inspire others to make and keep decent using available to low-income Americans. Kemp might turn his ttention first to the following issues: . . The loss of housing stock affordable to poor families. The homele are the most visible manifestation of a far deeper housing proble . Since 1973, 4.5 million units of low-income housing have disappe ed. Pending expiration of federal housing subsidies threate hundreds of thousands of more units. . Con .tions in the public housing projects. We must solve the proble of what the task force called "domestic terrorism" - the scourge f drugs and violent crime that makes life in some projects a daily ell for all residents. Tenant management is a promising method of giving residents the responsibility for and tools to im- prove th conditions in which they live. Moreover, the nation's pub- lic hous' g stock desperately requires modernization. . The or need federal housing help. The private sector can't do the job lone. We will need small (in budgetary terms) grants of federal d money for states and cities to use in providing housing for the r. The new HUn secretary must be a leader in the effort to get feral dollars flowing where they're needed. . E . ting federal programs can be made to work harder. The FHA is n effective provider of housing funds, and it is a money- maker f r the government. Sen. James Sasser, D-Tenn.. has pro- posed a ill to strengthen FHA's ability to provide home ownership opportu ities to more famili.es. This initiative merits support . HU can and should be a housing catalyst. A "new wave" of housing 'nitiatives, spurred by non-profits and private developers, has fill some of the gap created by the federal government's' cutbac in housing spending. Kemp should make HUn the nerve- center f r public support of the "new wave." Maxwe I is chairman and chief executive officer of the Federal National Mortgage Association, and served as vice chairman 01 the National Housing Task For e. Soecialto the Waahinoton Post. . . ,.. . . . ... ~ Public Notice i '-,-; "..;:,~,t"-:';'j',;,}; ,~,~:;;:~"j, :t..;::; :~,O,~;.1<I-~1 ~,'TiJ::T~iaT}C US Armv COf'PS of Engineers Sf r..... o.:U,ot:' APPLICANT: Dock Cafe Corpora~ion ISSUED :;Januar.y4 .1989":,,,;,<,,\> "EXPIRES: January 23. 1989""" ~-~ :'~ -T;:"-f:';.:~{P'\('s:"} J ~~,' ,e,;" '- ':~ :.<.\. +c. SECTION: 10 - River and Harbor Act of 1899 REFER TO: CENCS-CO-R (88-518-23) 1. APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO BUILD A BOAT DOCK. The Dock Cafe Corporation of Stillwater, Kinnesota, proposes to build a floating wooden dock to provide moorage for patrons of the Dock Cafe who arrive by boat. 2. SPECIFIC INFORMATION. APPLICANT'~ ADDRESS: Dock Cafe Corporation 425 East Nelson Street Stillwater, Kinnesota 55082 PHONE NUMBER: (612) 430-3770 AGENT: Kichael KcGuire, President ADDRESS: 423 South Kain Street Stillwater, Kinnesota 55082 PHONE NUMBER: (612) .439-3710 PROJECT LOCATION: The docks would be built in the St. Croix River at ., approximately river mile 23.4. This site is located in Stillwater, immedi- ately south of Nelson street, in section 28 of township 30 N., range 20 W., Washington County, Kinnesota. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The boat dock would be built with a galvanized iron frame, wooden decking, and polyethylene floats. It would extend approximately 120 feet out into the river from the shore (normal high water). and would have four 30-foot-10ng finger piers pointing downstream. The slips between the finger piers would be 30 feet wide. SURROUNDING LAND USE: Riverfront-commercial. NOTE:, TheCorpsof,,!t. Engineers is presently evaluating permit applications from the City of Still- water that pertain to two existing mooring facilities just downstream from the Dock Cafe's proposed dock. Under the City's proposal, the positions of the two existing doclca (which provide moorage for excursion boats and for boaters. visiting downtown Stillwater)- would be reversed. and some of,.the special con- ditions on the Corps' earlier permits for ..those facilities would be,changed. A public notice describing the City's proposal was .issued by the St.PaulL., District on November 10, 1988.: For more informatioIl.onthe City's propos,a1, call Brian Watson of the Corps at (612) 220-.0380 ":1;)0';: '1'1.;) :';; ,'"" .,~ '" ,,,' "..-'1,.' 3 . REPLIES/COMMENTS.. Interested .parties are invited to submit to this officewr!ttenfacts,,:......,. ..~..""...~", arguments, or objections within.20"OaYs .of.,~e ~~..~~f~~i,!L~~~i~e::~jl!he.s~:;~I;.'lL;ij 1 .... .'~ t . . . ~,..,.;",-_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,_~,,,,-_~_,,_,~_~~,,,'_:f ~i '8 " f ~ " . 'l Permit ':;'; .<< .,;r-./....'.,. .,"'r" CENCS-CO-R (88-51~-2~) I SU~~~!.:__,!~~~~~.'~f.. .\pp~i.~~~~~.~,,, , statements should bear upon the suitability of the location and the adequacy of the project and should, if appropriate, suggest any changes believed to be desirable. Comments received m,&y be forwarded to the applicant. Replies may be addressed to the District Engineer, St. Paul District, Corps of Engineers, 1421 U.S. Post Office and. Custom House, .St. Paul, Minnesota 55101- 1479, ATTENTION: Regulatory Branch. . Or, IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE PROJECT, call Henrik Strandskov at the St. Paul District, (612) 220-0359. 4. THREATENED OR ENDANGERED \lILDLIFE OR PLANTS OR THEIR CRITICAL HABITAT. None were listed by the applicant or are known to exist in the permit area. However, \lashing ton County i& within the known or historic range of the fol- lowing threatened (T) and endangered (E) species: SDecies Habitat Peregrine falcon (E) Bald eagle (T) Higgins' eye pearly mussel (E) Potential breeding \lintering Rivers This application is being coordinated with the U.S. Fish and \lildlife Service. Any comments they may have concerning endangered or threatened wildlife or plants or their critical habitat will be considered in our final assessment of the described work. 5. JURISDICTION. This project comes under the regulatory jurisdiction of the Corps of Engineers because the St. Croix River is a navigable water of the United States. The St. Croix River is also a component of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers system. REGULATORY AUTHORITY: This application will be reviewed according to the provisions of Section 10 of the River and Harbor Act of 1899 (33 United States Code 403). 6. HISTORICAL/ARCHAEOLOGICAL. This public notice is being sent to the National Park Service, the State Archaeologist, and the State Historic Preservation Officer to determine if there are known cultural resources which may be affected by the described work. Any unknown archaeological,' scientific, or historical data could be lost or destroyed by the work described in the permit application. However, the latest version of the National Register of Historic Places has been' consulted and no listed properties (known to be eligible for inclusion, or included in the Register) are located in the project area. 7. PUBLIC HEARING REQUESTS. Any person mayreq~est,f.n writing, within the comment period specified in this notice, that a public hearing be held to consider this application. 2 . . . ~_'- ' """'W".~". ",_, _; ...';~':>.~~ ;-. ""-~~'1"~"'''''1 ' I l~-\::..~,. . . .' ._"...~..:i_, CENCS -CO-R. (88 - 518 - 2j) :':'::::.___.2:"'::"':;' SUBJECT: .N~tic~, o~ Application for Permit ::':~~.:\: 1: ;' 1."";'.71"'" - " .. '~~.. .. ~'. \~ t "' " .} V'1 J -' 8. PUBLIC INTEREST REVIEW. , ;} ..,' ....',..' ':J )l, ,',...1'\ .,. ".~_.. The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impact, including cumulative impacts, of the proposed activity on the public interest. That decision will reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. The benefit which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal will be considered, including the cumulative effects. Among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, cultural values, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards, floodplain values, land use, navigation, shoreline erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. Environmental and other documents will be available for review in the St. Paul District Office. FOR. THE DISTRICT ENGINEER: Enclosure(s) ~." ',''iifI> ~',.,""- t'3 ' ) '!# .. . Ctf(J~ ,. ." \ ". " ,,, \, \... \ '. t- ... , y. , :, \ .::::-;.::~-:~k\~~-.. =- ., ---.... - . --.=:::::.... . . -~ , . --~-- '." -..::.:::::::::.~.*._=--.-:.:.::~~~..." . _..::::-::.:.: - .- ..-' ,..- --"";.-. . .:. -" .. - ---....;; --.:::. .-- ..,.- --. -- -- '. -.I -- :;:11..3.1.0.. . \ """ \ \ .J' -z. 0 .,.. ~ '" \ :z::. \ \ ' :::;::.:)..C.t. \l(." p.. , . . /--\---:. .;'.:.> ~. ., ,~. ..' .'" ./" ..."NN E,SOTA W' 'IlASlUlIGtOll tQ\IMt'f _J'n', e;- ".t,-1\. t-l-:- ~ .', --- _"7 . ,..,...--'.0. ~"...,. .'T - _....~ ,.' \. ......... ...... ..- ." .""" \ \ . ..,... 01'.... -..... ..... ~:~5:. 'l~- 51&"';>-"; . illwater ~ ~ -- , r\. THE BIRTHPLACE OF MINNESOTA . J STILLWATER POLICE DEPARTMENT DAVID MA WHORTER Chief of Police EMERGENCY TELEPHONE: 911 TO: Mayor and City counCil~ FROM: Chief Mawhorter 0/' SUBJECT: Capitol Outlay Expenditures DATE: January 6, 1989 We request to make the following purchases at this time. The money was allocated in our 1989 budget requests. 2 Mobile radios, total price $2,434.00. They will replace the radios in our Community Service Truck and in the investigators car used by Sgt. Klosowsky. The 2 radios now in those vehicles will be transfered to the Fire Department. This will give the Police Department identical radios in all vehicles. . 1 Used 1988 car for Sgt. Klosowsky, trading off (or auctioning) the 1984 Chevrolet Celebrity he now is using. We have priced cars from 4 different car dealers and the following 2 are the best in our estimation: ROUTSON MOTORS in Stillwater; 1988 Pontiac 6000, 4-door, light blue, 5700 miles on it, 4 cylinder, mechanical warranty is 1 year/12,000 miles. HERTZ in Mpls.; 1988 Chevrolet Corsica, 4-door, dark red, 8700 miles on it, 6 cylinder, mechanical warranty is 1 year/12,000 miles. ROUTSON MOTORS: $8,073.75 This is with trading in the 1984 Chevrolet Celebrity and includes sales tax, license and filing fees. HERTZ: $9,570.19 This includes sales tax, license and filing fees. They do not take trades. The Chevrolet Celebrity would have to be held and auctioned off later and would bring $3,000.00 plus. We were allocated $10,000.00 for this vehicle in the 1989 Budget request. However, I will be requesting 2 new marked squad cars at a later meeting and the total price of these came in $2,500.00 OVER allocation mainly due to Chrysler dropping out of the squad car market this year. (We had submitted 10% over 1988 but that was not enough). . Sgt. Klosowsky has driven and compared the 2 cars and prefers the HERTZ vehicle. 212 North Fourth Street, Stillwater, Minnesota 55082 Phone: 612-439-1314 or 612-439-1336