HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-05-31 CC Packet Special Meeting . r illwater "~ ,- - ~ ---- -~ THE BIRTHPLACE OF MINNESOTA J Mayor and City Council TO: FR: DA: RE: Shei 1 a McNamara May 27, 1988 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING, TUESDAY, MAY 31, 1988 This memo is a reminder to Council that a Special Meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, May 31, 1988 at 4:30 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers to discuss the following: 1. Discussion on rubbish rates and recycling with Jim Junker, Junker Sanitation. 2. Discussion of Hwy 95 & 96 Road Improvements. . 3. Resolution for employment of Junior Account Clerk. 4. Ron Langness, Executive Session 5:30 p.m. . CITY HALL: 216 NORTH FOURTH STillWATER, MINNESOTA 55082 PHONE: 612-439-6121 ~ c:, I -;> I Donald C Wisniewski, P.E. Director Public Works/County Engineer WASHINGTON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Mark L Mattson, Assistant Director Public Works 11660 MYERON ROAD NORTH, . STillWATER, MINNESOTA 55082.9573 612/-439-6058 Richard D. Herold, Design/Construction Engineer John P. Perkovich, Parks Director Hay 17, 1988 Lawrence W. Bousquet, Traffic and Maintenance Engineer Lyle C Doerr, Facility Manager ~fuyor Wally Abrahamson City of Stillwater 191 Bayberry Ave. Ct. Stillwater, ~~ 55082 Dear Mayor: . As per Minnesota Statute 18.231, the city mayor is the weed inspector in their municipality. If you decide to delegate this responsibility, you must appoint an assistant weed inspector and file the attached form with both the state and myself. This process ensures that the assistant ~"'eed inspector has full legal authority to inspect properties and enforce state weed law. This process also lets me know who to contact, whether YOLrrself or an assistant, for weed problems in YOLrr city. Thanks for your help. (/~/. Douglas ~~ Johnson County Agricultural .' " AgOcw-d C, ~ ~ ruJ- &Jd~ . Washington County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age and handicapped status In employment or the provision of services. Minnesota State Department of Agriculture AGRONOMY SERVICES DIVISION 90 WEST PLATO BOULEVARD SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55107 TELEPHONE: (612) 296-6123 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ASSISTANT WEED INSPECTOR FOR CITY OR TOWNSHIP INSTRUCTIONS 7) COMPLETE THIS FORM IN TRIPLICATE. 21 SENV: AI ORIGINAL TO THE ATTENTION OF THE SECTION OF WEEV CONTROL AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS. BI FIRST COpy TO YOUR COUNTY AGRICULTURAL INSPECTOR. C) SECOND COpy TO YOUR LOCAL CLERK. OF PERSON APPOINTED id C. Junker ADDRESS - APPOINTMENT LOCATION _ CITY OR TOWNSHIP NAME 216 No. 4th St. CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Stillwater COUNTY Stillwater Mn. 55082 TElEPHONE NO. (INCLUVE AREA COVE I Washin ton DATE OF APPOINTMENT ~1a 31 1988 IN ACCORDANCE WITH MINNESOTA STATUTES 18.231, PARAGRAPHS 2 AND 3, PERTAINING TO ASSISTANT WEED INSPECTORS, THE ABOVE-NAMED PERSON IS HEREBY APPOINTED TO BE ASSISTANT WEED INSPECTOR FROM THE DATE INDICATED UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE MAYOR OR TOWN BOARD WISHES TO TERMINATE THE APPOINTMENT. THIS APPOINTMENT CONFERS ON THE APPOINTEE ALL THE DUTIES, AUTHORITY, AND PRIVILEGES OF ANY LOCAL WEED INSPECTOR AS OUTLINED BY LAW. SIGNATURE (MAYOR OR CHAIR OF TOWNSHIP BOARD) TITL~ DATE SIGNED Ma or STREET ADDRESS CITY AND STATE 6 14 88 ZIP CODE 216 No. Fourth St. Stillwater, Mn. 55082 AG-00187-0Z ., 5/31 f'l":l League of Minnesota Cities 183 University Ave. East St. Paul, MN 55101.2526 (612) 227.5600 (FAX: 221.0986) FROM: May 20, 1988 Mayors, Managers and Clerks~~i Donald A. Slater, 'Executive D~ DATE: TO: SUBJECT:, Proposed Constitutional Amendment LMC Dues Adjustment The Constitution of the League of Minnesota (Article IV, section 9) requires that the LMC President appoint a committee on Dues and services every three years. This committee is charged with reviewing the services of the League and proposing a dues structure to raise sufficient revenue to finance League services. . In February of 1988 Mayor Hazama, LMC President, appointed Mayor Joanell Dyrstad, Mayor, Red Wing and Mr. James F. Miller, city Manager of Minnetonka as co-chairs of the Dues and Services Committee. Mayor Hazama also selected a broadly based committee of 42 city officials representing cities of all sizes and municipal occupations. The committee reviewed all current League services and supporting budgetary information. The committee also conducted an extensive membership survey which focused on LMC member evaluation of current and proposed service programs. Based on its review of all relevant materials, the committee decided to recommend a dues adjustment program for a three-year period. The three year time sequence was selected, as it has been in the past, as the minimum time necessary for orderly fiscal planning. The committee also concluded that it would be best to set upper limits for potential dues adjustments of 5 percent for 1989-90, 6 percent for 1990-91 and 7 percent for 1991-92. The committee, however, did not wish to vote these increases as the fixed dues for the three year period. Rather, the committee proposed a constitutional amendment which allows dues increases NOT TO EXCEED 5 percent, 6 percent and 7 percent in the respective years but required the League's Board of Directors to make the final decision on the dues for the three year period. . The committee conclud~d that setting limits but holding the Board accountable would establish a potential for more conservative budgeting practices b the League with the prospect that ~he full authorized percent Ii its might not be required in the future. In this event, the Board would be free to set dues below the maximum percentages. This matter will be c nsidered at the June LMC Conference and acted on as a propose~' amendment to the LMC constitution. Under this proposal, he maximum percent increases would be included in the const'tution with accompanying language authorizing the Board of Directorr to make the final determination. A copy of the propose~ constitution amendment is enclosed for your consideration. I.encorr, age you and your council to review this matter before the LMC Conference and be prepared to cast your city's vote at the st. Paul meeting on June 9 at the Radisson Hotel at 3:45 p.m. I . . . . CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT FOR DUES ARTICLE III FEES AND DUES The annual dues for each municipality shall be eases set by the League Board of Directors not to exceed the amounts established ift- on the schedule or schedules set out as appendices to this constitution, which shall be adopted or amended in the same manner as other parts of this constitution. If no new dues schedule is adopted for a given year, the dues schedule in effect for the most recent prior year shall remain in effect. (OVER) 5.3 APPENDIX A Dues Schedule Bffee~~~e-B~r~~~-:ge5-e6 maximum for 1988/89 POPULATION ! ~ 1988/89 DUES SCHEDULE BAs1D ON MAXIMUM 5% INCREASE BASE ---.-- i $194 i $66 $536 $1,157 $3,955 $11,711 $19,740 51.24 41.85 35.64 21.65 6.14 3.47 CENTS CENTS CENTS CENTS CENTS CENTS 249 OR LESS 250-4,999 5,000-9,999 10,000-19,999 20,000-49,999 50,000-299,999 300,000 AND OVER PLUS PLUS PLUS PLUS PLUS PLUS PER CAPITA PER CAPITA PER CAPITA PER CAPITA PER CAPITA PER CAPITA Dues Schedule Bffee~~v -B~r~~~-:ge6-e~ maximum for 1989/90 i 1989/90 DUES SCHEDULE BAS~D ON MAXIMUM 6% INCREASE 'I POPULATION i BASE I I I 249 OR LESS $206 250-4,999 $70 PLUS 54.31 CENTS PER CAPITA . 5,000-9,999 $568 PLUS 44.36 CENTS PER CAPITA 10,000-19,999 $1,227 PLUS 37.78 CENTS PER CAPITA 20,000-49,999 1$4,193 PLUS 22.95 CENTS PER CAPITA 50,000-299,999 12,413 PLUS 6.51 CENTS PER CAPITA 300,000 AND OVER 20,924 PLUS 3.68 CENTS PER CAPITA Dues Schedule effee~~v -B~r~~~--:ge~-ee maximum for 1990/91 \1990/91 DUES SCHEDULE BAS~D ON MAXIMUM 7% INCREASE POPULATION I BASE 249 OR LESS $220 250-4,999 $75 PLUS 58.12 CENTS PER CAPITA 5,000-9,999 $607 PLUS 47.47 CENTS PER CAPITA 10,000-19,999 $1,312 PLUS 40.42 CENTS PER CAPITA 20,000-49,999 $4,486 PLUS 24.56 CENTS PER CAPITA 50,000-299,999 13,282 PLUS 6.97 CENTS PER CAPITA 300,000 AND OVER 22,389 PLUS 3.94 CENTS PER CAPITA . Press On . . . May 25, 1988 TO: Honorable Wallace L. Abrahamson Councilwoman Ann Bodlovich Councilman Thomas Farrell Councilman Jay Kimble Councilman Robert Opheim FROM: Mark Zauhar In the process of completing our planned expansion at our Stillwater site, we have encountered a problem with our parking lot. To properly drain our lot and comply with the city specifications, a line needs to be installed between our parking lot and the adjoining lot to the south. Normally the city would install this line and assess the expense back. to the adjoining property owners. In this case, the ownership of the adjoining property is in question and therefore complicating the completion of our lot. To resolve this problem, we would like to install the pipe at a cost of $17,400 and request that we be given credit for the same amount against future assessments. On behalf of Press On, I ask. your support on this issue. Sincerely, ~ Mark Zauhar Vice president/General Manager MZ:sg cc: Pat McGrann - 3M Steve Russell Nile Kriesel, David Magnuson "-" p..... ~. po.' ". Press On Inco'llO'ated. 1987 tnQ""lnai ElWd.. Sbllwat.. Minneota 55082 . 6,2-439-9500 ~/Sl/ 'ig- 183 University Ave. East St. Paul, MN 55101.2526 (612) 227-5600 (FAX: 221.0986) League of Minnesota Cities COME TO THE 1988 LMC ANNUAL CONFERENCE, JUNE 7-10, IN ST. PAUL COME FOR THE PROGRAMS, THE PARTIES, THE CELEBRATION KICK-OFF PROGRAM: JUNE 7, 7:30.10:30 P.M. World class musical entertainment at the World Theatre Old-fashioned summer ice cream social in the new-fashioned Town Square Park COME TO ST. PAUL, JUNE 7-10 Take part in the Diamond Jubilee Celebration of the League's 75th Anniversary at the Historic Landmark Center on City Night . See the sites, golf at Como Park, view Omnimax at the Science Museum of Minnesota COME AND DELIGHT AT THE FRESH AND SPARKLING HUMOR OF HOME-GROWN COMEDIENNE SUSAN VASS AT THE LEAGUE'S ANNUAL BANQUET ON JUNE 9! Discover the original and disarming funny lady of Minnesota comedy! Susan Vass, heralded as "everywoman" and "devastatingly witty" by the Minneapolis Star and Tribune. From her long-running performance in "What's so Funny About being Female?" for Dudley Riggs' ETC production, Susan Vass has been featured as a headliner as well as an opening act for major entertainment superstars including Andy Williams and Doc Severinson. This wonderful woman, a very special and hysterically funny leading lady, will brighten the 1988 LMC Annual Banquet with her own very personal style that will leave you feeling good about yourself - and exhausted from laughing! Be sure to send in your registration and hotel reservations NOW! Deadline (June 3) is fast approaching! SEE THE OTHER SIDE FOR UP TO THE MINUTE INFORMATION ON FABULOUS ST. PAUL FAMILY ACTIVITIES . ~ ~ 1>' ~ I HOST CITY FAMILY PRo4RAM RESERVATION INFORMATION AND UP-DATE: . Please read the following for the laest information and answers to questions about reservations for family activities sponsored by the City of t. Paul during the '88 LMC Annual Conference: First, if you have already sent in re ervations for Valley Fair, the Science Museum of Minnesota, or "Twin Cities Live," you will find informati n at the Host City Booth (adjacent to the LMC Registration Area in the lower lobby of the St. Paul Rad sson Hotel) on the departure times and locations of bus transportation and/or directions for admission to tihe science museum (as well as a list of nearby restaurants). Signs will also be posted in the hotel entrance! and exit areas to indicate bus departure schedules for Valley Fair and "Twin Cities Live." Second, if you have not yet made re ervations for Family Program events, there may be limited space avail- able after the May 13 deadline for r gist ration. Please use the Family Program Registration Form (on page 15 of the April issue of Minnesota ities; on page 17 of the May issue) and send reservations and payment to the address listed on the form N W! Efforts will be made to accommod te as many additional reservations as possible. Reservations received after May 13 will be accepted on a irst-come, first-served basis. When available tickets/spaces are gone, reservations will be held on a waitin list, pending the opening of the conference and possible cancellations. I Third, check at the Host City Boot' when you arrive at the conference to learn whether your reservation requests have been confirmed. If y u need that information prior to your arrival at the conference, please call 298-4323 and ask to speak to arbara Janetta in the St. Paul Budget Office. Fourth, if you are interested in res rvations for golf, you may request tee times on the reservation form. If you prefer to arrange a tee time a d did not so indicate previously, call Barb Jenetta to so so. St. Paul . Parks and Recreation Department ill schedule tee times and provide a listing of those to the Host City Booth staff by Tuesday afternoon, une 7. (The Host City Booth be open 5:00-7:00 p.m., on June 7, and will be open same hours as LMC ~egistration during the conference.) i You may also inquire about golf r~iservations at the conference. Host City staff will endeavor to provide additional opportunities for those ishing to golf on area courses. Please inquire at the Host City Booth as soon as possible after you arrive at the conference. .