HomeMy WebLinkAbout1002 Ord (Signage)
1. Amendin2. 931-509 Subd. 8 through Subd. 11 related signage in the BP-
Business Park zoning district is stricken and replaced as follows:'
Subd 8. Permitted signs by a sign permit in BP-business park districts. All commercial,
office and industrial signs in all BP districts are subject to the following conditions:
(a) Number of signs. A property may have one freestanding sign, one wall sign per building
face, and as many, awning, canopy, marquee, or multitenant master signs as permitted in
this Subdivision 8.
(b) Wall signs. Wall signs in the BP district shall meet the following requirements:
(1) Area. The gross surface area of a wall sign may not exceed one square foot for each
foot of building, parallel or substantially parallel to the front lot line.
(2) Location. A wall sign must be located on the outermost wall of any principal
building but may not project more than 16 inches from the wall to which the sign is
affixed. The location and arrangement of all wall signs is subject to the review and
approval of the community development director.
(3) Height. A wall sign may not project higher than the parapet line of the wall to which
the sign is affixed or 20 feet as measured from the base of the building wall to which
the sign is affixed, whichever is lower.
(4) Special conditions. Where a principal building is devoted to two or more uses, the
operator of each use may install a wall sign upon each share of the building. A sign
plan must be submitted for the entire building that shows the location, sizes, types and
elevations of all signs. Upon submittal of a sign permit reques~ for an operator
within a multiple-use or multiple-tenant building, proof must also be provided by the
applicant that a sign plan has been approved for the entire building. If no such sign
plan has been approved by the Heritage Preservation Commission, then a sign plan
shall be submitted and approved by the Heritage Preservation before a sign permit
may be approved for the single operation or use in question. The signs are subject to
the following restrictions:
i. All signs must be visually consistent in location, design and scale.
11. The total gross signage for the entire building shall not exceed one square foot for
each foot of building face parallel, or substantially parallel, to a street lot line or a
minimum of 25 square feet per business, whichever is more.
(5) Number. There may be one wall sign per building face.
(c) Freestanding signs. Freestanding signs in the BP district shall meet the following
(1) Area. The gross surface area of a freestanding sign may not exceed 100 square feet
for each exposed face nor exceed an aggregate gross surface area of 200 square feet.
(2) Location. A freestanding sign must be set back 15 feet from the front or side property
(3) Height. Along State Highway 36 freestanding signs may not project higher than 25
feet. Along County Road Five from Highway 36 to Croixwood Boulevard and South
Greeley from Orleans to Highway 36 freestanding sings may not project higher than
20 feet. In all other location, a freestanding sign may not project higher than 6 feet.
Signs shall be measured from base of sign or grade of the nearest adjacent roadway,
whichever is lower.
(4) Number. There may be one freestanding sign per development site.
( d) Awning, canopy or marquee signs. Awning, canopy or marquee signs in the BP district
shall meet the following requirements:
(1) Area. The gross surface area of an awning, canopy or marquee sign may not exceed
50 percent of the gross surface area of the awning, canopy or marquee to which the
sign is affixed.
(2) Location. A sign may be affixed to or located upon any awning, canopy or marquee.
(3) Height. An awning, canopy or marquee sign may not project higher than the top of
the awning, canopy or marquee to which the sign is affixed.
(e) Multitenant master sign. Each multitenant or multi-use building is permitted one
building master identification sign according to the following requirements:
(1) Building master identification signs may not contain the names of any tenants or
occupants ofthe center.
(2) If the multitenant commercial building has a floor area of 40,000 square feet or less,
the building may have a freestanding sign with a maximum of one square foot of sign
for each five feet of building frontage or 40 square feet maximum with a maximum
height of eight feet.
(3) If the multitenant commercial building has a floor area greater than 40,000 square
feet, but less than the 100,000 square feet, the entry may have a master identification
sign with a maximum of75 square feet on each side and with a maximum height of
20 feet.
(4) If the multitenant commercial building has a floor area of greater than 100,000 square
feet, the center may have a master identification sign with a maximum area of 120
square feet on each side and a maximum height of 25 feet.
(f) Total Allowable Sign Area. The total aggregate sign area allowed on a property for all
signs permitted in subparts (a) through (e) above shall be as follows: a minimum of 100
square feet; and at a rate of 15% of the building wall area facing a public street, up to a
maximum of 300 square feet. When a building faces two or more public streets, the
building wall area shall be determined by adding the wall area of each building wall that
faces a public street and dividing by the number of public streets the building faces.
Subd 9. Directory signs. Directory signs are used to guide pedestrians to individual
businesses within a multitenant commercial area and are permitted in BP business park
districts, subject to design review. The sign area used in a directory signs shall not be
calculated against the Total Allowable Sign Area in Subdivision 8.
(a) Placement. Directory signs must be placed on the site of the development and may be
erected only in internal pedestrian access areas and not in vehicle access areas.
(b) Area. A directory sign may have maximum area on one square foot for each business
listed on the sign and four square feet for the name of the building or complex.
(c) Size. Directory signs may be freestanding but may not exceed 6 1/2 feet in height.
(d) Use. A directory sign may only be used for directions and identification.
Subd 10. Reserved
Subd 11. Reserved
2. Savini!:. In all other ways, the City Code will remain in full force and effect.
3. Effective Date. This Ordinance will be in effect from and after its passage and
publication according to law.
Adopted by the City Council of the City of Stillwater this 16th day of December, 2008.
~ dl/luL
Diane F. Ward, City Clerk
City ofStiUwater
StiUwater Gazette '. December 22. 2008
,1. A~ ~1~Subd.8thrOUti1hSubd.11 relatedsig-
Il$ge jn. the BP-Bullinesa Park zoningdlStHef Ilfstl'lcken and rep/aoed as
follows: .
Subd 8. Permitted signs by a sign permit in BP-businesS park dilItrlcts.
All commercial. office and i~ia1 signs in all BP districts are
subject to the following cOnditions: ... ...... .. . .... '. .
(Ii) .NtJJnber of signs. ~ PfOI)ertymay haVe.on& freestaOdklg
sign, one waD sign per bt!ilding face, and as many. awrilng.
canopy,.rnarquee,or rnuIliter1arlt rnastersignsas'pel'lTlitt$dln
(b) Wall signs, Wall signs in the BP district shall meet the f0llow-
ing r&qllirements: . .
(1 ) Ar1a.Thegl'Oll$lIUI1$lceareeof a wall sign. may not
exceed one llqUlll'lI foOt for -*' foot of b\lilding. plilr8llel
'. or 8l,IbstanliIIIy.p8flllfelto l,t\e~!QtJlne.. . . '.'
(2)~. A\lId. mutt_loIlated<mtheotltermost
wall of any priIlcipaJ.lDuildlngbtdmay not .project more
than. 18 ~ from the wall to.which the sign is affixed.
TIleiocation and arrtlngement oft!ll waR signs is subject
to the review _approvalof the~ develop-
ment director. .' ,... . . . ...... .' .
Height.AWIiIII_nla)'not /mIjfIct hIghet then the
panipet line otthtwa111liIwhich-lhesign is ~1lOIIld or 20
feet as meaa~fl'O!Jl. thebasltof the b!JildlrigwalltO
I which the sign is affixed, whlchever.islOwer.
(4) Special conditions. Where a principal building is deyQted
to Mor more uses, theoperalOrof each use may
install a waD sign. upon ~'aharEI of tt1e building. A.
signplao must belllJbmitlel:j for the entIte bt!ilding that
shoWl$ the location. ... types and elevatiOns of all '
signs. Upon submlttaJofa Sign permit request for an
plan has. been approved for the,$Iltire b!Jilding. If no
s!JCh sign plan has been approvecJ.!lYtheHeritage
p...rvation Commission; then a $ign plan~. be sl,Ib-
mitted and ~ by .theHeritage Preservetion before
a sign permit may be approved for the single operation
or use in RU&Stfon. The signs are subject to the foHowing
restrictions.: .
l. . AU signs must be Visually ~ in loCation;
d$si90 and scale. .
ii... The_ grosssi~ f9rthe...entir!!' b\lik!lng shaD
whil:hever It mOre.. . . . ... .
{S) . Nwriber. There ~.be ohe wall sign per building' face.
(c) Freeetanding signs. FreeStanding slgn$ ill the BP district
$hall.meet the.~ ~rfrnents: .
(1) ~:-.;J;~=-.:t~~nor~~
exC$ed an aggregate grOss surface area of 200 square
... . feel . / . ..... ....
(2) i.Ocatfon.. A ~ingsign must be set back 1.5 feet
(rorrI tIlefrprlt or sidfl propertylille,. ..... .
(3) ~. AIOt'lg stateHlghWay 3&~nding sip may
not projecth\gher than 25 feet. Along COunty RoadFlVe
f!'9fll Highway ~6tO CroixWood Boulevard and South
Greeley from Orleans to Highway 36 freestanding sings
may not project higher then .20 feet. In all other location;
a freestanding sign may not project higher than 6 feet.
Signs shall be measured from base of sign or grade of
the near~ adjacl9nt roadvIIay,whicheveris lower.
(4) . Number. There may be one freestanding sign per devel-.
opI1'leI'It sitEl'.
Julie Athey,
being duly sworn on oath, says: that she is,
and during all times herein states has been,
Clerk of Sun Newspapers
Publisher of the newspaper known as the
Stillwater Gazette, a newspaper of
general circulation within the City of
Stillwater and the County of Washington.
That the notice hereto attached was cut from
the columns of said newspaper and was
printed and published therein on the
following date(s):
22nd of December 2008
Newspaper Ref./Ad #891217
/2 1
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
29th of day of December 2008
Mar~~ <
Washington County, Minnesota
My commission expires January 31, 2011
Mil CommleslOl1 Expires Jan. 31. 2011
(d) Awnlng. CMapy or,~ Ilgne. Awning, C8I1OPY or ,,--
quM.1lgne in the BP di8triet ehIlII meM the following requlre-
(1) Area. Tf1egro. lIIlrface area of an awning. canopy or
marquee sign may not exceed 50 percent of the gross
surface area of the awning, canopy or marquee to which
the sign is affixed.
(2) location. A sign may be.afllxed to or located upon any
awning. canopy or marquee.
(3)~. An awning. C8IlOf>Y or marquee sign may not
prQIectl1lgher then the top of the awning. canopy or mIII'-
quee to which the sign is. affixed.
(e) Multitanant master sign. Each multltenallt or multi-use bui1d-
ing is parmitted one building mast~ identiflc;atloll sign
aceor<lingto the following requirements:
(1) Butlding m8$ter identification signs maY not contaill the
names of any teI'laIltS or occup.antsof the center.
(2) If the multitanant commercial building has a floOr area of
40.000 square feet or less. the. buUding may have a fr....
standing Sign with a maximum of one square fOOt of sign
for each five feet of building frontage or 40 square feet
maximum with a maXimum height of eight feet.
(3) If the multitenant comm8(ciaI buildlng has ~ fIo9rarea
greater than 40,000 square feet. but less than the
100,000 square feet. the entry may have a master identi-
fication sign with a maximum of 75 square feet on each
$ideand with a maximum height of 20 feet.
(4) If the multitenant commercial building has a floor area of
greater then.1 00,000 square feet. the center may have a
master identificatlon sign with a maximum area of 120
square feet on each side and a maximum height of 25
feet. . '
.(f) Total AUowable Sign Area. The tOtal aggregate sign area
allowed on apropertV for all signs permitted in subparts (a)
through (e) abOVe shaD be as f6IIoWs:a minill1l,llTl ,of 100 .
square feet; and .at a rate of 15% of the building waD area
facing a public street. up to a maximum of 300 square feet.
When a building faces two or more pUblic streets. the b!JUd-
ing wall area shall be~mined by adding the wall area of
each bt!ilding \Yai' that faces a public street and dMding by
the number of public streets the building faces.
8uIlII9. . Directory Signs.. DirectorY signs are used to guide pedestri~
to ~ buSineSSa8 within a muitIlenant commElrC:1a1 area and are
pennittedlnfap business park districts. subje6ttO deSign review. The sign
;r::::'::~~I;t>t be calculated against the Total .
. (8) PJacerIlent. Directory signs must be placed on the site of the
development and may be erected only In internal pedestrian
. access areas and IlO\lnvehiOle access areas.
Area. A directory sign may hellalllalllll1l,llTl area on one
square !oPt for each business listed on the sign and four .
square feet for the n$RI8 ofthe;bulldlngor CC)II'IJlIex.
(c) Size. DIrectory signs. may be fteestanding but may not
exceed 6 1/2 feet in height
(<I) Use. A directory sign may only be used.for directions and
SUbd 10. Reserved
Subd 11. Reserved
2. Sal/lDg. In all other ways, the City Code will remain in full
force and effect.
............3... ~ ~. 1l1is Ordinance wUI be in effect from andafler
ltilpassageanc:tpublication accordiIlg to law.
Atklpted by the City Council of the City of Stillwater this 16th day of
o.cember. 2008.
1st Ken HaryclO
Ken Harycl<i. Mayor
IstDlalleF. Ward
Dlane F. Ward. City Clerk
(Dec. 22. ~~rLQ~ 1002