HomeMy WebLinkAbout0959 Ord (City Owned Land)
1. Bridf!e Proiect Mitif!ation. As part of the planning for a new bridge across
the St. Croix River, MnlDOT and Wis/DOT (DOTs) have proposed several mitigation
items with the Preferred Alternative package that, if implemented, will affect City of
Stillwater (City)-owned park property (Stillwater Municipal Barge Facility property,
Lowell Park and Kolliner Park.)
2. Publication of Notice. Notice of the proposed change has been published
in the legal newspaper of the City of Stillwater to fulfill City obligations under Chapter 1,
Article 16 of the City Code (City Owned Land) which requires public review if the
character of City-owned land is substantially changed or altered.
3, Public Hearinf!. At the Public Hearing the Council considered public
comment with regard to the proposed changes.
4, Authorization. Based upon the files and records in this proceeding and
upon the information made part of the record and the testimony presented at the Public
Hearing, the Council ordains that the proposed alteration, development and change of City
Owned Land, as described below, is authorized.
5, Stillwater Municipal Barf!e Facility Property, Stillwater Municipal
Barge Facility Property. The new river crossing is located south of the Barge Facility
property. Construction will not require the acquisition of any land from the site.
Construction of a park access road at the south end of the sites will impact approximately
1.4 acres of site. This access road will connect with the Sunnyside Marina access and TH
To provide mitigation for the impacts of a new river crossing on the recreational
values of the Lower St. Croix Riverway, the DOTs have proposed a loop trail system
between Minnesota and Wisconsin utilizing the new river crossing bridge and the Lift
Bridge. The loop trail would consist of two components through the site: 1) bicycle trail
adjacent to TH 95 utilizing the former railroad corridor, and 2) a pedestrian trail that would
diverge from the loop trail at the south end of the site, follow the St. Croix River shoreline
to the north end of the site, where it would reconnect with the bicycle trail through
downtown Stillwater.
The Terra Terminal building on the Barge Facility property will be demolished and
removed. Removal of the Terra Terminal building and hazardous material will require a
temporary occupancy of the Barge Facility property.
6, Lowell Park. Completion of the loop trail system will include construction
of the loop trail from the Barge Facility property north to Lowell Park and the Lift Bridge.
The current alignment for the loop trail is along the former railroad right-Qf-way along the
west boundary of Lowell Park between Nelson and Chestnut streets, connecting with the
Lift Bridge along Chestnut Street.
With conversion of the Lift Bridge to a pedestrian/bicycle facility, the Lift Bridge
will be closed to general use. City emergency vehicles (e.g. ambulance, fire, police) will
continue to have access to the Lift Bridge.
7, Kolliner Park, Completion of the Loop trail system will include
construction of a trail from the east abutment of the Lift Bridge to existing STH 35 in
Houlton, Wisconsin. Two trails, one for bicyclists and one for pedestrians, will parallel
one another up the Wisconsin bluff from the Lift Bridge. The loop trail will bisect
Kolliner Park, similar to the existing roadway.
Removal of the existing STH 64 Lift Bridge approach and CTH E will eliminate
general vehicular access to Kolliner Park, and downtown Stillwater from STH 35 in
Wisconsin. The bicycle portion of the loop trail on the Wisconsin Bluff is a 12-foot paved
trail with 2 to 5 foot vegetated shoulders. City emergency vehicles will have access to
Kolliner Park from Wisconsin along the bicycle trail.
To mitigate for the visual and bluff impacts of a new river crossing, the DOTs have
proposed to remove non-historic elements (e.g. existing driveway, parking area, other
miscellaneous structures) from the Kolliner Park property. Minor regrading and plantings
may be required. Some retaining walls will be left in place to maintain drainage.
Historically significant elements exposed above the soil surface would be documented and
covered with fill.
8, Amendin2/Savin2. In all other ways the City Code shall remain in full
force and effect.
9, Effective Date. This Ordinance will be in full force and effect 30 days after
its passage and publication according to law, as provided in the City Charter.
Adopted by the City Council of the City of Stillwater this 7th day of June, 2005.
J L. e, or
Diane F. Ward, City Clerk
Stillwater Gazette
1931 Curve Crest Blvd.
Stillwater, MN 55082
(651) 439-3130 Fax: (651) 439-4713
State of Minnesota}
County of Washington}
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City of Stillwater
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23 Stillwater
Ordinance #959
Published 6/10/05
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My Commission Expires January 31, 2010
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'r1doe p~ Mltla8llon. As part 01 the pianning for a new bridg8 across
the St. Croix River, MnlDOT and WlsI,DOT (DOTs) have proposed several mitigation
items with the Preferred Aiterriatlve. package that, if Irnplemented. will affect City 01
stillwater (City)-oWned park property (StIllwater . Municipal Barge FacHity property.
Lowell Park and KolHner Park.)
!tubllcatlon of Not\~. Notice 01 the, ()TOposed change has bean published
In the legal newspaper of the City of ,StIllwater to fuHIlICity obligations underChapler 1,
Article 16 01 the City Code (City Owned Land) which requires public review if the char-
acter ofCity-OWIled tand Is substantially changed or altered.
Public Hellrlna., At the. Public Hearing the Council considered public oom-
ment with regard to the proposed changes.
Aulhorlzat!9h"aased upon the files al'ld r8c:ord,1l Intllisproceadlng III'id
l.JPOlltlle infOrrnati()Omadepart6ftlle,rerordEllldtlle~~~~- tJ:l8Publlc
Hearing, the Council Ordains thllt,tt19 .~ ait(ll'ation, deVltlOlltl'l8llt alld c\laIlllIl.oI
City Owned Lal'ld, as deSCribed below, 1$ authorized. ' ,,'
l"111wAter "pl'Ilcloal Barge FliC"1ly ~. Stillwater Municipal, Barge
Facility Property. 'The new river,crosslng is located south 01 the Barge Facility property.
Construction will not, require the acquisition 01 any lend from the site. Construction of a
park access roa<l at the south ,el'ld 01 the siteswiliimpact approximetely1.4 acres 01 site.
This ac~ss road will connect with the SLlnnyside Marina8CC8SS al'ldTH ,95.
, To prolildemitlgatiOn for' the Impacts of anew river crossing 00 the recre-
ational values of the Lower St. Croix Riverway, the DOTs have proposed a loop trail sys-
tern between Minnesota alld Wlsc(lnsin utjllzingtlle /'Iew river Crossing bridge al'ld the
Lilt Bridge. The loop trail would consist of twocornpOnellts through the site: 1) bICyCle
trail adjacent to TH 95 utilizing the former railroad corridor, alld 2) a pedestrian trait thet
would diverge from the loop trail at the south end of the site, follow the St. Croix River
. shoreline to the north end 01 the site, where it would reoonnect with the bicyCle trail
through downtown Stillwater.
c The Terra Te,rrnlnal building on the Barge F'acility property wili be demolished
andren\OVed. Removal (If\he TerraTennlnal bulldi/'l!l~~us~,rjal win
require a temporary occupancy 01 tlleBargeFacillty>Jl~rty. " " "
Lowell Park. Completion 01 the loop trail systern will Include construction of
the loop trail from the Barge Facility property north to Lowall Park alld the Lilt Bridge.
The currant alignment for the loop trail Is along the former railroad right...of,-way along
the wast bounclary of Lowell Park between Nelson aI'ld Chestnut streets, connecting with
the Lilt Bridge along Chestnut Street.
With conversion 01 the Lilt Bridge to a pedestrianlblcycle facility, the Lilt
Bridge will be closed to general use. City ernergency vehicles (e.g. arnbulenc8. fire.
police) will continue to have access to the Lilt Bridge.
KoIllner Park. Cornpletlon 01 the Loop trail system wH11ncIude constructiOn
of a trail from the east abutment of the Lilt. Bridge ,to existing 5TH 35, In Houlton,
WisConsin. Two tralls,one for bicyclists al'ld one for pedestrians, will parallel one an0th-
er up the WISC(lnsln bluff from the ~,Bridge. The loop traHwili bisect, KoIllner Park, sim-
ller to the existing roadway.
Removal 01 the existing STH64 Lilt Bridge approach and CTH E will ellml-
nete general vehicular access to KolHner Park, al'ld downtown Stillwater from STH 35 in
Wisconsin. The bicycle portion of the loop trail on the WisCOnSIn Bluff Is a 12-foot paved
trail with 2 to 5 foot vegetated shoulders. City emergency vehicles will have access to
Kolliner Park from Wisconsin aI(lng the bk:yCIe trail.
To mitigate for the visual al'ld b1uffimpaClS 01 a new river crossing, the DOTs
have proposed to remove non-hlstoric elements (e.g. existing driveway, parking area,
other misCelleneous structures) from the Kolllner Park property. Minor regrading and
plentingS may be required. Sonie retaining walls will be left In piece to rneintaln
drainege. Historically llignlflcant elements exposed above the soil surface would be d0c-
umented and covered with fill.
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