HomeMy WebLinkAbout0918 Ord (Stillwater Charter) "ORDINANCE NO. 918 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF STILLWATER THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF STILL WATER DOES ORDAIN: The following changes are made to the City Charter pursuant to Minn. Stat. ~41 0.12, subd. 7: ARTICLE I. ENACTING. Article III, Section 3.01b, "Redefining Ward Boundaries" IS amended as follows: The third sentence of the section is amended by deleting the parts shown below: "Any action establishing new ward boundaries shall apply to the first election held at least 6 months after establishment of new boundaries." ARTICLE II. SAVING. In all other ways, the Stillwater City Charter shall remain in full force and effect. ARTICLE III. CHARTER COMMISSION. This Ordinance recommended for approval by the Charter Commission on January 28, 2002. ARTICLE IV. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance will be in effect from and after its passage and publication as provided by Minn. Stat. ~41O.32, subd. 7. CITY OF STILLWATER ~~~ ATTEST: ~~ WaAcL Diane F. Ward, Clerk PUBLIC NOTICE The City Council will meet at City Hall on Tuesday, ,2002 at 7:00 p.m. at its regular meeting for the purpose of conducting a public hearing on a proposal recommended by the Charter Commission to change the City Charter by Ordinance. What follows is the text of the proposed amendment as approved by the Mayor. All those desiring to be heard are invited to attend or to send written comments prior to the meeting to the City Clerk. City Hall is located at 216 North Fourth Street, Stillwater, Minnesota. "ORDINANCE NO. 918 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF STILLWATER THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF STILLWATER DOES ORDAIN: The following changes are made to the City Charter pursuant to Minn. Stat. 9410.12, subd. 7: ARTICLE 1. ENACTING. Article III, Section 3.01b, "Redefining Ward Boundaries" IS amended as follows: The third sentence of the section is amended by deleting the parts shown below: "Any action establishing new ward boundaries shall apply to the first election held at least 6 months after establishment of new boundaries." ARTICLE II. SAVING. In all other ways, the Stillwater City Charter shall remain in full force and effect. ARTICLE III. CHARTER COMMISSION. This Ordinance recommended for approval by the Charter Commission on January 28,2002. ARTICLE IV. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance will be in effect from and after its passage and publication as provided by Minn. Stat. 9410.32, subd. 7. Published text of this Ordinance approved for publication by Wally Milbrandt, Acting Mayor, on 0:2. O~ ,2002. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ~tilltuater ~a?ette 1931 Curve Crest Blvd. Stillwater, MN 55082 (651) 439-3130 Fax: (651) 439-4713 2/11/02 State of Minnesota} ss. 'COllllty of Washington} The undersigned, being duly sworn, on oath, says that slhe is the Publisher or authorized agent and employee of the Publisher known as the Stillwater Evening Gazette, and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated. (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualification as a qualified newspaper, as provided by Minnesota State Statute 331A.02, 331A.07 and other applicable laws as amended. Printed below is a copy of the lowercase Alphabet, from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind type used in composition and publication of the of notice. abcdefghijklmnopqcstuvwxyz Pu~ &th ~~ ~"'" '\ ,~, \,'"-./\,."....., ",,,-'\ \o''\~''.,\i\t\.I\/\,'\I'v'v'~"..~ f BERR!MAN ? , NOTM,v i)::'1UC - MINNESOTA Mv .'. n "s:oo EXP'fOS j'3f-2005 t ,0:', ''\''''',,-'\I'I.~~',O\>~(''~ -.~-".tV'\J"/'V"\,"~'''''' "',"\'\..I">A? ,"',: City of Stillwater 216 4th St N. Stillwater, MN 55082 Invoice #: 00000713 Terms: Net 30 Inches 12 Stillwater Description City of Stillwater Meeting to discuss Ordinance No. 918, Published 2/8 Price $4.03 Total $48.36 $48.36 Maximum rate per column inch. under Minnesota Law: $16.90 per 12.pica colunm Payment $48.36 $0.00 Sub Total Balance Due $48.36 Evenlng Gazette, FebrU8tY 8, 2002 '... .. ...PUBLlCNOncE . .... .'. ......, The,dity CouncII,Wlli 'meet at City Hall ,onT~. Febt\ifiry 19. 2002 at 7:00 P'I1l' ati,,''regular'meetlng for the purpose of oonductiJ'lgllpubliCheariR9'OnaP!O" posal recominended. by the . Cha~ COmmission to. ctiatlQ8 ...thlt .~.. qria.i1~..bv Ordinance. What follows is the text of the proposed amendn1ent1l8;~ b'ttJl8 Mayor. All those ~iring to be heard are iOvltlld to a~d or to:send WfIlb!AeomlJl8rlts prior to the meeting. to the' CltyClerk.Bity Hallls located at216~. Fourth ~. Stillwater, Mlnnesbta. "ORDINANCE NO. .,8 AN ORDINANCE AMENDltfG THE CHARTER OF THE CiTY OF STILLWATER THE CITY cOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF STII.LWATERDOES ORDAIN: ' The following changes are made to the City "Charter PUrsuant toMilln.~f:41o.12.i sOl)d. 7:' ,"\>;\\'''I''I,&.A ARTICLE I. ENACTING.. ArtiCte 111, Section S-Oib,.ilfideflninl1 Waitt ~.".1 amended as follows: ' ,. The third sentence 01 the section is amended by deletino the " parts shown below: ' "Any action establlshlOg new ward boundaries shall apply to the firstelecti9n held at 18118t II "'8F11k8 after' establishment of new boundaries." 1 l ,4 ., j ., 'j . . ARTICLE II.~. In all other ways, the StiHwater City Charter shallremairI iOfulI: force and effect. . . . . .,' ARTICLE 1U.Pt/AArER COM~ISSIQN: ThIS Ordinance @<Xlnllj~~fOt~l.by the Charter. Con'1mlssiOR onJanu8fV@.20Q2. ARTICLE IV. FFFECT1VE DATE. This Otdinance will be in effect frol:n linQafter. its~ sage and PlIblicationas- pr9vjded by Minn. Stat ti410.32, si.Jbd. 7. : ., ' , '., , Published text 01 this ordinance approved tOr pU\:llieatiGn IliywauY Milbt'an<ll, ~ : Acting Mayor, on February 5, 2002.' . . Wally MiIbraI'ldt. Acling Mayor: , .. 2/8: