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The City Council of the City of Stillwater does ordain:
1. AMENDING. Chapter 31 of the City Code entitled Zoning is amended as follows:
a) Chapter 31-1, subd. 10 is amended by adding a new paragraph (16) that will read as
"(16) PWFD Public Works Facility District"
b) A new zoning text is enacted as 31-1, subd. 21.2 that will read as follows:
"Subd.21.1. Public Works Facility. The PWFD, Public Works Facility District
is regulated as follows:
" (1) Purpose. The purpose of the PWFD is to provide a district for Public Works
Facility uses.
(2) Planned Unit Development Permit Required. No building, structure, land or
premises in the PWFD may be used and no building or structure may be
constructed except those granted a Planned Unit Development, ("PUD"), permit.
(3) Uses Permitted with a PUD Permit:
a. Public Work Facility including office and meeting space.
b. Any other use or service establishment determined by the planning
commission to be of the same general character as the above use and will not
impair the present or future character of the adjacent properties.
(4) Height and Area Regulations. The maximum height of buildings or structures
and minimum dimensions of lots and yard setbacks in the PWFD are as follows:
a. Maximum height of all structures 45 feet.
b. Minimum setbacks
1. All building or structures must be set back a minimum of 50 feet from any
public right-of-way.
11. All buildings must be set back a minimum of 30 feet from any property
line other than the street right-of-ways.
iii. All buildings or structures must be set back a minimum of75 feet from the
property line of any residential zoned or designated property.
iv. All parking areas must be set back to a minimum of20 feet from any of
the property lines.
<( ,
, .
v. Parking areas, driveways or outside storage areas must be set back a
minimum of 30 feet from the property line of any residentially zoned
(5) Parking and Loading.
a. Adequate parking must be provided for employees and visitors. The number
of spaces must be determined for current and future possible expanded use at
time ofPUD review.
b. No parking area loading space, or maneuvering area may be closer than 30
feet from public right-of-way. This regulation does not apply to entrance and
egress driveway.
c. Parking lots and drives may be shared with adja~ent park areas.
(6) Developmental Performance Standards.
a. Minimum parcel size is 5 acres. I
b. Operations to a maximum extent must be condu~ted within a fully enclosed
building. I
c. Any material stored outside shall be buffered a; visually screened from
adjacent residential properties. Using fencing, I ndscaping or earthen berms.
Outside storage areas and screening must be sp cifically shown in PUD
Master Plan., i
d. No use may produce or emit from a vent, stack, Ichimney or combustion
process any smoke darker than Ringlemann No.1 I, except that smoke darker
than Ringlemann No.2 is permissible for a duraition of not more than four
minutes during any eight-hour period if the somjce of the emission is more
than 250 feet of residentially zoned property. I
e. Noise levels may not exceed 80dB(A) at repeat~d intervals or for a sustained
length of time measured at any point along the *operty line.
f. No activity is permitted that creates any electric~l disturbance that adversely
affects any operations or equipment other than ~ose of the creator of the
disturbance or which otherwise causes, creates r contributes to the
interference with electronic signals (including t levision and radio
broadcasting transmissions) to the extent that thf operation of any equipment
not owned by the creator of the disturbance is a~versely affected.
g. The minimum landscaped and open space for th~ PWFD district is 30 percent.
h. No loading dock may face a street unless scree1ed from view. A screening
plan must be approved as part of final PUD apPfoval.
1. A lighting plan showing fixture type location, h~ight and intensity of lighting
must be submitted for review as part of the puq application. A light source
must not be seen from adjacent properties. The I intensity of outdoor lighting
must be the minimum for the intended purpose. !
(7) Design Permit. A design review permit is require~ for all PWF District uses
according to the design review standards of this se4ion. (Ord. No.828, 9-13-96)"
2. SAVING. In all other ways, the City Code will remain in ~ll force and effect.
"., ,.
. .</
3. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance will be in full force and effect from and after its
passage and publication according to law.
Diane F. Ward, City Clerk
Affidavit of Publication
~tinwater <l9a?ette
102 South Second Street, P.O. Box 58, Stillwater, MN 55082
Phone: (651) 439- 3130 Fax: (651) 439-4713 \
State of Minnesota)
County of Washington)
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. 200 I.
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City of Stillwater Ord. 909,
Published 8/21
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a.. Minimum paroel siZe IS 5 acres.
b.Op8rations . toa maximum
extent must be.conducted wffh-
in a fuRy enclosed building.
c. My mafilr!lil stored outside
shall be buffered and.....1J8lIy
scre6ned from adjacent resi-
deritial pr0perti'8S. Using fenc-
ing, landscaping or earthen
tlerms.Qutside . storage . areas
and screening must be specifi-
cally shown in PUD Master
d. No use may Ptoduce orl:lm~
from a. vent, . stadt, .<;hirilney QI'.
combustion process any
Smoke darker than Rlnglemahn
NO.I,exC8pt thaternoke darker
than Ringlemarin Nq. 2is per_
missible for a duration of not
more than four minutes dUring
any eight-hour period' if the
source of the emission .is more
than 256 feet of residentially
zoned prOperty.
e. Noise levels . may not. exceed
8OdB(A) at repeated intervals
.'Orfer aSustaln$d.leilgth eftlln&'
ITl9llSlIred at any point. along
the property line.
f. No activity is permitted that cre-
ates any electricai disturbance
that adVersely affects any .oP8r-
aUoos or equipment other than
those of the creator of the dis-
turbancaorwhich otherwise
causes, creates or contributes
to the interference wffh electron-
ic signals (including television
and radiO, ~ng trans-
misslons(tqi~'~lbst !he'
operatIOn of any equipment not
owned by the creator of the. dis-
turban&!' is iliiverS8ry affected.
g. The mlnirnum~aped and
open space fer the PWl=D dis-
trict is 30 percent.
h. Noloadil'lg dock may face a
street unless screened from
view. A screening plan must be
. approved as part of final pup
I. A fighting pian shoWingfixtu,re
type locatton, height andintensi-.
IV of lighting must be sulm1itted
for review as part of the PlIO
application. A light source must
not be Seen froIn edlacent prop-
erties. The Intensity of outdoor
lighting must .~ the. minimum
for the intended purpose.
(7) Destgn Permit.. Ii. design reView
permit. is required for au PWF
District uses .acCordingtQ the
design review. stclndards ef this
section. (Ord. No.828, 9-13-96)"
2. ~ In all other ways, the CltyCode
Will remain in full force and effect.
3. EFFECTIVE DATE. ThIS 01'dlnanOe WiD be
in full forCe and effect from and alter 4s.pas-
sage and pubIicatjOn licCortIII;g to law.
Adopted by the.>City Counc/I. of the City. of
StlHwater this lIll dlIY of~ 200~.'\.. .
lJl&Cio/bbun~lIofthe City.!>>f $til,..,ao.&
1. h~E"'PING. Chapter $1 of.the City Code
el'ltitfed ZOning is amended as follows:
al Chapter 31-1, SUbd' 10 is amended by
aQdillg li n~paragraph (16l thatwiU
read as follows:
'(16) PWFD Pul>lic Works Facility
b)A:n8W zoning text Is enacted as 31-1,
. . sllbd. 21.2 that will read.as follows:
"SlJbd. .g1.1. Public Works Facility.
The PlNfD,Publlc WOri(s Facility Qlstrict is
rl:lgulated as fOllows:
(1 l Purpose. ~ The PUrpose of the PWFD
is to. provide a. district for Public
Work$ Facility uses.
Planned Unit. DeVEllopinent Permit
Flequil'ed' .. .. Nj)bu,lklllIlIt.structure,
land or premi$l!lsin the PWFDmay
be used and no building or structure
In!l}l . be. Qonstructed excePlthose
gr,mted . a .. Planned Unit
Development,('PUOO), permit. .
(:3) UsesPermi1ted wffh.a PUD.Permit:
a. Public Work . Facility . inCluding
office and meeting space.
b.,Any\lthet . use or service-estab-
lishment.detelmined by the j:lIan-
ning COmlrllssi?" to be of. .the'
same. generalch8racter as the
above use and wHl not impair the
present or f.uture charactl:lf of the .
.. j!ldjacentpropertles.'
(4)HeightaiJd, Area Regulations,. The
maxilJlum height.. of buildings or
structures and minimum. dimensions
of lots and yard setbacks in. 'the
PWFD aieas follows:
a. Maximum height of all structures
45 feet.
b. Mjnimum setbaCks
i. Ali building or structures must
'be set back a minimum of 50
feet from any public right-of-"
way. ~.. .
ii. All bUildings must be set baCk
a minimum of 30 ~t from any
property lineoth&r than the
streepight:of.ways. ..
Iii. . All buildings or structures must
~ set back a minimum of 7.5
feet from. the property line of
any residential zoned or desig-
nated property,
iv. All pari(iIlg areas must be set
back fo a minimum of 20 feet
from any of the property lines.
v. Parking. areas, driveways or
outsii:le storage areas must be
set back III minimum of 30 feet
from the. Property line of any
reident!ally zonect Propjlrty. .
(5) Pwk/rIg 8/1t:nosdlttg.
a. Adequate ~8rking must be. pro-
. . .tors: '!"f'mrhlJi'nbet of ~
must be determined for CUrrent
. 'i?3~8ti:~r~:
or~ area may be
~t~ 30 f~ frotrtpubllc
~ghl~y. This ,..lation
does not apply to entrB1)C8 and
egress driVeway.
b. Parking 10ls&nddrjv~maYbe.~
, shared with adjaC$t1t Park
(6) Developmental PerformJIf1Ce
ft.'~ Ia. KimbrEl. '.
ISIDi$ne F.. Waid
Diane F. Ward, City Clerk .