HomeMy WebLinkAbout0900 Ord (Establishment of Districts)
The Zoning Ordinance of the City, found at Chapter 31 of the Stillwater City Code is amended
by adding the following provisions:
A new District is added as follows:
CTR Cove Traditional Residential District.
1. Permitted Buildings and Uses. In the Cove Traditional Residential District, the following
buildings and uses and their accessory buildings and uses are permitted:
a. Dwelling houses, each occupied by not more than one family, with each garage
no larger than three stalls.
b. Parks, playground and other open space areas.
2. Permitted Uses with Special Use Permits. In a Cove Traditional Residential District, the
following buildings and uses and their accessory buildings and uses are permitted by
Special Use Permit:
a. Home occupations subject to all provisions of the zoning Ordinance regulating
home occupations for the Single Family Residential, RA, District.
b. Accessory dwellings subject to the following regulations:
1. Lot size on which an accessory dwelling is located must be at least 15,000
square feet;
2. Accessory dwellings may be located within or attached to the primary
structure, or within an accessory structure (detached from the primary
3. Off-street parking requirements for an accessory unit and a single-family
residence must be provided: Four off-street parking spaces, three must be
enclosed. All four spaces must be provided within the setback boundaries
of the property;
4. A detached accessory dwelling must be located in the rear yard of the
primary residence;
5. Detached accessory dwelling units may not have roof dormers that face
the nearest residential lot side yard property line.
6. Detached accessory structure must not result in the loss of significant trees
or require major site alteration.
7. Only one detached accessory structure may be located on a residential lot.
8. Detached accessory uses may include one or more ofthe following:
a. Accessory dwelling unit;
b. Accessory dwelling and one enclosed structure parking space;
c. Home office;
d. Storage.
9. Maximum size of a detached accessory structure is:
a. 500 square feet, one story use of loft area is allowed; or
b. 720 square feet (when grade level used as only garage, i.e., no
garage attached to primary structure), 20 feet maximum building
10. A detached accessory structure must abide by the following setbacks:
Side yard 5 feet
Rear yard 10 feet
11. An accessory use requires Design Review for consistency with the
primary unit in design, detailing and materials.
12. Detached accessory structures may not have window openings facing the
rear property line.
13. Detached accessory structures located on comer lots must have the garage
doors turned away from the side street.
14. If there are two garages on site, at least one garage must not face the street
or streets if a comer lot.
3.. Accessory Structures. One detached garage or accessory dwelling subject to above
4. Development Regulations.
a. Area, setback and height regulations:
1. Maximum building height
2. Minimum lot area
3. Minimum lot width at building setback line
4. Minimum front yard setback
5. Side yard setbacks
6. Rear yard
7. Minimum railroad setback
8. Driveway width maximum (at front property line)
Single Family
2 stores and 35 feet
14,000 square feet
80 feet
40 feet
25 feet
7.5 feet
20 feet
25 feet
75 feet
14 feet
Special garage setback. Garages must be setback at least 6 feet beyond the front wall of the
house or porch. On 30% of the lots, garages may extend beyond the front line of the dwelling.
These the garages may be side loaded.
A new District is added as follows:
CCR Cove Cottage Residential District.
1. Permitted Buildings and Uses. In the Cove Cottage Residential District the following
buildings and uses and their accessory buildings and uses are permitted.
a. Dwelling houses each occupied by not more than one family and with a garage no
larger than three (3) stalls.
b. Parks, playgrounds, greens and other open space area.
2. Permitted Uses with Special Use Permits. In a Cove Cottage Residential District, the
following buildings and uses are permitted by Special Use Permit:
a. Home occupations subject to all provisions of the Zoning Ordinance regulating
home occupation for the Single Family Residential District, RA.
3. Accessory Structures. Not allowed.
4. Development Regulations.
a. Area, setback and height regulations:
1. Maximum building height:
2. Average lot area
3. Minimum lot area
4. Minimum lot width at building front
5. Minimum front yard setback
6. Side yard
7. Rear yard
8. Minimum lot width at street
9. Railroad setback
10. Driveway width maximum (at front property line)
Single Family
2 stories and 35 feet
10,000 square feet
7,000 square feet
60 feet
20 feet
7.5 feet
20 feet to r-o-w
25 feet
30 feet
75 feet
14 feet
On 70% of the lots, garages must be set back a minimum of 6 feet behind the front wall or the
front porch of the residence.
On 30% of the lots, garages may extend beyond the front line of the dwelling. These garages
may be side loaded.
Garages in front of the home may be side loaded (maximum 30 percent). Third car garages may
be side entry or separated from the main garage, at an angle to the main garage, or otherwise
screened by a portion of the house, porch, or facade.
Comer lots may have side loaded garages.
A new District is added as follows:
CTHRCove Townhouse District.
1. Permitted Buildings and Uses. In the Cove Townhouse District, the following buildings
and uses are permitted:
Single family attached residences.
Parks, playgrounds and other open space areas.
2. Permitted Uses with Special Use Permits. In a Cove Townhouse District, the following
buildings and uses and their accessory buildings and uses are permitted by Special Use
a. Home occupations subject to all provisions of the Zoning Ordinance for the
Duplex Residential, RB, District.
3. Development Regulations.
a. Area, setback and height regulations:
1. Maximum building height
2. Minimum lot area per unit
3. Minimum setbacks
From Boutwell Avenue
From Manning Avenue
From other public streets
Between buildings
Single Family
2-112 story 35 feet
3,000 square feet
70 feet
100 feet
30 feet
40 feet
4. Design Review. Administrative Design Review IS required for all permitted and
specially permitted buildings or uses.
a. Townhouse garages must front on private alleys. Only end units may are to front
on public streets. Elevation views should include patios and porches.
5. The City Attorney and City Clerk are authorized to consult with Municipal Ordinance
Codifiers to determine an appropriate section in the City Code to insert this zoning text
6. The following property is re-zoned to the designation set forth opposite the legal
description on the attached Exhibit A and the zoning map of the City is hereby amended
as set forth on the attached Exhibit B.
7. This ordinance will be in full force and effect from and after its publication according to
law and upon the annexation of this property to the City of Stillwater.
Enacted by the City Council of the City of Stillwater this 18th day of July, 2000.
Diane Ward, City Clerk
That part of the west half of the southwest quarter of Section 19,
Township 30, Range 20 west, Washington County Minnesota lying
south of a line 1,2000 feet southerly of, measured at a right angle
to an parallel with the southerly right of way lien of the Minnesota
Zephyr Railroad and lying south and west of (Rivard Addition) and
north of the centerline of Boutwell Road.
EXHIBIT A, page 1
The West Holf of the Southeost Quarter of ~tjon 19.
Township 30 North. Range 20 ~st. Stillwoter To....nship.
Washington COU(Ity. Minnesota. ')ing south of the southerly
right-of-way of the Northern Pacific Railrooct. excepting
therefrom the West 67aOO feet thereof; Ct'd also
excepting therefrom the South 358.20 feet thereof;
Together with:
That port of the West Half of the Northeast Ouarter of the
Southeast Ouarter of Section 19. Township 30 North. Range
20 West. l)ing south of the SOUtherly ri9ht-of-way of said
Northern Pacific Railrood.
Togethet' with:
All that part of the West HoIf of the South~t Quarter.
and all that port of the Southeast Ouarter of the
Southwest Ouarter end 011 that part of the Nortt:eest
Ouarter of the Southwest Ouartet'. aU in Section 19.
Township JO Horth. Rcnge 20 West. Stillwoler Township.
Washington County. Minnesota, described osfoUows:
The West 678.00 feet of the ~st Half of the Southeast
Quarter of soid Section 19. ')in~ southerly of the ~the.~y
right-ot-way of the Northern Pacific Roilwoy. excepting
therefrom the South 358.20 feet thereof.
The Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Oucrter of Section
19. excepting therefrom the South 228.00 feet thereof.
The Northeast Q..Jortet' of the South_est Ouarter of said
~tion 19. lying southerly o( the SO\ith ri~ht-o(-way lin.
of the Northern PacifiC RaiI....ay. exc~tin9 from said
Northeast Ouarter of the Southwest Quorter of the
following described tract:
Commencing at the nor+.hwest comet' of said Northeast
Qucrter of the Southwest Ouarter; thence east along the
north line of said Northeast Ouarter o( the Southwest
Ouarter for 40.00 feet: thence south and petal'eI with the
west line of said Northeast Quartet' of the Southwest
Quarter for 113.60 feet to its Intersection with the
southerly right-of-way of said Northern Pacific: Railwoy.
which is the point of beginning of l4id exception: thence
continuing south olong said porolld line drown 40.00 feet
east of the west line of the Northee3t Quarter of the
Southwest Ouarter for 626.10 fe~t; thence e4st end
parallel with soid southerly right-of-way of the Northern
Pacific Railway for 417.41) feet: thence north and parallel
with said west line of the Northeast Ouarter of the
Southwest Ouarter for 626.10 feet to said southerly
right-of-way of the Northem PacifiC Railway. thence west
oIong said southerly right-of-way of the Narthern Pacific
Railway for 417.40 (eel to the point of be;4\t'\ing.
except for the property described as
Lots 1-3, Block 17, and Lots 1-8, Block
16, Coves of Stillwater, according to the
preliminary plat thereof.
and except for the property described as:
EXHIBIT A, page 2
That part of the West Halfofthe Southeast QwrterofSection 19, TOwn4hip 30 Nort~, Range 20
West, Was~n County. Minneoot",.l)'ing south of the solltherlyright-of-wayofthc
Minn~sota Zeph)T, formerly known 13 the Northern Pacific Railroad. excepting therefrom the
South 358.20 feet thereof.
That part of the Weit Half of thc:: Northeast Quarter of the SoutheMt Quarter of Section 19,
Township 30 ~orth, Reng~ 20 WQt, lying JOuth oIthc southerly ri8ht-of-way ofth~ Minnesota
Z.phyr, fonn~rly known as tbe Northern Pacific Railroa4. which lies northerly and easterly of
th~ (ollowing described line:
Beginning at the southeast comer oh~d. West Half oCthe Nortbc:ast Quarter of the
South~t Quarter; thence on ~l anumed ~arin~ of North 89 degrees 15 minutes 20
seconds Weat. alana the IOUth line of said West Half of the Northeast Quarter ofthc
Southeast Quarter 366.00 feet; thence North 54 degrees IS minutes 20 seconds West
110.00 feet; then~ NQrth 73 degre:es 00 minutes 20 fecondt West 256.00 feet; thence
North 77 degrees 48 minutes 20 seconds West 370.00 feet; thence North 59 degrees 23
minutes 20.ClCOD<b We$. 312.00 feet; thence North 44 degrees 39 minutos 20 seconcb
W~t 253.00 feet: thence North 7 degrees 13 minutes 20 seconds West 128.00 feet;
thence North 19 degreol 08lTiinutc. 20 seconds \Vest 199.00 feet; thence North 39
degrees 30 tninute. 20 seconds West 176.00 feet; thenoe North 68 degrees 47 minutes 20
accond5 We.t 84.00 feet: thence North 17 degrees 58 minutes 12 seconds East 64.68 feet
to the louthcrly right-ot-way line said Minnesota Zeph)'r railroad and said line there
EXHIBIT A, page 3
Lots 1-3, Block 17, and Lots 1-8, Block 16 all in the proposed plat
of coves of Stillwater accordingly to the preliminary plat thereof.
EXHIBIT A, page 4
CCR = Cove Cottage Residential
CTI-tR = Cove TO'Mlhouse Residential
cm = Cove Traditional Residential
0.25 Miles
. .
$>tillwater Qfbentng ~a?ette
PO Box 58, 102 S. 2nd St, Stillwater, MN 55082; Phone 651-439-3130; FAX 651-439-4713
State of Minnesota
County of Washington
Mary Beth Kremer, being duly sworn, on oath says that she is the Publisher or authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper known as Stillwater
Evening Gazette, and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated. A. The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualification as a
qualified newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A02, 331A07 and other applicable laws, as amended. Printed below is a copy of the lower case alpha-
bet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and pUblication of the notice.
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37 1 Days Pub.
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Maximum rate per column inch under
Minnesota Law: $7.50 per 12-pica column.
Total Amount
a. DMUing houseS each ~ bynol more Ih8t1
; one ~ II'd wIlha gmage 00 largerlhan 1hlee (3)
, b. Parks.p/aygrouIlds,~aooaherpnspace
area. '
2.' PerrniIIed lJ8e& will Sped$I use~, .In a
Cove CdIsge ResIdenliaI DiIIIict....tJblIing bui1d-
ings aoo uselIllle ~ by Speciall.Jse Permit
a. ~ 0llClfIlIllIc:l sut:4eid to alprovisions of
Ihe Zoning~ ~ hOmeocc:upalion
fOr Ihe SitQle Famuv ResidI!lnlIaIIl\IItriCl, RA.
...~r'Qe\1eloI:rneri ~
i 'Q:' AMa,llIIl4tIack and ~ nlgl.lfI1III:ln:
~ Single Family
1, MlIMinIlm ~ ~ 2l11Driel1l1ld 35leet
2.~ ~_ 10,000 6q.IlIAl1eet
3.~~_ 1pj06q.IlIAl1eet
~*.' _feel
.. $; .......fIt:n yardl!llllld< 20 feel
.. Side)wis .
InIIIIol' 7.5 feet
ComIt. . 20feet to r-o-w
7. RIJiIr ylIftI 25 feet
8. 1IIrim.IrII ~ widlh It ShlII30 feel
9. AIilrclIIIlieIIllIlk 75feel
1o.~widh n'IlIlIftun
Jll!M~"'} 14feet
On 70"1.. of Ihe lca; gavagii!S must be set back a
minlmum of 6 feet betm the front waD or lhE! front
paICIloflhe Rt8idence. .
On 30% of Ihe 101$, gaJage$ may extend bey(ind
Ihe front.1Ine of the dwelling. n- garages may
be Side Ii:lad8d. .
Garages in front of Ihe hOme. may.be Side lOltded
(maximum 30 pen;enl). \tin! car garages may be .
side enIry oraepelllltild from Ihe main glII'lQ!, at an
angle to the main garage, or olherwise screened
by a porIioo o.f 1he.1'1ol@1~ or facade.
A NtIW 0IIllricf 18 adcIlll:I as fdIOIrs~' ...... --,. ,
CJHfl CGlI,e 1l:IwrIhc!UIe IJisll'Ict.
1... ~. Buildi1gs llI1d Uses. In Ihe.Qove
TO'M1houSe DisIrict, the fofIowing IJuil(Irgs and llSe/l .
are permilled:
a. Si1gIe falnlyaltached Iesidences.
b. Parks. pIaygIotnSs aoo other open space areas.
2. PetIniItIKl ~ wIlh SpecIal Use PemiIll. In a
Cove ~ 0isIrict, the following llUIldIngs and.
usesaoo I1elr aa:e\lIIlOIl( buildings aoo uses are per-
ITIiIIecI by SpecIal Use Permit
. maybe a. Hllme ~ Ulject to all pRMsiona of
. ... lhe toririg .oitInait:e ior tie DupIell Residenlial,
ude one or RB, Oislricl
3. IJewklprnert Rel)JIalions.
a. Nea, seIlack aoo hei!ttI reguIalions:
Provision S!ngIe Family
1. MIIldmJm IluiIdngIW1l 2 1/2 fAory lIld 35 feet
2. MInimJm Ial_ per uriI 3,000 6q.IlIAl feel
3. ~ IIIlllIIDs
. F/llIIl8oulWrlt~ 701eet
Frcm~Awooe 100feet
FIOO1 0IIler puIlII: __ 30 feet
I!llIIMen I:IUIdr1gs 40 feet
4,. DelIIgn Rlwlew, ~ Oe$V1RfMew Is
required for.. all penniIIed and spedaIIy permitted
boIldngs or uses. .
a '1bwr1I1ouse. garages must front on private alleyS.
Only n ur1ls may front on publiC sIJeelS. EIeValion
views ~irlCIuliIepallos II'd pon;he$. .
5. The City AItomlIy aoo City Clerk are auIhorized \0
00ll$IlIl wlth ~ 0rI:Iinan0lt CodIiers \0 seter-
E wilh !he primary unlt in design, detail- .,...,.. ~..... 8Id:rt. in.!he. City.' . Code. to. ins4lt
. aoo materials. lhiSlllri'lQfllIlt anllllldnelt.
1 Detached accessory may not have 6.n.fcltIl:Mlll1 ~ iis re-zoned to !he designa-
q:JeIlil1Q$ facing Ihe rear fine. . tQ\ sit fOlt1 ~ the IlIglll clIIsGription on Ihe
1 ~ Detached accessory sIr\JClule$ , \Bel on ca-. Iftast'lId ilcIliblI.A and.. ~.1Y1IlP of the City os
I"MIt lots must have the QIilr&ge ~ ~.. ~ enl1ea\lactled ExhIbil
m.n the side $l!l:lel. B. . .
14. 1l1here are tWo ~On
gatage must not laCe.the slr8et or
nerlol. .
3. ~ Slrucures. One. de gatage or
~~abow .. kltia1a.
a.Mta,~and~' ,',
~ Single F
1. MaldrrunI:luilttl1g 1'teIGhl..2 S/llNIS
2.~1lI_ ,...
3. MInimJm kll width at
buJdklg selb8Jk line 90 feet
CtJ-dKa::. 4Of$I!,
4. ~rrunlront yaid seIlllck251llel .
5; Skle yard $EIIbaCI<s
I ComIt
6. Rear Y!IId, 251e8t
7. J,1Inim.m nilrtJad satbrId< 75 feet
8. Prt-ev width rnaimlm
(alllooI..1 flIQPl9I1Y line) 141eet
.speciaJ garage setlack.
back at IeasI 6 feel beyond the
hcluse or patch. On 30% of the
e8ld beyond the 1rGnllir1e otlhe
~ may be side 1oadEld.
A rJwi di8IIiclie a(jded..~:
CQ"I. ~ CO\IIOt IWdll1IaI
1. . Pelmilled I3uiIdiriIS aoo
. R$lliI:IeI'IIla tlII1rict !he
uses and \heir accessory
. D'H8IT A
ThaI part" "'weetflilf of Ihe ~quarler
of SectidI1 19;. Townst1ip 30. Aang& 20 west,
Wll$hingIon County. MImesofa I)1ngsoull "a line
1;l1l}."-SOlIlheIly Of, ~ at a JiltIl ~
to a..... tie sauIhIIlIv.ri!td of way tiet\ of
the MlnreIolBZephfr RIliItOIId aoo Iyl~ souI1 and
west (AivatdAddllion) and I1QIlh of theQelllet1lne of
.....R*I. - ,
(:cR~ .
The West hall of the SollhIat\t .... of SecIlon
19. T~ 30 Na1h, f'II:II9t~WeII. Stillwater
TQM)Itlip,.~' ~.:!Mlnneeots 1ying
llllUtI of .. soulI\elIy right. ".y'l)f tie NorIhem
PacifIl RalIl'08d; exclIpIirQ .~ the West
678.00 feel hlreof, n_~ 1hirefrom
the Soulh358.20 feellhereof.
Together wilh:
ThaI part "tie West Half of lheNonheasl Quarter
of tie ~OuIttierdf~19, ~
;3(). ~ ..RliI'tgl.llOwest; _ ..Si1dh of..
SClUlIielt1 ~ Of WIt! 01 . said NoIt\t!II1 PacifiC
All flat. part of the West HaW' of the Soulheast
. .' Cltl8rIer, aoo 'allhat part of !he ~ QulIJ1IIr
. Of 1he .$CJUtIWeSt Ouarter aoo alIlhat.patt of the
Nlxbast 0u8iler. of the $ou!tIWllIlt OuaniiIr,alin
Seaion 19, ~30NoI1h, Renge20 Weat,\.
Stillwater .. Township, Washington County,
Minnesota, described as tobvs:
The ..~ 678.00 tiiet." hi .WIIl ..... Of hi :
SOut1eallI Cll.lIIrtlIIr of .~ SIdon 1',IVi'~" . .
~.of" ~ ... tI.way .of_'\~
SaAti3llEl.20feel~. ,..
The ~Ourittitr tI..~Gluift:cI' .
of ......1t;~_8iIllIl'l'
Zil800 flr:8tllllJild. '. .. . . . ..
The NbltIeIIIIll ().illfterof .......... Q.IlIIter"
satI.seetm 18;"'" ~ot......lWtaf
WIlly line of the NoIlNm.PllcilIC ~ 8IllllII!IinD . .
from~~\ .'!~.
.'=-.c 'W'*
I'blheIllIi Quarter 01 the Soulhwesl au.tIr;
hn:le east ~!he rUth line Of saif~
Quarter 01 the ~ Quarter for 40.00 feel;
thence SOIIttllllltparallll.... ~ west lilt of sailI
Norlheasl Quarter of .1he..Sou\hMISt CIulilItIIr fa'
113.00 te8t to Is ~wlIh1he~rilj1l
of way of said. Northem PaciIlc RaIwav. wtic:f1 is
the. point of beginning.of said ~ theAoe
00I1IirIJIV souIh along Slid. plInII\II IDe cnwn
40.00 _ easlat N west line 01.. NIIlhtIiI1II
Quarter gf 1he SouhIIesI Quarter fa 626.10 feel;
hn:le east and ~ wilh SlidIlOulhlBdy" gf
way of !he Northem PlIIciIiC AaIIlrrayfQr 417.40_
hn:le I1QIlh ancs.paraIIIit wilh _ west lilt 01...
Norlheasl Quarter of 1he Sou1hWest Cluatter for
626.10 'feel 19 said soulhedy ri!td of Wlt!gf ...
Nor1hem PacifiC ~ lI1erlcft west along lIIIId
souIheIly ri!td of way of the Northem PaciIk:
Railwayfor417.40feet.~'" _of~
exa.pt fa tie pqlIeI'Iy cIelIIdMId as. LdlI 1-3.
Block 17, aoo 1..QIll. 1-8, .. 1G. Cl.Me8 gf
Stillwater, ~ to tie ~_lhIlI8CJf,
That patt of !he WeIll Halfgflhe.SauIhea8l Qulil:ter
0I.5edkIn 19, ~ 00 NaIl, Renge:l1) w.st. .
WastiingIpn County, Minr'1e8olIl, ~ $DllIh of..
soulheI1y right otway ot tie Mfme8Q!a z.phyr, fQr-
merIy ImWn ... Northem eq; _~
excep\iIQ tier.." the Soulh 358.20 feet_ .
That patt of the West Hall 01 tie NortIIMlII Quarter
ot the ~ ~of Sec:lion 19,I9WnIlhIp
00 NoIlh, IIIII1ie 2O...'NeIIC.~ 0:JurlIy.
.. ~~llIP\IIld..~ri!tdof~
01.. MInAeeola Zephyr. ioImelly known Il$!he
NOrtIeItl Pd:: ~ V'ItiCh tklsl1lllhllly aoo
easteIly of... ~~1Ine:
of the NorlheIlsl 0Ulltter of the ~ Clt,drW;
lheooe en an l!IllllIlned IleiaItng Of t<<lrIh 811' degr-
res 15 minJtes filO lllllXlI'lCIIl West, along the $DllIh
line of Sllid WfiIII. H8II of the NalheaIt QulIIfer of
Ihe ~ Quarter'i366.oo feet; ltlenclIl NoI1h
54 degtees 15 minI.ttIlIll ~ llllCOI1dt~ 110.00
feel; t\eI'I:e Na1l7i .'. 00 . . see-
ondB ___,_
. mNiliB2&.......
....,......:D ..
... Iheooe .
NoItItII .47 ~ 20 seconds West
~.OO_...f>kltth 17~!l8minJtes 12
seoondB Ea!IIl 64.68 feel \0 tlesout\elly lW1I of
WIlly...... MImeP.~__8,I'd said
1ne_~.. '.. 1
LoIs 1-3, Block 17, I!'dUlis 1-8, BklO< 18, all in \he
~ _of. Coveaof ~ a<<;ordirg to
1he preirninaiy _lhenlot.
. 7. ~ 0Idinan0i!I wilt be in '" Iotte and l!IIed frotn
.and Illller Is publk:aliDn aCootdinQ. to lawn upon
. lhe llIlIlelfIIllon .ot lhis propelly into.1he City of
SIiIlwater. '
Enacted by the City Council of tie c::llyof SIIIwater
this 181t1 day of July, 2000.
...ClTYOF sru,,~
... ...... isI.iay L Kirl1JIe
Jay L 1SitJtlle,""'"
. .. ~WaItl
'....." Cilyctllk