HomeMy WebLinkAbout0856 Ord (Peddlers and Solicitors, CJDN, Overtime Parking Regulations) . . . ORDINANCE NO. 856 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE STILLWATER CITY CODE The City Council of the City of Stillwater does ordain: I. The Peddlers and Solicitors chapter of the Stillwater City Code is amended to provide the following additional provision: "The City Police Department is authorized to use the CJDN terminal to run background checks on solicitors and peddlers that register with the City." 2. In all other ways the Peddlers and Solicitors Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. 3. The Parking Ordinance of the City of Stillwater is hereby amended by adding the following provision: "All overtime parking regulations of the City are hereby extended on all City parking lots where they are operated by the City or by a private contractor to apply seven (7) days a week, Sundays and holidays included." 4. In all other ways the Parking Ordinance will remain in full force and effect. 5. This Ordinance will be in force from and after its passage and publication according to law. Enacted this ~ / Y day of QfUt:J , 1998. CITY OF STILL WATER By ~ a . 1. e, Mayor ATTEST: /~~:- Ld-M~ Modi eldon, Clerk PubJtshed: Stillwater Gazette Aprtl 24, 1998 r-----~~~~-~ . AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ~tillwater Qfbening ~a;ette State of Minnesota ) ) 88. ) PO Box 58,102 S 2nd St, stillwater, MN 55082; Phone 6121439/3130; FAX 612/439/4713 Mike Mahoney, being duly swom, on oath says that he is the Publisher or aUfhorized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper known as Stillwater Evening Gazette, and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated. A. The newspaper has complied with aU of the requirements constiluting qualllication as a qualified newspaper, as provided by Minnesota statute 331A.02, 331A.07 and other applicable laws, as amended. Printed below Is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which Is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of typed used in the composition and publication of the notice. abcdef9hijkl:~~ Tille: Publisher Su ribed swom to fore on this ~ County of Washington day of ~J ,19 qt 000050 11 Jml# 4:124198 Date . Received Payment BITe; BUSINESS NAME ,19 DAWN L. YOITER-BALDUS NOTARY PUBlIC-MINNESOTA MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 1-31-2000 Pages City fI Stillwater 216 4th. St. N. SUllwatft"~ UN 55082 No. of Documents Gol .# of Days Inches Published Description/Oates of Publication Unit Rate Total Amount 5~,) 1 DaNs ORDINANCE m~ 856-AMENDING THE STIlLWATER CrrY CODE 4/24 $3.71 $19.48 . $19.48 Maximum rate per column inch under Minnesota Law: $7.50 per 12-pica column. ~~, 'A n ;:"~i;;; "fL{i~ 1'~.V.,Attp ']> n ftl:'<< r~ ~tI~b:!r:.MN 56f.C Total Amount Evening Gazette, AprIl 24, 1918 ORDINANCE NO. 858 AN ORDINANCE AMEHOINGTHE STILLWATER ClTV CODE Thlil CIty Council of tl:le City of Stillwater doeS ordain: 1 . JIllil PeddlerS and SOllcitotS c:MpterG the StlllwatlilrClly Codf)" arnendlldto provide the following additional provision: 'The City pollclilOepartment IS authoriZed to use the CJDN termIn8I to run background cIleckB' on' soIIcItotS and peddletStIud NgIIIerwlhthe CIty" 2. In all otherway8 the f'eddt&r&end ~ OrdlnallCEl shall remain In fulllbrc8 and efk 3. TheParklngOrdlnanC8oftheCllyofStlllWat... Is hel"ebY amencJed' by adding the foIk)wIng provision: . AU overtll'illil palklng f89UlatlonS of the GIty are hereby, extcmded on all City,> parking lots wheIe they areopet'llttdby I the CIty or by a private comactorto , apply'seven (7) dayS a week. SUndllya .- and holidays InCluded. ~ 4. In aU other ways the palfdng QrdInanClt WII remain in full force and effec:1. 5. This Ordinance will be In force from and aller lis passage and publicatIOn ~,to laW- EnactedUU ~)StdaYofApril.1_. ,..., GITYOF STIllWATER Q)': !sfJay'L.1<InUe JayL.~.~ AnEST: /81 MorII Weldon Mor1l Weldon. <fkIrk Published: St~GazetteAprlI24, 1~ ,~, . . , . '. '~~ , .fe," .' : l!II-ilIiOi . "1('.-"-,, ,~r