HomeMy WebLinkAbout0852 Ord (Peddlers and Solicitors) . . . ORDINANCE NO. 852 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE STILLWATER CITY CODE BY AMENDING CHAPTER 41.06, THE REGULATIONS OF PEDDLERS AND SOLICITORS The City Council of the City of Stillwater does ordain: 1. Amendin~. The City Code is amended by changing 941.06, Re~ulations of Peddlers and Solicitors to hereafter read as follows: "941.06 Peddlers and Solicitors Subd. 1. No solicitor, peddler, hauler, or transient vendor of merchandise without having been requested or invited to do so by the owner or owners, occupant or occupants shall enter a private residence of the City for the purpose of soliciting orders for the sale of goods, wares, and merchandise, or for the purpose of disposing of or peddling or hauling the same, without first registering with the City. Subd. 2. The registration must be completed on a form approved by the City Clerk and must include the following information: a. The name of the applicant and the persons associated with the applicant in the business; b. Type of business; c. The length of time expected to solicit or peddle; and d. The present place of business. Subd.3. Any resident of the City who wishes to exclude peddlers or solicitors from premises the resident occupies may place upon or near the usual entrance to the premises a printed placard or sign bearing the following notice: "Peddlers and Solicitors Prohibited." The placard must be at least three and three quarters (3%) inches long and three and three quarters (3%) inches wide and the printing thereon must not be smaller than forty-eight (48) point type. No peddler or solicitor may enter in or upon any premises or attempt to enter in or upon any premises, where the placard or sign is placed and maintained. Subd.4. Loud Noises and Speakin~ Devices. No peddler, nor any person in his behalf, shall shout, make any cryout, blow a horn, ring a bell or use any sound device, including any loud speaking radio or sound amplifying system upon any of the streets, alleys, parks or other public places of said City or upon any private premises in the City where sound 1 ~ ~. .. . . . . of sufficient volume is emitted or produced therefrom to be capable of being plainly heard upon the streets, avenues, alleys, parks or other public places, for the purpose of attracting attention to any goods, wares or merchandise. Subd.5. Use of Streets. No peddler shall have any exclusive right to any location in the public streets nor shall any be permitted a stationary location, except by written permission of the City Council, nor shall they be permitted to operate in any congested area where their operations might impede or inconvenience the public. For the purpose of this section, the judgment of a police officer, exercised in good faith, is deemed conclusive as to whether the area is congested or the public impeded or inconvenienced. Subd.6. Use of Parks. No peddler is permitted to operate at any location within the public parks of the City except by permit given by the Parks and Recreation Board. Subd.7. Right to Deny. The City Council reserves the right to deny permission to any peddler if the number of peddlers in any park or location will cause congestion or impede or inconvenience the public." 2. Saving. In all other ways the City Code shall remain in full force and effect. 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication according to law. Enacted by the City Council of the City of Stillwater this 4th day of November, 1997. CITY OF STILL WATER ATTEST: ~ ,-,),fl~ Modi Idon, Clerk Publish: December 10, 1q97 Stillwater Gazette 2 e e . AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION $)tillwater qebening ~a;ette PO Box 58,102 S 2nd St, Stillwater, MN 55082; Phone 6121439/3130; FAX 612/439/4713 Mike Mahoney, being duly swom, on oath says that he Is the Publisher or authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper known as Stillwater Evening Gazette, and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated. A. The newspaper has compiled with all of the requirements constituting qualification as a qualified newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07 and other applicable laws, as amended. Printed below Is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both Inclusive, which Is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of typed used In the composition and pubUcatlon of the notice. --~~ ~ Hie: Publisher .ciJ d m 0 before me 0 this /d day of ,1997 County of Washington ) ) 55. ) State of Minnesota OOfJ04450 Jml# 12/12/97 il"""'il ~J' GAILJ. KENNEBECK \._ NOTARYPUBUC-MINNESOTA .~. My Commission ElqIIra JIn. 81. 2lIOlI Date ,19 (~iIt'SM~ter 216 -"Irk Sf. N. Stillwater. M.."l55082 Pages No. of Documents Col .# of Days Inches Published DescriptionlDates of Publication Unit Rate Total Amount 12 i Oa)>s Ord.inant:-e No.. 852-An Ord.inance Amending the StiJhvatec City Code by AmendingChapter 4 L06, Rf4.itJlat.ions of Peddlers and S~.0f8 12/10 $3.(50 $43.2.0 . $43.20 Maxlmum rate per column inch under s~~i1ii~~eo~ Box: S8 Stillwater. lilN t~Q8Z Total Amount e e . Eytnlng $azette.lleC4Imber 10.1997 ORDINANce NO, 852 . AN ()RDlNAl'fCEJ~ENDiNG THE ST1a:l~R cl'I"Y' CODE BY lQIENDING CliIAPGR 4~~[f~LAT!O~$ OF AND SOLICITORS The ClIyCollncH of the City of Stillwater dOes 0RIatn: . 1. AlJI8ndlng' The StillWater City Cooe Is amended by changing 41.00. Reaulatlons of P~rs @!)d Solicitors to hereafter f'I'Ul.d as 1t)11OW$: "41.()6PedCIlers. and Solicitors Subd,". No$olICltor, peddler,hauler;or t/'an$Ient~rof IJI8rchandJse w1th()ut havipg . beett~ested orlrlVited to.do $0 by the. ovmer or owners. <X:CiIJJanl or occllpantsshall &nter aprlv..resldenceof the city lor the pwpoee of soliciting orders for the "-18 Of goods. WlIre$,and merchandise, or lor the P\IIP0$e of disposing of or peddling or hauling the sarTM!. without first registering with the ClIy. . . SlIbd.2, . the registration mllSt be completed on a fonn awrovedby the City Clerkar-"llst 1ncJu<le the following Information: a. The name of the appJIaint andlt.., P9lSOllSa&$OClated w1thlhe llP\:liicant IntheblJslness; {... b.. Type. of blJS/neSS ; c. The Jength of time expected to SOlicit orpeddJe; and d.The preSent pla~of bllsiness. .. . Sllbd.3.. My resldenl Of the City who WIshes to excl\lde peddJers or solicitors from premises the resldentOCCl!Ples may p1acellpOO or near ~. U$Ualentrance to the premises. .prinled plaCard or slgIl bearfngthe following natIce: ?~llndSoJk:lforsPiohlllted.'lhe__ aI"l:flllUst beat Jeastthree and three QllMeM (3 314)l\lqheSlongandlhree andthtee q..... (3 314) Incl/le$ 1VkIe and the printing thereon ml.llll ~~~ thanforty-elght (48) ppInt~. fo4o~or.soIIcilor. may enter In()l" llpOna~ premiSes. where the placard or $IgI11$ pIIlCed 8nd maintained. SubcU. loud NoIses and Soe8kIna pevi99~. No~.nc>tMYe~,!.n.pls.behalf,S/'iaI1 shout. ~ any cryout, 6lOw a Mm.1'II'IlJ1ItleII or u.anysollnd device. Including any ~!1ldIQor!lOllnd aq)Ilfylngsystem upon 1Inf. of the~I$,a1Jeys. p8/1<s or other pIlbllc places. OfsaldCity or. uponatlY private premille$ln the cllywilereSOllndol sllfflc:l.eot volume lSemtltedorproduc:ed therefrom to be ceplIbIeiClf being plainly heard upon the lIl..-t.. ....... .... paI1cs or other pubic places, . fOr 1he puIpolIie of attradint attel'ltton 10 any gooda. .... 01' rnereh8ndIae. $ubd. $. u.-t11 s..- No peddllrllhlfl hIM .. ....,.. to any IocaIIon In" public ......nor... be.petmMe(t. SlaIIoneIy Ioca- ~. eXC4!PlbywrJtten'pennisSlon offl!8 City Coundl. nor shall theY be peITTlittedto operate lnatlYco~ .. where their opel'f lylIghIlmpedeor lnconV$IlIence thepubllt U. J)U/pO!Ie of th/$ sectlon. tlleJudlJe. ,.,a ~offic:er.exerclsecUngoodlalth.isf .~ 0ClJ'lCIu$Ive as 10 vmetherthe areals ~ 0,.1\8. plbIfcls Impeded or Inconvenienced. SIlbi:t.6. Qs&ofPjIrtcs.NO Peddl8r Ispennltled to operateatanyloGatlon wlthlnthe publlcpat!(s of IheCllyexcept by permit gIVen by.Ih!J.ParkS _~BoeI\f:"" ' J..,,,_,,, . ~>l.'.~'~,..Tbe~~~. ,....,.,esthe right to deny ~ .toal'\Y peddler If thenuf1lber of peddlerS In anypalk or !ocaIfo!I ,_ cause congeStIon or. impede or ~'~PUbllc. 2. ~.lnallatherwaystheCltyCodeshaU relTlllfn In full fOlCe and eIlett. ,.,i 3.. . ... . . ,ThlsOrdinance~lnf\JU . foroe~fromandanerltspldll....~ publlcatlOOaccordlng tC) law;' \ Enacted.. by ~. City Collnc/l of the .CIIy $flllwalerthls 4th day!?f NOvellt>er, 1997. tsiJay I.. Klmbl~\ .)ay L. K/nt)kI.Majot' ATTEST: /sIMorD Weldon 'MOIII Wefdon,CJer/( . 12/10 ...... ~.{ .