HomeMy WebLinkAbout0843 Ord (Garbage and Rubbish) . ORDINANCE NO. 843 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE STILL WATER CITY CODE CHAPTER 30, SUBDIVISION 8. FEES THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF STILL WATER DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Amending. Section 30.01, Subdivision 5, a), Consumer Regulations, shall be amended to hereafter read as follows: Garbage and rubbish containers shall be stored out of view of the public street, except that the containers may be placed at curbside after 5:00 p.m. the day before the scheduled collection and on days scheduled for collection. The garbage and rubbish containers shall be made readily accessible to the collector by placing the container at curbside no later than 6:00 a.m. on the day of collection. Section 2. Amending. Section 30.01, Subdivision 8, Fees, shall be amended to hereafter read as follows: . The fee for collection per month per dwelling unit shall be as follows: For each 30-gallon container $13.75 For each 60-gallon container 17.75 F or each 90-gallon container 19.75 For adjusted accounts (30-gallon containers) 12.00 For each 30-gallon bag or sticker (per bag or sticker) 2.00 For recycling services 1.00 Residents who will be continuously absent from the City for more than 90, days shall be entitled to a reduced rate of $5.00 per month during the period oftheir absence. The minimum charge for each and every dwelling unit shall be based on the fee for a 30-gallon container. A residence shall be allowed to change container size at intervals of not less than two billing quarters and must give 30 days notice to the city. When proper notice is received, changes in fees will be made to the following quarter billing. Multi family residences ofthree or more units shall pay the mandatory rate for the 30-gallon containers per dwelling unit unless a different rate is negotiated between the contractor and the residence. . In the event a residence desires collection of normal household waste in excess of the waste held by the resident's container per week, they shall purchase stickers from the city at a cost of$2.00 .. . . . ,. ~.., per sticker that shall entitle the residence to an additional 30-gallon bag of waste. Said bag shall not exceed 30 pounds of waste. In the event the city adopts a "fee for bag" system, in lieu of a sticker system, for the handling of excess waste the residence shall purchase bags in minimum lots of five bags, provided by the city for the cost of $2.00 per bag and that shall entitle the residence to an additional 30-gallon bag of normal household waste not exceeding 30 pounds of waste. No bag shall be collected unless a sticker is attached to it or unless the bag is purchased from the city. Refunds shall not be made in exchange for unused stickers or bags. Section 3. The changes set forth herein shall be effective for the quarter beginning October I, 1997. Section 4. In all other ways, Chapter 30 shall remain in full force and effect. Section 5. The ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication according to law. Adopted by the Council this 7th day of October, 1997. cf&:ft: Attest: I!fL---- (<.)Lglft"\ rh Weldon, CIty Clerk Publ ish: Sttllwater Ga,zette - October 15, 1997 PO Box 58,102 S 2nd St, StUlwater, MN 55082; Phone 612/439/3130; FAX 612/439/4713 Mike Mahoney. being duly swom, on oath says that he is the Publisher or authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper known as Stillwater Evening Gazette, and has fuU knowledge of the facts which are stated. A. The newspaper has compiled wtth all of the requirements constiluting quatllicatlon as a quaUfied newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07 and other applicable laws, as amended. Printed below Is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z. both Inclusive. which is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of typed used In the composition and publication of the notice. ---".,.". ~ BY:~ Tille: Publisher . AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION -.~tillwater Qfbening ~a;ette ~daYOfn~) .1997 Received Payment 81ilTo: BUSINESS NAME City of Stillwater 216 4th. Sf. N. Stillwater. MN 55082 @ GAILJ. KENNEBECK .v. NOTARYPUBUC.MINNESOTA _ . My CommissIon Elllllres.lan 31.2000 ,19 No. of Documents Descriptlon/Oates of Publication Gol .If of Days Inches Published 10.5 1 Days Ordinanre No. 843 - Chapter 30 $3.60 10/15 . Maximum rate per column inch under Minnesota Law: $7.50 per 12-pica column. Stillwater ~1ing Gazette P.O. Box 58 Stillwater. MN 55082 State of Minnesota County of Washington ??oo4237 10/16/97 Unit Rate Total Amount $37.80 Total Amount ) ) ss. ) Jml# Date Pages $31.80 I;venltlflG.... October 15, tt17 ' , ',' ~NO.84a , AHOR~~oING TtIE $TIU.YIA. '; ." ..' ,.TER CtTV CQDECffAPTIA Jq,', ' SUIIDMSION~a " 'THE CITY COUNCIL OF 11E crtv OF .~ DOES ORDAIN: Seellon 1. Amem:ling. Section 1~.01, : Suti!>>vislon 5;, a). C<msu,,* Regul$tloQ$ '-.. bEl~ to hereafter re8das~; , : G8ibttoearid lUbbIsti cqntaiflenr$halltHi.... 'aural view of th8rpubllc .... except-t1i8 :containe/$ rna\tbeplaced at ,culb8ide after 5:00 ,p-Ih.!hedaybefore Ihe scheduled collection : and on .daysscheduled for COIIe'clIon. The , ~and rubbish conllIirlera;shd be made real,fily acc6ssibIe tCllhe collectOr by pIaeIng the container at curb$icle...tater tl.,,6:00 a.tr\;' on thedayot~ ' Section 2. AII'lEll'ldltlg., Section . 30.01,. Subdi\lision 8. Fees, sh&dI be amet1deIt....., after read,as f6lloW$: The fee ,for coI1&ctiOflp&l' month perdwelllng unit shaH be as ~l)Uows: For each 3Q-gaUori container Ftlt eacA-60-gaHon container , , For eaCh 9O-gaIlonCOntainer For al1lusted accounts For each3O-ga1lon baQor stiCker (per bag or stickel) 2.00 ' For reeycling selVices 1.00 ResideAts 'who will be continuouslyab8ent from the City for more than 90 days shaH be entitlec:f to a ~uced rate of $5.00 per monthdurlng !he perf040f Ihelr absence. ' ""," "'..'...."'h.' lOt .... Themlnil"(lumCharge for each an~ every " ,. ~ , , dweJllogl.l(lit shall be basec1 on !he fee for,.€l,3Q. '", gallOn container_ A r8sldence sIlall be aHowed to (lhange contain- er size, at intervals of not less than two b1HIng quarte/$ and muSt give 3q days nOtice to !he $13.75. 17.75 19.75 12.00 ~~=~,~~ ~, fllmiIy~ottl'lrfJclQ[;~lJnlls -P8'V./rn.~_fOftb&\~ ~"".,.'__. ~'~.".tent "i$'~ed ~1tlt~8nd Nresldtnca. ',,'" ..,'..,.,> kl the. 8V8llt'a,~ '~',cotteCtlon'. of nOItfiat ~wastelrJ~.,,~ ' 'he/c;lbVth8i~$~_;:, " $haIl~.~_~~a( $2.00 per ~ tftatsh&dl~'~,. '.' to an a<klltlonar~ba,~,~\ ba'shalfl)l,lt'~~~~:, " il'l tI1e....lMeity;~.a~.~.. tem, in bola *'-~'fclI'1I!$~ of excen' wotelhel'8Slderlce,lIfIalI~ bags inmlnimtlnllo($ of five 1!/ag$.,JmWldticfbyl' tI1ecilyfor t1i8 ~ ot ..00:.., ,Stiiaf,~.~..~,to, .~ gallOn' tlag'." o,t~,.' ... .., , ". 8:'-d'lIg~~'ofwa_; " . No'~ _be' OOP$Ct8d lJrlIessia~ Is attached IDitor Urlfe.sslhe.,i$'~ from !he cIty,Refu,...qu I'lC;ltb&rnadtfn exchangeforunu,sed~ 0/ begs. ..". "".' "SectIon 3., Theehangas set foIttihetell14!h1d1 be effectlve f()r !he quarter begi!1nlDO~.1~, 1997; ", ',;>;;,,>' ", Sectio"4.ln~0ltlel'.y.1I.~,.:_ remaining fullfo~ and ~ 'i'.;> Section 5.1114 on'IinallClJ_beirtfl,dl:bvJe and. effectfrotltlUl(/i!fterils~...,PIAbt oatIOn 8CX:Of<Itng. to law. .' i,' """U:' Adopted by the Councillhls 7th d8y of ~ 1997. ~, :~.~. IstdlAy ~ ,~Y~~r J'>_ ,... *'''f.~.! ~ .t +\;;"/ Attest. ~ lsIMotfi Weldon , , Morli We/don, City Clerk '10115 .