HomeMy WebLinkAbout0831 Ord (New District Entitled A-P Agricultural Preservation) . r~... ' e - ie .' ORDINANCE NO. 831 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY, CHAPTER 31 OF THE STILLWATER CITY CODE BY ADDING A NEW DISTRICT ENTITLED "A - P AGRICULTURAL PRESERVATION" The City Council of the City of Stillwater does ordain: 1. The Stillwater City Code, Chapter 31, Zoning Ordinance is amended to add a new zoning district. A new subdivision entitled "Subd. 24. A - P Agricultural Preservation District" is added to the City Code that will hereafter read as follows: "Subd.24. A - P AGRICULTURAL PRESERVATION DISTRICT. 1. PURPOSE: To maintain and enhance agricultural operations and preserve agricultural lands utilized for crop production and to serve as a holding zone for lands where phased urban expansion will occur. The preservation of agricultural land is intended to prevent urban sprawl, control the public costs of providing urban services and reduce urban/rural conflicts which arise as a result of premature development of rural areas. The district is further intended to preserve open space and natural resource areas. 2. PERMITTED USES: No building, structure, land or premises may be used and no building or structure may be hereafter erected, constructed, reconstructed, moved or altered except for one or more of the following uses, subject to the development and performance standards below: a. Single family dwellings. b. Agricultural uses. c. Agricultural produce sales. d. Commercial greenhouse. e. Fish hatcheries and aviaries. f. Fishing lakes and picnic groves provided no concession or retail sales are permitted. g. Forest and wildlife reservations or similar facilities. h. Fur farming for the raising of fur bearing animals, excluding skunks and civet cats. i. Riding academies or stables. j. Any other uses or activities determined by the Planning Commission to be of the same general character as the foregoing specially permitted uses and that will not impair the future urbanization of the property. 3. SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUIRED: No building, structure, land or premises may be used and no building or structure may be directly constructed, except for the following uses, that are permitted by Special Use Permit: a. Elementary schools. 1 -. . ... '.. . e e 4. 5. HEIGHT AND AREA REGULATIONS: The maximum height of buildings, the minimum dimension of lots and yards, and the minimum lot area per dwelling permitted on any lot are as follows: a. Maximum height: 1. Residences - 2 1/2 stories, not exceeding 35 feet 2. Agricultural structures - 50 feet 3. Accessory structures and uses, other than agricultural structures - 1 1/2 stories, not exceeding 20 feet and not exceeding the height of the main residential structure. b. Minimum front yard - 50 feet c. Minimum side yard - 25 feet d. Minimum rear yard - 75 feet e. Minimum lot width - 300 feet f. Minimum lot depth - 300 feet g. Minimum lot depth to width ration - 3: 1 h. Lot area per dwelling - 10 acres BUILDING AND UNPLATTED LAND: A building permit for a residential or nonagricultural building in this district will not be issued until a plot plan showing the proposed building and the land areas to be set aside to accommodate it is submitted and approved by the Director of Community Development. The plot plan may delineate a tract of land which is part of a larger ownership without the filing of a plat, provided the delineated tract is accurately tied to a section or quarter section corner and has access to a public street, road or highway. This delineated tract must be entered on the official zoning map of the City and is considered the same as a platted lot for purposes of regulating permits on adjacent land. The owners of tracts abutting an existing road, street or highway which has less than City standard width must deliver a warranty deed of dedication acceptable to the City for that amount of right of way necessary to comply with the City standards prior to the issuance of the building permit. 6. DEVELOPMENT AND PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: ,e a. Agricultural uses are permitted with no restrictions as to operation of vehicles or machinery customarily incidental to agricultural uses and with no restrictions to the sale or marketing of products raised on the premises; provided that any buildings, structure or yard for the raising, feeding, pasturing, housing or sale of livestock or poultry must be located at least 100 feet from residentially zoned land and provided further that there shall be no disposal of garbage, rubbish or offal, other than regular removal, within 300 feet of property residentially zoned land. No detached accessory buildings may be located within the required front yard. All detached accessory buildings located within a side yard must be set back a minimum of 10 feet from the side lot line in the case of an interior lot or 25 feet in the case of a corner lot. All detached accessory buildings located in the rear yard must be set back a minimum of 25 feet from the rear lot line. b. c. d. 2 r--- -- -----.--- <IT' ' . , . . e 7. SUBDIVISIONS: Any request for subdivision of agricultural preservation, A-P, zoned land must be accompanied with a ghost plat that shows how future urban development can be accomplished." In all other ways, the Stillwater City Code shall remain in full force and effect. This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage and publication according to law. Enacted by the City Council of the City of Stillwater this 3rd day of September J 1996. ATTEST: ~~ Lt jL~L Morli Weld , Its Clerk '- e Published: Stillwater Gazette Dec. 9, 1996 e 3 AFFIDAVIT of PUBLICATION State of Minnesota, ) ) ss. County of Washington ) ~tilltuater <fbening ~a?ette PO Box 58,102 S 2nd St, Stillwater, MN 55082 Phone: 612-439-3130 Fax: 612-439-4713 Mike Mahoney, being duly swom, on oath says that he is the Publisher or authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper known as Stillwater Evening Gazette, and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated. A. The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualification as a qualified newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07 and other applicable laws, as amended. '\ Ie. COLC,URN - MINNESOTA expires Jan 31, 2000 19 q~ Jml# 3190 Date Received Payment ,19 Business Name 12-10-96 Pages .. -.'1 . t:;t:j of :=;UL-W'.at",r 1 of 1 216N4thSt :::::;,,.,,,'.a"t2i" . t"IN 55082 CitiJ ;)1' StiU"w'.at",r 216 N 4th st 8tiH\li.~tet- .t r-.-1N 55082 No. of Documents Co!. # of Days Inches Published Description/Dates of Publication Unit Rate Total Amount 1 8.25 1 {'"un Ordin~nce No. 831 12/9/% 7 c:nn .J ."_u_u_, E.3.88 ~. !i~iUlu.!n fHIU!I! -!U ta$.lis~~t~IC~ ~ ]~~t~1 j .!~c ! I' - !~11I -tJt<b~ fi ~I~~~ji!f -=lii.!l~'1 tll !-i!~!~ii ~3 0eO~1!>I- 8=~~A~'~ .. is; . ~I ~i I.i l,,*':f'~~;;~i!ltl~ .:i jll ...11...8...... ". ...... ~l...~'..il~t....!.~j.!._.~m. 1.,..1. !f~to;~.I.~fi! .i.~l.flll . I ~ '151111111 ~i l!i ~;l ai ~ U 'O...1} N i','m 55082 63.88 4. Ht;::1QHT AND NB REGUlATIONS: The I'IIIldqun height Of.IlilIIdInga; the minimum ........ .of. "* d.yaids . andthen\lt1lmum lqtaNlitK,<MeIllnsj perrniIt$d 00 any lot areas follows: a. M8ldlnllfl'lllelght: . . .... ..... . .".1. .,. . ~. 2 1/2 Sklries not . ..... ..as:feet.... ' 2.AQI"IeuIlUratolltructures. 50 feet . 3.,~~ures, and llS&$' other. ..fh~n agricultural stJ'l1W1res 1 1/2 Stories, not eXc;eedlng. 2O!eet and".not eX~lI1ehelghtOfthemm r~ $lrudul9. ..... b..~ ftont.yaI'(J.. Gll. feet ~::'!C=:~::: e, M~ lot widlh .300 feet f. ~'depth..300 feet .g.....~1ol dep~to width t'lItIon- . 3:1 ." ....... h. Lot dweiung -w acres 5. BUIlDING ~\'JtiIPLATTl:D lAND: A .~Uik.IlnO .~" a . residential. or hOn I,JulldlOg in this district will not l$Sued until a plot plan Showing .....< . d building and the land . are~s.~to'be !let. aside to . ac<>>tnlTlOda~.It Is submittedalld 8pprovedbytheDlreclorOf Community DevelopmenhThe plot plan ~y del~atract~~1and wh~ls~Of _ Ka.lluger O~wlthouUhe liling c>f .' a. Plat~ provided the <telineated tract Is ., accurately tied to a sectiOn or quarter section comer .and has access to a publjc.$l~,.~. or highway. This delilUl8tedtract must be entered on the offICIal zoning map of the City and is considered the same asapWted lotlor pUlposes.()lregulatlng perlJlits (In adjace~ land. The oWllel'$of.1raCt$ abutting an eXlsling road, street or highway Which l1asle$S than City st8/l!l8ld wldlh must deliver a warrant)' dealt. 91 deltlCallon acceptable to the City . for . that 8IT\(lunt of right of. way ) nece~ry to comply with the City st8lidards.ptIol' to the Issua.nce of the building permit. ". $. DEVELOPMENT ANDf'ERFORMANCE STANDARDS: a. AgrIcultural uses arepemlllled with . no re$lI1Ctions as to. operation of vehicles or machlnerycustolJlarlly irIc1dentalto agricultural uses and with no rilslricllons to the. sale 'or marketlngOlproductsralsed on the PFElmlses: provided. that any buildings, stl\lctUI$ or yard for .the raislng.leeding,pasturlng, hollsIng or sale of lIVe$lock or poultlY must be 1()Calll(,t. atleasl 100 leet from residentially zoned land' and provided further that there sfIlII be no dl$poAl of gaIbage, rubbish or . *. oller"" ..~ WIthin 300 I.etot Il'o...rtt residentially zoned land. b. No detached~l:luildlngs may be located within the required front yard. ., "-- c. All detached ~ bu~ located within a side yard must be. set back a minimum Of 1.0feefftom the side lot line In theCllSeiOf &Ii Interior lot or 25 feet In ..case of a comer 101. . d. All detached accessorYbullCllrlg$ Iocat(ld in the rear yam must be $el back a mirllmumol as leetf~~ rear lot Hne. .. ...... .7. SUBDIVISIONS: Any request'fo!' subdivision of agrlculturaJ~, A-p,zonedlandmustbe~ with a ghost plat that shoW$ h()w:fuful'e urban development can be ~lTpIlshed" ..' . . . {' In' all other ways, the StIllWater CIty .~ $hall remain In lull. to.rea . and'effect:. "l1lill Ordinance shaH be effective upon Its~ and publication according to law,.. .. .. '. Enacted'by the City Council of the CIty ()l . Stillwater this 3 dayOfSePternber,t996.";' Jay L. KirOOle,lts Mayor ATTEST: tSlt.tol11 WeldQfI Morll Weldon, Its Clerk . 12(9 .