HomeMy WebLinkAbout0830 Ord (Village Commercial) I e e e .r-- ORDINANCE NO. 830 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY, CHAPTER 31 OF THE STILLWATER CITY CODE BY ADDING A NEW DISTRICT ENTITLED "VILLAGE COMMERCIAL" The City Council of the City of Stillwater does ordain: 1. The Stillwater City Code, Chapter 31, Zoning Ordinance is amended to add a new zoning district. A new subdivision entitled "Subd. 23. VC Village Commercial District" is added to the City Code that will hereafter read as follows: "Subd.23. VC VILLAGE COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. 1. PURPOSE: To provide a local center for convenience shopping and personal services primarily in proximity to a residential neighborhood. 2. SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUIRED: No building, structure, land or premises may be used and no building or structure may be directly constructed, except for the following uses, that are permitted by Special Use Permit: a. Local convenience retail business or service establishment, such as grocery, fruit and vegetable store, bakery, drugstore, general store, barber and beauty shop, clothes cleaning and laundry pickup station, business and professional office and the like, supplying commodities or performing services for residents of the immediate neighborhood and surrounding areas. Day Care/Nurseries. Medical and dental offices. Parking facilities. Professional, editorial, real estate, insurance and other general business offices. Residential Uses - Second Level. Tea rooms, deli, coffee shops and soda fountains, not including the sale of alcoholic beverages. Service stations. Other uses and buildings customarily appurtenant to a permitted use. Other use or service establishment determined by the Planning Commission to be of the same general character as the foregoing specially permitted uses and which will not impair the present or potential use of adjacent properties may be permitted. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. J. 3. HEIGHT AND AREA REGULATIONS: The maximum height of buildings and structures and the minimum dimensions of lots and yards are as follows: 1 " e e e a. Maximum height: Principal structures - 35 feet/2 stories Accessory structures - 20 feet/1 story b. Minimum lot area: 10,000 net square feet when not within a P.U.D. c. Front yard: 50 feet when not within a P.U.D. d. Rear yard: 25 feet when not within a P.U.D. e. Building and Imperious surfaces: 60% when not within a P.U.D. f. Landscaping and open space: 40% when not within a P.U.D. g. Additional setback requirements: When a property within this district is directly across a street or thoroughfare or adjacent to any residential district, all parking and loading facilities must be at least twenty feet from the property line and buildings and structures at least twenty feet from the street. The setback space must be permanently landscaped. h. Other requirements: All uses shall be conducted wholly within completely enclosed buildings, except for service stations, parking facilities and other outdoor uses when appropriately located and designed as approved by the Planning Commission. 4. DESIGN PERMIT: A design review permit is required for all village commercial uses. The country village architectural and design guidelines, set forth in Exhibit "E" to the Orderly Annexation Agreement between the City and Town of Stillwater dated August 16, 1996, are the standards that must be applied to this design review. 5. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: These development requirements may be modified based on an acceptable planned unit development for the entire village commercial district area. " In all other ways, the Stillwater City Code shall remain in full force and effect. This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage and publication according to law. 2 4- e Enacted by the City Council of the City of Stillwater this 3rd day of September , 1996. J ATTEST: ~~ U)L ()d-, Morli W ldon, Its Clerk Published: Stillwater Gazette Dec. 9, 1996 e ie 3 AFFIDA VIT of PUBLICA TION State of Minnesota, ) ) ss. County of Washington ) ~tilltuater <fbening ~a?ette PO Box 58,102 S 2nd St, Stillwater, MN 55082 Phone: 612-439-3130 Fax: 612-439-4713 Mike Mahoney, being duly sworn, on oath says that he is the Publisher or authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper known as Stillwater Evening Gazette, and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated. A. The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualification as a qualified newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07 and other applicable laws, as amended. Printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of typed used in the composition and publication of the notice. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Subscribed and swom to before me on this lbtiA , Do.~ Notary f1ublic d~.1 ft&~~ 1)J ,19 Cfh r..:.;.:.. ,. '0"'. DE"'-"'" .~- . _".,.,',. \ :\. \.CLbURN <( \.. _ .:: ,":{:; r~o: ,. ; _ _,' !_:':.; . 1\;JU:'~:"-SOT)\ ~~;.;:,' ~~ ~~~~:'~~::::: ~~, :1=: Jml# 318'3 Date Received Payment ,19 Business Name 12-10-96 . 01"1' "t,,-.tl'll' "t-t. 0_, .. ~ i}" .:0., > W '2 .-: 216 N 4th St :::;tmw'af;?!- .' t~lN Pages i of 1 '='~t""l.n-e ._i._H_i~:: L Clb.J of StHl".,.,..at;?!- 216 N 4th St ~;blhat;?I-., !"iN 55032 No. of Documents Col. # of Days Inches Published DescriptionlDates of Publication Unit Rate Total Amount 1 Z .25 ~ ,-Uf: On::iin;;r;(,,,. No. ::::30 3.500 45 .38 12/2/96 'J' :1;; >-0 i ;i IJ,g1 ~l :'~II~I......8 = i tlfi.111 !1~IU~IJnU ild!I~.I!jUiitlI8J!.i '~i. 'id.f2& Hi..il.&...2~.J. -11.1.1 i. .i....'...ff..'i,..!...I....j..J.. '...,.... . IU/~!I CD €lill ~i ~~ 'i Ia.ltf "''iI,' '. ~J;t. ~i!E; .~.. ....~...!...~l.i. < ..~, :....,.... .~.I · B.,,! .'. . >>-01'.. 'i 81 J! ~ ~ r t~ 1'" · ". . ",.o9-d .' ~.~ .' ':i '": r tj j..; C\i . .... . F~"" 2r41' . . Total Amount Stil1\'i.jter f"l€'ning G.jzetle ? <0. B((:{ 58 StHl'vi.:itJ?t- f"~lN 55082 ~t..-~Jti e, ~~lfal3reaf-.,:1 In$uri[nc;e ancicothergeoeral buslrilSs OffiCes. ' . ,! f. Residential Uses - Second Level. g.Tearooms. deU, coIfeeilhopsllnd . soda fouptalrl$, not . Including . the Sale 01 aJc::oholic beverages. h.SeTvlce <<aUons. I. other~sat)d buildings customarily appllrJenant loa permitted ~. j. Other 'use or service establishment determined by the Planning CO~ to .be of...~ same geneRli character as tile fo~ .~.pen1li(ted tlSElSandWhlch . wiD rjotlmpair the present' or potentialuse of atIjacentpropert_s . maYblJPermltted.. . ..' 3. HE;1Gm' AND AREA RE~TIONS: The lTIal(\~helght of bUIIdlngs and ~f9s.and~mlnlmumd\menslons Qf kltS~yards are as.foIlOWs:' . a. MaximQIn height: . Prine/p8\$lfUdU~ - 35feell2 stOries ApceS$qIV$fructures- ~feet'1 ,story Minlmllf!llot area:, . . . 10,000 net square feet,'When not WIthIn. fW,D. · c.Fl'OI'!ty~i ....... '. .... ~, 50 feet WhfJn not wIIhIn a P.U.D. d.Rearyal'l:& '. . 25 fe$t P flCll. YIlIhIn a P .~D. e. .BuUd1n9 and imperious sulfaces: . 60% wl\enl1ot within a P.U.D. f.LandscapJngandOpIlllspace: g.~~~:W~~~nts: When a property Wlthln thl$ <ll$trld I~ d1r~ctly. acro~s.. a . st~~!. ~r t\lQrQtlghtare or. .cent'.t9 . anY re$ldentiil dletrlct, all PlU1</IiOand IoadII1g facllllles must . beat least ~fl'o!" ~ Pi-9Perty,.lIne '=ri;rf~~r:,se~~ .. h.iir~"7Z:::r~::. 'conductl\d wholly Wlthlncompletely enclosed buildings, except for service stations, pal1dng facilities . and.oth~. outdoor uses when app~locatedanddeslgned as approved by . the Planning COmmtSslon; 4. DESIGNPERMIT:AdesignrevJewpetmit 1& required for all village colnmerclal uses, The country vJIJage architectural and desIgOguldell~. set fOrth In EJChJbJt "EO to the Orderly AnneXaIlon AgreemembetweentheCltYandTown of StJllwatetdated August 16. 1996, are the standards that must beappJied to .thlS design .revlew. S.PLANNED uNIT DEVELbPl\4ENT:. ThesedeveJopmentrequlr9mentstllay be ~. based on' anllcceptat)le P\antIlJd unlldevelOpment IQrtheentillt vUlage commercial distrld area." In alIotherWay$.lheStHlwater City Code sihall remain. In lull lorce Illld effect.. ThIS OIdInanoeshall be effective upOn ItS passage and publication according to law. 'Enac:ted by the CItY CouncH 01 the CItY of ".~~ert~1s3~ .9f...September..1~., _:><. . Jay LKI~ ~,Mayqr" . I......F~,/.... I.'.'.ii~:.,.,......,....... 'MDdI. ,.,~.. ......i.lI.11~.., . I'i,c--:ii :t' . . . '. 1219 . . .