HomeMy WebLinkAbout0828 Ord (Campus Research and Development) ". , e ~ e ORDINANCE NO. 828 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY, CHAPTER 31 OF THE STILLWATER CITY CODE BY ADDING A NEW DISTRICT ENTITLED "CAMPUS RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT" The City Council of the City of Stillwater does ordain: 1. The Stillwater City Code, Chapter 31, Zoning Ordinance is amended to add a new zoning district. A new subdivision entitled "Subd. 22. CRD Campus Research and Development District" is added to the City Code that will hereafter read as follows: "Subd.22. CRD CAMPUS RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT. 1. PURPOSE: To allow a mix of office, research and development and light manufacturing uses with limited retail and service uses in a planned business park setting designed to provide for low-density, high-quality development with increased amenities and open space. 2. SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUIRED: No building, structure, land or premises may be used and no building or structure may be directly constructed, except for the following uses, that are permitted by Special Use Permit: a. Administrative offices associated with other permitted uses. b. Manufacturing, processing, fabrication or assembling of limited commodity except junk or storage. c. Laboratories. d. Printing and publishing. e. Photo processing. f. Research establishment of industrial, medical or scientific nature. g. Chemical laboratories. h. Service uses including advertising, consultant services and engineering, architects and designers. 1. Funeral homes. J. Any other use or service establishment determined by the Planning Commission to be of the same general character as the foregoing specially permitted uses and which will not impair the present or potential use of adjacent properties. 3. HEIGHT AND AREA REGULATIONS: The maximum height of buildings and structures and the minimum dimensions of lots and yards are as follows: a. Maximum height: All structures - 40 feet/3 stories 1 #, e b. Minimum setbacks: - 4. PARKING AND LOADING REGULATIONS: 1. All buildings or structures must be set back a minimum of 50 feet from any public street right of way forming the peripheral property line of the business park. All buildings must be set back a minimum of 30 feet from any internal street right of way. All buildings or structures must be set back a minimum of 75 feet from the property line of any residentially zoned property, where adjacent property is already developed for residential use or is designated residential on the City's Comprehensive Plan. All buildings or structures must be set back a minimum of 20 feet from any peripheral property line other than a street right of way line or residentially zoned property. All parking areas must be set back a minimum of 20 feet from any street right of way. All parking areas must be set back a minimum of 30 feet from the property line of any residentially zoned property, where adjacent property is already developed for residential use or is designated residential use on the City's Comprehensive Plan. All parking areas must be set back a minimum of 10 feet from any peripheral property line other than a street right of way or residentially zoned property. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. a. Each establishment must provide sufficient off street parking spaces for all employees, customers and visitors. The number of parking spaces must be determined at the time of preliminary development plan approval, but in no event may there be less than three spaces for each 1,000 square feet of total floor area or portion thereof shown on the plan and in no event may there be less than 3.8 spaces for each 1,000 square feet of total floor area of office and research buildings. Some parking may, at the discretion of the Planning Commission or governing body, be built in stages. b. Each establishment must provide an adequate loading space within a building or in a side or rear yard, in a way that will allow all storage, standing and maneuvering of trucks to be off the public right of way. c. No portion of a parking or loading space, including maneuvering area, except the necessary drives, may be located closer than 20 feet from a public street right of way. 5. DEVELOPMENT AND PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: The minimum parcel size of property is 5 acres unless a parcel is part of an overall development plan for the area. All operations must be conducted within a fully enclosed building. a. b. e 2 I I I. I -- e 1996. c. No outside storage of materials, products or equipment is permitted other than in trash receptacles which must be completely screened utilizing the same building materials as the main building, unless the outside storage is specifically approved as part of a preliminary development plan. No use may produce or emit from a vent, stack, chimney or combustion process any smoke darker than Ringlemann No.1, except that smoke darker than Ringlemann No.2 is permissible for a duration of not more than 4 minutes during any 8 hour period if the source of the emission is not located within 250 feet of residentially zoned property. Noise levels may not exceed 80dB(A) at repeated intervals or for a sustained length of time measured at any point along the property line. No activity is permitted that creates any electrical disturbance that adversely affects any operations or equipment other than those of the creator of the disturbance or which otherwise causes, creates or contributes to the interference with electronic signals (including television and radio broadcasting transmissions) to the extent that the operation of any equipment not owned by the creator of the disturbance is adversely affected. The minimum landscaped open space ratio for the CRD District will be 30 percent. No loading dock may face any street unless a screening plan therefore is approved as part of final plan approval. d. e. f. g. h. 6. DESIGN PERMIT: a. A design review permit is required for all campus research and development district uses according to the design review standards of the Zoning Ordinance. 7. SAVING: In all other ways the City Code will remain in full force and effect. 8. PUBLICATION: This Ordinance will be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication according to law. " Enacted by the City Council of the City of Stillwater this 3rd day of September ~r>-'j.:., I, )&~ Morh ldon, Its Clerk Published: Sttllwater Gazette Dec. 9, 1996 3 AFFIDAVIT of PUBLICATION State of Minnesota, ) ) ss. County of Washington ) ~tilltuater <fbening ~a?ette PO Box 58,102 S 2nd St, Stillwater, MN 55082 Phone: 612-439-3130 Fax: 612-439-4713 Mike Mahoney, being duly swom, on oath says that he is the Publisher or authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper known as Stillwater Evening Gazette, and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated. A. The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualification as a qualified newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07 and other applicable laws, as amended. Printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of typed used in the composition and publication of the notice. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Subscribed and {;1\ to before me on this M2~ +;. ~~;;:fOA Notary Public ,19 ct(P r''''''''~' f /~;;'\~'~}, DEBC1\ 1<' COLBURN !,":/,~~ IJOT; ;, ~uc - MimJESOTA L'~:"\'/ My Ce.T.;.",,] Expires Jan. 31. 2000 Jrnl # 31:38 Date Received Payment ,19 Business Name 12-10-96 .-. . t- '-'~'11,... - T' - t- c. t'.':i '..', .=-i,!..!ti.':f .1:'. 21 Eo N 4th ;::;l Pages j (if 1 ::<:.U;:iL CltlJ (If ShRw'atH- 216 N 4th St Sfilhl.;;t",t- ; t'-'JN 55032 :~:~,'i11'y{~t.'?t... t,,'1N No. of Documents Co!. # of Days Inches Published Description/Dates of Publication Unit Rate Total Amount 21 1 rt.in Ot.dinan(:~ N..:o ;~'-n~t ':::-4.'~' 3.500 73.50 12/2/96 {,' . . .. !/l.Cll' .... .,liS:[ !!l..~ ...tl1..st 'i I-~ ""f~~.tlli D . .,j'd "..:";1;: t<.tl.P"~t~.i~lti. ..:. ,:.,',., " ','.-, -_--.'HW-:P."'r t.\o'1!111ng G."zette p.o. Box 58 StHh....."t>?r i','iN 55032 73.50 . will not !mpalr 1tle pNIII8Iltor potential use 01 adjIG8I'lt propeItI88. 3. HEIGHT AND AREA REGUlATIONS: The maximum height 01 bulldlng$arid structures and the minimum d1men- . sionS 0I1ot$ and yatd$ aM as follOWS: a: Maximum height: All structures. 4Q. teetI3 stones b. Minimum setbaCks:. ..' ... 1. A\l.bIIIIdings orstnlcttlresmustbeset . ~a mlnimullloISO feetlrom any put>Uc street right 01 way fonnlng theP~1 property Hneolthe bU$Illess park. 2. All buildings must be set~ iii. m1nlmumol30feet lromany intern- al street !'Ight 01 way. 3. AD.bUlldlngSor structures IIII,Ist b8 set back a mlnimum0l75f$el lromthe prop8ttyHneol any .~ . zoned property, Where adJac*lt. pl"<lp$rty Is already develOped tOr, resldenllal use or Is deslgnatlld residential. on the,. City's COm" prehensive Plan. 4.. All buildings or structures must be . set ~a minimum of 2Q feettrom anype~lpropertyl~ other than a SIAlet. right .91 way IfIle or rel!ldentlally z~ pl"<lp$rty. .....,.. 5. ARparklng~smustbe"baoka mll"Iimum 01 2Q feet from any sIr8l1It right 01 way. 6. All parking aM8$mUSl be _backa minlmWYI0I3Ofeettromlhe property line 01 any residentially zoned ~. Wher9.adjacent property 18 alreadydM!oped lor reSIdential use or Is designated r&llkJ$RtIaI use on the city's Corhprehenslve Plan. 7. All PaItdOg areasmust be set l)ack a ml\11murnol10 feet .IfOm any peripheral property line othei'than a street right 01_ or residentially zoned property. 4. PARKING AND LOADING RE. GUU\.TIONS: a. Each establishment mustprovld, sufflcient 011 street parking spaces for all employees, customers and visitor$. The number 01 parkingspaces must be detennined at the time of prellmlnaJY development planapp/"oval, but in no event maY there be less than three spaces lor each 1,000 square leet 01 total fioor area or port\ORthereQf shown on the plan and In no event may there be less ~ 3..8 spaoes tor each.1.OOO square leet 01 total floOr area 01 oIliolt arid research buHdlngs. Some parking may, at the <lIsCretiqnof the Planning COmmlssionorgovemlngbOdy. be built in stages. b. Each establishment mllstprovlde all adeqUat8loadingspacewllllln abUlfdlilg or \fI aside or rear yard,ina wayUlatwiU alloW all storage, 'standing and maneuverin9 of trucks to beoll.1he put>lIc right 01 way. c. No portion 01 a parking or 1oad\rlIfSPI!lC, including maneuvering"" except the I18CltISIII'Y drIVes. maybe IOC8IIedcloser than 20 leet lrom a public street right 01 way. 5.lJEVEl,.OPIIt.NN4)~ STANDARDS: a. The m\nImUIftpucel slaG property 185 ac:rell .".. a ~ is part of .., overall devekJpment p/aIl lor the.aA)ll.. b. All operations must be condUcted .wlthlr1 a fuRy enclos8d bUilding. 1 c. No outside storage oIlTIlIterIaIs, products \ or ~lpment.1s permiIted otherthan in tI'8Sh@ceptacleswhiChmustbe.l\ ~eIyscreened Ulil\zI\1gthe~ bUildlntmatellalS"~ u~theoul$idll~lli~ apprOved as' part of.l'llpreRmInarY i.' de1/efOplII8nt plan. \ d. No use may produce or .,mitfrom a vent, I stack. chimney or ~proCl9SS any smok& darker .than RlngIemIM No.1, except that ~darUr than RJ!lgIemaM No. 2 Is perm\SS1b18 101' a dtitation 01 not more than 4. tnin\It6S during any 8 hoUrperlod It the sOlllce 01 the em\SSiOR Is not ioCated within 250 feet 01 residentiaRy zoned;property. e. Noise levels may not exceed sOdB(A) at repeated interVals ~r tor a SIIStaln8d IeRllthof .. IMa$Ured at any point along the'p~tlll8. t 11I0 actIVity is pennmed tl\atc::reatesany eleCtrJcal d\stUlbance that adV81Se1y affects any. openttlons or. equ.,ment othllr than tl\OS8 01 the creator 01 the dlstUlbanC80rwhictl otherWise causes, createsOl'contrI:IuteStothe intedeleriee with electronic signals (including television and radio broadcasting baJ...,dsSIonS) to the extent that the operation 01 arrf ~ipment not owned by .the creator of the dI$tUIbaI1C8.1s adversely affected... . g. The min\rtlUm landscaPed open space ratiO lor the CRD Dislrict wll ~ 30 pettent.. ... ; h. No loading dock may lace any street untess a saeening plan therefore Is approved as part 01 final plan approval. 6. DESIGN PERMIT~ a. A desigri revieW pennltls re,qu\redtOl' all campus .reSearcll and ~evelopment district uses according to the de$lQll review s,andard~.. 01. tile. Zoning OrdinanC8. 7. SAVlNG:.l\1aJlotherwaySthe City Code wlU I$maIn in luU torte and effect. S. pUB\JCATION:1hisOrdinanC8 will be 1\1 tu!I top:e. and eftectlrom and after tis , ,passage and publlcation~to " laW.". . ;... .. ..... ' ! .Enacted by the City. councU of theC!ly of $tUlwaterthls 3 day 01 Septeniler..l996. Jay L Kini>1e,'1ts MaYor ATTEST: .. lJl~WeldOtl ..... .. Mottl We\dOIl. .. CI8I1t . 12/9 .