HomeMy WebLinkAbout0817 Ord (Tanks used for Storage of Flammable Liquids) . I. ORDINANCE NO. 817 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE STILLWATER CITY CODE BY ADDING REGULATIONS REGARDING TANKS USED FOR STORAGE OF FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF STILLWATER DOES ORDAIN: Section I. Amending:. The Stillwater City Code, Chapter 23, Fire Department is amended by adding a new Subd. 4a that will read as follows: "Subd.4a. TANK INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL. All tanks used to store, handle, or use flammable liquids or liquids defined as Class I liquid by the Uniform Fire Code are subject to these regulations: 1. A Permit issued by the Fire Chief or an authorized party is required before a tank may be installed, modified, or removed and the Permit fee for each tank is $50.00. 2. When removing tanks containing flammable liquids or when making any alterations in piping, all provisions of the Uniform Fire Code, and this Ordinance, must be followed. 3. THE FIRE DEPARTMENT MUST BE NOTIFIED 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ANY WORK. Inspectors will be available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at no charge but any overtime will be at the permittee's expense. 4. All tanks must be pumped as dryas possible before operations are started. 5. To prevent static electricity accumulation, tanks must be purged with a proper ground maintained between the C02 supply and the tank. 50 lb. of carbon dioxide per each 1,000 gallon capacity of tank must be used. 6. All vents and fill pipes must be removed and the tank secured with metal caps and plugs before a tank is removed from the ground. 7. A cable sling or choke must be used to raise a tank from the ground. Piping or lift hooks must not be used for lifting nor may a tank be pushed or dragged from an excavation. Care must be taken to prevent rupture of the tank. 8. All adhering dirt must be removed from the tank before loading for removal and the tank must be immediately removed to a safe disposal area outside the city. 9. Proper fire extinguishers must be provided during removal operations and "NO SMOKING" signs posted in the area of tank removal. e . I. ~ .. 10. When a concrete slab covers a tank, adequate protection against sparks must be taken when breaking up slab. 11. The Permittee must provide proper equipment powerful enough to remove tanks in an approved manner. 12. Excavation must be filled or properly barricaded and warning lights posted at the completion of each working day. 13. DEVIA nON FROM THESE GUIDELINES MAY RESULT IN REVOCA nON OF PERMIT BY THE FIRE CHIEF." Section II. SAVING. In all other ways the City Code will remain in full force and effect. Section III. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance will be in full force and effect from and after its publication according to law. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Stillwater this ~day of ATTEST: Publish: Stillwater Gazette September 11, 1995 AFFIDA VIT of PUBLICA TION Stillwater Evening Dazen. PO Box 58, 102 S 2nd St, Sdllwater, MN 55082 Phone: 612-439-3130 Fax: 612-439-4713 e Cih~ .)f ::;tln.."..'<;t",r 2iE. N 4th St Sfill-w'~t;r , f','1N 55082 No. of Documents Col. # of Days Inches Published State of Minnesota, ) )ss. ) Jrnl # County of Washington 1 n'? 0'3-12-'35 Date Business Name Pages 1 of I CihJ ,yf Stinw~t~t. 216 N 4th St Stil1-w'~t",r.. t'-1N 55082 Description/Dates of Publication Unit Rate Total Amount 13.25 1 rfjf; 2.400 . ~,~11,19t6 ~.m '",' lM _ ,~~Tttl! .~,:a~~(} ~,~;~t':So,. t~l~WATER DOES ORDAIN: -, ~,t~,':,,',.'.'" I.A~ Th$SlillwaterCityCOde, ,.'. 'fthaptet 23, Fire Department is amended by \",'~anewSubd.4athatwill read,as follows: . } ,'Subd. 4a. TANK INSTAlLATION ANQ ~VAl!A.l! tanks used to store, handle, or ,Ei!=~!~~1~ed~a~ :"~ 1. A'Pe1Tlllt issued by the Fire Chief or an f~ auttloQzed, party is requlrjld before Ii . J tlink 'llSy be installed, ~iedi or if ,remoVfad and the P$lmit fee for each " ,taJlk~OO. ',' .' ,} :2~.i;When~{emOving. ta~ks,-~cont._in~ng .' 'f~le liquids oq\lhen making ,any .ratfon$ln p.ipil1$-' lill provi$lons of .thelJl'lIform Fire Cod., and this OrdilWlce, must befollOWe,d. :ti,.:JfitIi,F"!'lE ,DEPARTMENT MUST ee NOTIFfED 24 HoURS I~ADVANCE , Of' ANY WORK.1l1Sl>ectors wUl ~, .availal)je MondaythroughFTidaY',8a,m. to 4:3(). p.(ll. ~tino pI\ll91" bUt any overtill\e will be ,at, ij'le " permmEl9'S tJ,. ~.' .,' .....- ,:-.\<' -,,- ~,', 4. must,,~g~, ",~~'~' , i' , , ' "'fo""ratioIl8l\f1! "",ltlilU. '5.T=__~= ground ~intainel:i t:l$tW$!lfl thei~ supply and me ta1lk.1iO ~; otllllfboft . . cIoxida,per eaen 1,_..... ~ of tank must be ~. Of~ljlr;.;.n,::e N.). H 17 . 22.20 9/ i 1 /95 . ini~ sJ?r"iil:;t?s? Total Amount 22.20 says 1t and :>er has tel above. the a 9sota :able Printed below Is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of the notice: abCdefghijklmnOpqr~~. cl By:.~ 'A~ Title: Publisher Subscribed and sworn to before me on this 19 95- '~Qi Received Payment , 19 {~~~~:~ ~o~~~~~ \~~j My~&PR5_3'Ulm e G. All Vema and fll pipeI must be removed aod \he \an\( MCurecl wi1h metal cap& and plugI,b$fl:lre a tank is removed from t\'le g.round. 7.A cable sling or choke must be used to raise a tan~ tromthe ground. Piping or 11ft hClOksmust not be U$edfor lifting nor may a tank be P4shed or dragged from an eX98vation, Care must btltakento prevent ruptut"e 01 the tank. 8. All adhering dirt must be remQved trom . '. the tank befor& loading for removal and the. tank must be immediately removed to a safe dISj)osal area outside the oily. 9. Properfjreextinguishers must beprovld-- ed.durlng removaJl.lPeratlOns and 'NO SMOKING" signs posted in the area 01 tank l'JMTloval. 10. When .a concrete slab covers a tank, . ..~ '.... ~J>~~.q fl.' !lliOOiflSl. "?~ i'iW$t be takloln WIieO breaking upSiaD. 11. ,~J~.!rt1ittee. lTlU.$I. PlOvide . prClpEll' ,~~ntpowerluletlG\,Igh tor~mOvlI tan\<S in an approved manner: 12. 'EXcavation must be filled or properly , barricaded and w~mlng lightspo$ted at the cmrPletion qf.each w()l'king day. 13.. DEVIATION FROM THESE GUIDE- LINES MAY RESU\.. T INREVOCA- ..~.TION OF PERMIT BY THE F.IRE ';~CHIEF.' ..' ...... It. ~ In all other ways the City Codi~U remain in full force and effect. ~ln.EFFECTI\(EDATE. This Ordinance ."lnfuU force and effeCt from and after its pu(illellltion~in~to law. Adopted by:the City CoUl'lcU:Qtthe City 01 StillWater this 5th day of September, 1995. Is/ J~t. Kimble Jay L., Kimble. Its Mayor ATTEST: Is/ Morli WeidQI) Morll Weldon, ItsClelt EI 9/11 4 &.....~/. ..