HomeMy WebLinkAbout0814 Ord (Building Demolition)
Subd. 1. Purpose. This Ordinance is adopted for the purpose of protecting the historic and
aesthetic qualities of the City by preserving, rehabilitating or restoring, when reasonable, buildings or
structures which constitute or reflect distinctive features of the architectural or historical resources of the
City, thereby promoting the public welfare and preserving the cultural heritage of the City.
Subd. 2. Definitions.
a. Historically Silmificant Building or Structure. means: "any building or structure or
portion of a building or structure on the National Historic Register, a designated local
landmark or a contributing structure or building in a designated national register historic
district. "
b. Buildinl!s or Structures of Potential Historic Significance. means: "a building or structure
or portion of a building or structure fifty (50) years of age or older."
c. Non-Historic Structure or Building. means: "a structure or building less than fifty (50)
years old or a noncontributing structure in a nationally or locally designated historic
district. "
Commission. Heritage Preservation Commission.
Subd. 3. Permits Required. No building or structure may be demolished without obtaining a
demolition permit. An application for a demolition permit must be filed with the city Building Official.
Subd. 4. Procedure. The Building Official must forward a copy of each demolition permit
application to the Community Development Director for determination of historic significance or potential
significance. The Community Development Director must make the following determination:
a. building or structure is historically significant or potentially historically significant; or
b. the building or structure is not historically or potentially historic.
If buildings or structures are determined by the Community Development Director to be historic or
potentially historic, the application must be sent to the commission for review according to Subd. 5.
Demolition Plan Review. Buildings or structures determined non-historic must be referred to the Building
Official for issuance of a demolition permit.
Subd.5. Demolition Plan Review.
a. Not less than thirty (30) days after the Community Development Director determines that
a building or structure is historically significant, the applicant for the permit must submit
to the Commission fifteen (15) copies of a demolition plan which must include the
following information:
1. A map showing the location of the building or structure to be demolished on its
property and with reference to neighboring properties;
2. A legal description of property and owner of record;
3. Photographs of all building elevations;
4. A description of the building or structure or portion of building or structure to
be demolished;
5. The reason for the proposed demolition and data supporting the reason, including
where applicable, data sufficient to establish any economic justification for
6. Proposed plans and schedule for reuse of the property on which the building or
structure to be demolished is located;
7. Relation of demolition and future site use to the comprehensive plan and zoning
8. A description of alternatives to the demolition; and
9. Evidence that the building or structure has been advertised for sale for restoration
or reuse and that sale for restoration or reuse is not economically feasible.
The Commission must hold a public hearing according to Chapter 31 Subdivision 29(a)
on the pending application.
After the public hearing and a review of the application information and if the Commission determines
that the owner has made a reasonable effort to sell or preserve the structure and after finding that there
is no available feasible alternative to demolition, the commission must notify the Building Official in
writing that a demolition permit may be issued. If a finding is made that the building or structure is
historically significant and there is a feasible alternative to demolition, the permit must be denied.
Subd. 6. Emergency Demolition. If a historically significant or other significant building or
structure poses an immediate threat to health or safety due to its deteriorated condition, the owner of the
building or structure may request issuance of an emergency demolition permit. If both the Community
Development Director and Building Official find that the condition of the building or structure poses a
serious and imminent threat to public health and safety and that there is no reasonable alternative to the
immediate demolition, the Community Development Director and Building Official may issue an
emergency demolition permit.
Subd. 7. Injunction. In addition to any other relief provided by this Ordinance, the City
Attorney may apply to a Court of competent jurisdiction for an injunction to prohibit the continuation of
any violation of this Ordinance. This application for relief may include seeking a temporary restraining
order, temporary injunction and permanent injunction.
Subd. 8. Penalty. Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this Ordinance
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and a separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during
on which a violation occurs or continues.
Adopted by the City Council of the City of Stillwater this 5th day of December
, 1995.
Jay!' e,M or /
Morli tN eldon, City Clerk
Publish: Stillwater Gazette
December 26, 1995
State of Minnesota,
Stillwater Evening GazeUe
PO Box 58, 102 S 2nd St, Slillwater, MN 55082
~,"e' 612-43""30 Fti' .'2-43"'713
City of StiUwatw
216 N 4th St
Still'W'at@f', MN
No. of
Col. # of Days
Inches Published
County of Washington
Description/Dates of Publication
Jrnl #
Business Name
1 of 1
City of Still'W' atw
216 N 4th St
Still'W'at9r, MN
16.25 1 run
EVenlngGl-.,~. :II,~lI.
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.'foithe purpose of protecting tI'l&~ and
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~~orICStruqfureor!3UifdlnQ, ~:
-a $lrtIQIUre or bUlI~ng .less than fifty .
($O)years'oId or. a rtoneontrfbUtIn
structure.in' a. natlolllllly or. .loeCllly
designated historic dislrlct. "
d (forillnlssion. Herlta~' PreservatiOn
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, $ubct.3. ~RtquI~.NObulld\ngor
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Ordinaf\C9 No. 814
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Total Amount
Printed befow is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z,
both inclusive, which is hereby acknowledged as being the size
and kind of type used in the composition and publication
of the notice:
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx z J
By: A1A.
Title: Publisher
Subscribed and sworn to before me on this
~ dey ::~;)l' ,. 9.,
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Notary Public
Received Payment
, 19
~'" ...)J NOTAF,"( PU:LlC. t:;.,.~,-:OTA
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SUbd... ........... - BuIldInG ()lIIcfII
.... tIfIIIId. 00fI'/ of eact\ cternot*ft'*""
~~. iv to tbll communIIY ~.I..t118lt
Ott...,.~of hIstOriCsIgI'llIICaI1C8
or ,pot~ $Ignltlc~nce. The communlty
a;bU~ ~'structurel~historlcallY
. ~"orpot&lltlaIlY' hl$torlcally
b. the~~r~re Is not historically
" or~bflltol'lc., ""'. .
II b~QI',~iare cteteri!lilledbyttl8'
Con\ftlIBIIlYDeve\l)pment Olrectorto be 1:lI$l0rlc
ot p0tentla1IY hIstOric, theappllctdlOn must be
sent to the comm\SSlOO tot review according to
SUbd. 5. Dm""Htion Plan RevleYL-BUll4\h9S or
strUCtures detennined non-historic must. be
referred to ti\ltBUlkling OItlcial for lS$uanceof a
demOlItion permlt.
SUbd. 5. o.molitlon Plan RevIeW.
a. Not IeSSthall thIrtY(30)dtly~ attertlle
'Comm\lnlty pevelopment Director
detentllnesthat a b\Illding or stRIcture
..Is historklally SIg~nt, the app~
for the permit rhtist submit to the
CommlsSion flftten (15)coPles 01 a
demolltlon pi8nWhlctl must InclU<le the
fQllOwlng inlonnation:
1. A mapshowingtheloCatiol'\ of the bUUdlng
or stRIcture to bedelTlO\lshed on Its
property and, with relerence to
OelghbOl1ng propertieS;
2. A legal ~tion of proper\Yand owner
0\ record;
3.photOgI'8PhllOlalll:lulldlng elevations;
4. A ~tion of the building orstRldUre
, or portlOl\ of bUilding or stRIcture to be
5. The reaSon for tl\&proposed demolition
and datil supporting the reason,
Including', where applicable. data
sufficient to eStl!lbllsh any economiC
justlllcat19n lor demontion;
6. proposed plans imdschedule lor reuse
of th4il property on Which the btlUdlng or
strUdure to be demOlished Isio<:ated;
1; Relation of demontlon and!uture sl1euse
to the comprehensIVe pian and ~onlng
8.A description olalternatlves to the
d$Il1OlItlon; and
9.E~ ,that the I>UildlnQorstructure
has been advertised lor sale .for
restoration or. re~'and that sale ,lor
restoration or reuse Is not economlcally
b.the,COl1'lJJ1lsslon IIIUl!l holdapubilChearII19
a.cooldlng ,to Chapter 31 Subdllllsk>n 29 (a)
on the pel1<Ji!l9 ~ion.
'. After thllpi!bllche81'1n9 and a reylew 01 the
. . a.ppIlCat, ' inlQl1Jl8lIon and It th4ileommlssion
. d&te tl\lllt,the owner has made a
, , , ,~senor~rJethestlUcture
" . ,tIWiCOll'lfl1l8$lQf must
~, ,,' 'lnwrmngthat a
~...tIUr/npemlllmay be iSlIU&d. Ita linding Is
sIgIlIIlcanl and there Is a leasbIe ........ to
dImOItlon. the permit must be denied.
Sub<!. 6. EIMf1IeI'CY [)eIftOIIl1on. II ·
orlltlUdU18 poeesan 1000000000000e....to I-'lh
oI'safety we to lIS c:teter\Ol1ltedcondltlOO. the
owner of the,bUlIdIn9 or stlUdUre mayrequesl
Issuance of an emergency demolition penntt.1l
!:loth the eomfl1!lrlltY oeveloJlrll8nl Director and
Building bmciai llndthat the condition of the
building or. struclUre poses a serious' and
lmlntnent tIlI:.. to.pubIlc health and safety and
that ,th8re Is notelt$OnlIbie aaemat1v8 to the
Immediate, demoHtlon, "he community
oeve\Opll18Ot DIrector andBulidin90lflclal may
IssU$ an emergency demo\ltlOll penna.
SUbd. 1. lnlUftC\lOft.1n addition to any other
ref'" prOVIded by !his OldlnanC8. the City
Attorney may applY to a court 01 COI11letent
1\lI'lSdICllOI1.lor ,llfl. ,Injunction to prohibit the
cont\llUllt\Ol1 of arry V,IoIat\Otl of this ~.
ThlIappac:auon tot r8lleImaylnclude ~a
tefllPOl't.l'Y restral1:llngorder, temporal'Y
.n(unc:tlonandpel11ll!inent Injunction.
subd., 8. Penany. Any person. llrm or
cdIpoflltlon ,violating any provision of this
QrdIna.nce$haltbe guilty. of amisdemeanorand
a ~ate offense shall be deetTlEl<l conunl\18d
on each day wring on which a violation OCCUrs
or contInU8s.
AdOPted by the CIIYCou....uofthe CIIY of
stniWa\" this S\l day 01 ~..mber.. 1995
~.IaV KimbI!l
Jay~' Mayor
Attest~ .
fj1 ~i Weldon
Mortl Weldon. City Clerk