HomeMy WebLinkAbout0790 Ord (Sewer) t. " ORDINANCE NO. 790 e AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE STITLWATER CITY CODE BY CHANGING METHOD OF DETERMINING SEWER CHARGES THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF STITLWATER DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Amending. Section 29.01, Subdivision 1,(2) and (3) of the Stillwater City Code is hereby amended to hereafter read as follows: (2) OVERAGE CHARGE. In determining the amount of overage charges for residential sewer usage, including multiple dwellings, the charge for each quarter shall be based on the water usage for the first three calendar months of the year. In determining the amount of overage charge for commercial and industrial properties, including residential dwellings that share sanitary sewer service connection with commercial or industrial properties, the sewer charge shall be based upon actual consumption of water for the previous billing period. (3) MULTIPLE DWELLINGS. Multiple Dwellings shall be charged a separa te charge for each dwelling unit located in the dwelling as follows: It (a) 2 unit dwelling - 95% of the minimum. charge set forth in (1) for each unit within dwelling. (b) More than 2 unit dwelling - 75% of the minimum charge set forth in (1) for each unit within the dwelling. (c) Condominium - 70% of the minimum charge set forth in (1) for each unit within the dwelling. (d) Federally Certified Senior Housing - 56% of the minimum charge set forth in (1) for each unit within the dwelling. (e) Multiple Dwelling Overage Charges - Overage charges for multiple dwellings shall be at the rate of $2.10 for every 1,000 gallons of water used in excess of the percentage of the minimum charge multiplied times 10,000 gallons. Section 2. The rates set forth herein shall be effective for the quarter beginning July 1, 1994. Section 3. In all other ways, Chapter 29 shall remain in full force and effect. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication according to the law. Ie . t ' .. .. Adopted by Council this 19th day of July, 1994. e CITY OF STILLWATER ~~~ W~..!!~Je!(_,!' _ :;: . Attest: 1\, ~~~~~ Published in Stillwater Gazette July 22, 1994 e . .. " e 26th day or Jblly S1,~ S'M r-/d- .19-94 ELEANOR E. MOHN NOTARY PUBLIC" MINNEeOT" WASHiNGTON COUNTY My CommiIaiM Expna JuIr 5. 1_ .ventng~, July 25,'1"" ORDINANCE NO. 790 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE S'TIlLWATER QlTYCODI IV, CHANGING METHOO()F :~RMINIfQ SEWERCHARGl$ THE . CITY ,.COUNCIl. OF ,THE.. . CITY ($ STIIJ..WATERDOESORDAIN:. '. . Sec;tlon 1. AmendlnJl. SeCtlOI'l 29.01. subcffL vision 1.(2) and (3) of theStlllw_Ci\f,Code Is hereby' amended tDhereaftet read8ll foI. lOWs: (2) OVERAGE CHARGE.. In detiarmlning the amount 0' over. charges lor residential sewer usage, . including multiple dwellings. the charge for each quarter shall be based ~ !he water usage for the first three ,~ month$ of the year, In determining .. iunount. ~ o~ cfulrge for com" merdaI and Industrial . ptopertlel.ln- Cluding,residen1ial dWellinll8that share ,'slUlifary sewer service connecticIn With . commercial or" induatrial' pl'Opertiti$. the eewerch!Uge shall~basedUpon aClUal consumption 0' ....... for. lhe previous,bllllngperiOd. ". ..'..'.. '." '(3) ...,.,.. ~TtfllE . DWElLl~$. .'iMpltifie o.eUlngs shall bcJ charged a s8parite charge for each dwelling unit lOcated in the ~ning as fo1k:lws; . (al 2 unit dWeIling-.la5%. of lhel11ini- . mumcharoe setforthin (1) lor each ,unit within dweUlng. (bl Moreth~2 unit dwelling-75% of the mlnlmumch8/'g4t set forth In (1) for each unltwithlnthedwellirlg. (c)Condomi.nlum " 70% of the mini- mum charge set forth in (1) lor each unit within thedweDing.. ...>.' (d) Federally 9~ififxl Sentor JoIoueing, - 56% of the min!mumchargt .setforth In (1 I for eacbunitwitih'lthe dwelllng. . (e) Multiple Dwelling. Ove~CharGes - OveragecharQ8S, for m'U1tipltdWeJI.o ingnhallbeattherarei)fS2:10 for. every 1.000 gallons of water, used In eXC8S1 of the. percentaGe of !he mlni~ mum ~ lTlUItiplied, tiIne4J 10.000' gallons, , . .' Section 2'1l1e rauauet fortil herein ahalIbe effective, for the quarter beginning July 1. 1994. . .'., ' ... ".. Sec;t1on3. III all oIh", ways. Chapter 29 stiaH remain in full force and effect Section 4. This ordinance sha/lbe In fullrorce and effect from and after .1ta.pa$Sflge and pub' lieation acc:ording to law. Adopted bV Council this 19th day. 0' July. 1994. Atfldllvlt of Publication STILLWATER EVENING GAzETTE STATE a= MINNESOTA COUNTY a= WASHINGT~ ) )11. I Mike Mahoney. being duly sworn. on oath says that he Is the publistier or authorized .nt and employee of the publistier of the newspaper known as Stillwater Evening Gazette. and has full knowledge of the facti wtiich are ltated below, (A) The newlP8l*' has compiled with all 0' the requiremenll conatituling quallllcation u a quali- fied newspaper. U provided bV Minnesota Sl8IUte 331A.02. 331A.07. and other applicable lawl, as amenclecf. (B) The pl'inted Ordinance No. 790 which il attached W8I c:ut from the columna of S8ld newapeper. lIIId W8I printed lIIId published once each week. for 1 luccealive ~; it W8I ,lrat pubUshed on Man. .the 25th day 0' July ,19J?1andWU therealter printed and publIlhecl on every M 0 n . 10 and including the 25th clay of J u 1 y . 19~ and printed below in copy 01 the '- cue 81ph8bet from A 10 Z. both incIulive. which it hereby 8CknowIedged 81 being the lize ,~ and kind of type uaed.in the comPlllition and publlcalillfl of the no1ice: ~abcdefghijklmnopqralUVWllyz ~~~ TITlE: PubliIher Subscribed lIIId sworn 110 before me Clfl thit Notary Public RATE INFORMATION (1) Lowelt ctusified rate paid bV commerc:i81 users lor comparable lpace (3) Rate actually charged lor the above matter CITY OFSTILWATER Is/CtiarlesM, Hooley Charles Hooley. Mayor Attest: llll NileL. I<rieseI ( Nile L.l<rie$el.Acilng CitY Clerk 112,5 , (2) Maximum rate anowed bV law lor the above matter ( lne. word. or inch r.te) Received Payment STILLWATER EVENING GAZETTE .19_ By e