HomeMy WebLinkAbout0789 Ord (City Owned Land) rO ..... .' . e e e .. ORDINANCE NO. .28.9..- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CHARTER BY ADOPTING S16.01 "CITY OWNED LAND" THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF STILLWATER DOES ORDAIN: 1. On April 19, 1994, pursuant to Minnesota statutes S410.12, Subd. 7, the City Charter Commission prepared and recommended to the City Council the adoption of the following amendment to the City Charter: "CITY OWNED LAND" 16.01 All land now or hereafter owned by the City of stillwater that: 1. Is within Minnesota or Wisconsin that borders on the st. Croix River shall not be sold, leased, disposed of, developed or have its character substantially changed or altered unless done in compliance with this chapter; or, 2. Has been dedicated or devoted to park, recreational, open space or natural use, including the ravines of the City, shall not be sold, leased, disposed of or developed or used in any manner inconsistent with park, recreational, open space, natural use or have its character substantially changed or altered unless done in compliance with this chapter. 16.02 The Council shall prepare a summary of not less than 50, but not more than 300 words setting forth in substance the nature of the proposed sale, use or disposal, including not by way of limitation, price, term, date of possession and intended use of the proposed sale, use or disposal. The summary, which shall include a plain English description and a map providing a visual description of the property, shall be published once each week for four successive weeks in the legal newspaper of the City, and thereafter the City Council shall conduct a public hearing on the proposal. Thereafter, the Council may, by affirmative vote of 4j5ths of its members, adopt an ordinance authorizing the sale, use, change of character or disposal of the property. If the ordinance is passed, it shall not be effective until 30 days after its publication or at such later time as is fixed in the ordinance. Within the 30-day period, a petition requesting a referendum on the ordinance may be filed with the City Clerk. The petition shall be signed by qualified voters equal in number to two percent of the total number of voters who cast votes in the City at the last state general election. If the required petition is filed within the 30-day period, the ordinance shall not become effective until it is approved by the voters of the City at a general or special election. The form of the question shall be fixed by the Council. If a majority of the votes cast on the question are in favor of its adoption, the ordinance shall pass and shall take effect 30 days from the date of the election." 2. The City Charter is hereby amended by adding this section and after the amendment becomes effective, the City Clerk, with the assistance of the City Attorney, is directed to incorporate this amendment into the City Charter and to have the amended Charter reprinted for circulation to the people of the City. 3. This Ordinance and the City Charter amendment adopted hereby shall not be in full force and effect until 90 days after its passage and publication. Adopted by unanimous vote of the Mayor and members of the Council this -1l..ttliay of May, 1994. I'*" . ~ e e I Ie I I ... Published: May 23, 1994 o~~~4 ATTEST: ~~ /1).N"'AJ Merl' Welden, City Clerk ... . I< 24th dayof May ~ 2: ')77~ . 19-9,4. ELEANOR E. NOTARY PUBLIC -" WASJ-UNGTON My {;ornmlllliOll Expire ,:.., ~=~1~: ~ , ,.,' i~~_ ctr,1:/ ., SllfW~WA COtINCtl.6F~ TH( CITY ,,?F ' =O~2i ,~7,ttie'~~. .,. , :anct~1D '~6 cr::,~ *"t, ~ ~ . ,:-Cf1Y lAND"," . '11.01 AfHandnoW IX' ~owned lJythe - " , City,of StiIlWaterthal: '. .' .. ' . "':.}',' 1. .. wIthln~ fJt lMaconsin.that ' . ~sOn ihe 1M.'CfQJx RiWlt 8ha1l riot . be sold. leased. disposed' of. ' deve1- oped or have III c:hilracuar eub8lJsn;. , . ~Iy ~ or aItei-e4 unless done'. In CDn1p6ance with lhis CIl8ptef; or. 2. Has been dedldatect or-.~ IOpetk, , ~ OJ*l, ..__. Of :na1UraI ,Ulle. indudlnv !he ~ of, ";80.. ' shaII,not be sold, ~; ~ ()f , . Or _/OP8d-orWH'ifl:_ tnarmer " '~tImt with parle, , *,eefional. open space; natUral use Q( have, '" , , chara.ct$r 8Uf)$fantIaIly C1i1ir1ged Or ef. " , ' teMc:I. unIeIs dortein eamp/lancewilh. ' ' , . thlsc;h8ptjlt. '. , ' 1a.(laJ'he.~ shall prepft '~IIIyOf ' nOt~(IO.'fM not1riel1rlhal'ltoO worfJa, ' SetIi"9 ,Iorth in ~ 1he. neIiP of #Ie ~d $aI,e.'tJSt Ql'dispotat. ~ not ' . by'\4fiy of 6m1tatiol1. pfkl&. tem\.dOIor . Se~ liI'id~'use of !be"':: '" . =1:::::,.....1t!9 '= . .,.,. prcWidfnh~ ,piOp- . , lil'tY; shall be ~<<IC& :eect\ week for .' , ' four SUCl;eS$we _81'. it!; the legal ~ of the City, ami lhereafter the Oliy Council ' . iha(l1lOllduct a public hearing on the propoaaI. : '.~. theCouncil.may"by.I~ , ':'" of. " ~ an'.ordt- " n '.' uM;~ ,qr, 'Dr , ~.lf1he", ~m:~=beeffective ~ , lime .. It ,!!xed In the . \he 3Nay (illIiOd; a peth\OI'i '. IlItlIfl,oo,the ordinance rnaj be _wl\trctfle City Clerk. TIle- petillon .. be 8lgtled by . qualifiedV9tel1l equal in numbet to tWO per. ' ClII'lt Of thlt' tOtal ~,of VOfer8; Who _ ~ inlbeCilv atthe'. ..~... lion. ,." i , . It the ,.qmriKt petition is filed ~ _so. dly J*!od.'1lt OAIAa1'lClUbaII niJtbecome .... feolive lMltiIlt is ~ by ihell9terf-Ofltle City at II general or lipeellli elecllon. Th$ fomt 'ofthe _lion shall be fixed by the COuncil." .' a lI'Iajotityof m. .....CUlOnIt)e queSlion.... ' in f/lVOl' Qf its adoption; the ordinance, shall' pasS and shall take effeet3O^,days ftoin the ~ofthe eIecIion.~ ' " . 2. The City Charter Is hereby ~by . adding this ~ an4 after the amendlnent becomes- effectiVe; the. City Clerk. 'Wilfi 1I1a as- ~. of'llllfClty AtttImey.18 ,~to,In-\ . .GOI'flO\'ateIhi!l ~lnlo_ CltyCher. ',.* ~ ID~ theemeridedCharter,..~ for C1rcufllliOn to the"'ot the CItY. ~ ',' ' 8. ThiS ~ and th.. ell)' ,ctteiwr. ,amendI'nent lldopled hereby ,ehaII nol bem full fon::e anIf efkIct.u,nlil90 ,_ afterit~ ~~ and publIcallOri. '" ' . '. , , AdcAtelt W_mOus""Qf lh&.Mayar: . :: ~Ol,1he Covneif 1f\is1yth ~ 0{ ~=...' ATTEST:, . ,'. IsIMbrlfW&ldOn Morfi ~, CliyClerlt e Atfldllvlt of Publication STILLWATER EVENING GAzETTE STATE a= MINNESOTA COUNTY a= WASHINGT~ ) III. ) Mike Mahoney, being duly sworn. on oath saYI that he is the publiSher or authorized agent and employee of the pUblisher of the newspaper known as Stillwater Evening Gazette. and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated below. (A) The newlP8l*' has oomplied with all 01 the requiremenll conltituling qu8llftcalion as a quali- fied newspaper, as provided bV Minnesota SI8IUl. 331A.02, 331A.07. and other applicable laws. as amended, (B) Th. printed Ordinance No. 789 which il attached W8I c:ut from the columna of S8ld newlplIper. and W8I printed lIIId published once each week. lor 1 luccealive ~; It W8I first publilhed on Mon .the 23rd day 0' May . 19-94 and W8I thereafter printed and publIlhecl Clfl every M 0 n . 10 and including the 23rrLo, May 9L1. ,:-clay . 19~ 8nd printed below II . copy of the lower cue 8Iphabet from A 10 Z. bolh incIuIive, which is hereby acknawIecIged 81 being the Ilze .a and kind of type UMd.in the comPlllition and publlcalillfl of the no1Ice: .abcdefghijklmnopqralUVWllyz atJu,~~ TITlE; PubliIher Sublcribed and sworn 10 before me Clfl thiI Notary Public RATE INFORMATION (1) Lowest claalified rate paid bv commerc:i81 users lor comparable 1pac8. 2 4 . 42 (Une. word. or inch rate) (3) Rate actually charged for th. above matter . (Line. word. or inch rate) 24.42 (2) Maximum rate aUowed bV law for the above matter . (Line. word. or inch nit.) Received Payment STILLWATER EVENING GAZETTE .19_ By e ,c......,>-....,...:.'... _.:-:_; :';,..--:-, ,':--,:-' '--~, ,~ )-~t ",-r"-:";; , '5123 . '"r.:t: ~r-." ;-'--