HomeMy WebLinkAbout0771 Ord (City Boards and Commissions) -- ORDINANCE NO. 771 ~ AN ORDINANCE CREATING CHAPTER 22.06' OF THE STILLWATER CITY CODE, A CHAPTER CREATING CONDITIONS FOR APPOIlr.L'MEN'.r TO CITY BOARDS AND comn:SSIONS THE CIn COUNCIL OF THE CIn OF STILLWATER DOES ORDAIN: <B I. Enacting. It is hereby enacted Chapter 22.0jr of the Stillwater City Code, a chapter creating conditions for appointment to City Boards and Commissions, that shall hereafter read as follows: .~ Chapter 22. Ojj I. Eligibility. No person shall be eligible for appointment to any board or commission of the City whether the appointment be by the City Councilor the Mayor, unless they are a qualified voter of the City, an owner of real property within the City, or an owner and an operator of a business with a place of business within the City. 2. Limitation on Service. No person shall be eligible to serve on more than one committee at the same time. 3. Publicity. The City Clerk shall make reasonable efforts to publicize vacancies on any board and commission and shall keep a list or roster of the name, address, telephone number and qualifications of those interested in serving. e 4. Procedure. When a vacancy occurs on any commission, a Selection Committee composed of the Mayor, City Coordinator and Departmental Supervisor whose duties are related to the function of the commission shall obtain a list of qualified candidates from the city Clerk. The Selection Committee shall, select one candidate for each vacancy and determine the candidates willingness to serve on the commission. The candidate shall then meet with the commission to more fully understand the responsibilities of the position. Thereafter the Selection Committee shall submit the name of the willing candidate to the City Council for final approval and appointment. 5. Existing Service. This ordinance shall not disqualify those serving on more than one board or commission on the date of enactment of this ordinance and they shall be entitled to serve out their terms, but shall not be reappointed to more than one board or commission. II. Saving. effect. In all other ways the Stillwater City Code shall remain in full force and III. Publication and Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication according to law. Enacted this 20th day of April, 1993. Attest: ~~~ e Publish: May 10, 1993 <.' '.... e Affldavh of Publication STILLWATER EVENING GAZETTE STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF WASHINGTON ) Mike Mahoney, being duly sworn, on oath says that he is the publisher or authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper known as Stillwater Evening Gazette, and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated below. (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualification as a quali- fied newspaper. as provided by Minnesota StaMe 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable laws, as amended. (B) The printed Ord.inance NO. 771 City of Stillwater which is attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published once each week. for 1 successive dayslMiflX it was first published on Monday .the 10th. day of May . 19.9.1.. and was thereafter printed and published on every Mbnday ID and including the 10th. day of May .19.9.1-: and printed below isa copy of the lower case alphabet from A ID Z. both incIulive. which is hereby acknowledged 81 being the size ."".......-....--....-....-.. :,1. / abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz B~~ TITlE: Publisher Subscribed and sworn ID before me on this 11th. day of Mny ft~- F'mrL- "~il ELEANOR E. MO NOTARY PUBLIC - MINNS 'WASHINGTON COt My ComrniIIion Expir,. Notary Public RATE INFORMATION (1) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space .19. 92 (Line. word. or inch rate) (2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter . (Line. word. or inch rate) .19.92 (Line. word, or inch rate) (3) Rate actually charged for the above matter Received Payment STILLWATER EVENING GAZETTE ,19_ By Ie EvenlngGazette.,May1..181S ORDINANQE,NO. 771. ' AN ()RDINA~. CIIEATlNG... ~R 2a,~OFTHESTlLI.WA'l'ER CITY CODE.. CHAf)TER. CREATING.. C<lND~.' t:QR ~.POINTMENT TO CITY BOARDS "Nfb COMM~IONS .... ..... ../i THE. CITV .CQUNCII..OFTHE"'CfTVl QF STILLWATER ooe$QRDAIN: . . .... ... '. . '\E~~'t:'S hereby tlIl~ CiJ....i. .. o. e I . ~r City Code. a chapt.,-ClI cond. ilions for appot. .' nl1llen. t to City B " a Commissions. tbat shall beteafter re fof.. lows: . . .' .,. '., '..'. ": Cl'tap~ ?2.~ .. >/ '1. Eli@ibillty. .No p&l'sonshall'~ el Qibktflir appolFltment.to any bOatd or mi. sion Qtthe C1ty~ the ~- rnentbe by. the City Cl)un orthe Mayor. unless. they8l'e a .. 'led voter. of the City.anOWflllr of ....,. property Witbin the City .0i'anClWn8r and an operator Qta busfrMtSS with a placeofb~esswitlylntheClty. ..' ...., 2. Limitation em Serviee. N()person stlaII be eligible. to serve on nf9re .ltIan one committee at the same time.. ~'. Pub. IIC~iThe. C1... ty... 0I8rlc. '. .. $h8II..,... .. . 171..," " erea- . . sonaeffortSto p~eV8C8llcie8 ,on any bc*dandcommi88loll and shall keeP all~torroateroflhe namt. address. telephor)e numi.Yer and qua... flca!ions Gftho.. tn~ted In serving. 4. Pro~ure,Whena~QCOUt'$on any commission.. aS~ CQmmjt- tee comPG$eCi Of the Mayor; 9Jtjeoor- dj~torandDe~ltOtaI. Sl.Ipervilor. Whose dU~ ere relatlld ID ,the tunc- lion of the ~ion.'.~ C)btajn a 1.1$1 ,of ql.l8lifiefJ<~'" ~..tt)e City, Clerk. The Sfl/eclfonCOmrnlttll'e ~a1f. ..sel~One*~. . . ..tor.eaclh vaeancyanddeterminthe canc:lklatea Willingness... to. . serve. ... the... .commlS.'.- sion. T~candid*' . thenmett with. the commiS$ion tlIt'more. fully un- derstarld.the ~~bilitlesOfthe ~ sition.Th4reafter the SelectJon Com- mittee shaD. llUbmitthe name of the wUlil'lQ~didatetothe CItY Counctl,for finalapproVai and appo/lltmenl &. e::z.. SeMee. .."I"hlll.ordt~ .lIbalI. not .SQlJality thosesetVing O'l. more tbanpne ~oardlilr:'COIIII'I'lI$sio .qn the dlUe of ell8ctrn.ent .fthis ordlnance .' and. they Sbal!' be. e"titted to serve ~t their. ~n"s.but shfl/I nOta ..... pointed. lOmoreAhanoi1e~ or commissi(ln. ft ~. in all .otIWr Ways .'/he StiIlw8terCity Co~remain in full foreeand effect,... f1f.,Pliblica. 1iO.' n and.. E.=:. . Date. . Thle.. ordl.. _ na!iceShall be III tun., and effect from and afterits P8S$8Q8 andJ)~b1icalionaccol'dtng. .~. law.. ....." ..' .. '.' .... ...... " Enacted this 20th dllYofAprU.1993. . . !s,/CharleSM;Hooley CharleS M. Hooley. Mayor Attest: NMa(y \..ol.lJoMson . . , City Clerk 5110