HomeMy WebLinkAbout0761 Ord (Boat Trailers) e e e ORDINANCE NO. 761 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF STILLWATER BY PROHffiITING THE PARKING OF BOAT TRAILERS IN CERTAIN AREAS The city Council of the City of Stillwater does ordain: Subdivision 1. Amending Subdivision 51.02, by adding Subd. 4 to the City Code which shall hereafter read as follows: Subd. 4. "No person, f inn or corporation shall park any empty boat trailer on any street or alley or in any public parking lot located within the Central Business Zoning District of the City." Subd. 2. In all other ways the Stillwater City Code shall remain in full force and affect. Subd. 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and affect from and after its passage and publication according to law. Enacted by the City Council of the City of Stillwater this 16th day of June 1992. ,ize4 ~ wq!Lly Abrahamson, Mayor Attest: P-; ~~ Publish: July 2, 1992 e - e Mfldnvlt of f'ubllcnflol1 lifE COllnlEn S'^'E or Mlf/f/ESOI^ ) "" COUNTY or W^SIIIr/GTOIJ T1obort Uborty, ooing duly s\Vorn. on Mlh 5"Y5 Ih"'l ho I" Iho puhli5hor or !ltllhodl0d noonl nnd on\ployeo of Iho pllblishor of tho now"p:'lp!'r known :'l~ 1he Cnuri!'r, nnrl h,," full knowlnrlg!l of 'h!l rm~l~ which Are st,,\()(f b"low: (^) Tho nOW5J''''J'''' ",," compllnd wllh nil of tho roqulromon'~ CO""lltu1ing qlmlilic"llon n" " qr,mlifiod newsJ'''pN, ns providod by Mirmesota SI"luO 331^.O?, 33t^,07, nnd orhor npplk:"hln hws, M am!lnded. CITY OF STILLWATER (n) Tho prinred.....--p - . -~ -- -< -. ~ -. - - --~ .-. -. - -. - ~ -- - +~- -.- - - ._-. _ _ __ ~___ +_ _ "._ ._~M .__._ ~ ____._..~ _ ________. ....--. --..... ---...... __h. --....__. OJWX.l':J)\!\l:~~.. NO. ~ ..., 7.~1... "h', __.......... __.. h. __ u...............u.. -- - - ------- --. -- --- - -..- -- - - --- ._-*p - - --.. - -.. -- -. .-. -- -- - -~ -. --- --. --~. ---'-- --- - - ~- -.~ -- -~------_. -- -- -. - -- --- ---- --- - - ~.- --_.~- which Is nllndlOd wns cuI from tho columns of snid nowspnpor, nnd wns prinled nnd publi"hed onco ench week. lor--..l.------.--5ucco""ivo woob; II wns fir"' puhll"hod on ."Th'Yr:e.9~J( 'ho:?n9--... dny of ..July..__. 19~2__m., nnd W:'l" therenfter print"d and publi"hod 0" evory...-----..h.---....to nnd Including thn..m--.....d"y of ..m____...__.......". 19----.....; nnd prin'nd below is n copy of tho lowor caso nlphab!lt from ^ to Z, borh Indu"ivo. which I" hNl"lby aCKflowll"l<1gl"ld n~ hoil111 1ho 517,0 And kind 01 tYP9USI'!d In tho co01po"'lIon anri publica!ion of nlO noticn: nbcdefg hijklrm IOpqr~!lIVwxYl II?IY~~~~ SlIbsc~d and sworn 10 bnfore 010 on this <f:; d" orSw\ispm ... MM^"^,,^~) 19.....~.. ~~USAN C, fRE~ICKSEN .. ~ ~ ~ t nl Dun\ie - M\flnaSOla - .t!'.. No 8:" r (" nunN J: Washington ..oN <, ~LS~~~ 3'\1, , . ~~'f~W No!my Public ~V~ ---__0-._.__----...-..----.-.- ___.___..._......__._.....___ ____nn__.____..___________________.__.________ M1ElIlronM^,10N (1) Lowest dnssified Hlte pnid by com. meraAI user9 for compnmble space. (If;)- $..........'1.:....0' .. (Um, word. {X" lod1 mte) $ __.q~.9....Q...... (lb~:word. or lod1 mte) $...j~_Q..s:)___ (lIno. word. or Inco mt,,) (2) Maximum mle Allowed hy law 'or 'he above mMer (3) T10te nctuAlly clmrgnd for the above n1.'1"er Received PAyment......----.--.......... 19....h... 1ho Courier Oy--.....------......... --"."__ __. ,....... 'Th. COllr'er News, July 2,1992, ~RDINANCE NO. 761 '. ...,.,' ,;,ANlQADJNANC&, .U&NI'lltHG TH . CODi OF THE, C1J1f.,QIJ, $TILLW~ PROHIBITING THE PARKING OF "':i, TRAILERS IN CERTAIN AREAS' . The CllYCouncil of the City Of StlUwa<<trdoee, ) ordain: Subdivision 1. Amending Subdivislon'S 1.()2, by adding Subd. 4, to the City c:0<I& whicbshaU hereafter read as follows: Subd. 4. "No person. firm or corporation shall park any empty boat trailer on any street or alley or in any public parking lot located Within the Central Business Zon- ing District of the City." SU!>d. 2. In all other ways the Stillwa,ter City Code shall remain in full fOn::e. and effect. Subd. 3, This ordinance SI1a11 be in fUn forCEI and affect from and after its passage and publi~n according to law. . Erl~ted by the City Council of the City of.8til\- , ..... this 16th ~y of June 1992. Is! Wally AbrahamllOn Wally Abrahamson, Mayor Attest: Is! Marv Lou JohnSQr;l City 0eIk "l/2 , '.