HomeMy WebLinkAbout0760 Ord (Garbage and Rubbish) ORDINANCE NO. 760 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAP'rER 30 OF THE SfiLLWATKR CITY CODK "GARBAGE AND RUBBISH" e THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF STILLWATER DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Subd. 8, Fees, of the Stillwater city Code, entitled "Garbage and Rubbishll is hereby amended to hereafter read as follows: Fees. Effective July 1, 1992 The fee for collection per month shall be as follows: For each 30 gallon container For each 60 gallon container For each 90 gallon container Adjusted accounts For each 30 gallon bag or sticker $13.75 $17 .75 $19.75 $12.00 (30 gallon container) $ 2.00 per bag or sticker The minimum charge for each and every dwelling unit shall be based on the fee for a 30 gallon container. A residence shall be allowed to change container size at intervals of not less than two billing quarters and must give 30 days notice to the City. When proper notice is received, changes in fees will be made to the following quarter billing. Changes in containers and related fees shall only be made on a quarterly basis. e Multifamily residences of three or more units shall pay the mandatory rate for 30 gallon containers per dwelling unit unless a different rate is negotiated between the Contractor and the residence. In the event a residence desires collection of normal household waste in excess of the waste held by the resident I s container per week, they shall purchase stickers from the City for the cost of $2 per sticker and that shall entitle the residence to an additional 30 gallon bag of waste. Said bag shall not exceed 30 pounds of waste. In the event the City adopts a "fee for bag" system, in lieu of a sticker system for the handling of excess household waste the residence shall purchase bags in minimum lots of five (5) bags provided by the City for the cost of $2 per bag and that shall likewise entitle the residence to an additional 30 gallon bag of normal household waste not exceeding 30 pounds of waste. No bag shall be collected unless a sticker is attached to it or unless it is of the kind purchased from the City. Refunds shall not be made in exchange for unused stickers or bags. Section 2. In all other ways Chapter 30 of the Stillwater City Code shall remain in full force and effect. Section 3. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect after its publication according to law. Adopted by the City Council this 19th day of May, 1992. . #h~ Wally Abrahamson, Mayor Attest: ~ ~~ ' City Clerk e e .~ ^,f1davlt of Publica lion TilE COUnlEn ST^TE or MINfJESOT^ )55 COUNTY IT W^,31I1NGlON RobeflllooflY, ooing duly sworn, on oalh S;"tYs IIml ho Is tho publishor Of /lulhorizedllgont IInd employee 0' the publisher 0' the n~wspnpN known:ls lhe C01Jrim, mId h;"ts lull knowlodge or the rllcts which are S!;"tt~rl b~low: (A) 1ho nowspllper hils compll"d wllh nil of the roqulromflnlg consrltulinll qlmllncllrlon I'IS II qunlified newsp;"tpor, ns pfOllldlld by Minnosotll Stnllln 331^.02, 331^.07, Rnd olher nppllcllble IIlWS,IIS amended. . CITY OF STILLWATER (0) The prlnted--.--.-- -.. ---.--..__ --._ .._.._ ....0._.__._.. _0. ___ ._. 0.0.__..0.__,.... _.__'__ _____.....__.....__..__0. ORDINANCE NO. 760 .~_._-.._----- ----- -.---.--- --- -.-- ----------------------------------------------.-------..---.-------.-----------.--------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------..--------------------------------------------------- which Is IIlIached WllS cuI rrom the columns 01 s;"tld nllwsp;"tpor, /lnd wns printed /lnd published once each week, lor.....L.......o.successille wlloks; II WllS first published on..Tlgg::?g~y.. the l~.t.h__ dllY 01 ._June,o.", 199.2_____. and WllS therc"rtnr prinlod and published on eVllry"---"""'"h'''''10 llnd Including the""",,,-o.d;"ty 01 .__________..___...0..., 19.........; and prlntt'ld below is II ropy ollhe lower caso lllphabet from ^ 10 Z, both Incfusivll, which Is herllby ncknowlnrlgr.d ns bning the size lInd kind 01 Iype used in the romposllfon and public;"tlion or tlle notice: nbcdelghljkhnltopqrstlNwxyz BY; W-t-~. .. 1 II LE: Puhtlstlf'f ~ S...""",, '"' ~om _ holm, '" '"~ ,.1. .Jll~:llY 0,-...3~~~",,,,_W'''''Wo., 19-~.a... ~- ---..---- ._----..- --- --____. __ __._.___ - _w _.____._ ___A. _ _ __._..____ __ __ _____ _. _____ _____ ____ __ _ .___ ___ RATE INFORMATION (1) Lowest classified r1lte pllid by com. mercial users lor compmable Spl'l~. s.......~_S.:.0 (Uno, word, or lnrt1 mle) s--..d~SC (UlC. word, a 1nd15 s-..adv..~--- (Uno, word, a lnoo mle) (2) Mllxlmum mle allowed by Inw 'or the above manor (3) Rate actually charg~d lor the above manor Received Payment....-.................. t g......o.. ThE! Courier tit By.....--.........,.....--...---............ the eo"rler Newa,J&lnl.18"m ' CltV OF STII,.L.'NATER ()RDINANCE N().760 " ~ORDINANpE At.\ENDING c:HAPTER,. 30M THESTIL.LWATER CITY CODE' ' "GARBAGE AND RUBBISH" 'THE CITY COlJNCILOFTI-l~ CITY OF STILL. WATEROOESOROAIN: "-.. ,.," ,Section 1. Subd. 8, Eui. of the Stillwat&r"-City Code. entitled "Garbage and Rubbish" is hereby amended to hereafter read as follows: Eilti. EIfAClilHl.Julv 1 1992 The fee lor collection per mc:mth,shall be 8ll101- kNvs:, . For each 30 gallon container For each 60 gallon container For each 90 gallon container Adjusted accounts $13";75 $17.75 $19.75 $12.00 (30 gallon container) For each 30 gallon bag or sticker $2.00 per bag or sticker The minimum charge for each, and every dw~IIin9..unit stlall be based on the fee,lor'a 30 gallon container. ,,' . " , A residence shall be allowed to change con- tainersizEl at inteNals 01 not less than two billing quarters and must give 30 days notice to the City. When proper~otice is receive~. changes in fees will be made to the followmgquarter billing. Changes in COf!tainersand related fees shall only be made on a quarterly basis. . Multifamily residences of three or more umts shall pay the mandatory rate for 30 gallon con- tainers per dwelling, unit unless a different rate is negotiated .between the Contractor and the residence. In the event a residence desires collection of normal household waste in excess of the waste held by tho residenr~ container per week, they shall purchase stickers from the Cl~ lOr the ~t of $2 per sticker and that shall entItle the r8Sl- dence of an additional 30 gallon bag of waste. Said bag shall not exceed 30 poundS of waste. In the event the City adopts a "fee for bag" s~s. tem. in lieu 01 a sticker system for.the handlmg of excess household waste the, residence shall purchase bags in minimum lots of five (5) bags provided by the City lor the cost of $~ per bag and that shall likewise entitle the resldence,of an additional 30 gallon bag of normal house- hold waste not exceeding 30 pounds of waste. No bag shall be collected unless a sticker is at- tached to it or unless it is of the kind purchased from the City. Relundll shall not be made in ex. change forunusad stickers or bags. Section 2. In all other ways Chapter 30 of the Stillwater City Code shall remain in full force and effect. Section 3. EIf~ctive Date This ordinance shall be in full force 8I"Id &fleet after its publicationac- COI'ding to law. Adopted by the City Council this 1.9th day of May. 1992. Isl \'YJlllv Abra\JamWf! M~Y.9r Attest: IslMarvToo ..JOhnson City CIeri< 6/18 /