HomeMy WebLinkAbout0759 Ord (Skateboards, Scooters and Roller Skates) - . -- ~. \ ORDINANCE NO. 759 AN ORDINANCE ALLOWING FOR THE PROHIBITION OF THE OPERATION OF SKATEBOARDS, SCOOTERS AND ROLLER SKATES WITHIN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY The City Council of the City of Stillwater does ordain: e/l Subd. 1. Section 51.YZ of the Stillwater City Code entitled, "The Operation of Skateboards, Scooters and Roller Skates" is hereby amended by adding Section 51.J2', Subd. 1 e, which shall hereafter read as follows: Ot 51 .1 2, Subd. 1 e. The City Council may, by resolution, prohibit the operation of skateboards, scooters, roller skates and on-line roller skates within areas of the City provided that the resolution is recommended by the Police Chief and the Council finds that the prohibition is necessary to protect pedestrians or to eliminate hazards. Subd. 2. In all other ways, Chapter 51.12 of the Stillwater City Code shall remain in full force and effect. Subd. 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the passage and publication according to law. Dated this 5th day of May , 1992. ~~~Yor ATTEST: ~u~ Publish: May 14, 1992 ...--- ._, e e Affidavit of Publication TilE COUntER ST ME or MINNESOTA ) s.~. COUNTY cr W^SlIlNGTON Robert liberty, being duly sworn, on oath SRYS thRt hl! Is the publishm or authori7.od agllnt nnd employee of the publisher of the neWSpRpl!r known as The Courier. and has lull knowledge 01 the lacts which are stated below: (A) The nowspaper hRs complied with nil of the requlrnml>nts constltutlng quallnca!lon as a qUlllified newspaper. AS provldlld by Minnesota StRlue 33tA.02, 33t^.07,lInd other applicable laws, as amended. . CITY OF STILLWATER (B) The pnnted -- -- - --- ----. -. - --..- --.. --.. -- - u_ .-- __."" ___ ___.__ ____.._ ___ ____ __. m. m___ _'__u ___.. __ _.___..__ m' .---- -- .--__ --.. .__. _. _. __' _. ._. __ __. __ .Q@JNmQ~.. NQ_: __. !.? ~ _.... __ __. __.__.. __ __. __ ._..___. __ ____. __ __.. ...- ~----....-..- .-.-..-.------..----------------------- -------------- ----------------------------..--- --------.......-------..--..---........ whIch Is attached was CUI from the columns 01 Mid newsprlpor, and WAS printed and published once each week, lor----l----.--.--.successive weeks; 'I was first published on-.'!'g~~-.'?9.~Y... the .}i~!: day of ._May____.___. 1992__.__.. and was tho rlla f tor printed and publlshnd on evnry...------.--.------.to and Including Iheu...---.--.day of _.m____m_____mu., 19---.-----; And prinlod below Is A copy of Ihe lower CASI} alphabet lrom ^ to l. bolh Inclusive, which Is hereby acknowledged 8S being the size and kind of type used In the composltlon and publica lion /fIe notice: obcdefghljklmllopqrstuvwxyz BY: K4.e~-- TIRE: Puhlisher Subscribed and swom to before me on Ihis . t.J \-^n ill .-.L------day of---. ----. .a-.~_________.m..u__. 19.-<1.d:-. ~^J.AAAiI"'\ ;'.,"J,:""',"" _'''f'.JV~ " ')'~ ~.,\ C. ffiff}f":C;<SEN :> , .~ " ! j':I,\ry pub!lr; . fJi"'fi jCota ~ '- tf' . ~\\ \ ,. ~ Wa:.:r\ing\cn ""~W\\y s: ...~....C.:n._~.~..~.~;~d\;~&.~,Q9.;\-~ My Oomm!SS:Cli\ typi.c" G/iAmS> Notary Public "vVVVVYV'tj't.$VVV>;JW'1fl""fYVY ---.---.--.------------.--.------------------------------.---------.-----------.----------...--....... RATE INFOnMATION (1) lowest d~sslfied r;tte paid by com- mercial users for comparable space. s.--.--J..1~._.o..O._ (line, word, 01' Inch rate) rl cJ /\ $._m.a"'.___u"=.:}._ (tbe, won:!, or Inch rate) s---L2:.D._C:J (line, WOld, or Inoo rille) (2) M~xlmllm rate allowed by law for the above maner (3) note lIcluallv charged lor the above maner __ By--. --...--.... ----..---........ ,__..__..._ Received Payment.-....--------......--- 19...-..... Th!! Courier -~ / .,",i?,' .. The CoUrIer News, May 14, 18121.t.. ORDINANCE NO. *j"fl~;'!! " AN OROINANCEALLOWlNG FOR THE PRO- HIBITIONOFTHE OPERATION a=~- BOARDS, SCOOTERS AND ROltlERWTES. WITHIN CERTAIN AREA$ OFlI-Cff!f. ,;'."< . The City CQuncl1 of the ~ of , , ." dOltS ordain: ' Subd. 1. SectiOn 51. t2 of ,1he,81il1watw ~ Code endded. "The Openllkln of Ska~'" Scooters,and Roller Skates.I8~ lII'I'lef\ded by adding Sec1ion 51.1 a Su&d. 1 e, Which 8hall hereafter ~ as foIIow&:. i' 51.12. Subd. 1 . e. The City COuncIl May, by'~,.p,o... hibit the opertlion of, ~~.. SCXlQters, roller s~ and on-II~...... skates wl1hln areas of the City ~ that the resolUfiorI ia recomnteI'td&ctby1he Police Chief Mil IheColindlIlnds thatlhe prohibition .is, necessary, to Prftect pedestrians Q' to eliminate hiiltards. ., ,,' SUbd.2. In an other ways, Chapter 51.12 of the Stillwater CIty Code shall remain in full ,(OrOe and effect. Sub<!. 3. Thia ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the passage and pub- lication according 10 law. Dated !hilt 5th day of May. 1992. Is/ WaRY ~ahamsqn Wally Abrahamson. MayOr ATIEST: Is/~ Lou .hhnson Mary Lou Johnson.,Clerk 5114 'Ij /