HomeMy WebLinkAbout0746 Ord (New Chapter 27.01) ";:J / :.! _- , ORDINANCE NO. 746 e AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE STILLWATER CITY CODE BY ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 27.01, SUBDIVISION 15 SUBPARAGRAPHS 1 AND 2 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF STILLWATER DOES ORDAIN: 1. Amending. The City Code of the City of Stillwater is hereby amended by adding the following sections that shall hereafter read as follows: "Chapter 27.01, Subd. 15, Subsection 1. Wild Animals: Special Use Permit Required. No person shall harbor, maintain or control a wild, dangerous or undomesticated animal within the City of Stillwater without first having been granted a Special Use Permit by the City Council. Subparagraph 2. A wild, dangerous or undomesticated animal shall be that which is not of a species customarily used as an ordinary house pet, but one which would ordinarily be confined to a zoo, or one which would ordinarily be found in the wilderness of this or any other country, or one which otherwise causes a reasonable person to be fearful of bodily harm or property damage. Fish and birds are not included in this definition." e Subparagraph 3. The application shall be made on a form provided by the City Clerk and shall be administered in the same manner and according to the procedure that applies to all other Special Use Permits provided for in the stillwater City Code. Subparagraph 4. In addition to the submittal requirements required for Zoning Special Use Permits, the application must contain or be accompanied by the following information: A. Copies of all Federal and State permits that are required by law. B. A copy of the Bill of Sale or Receipt for the purchase of the animal. C. A statement of the amount of money or other. consideration paid by the applicant for ownership of the animal. D. A complete and detailed description and diagram of the confinment space proposed for the animal. - E. Written proof that a qualified veterinarian has committed to the owner to provide care to the animal and to advise the owner regarding its care. 1- F. Proof of insurance together with an underwriting memorandum stating knowledge of the exposure that will protect the public against bodily injury or death caused by the animal providing for limits of $1,000,000 per person, per occurrence and for notice to the City within 30 days of its cancellation or renewal. Subparagraph 5. In addition to the standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance for .the grant or denial of a Special Use Permit, a permit may be denied for failure to satisfy any submittal requirement set forth above, for failure to provide a safe and sanitary confinement space for the animal; or if it is likely that the animal will bark, howl or cry in a manner that will disturb the neighbors. Subparagraph 6. The Permit, if granted, shall not permit the breeding of the animal. Subparagraph 7. The Permit may be revoked by the City Council after a hearing preceeded by 10 days notice, if the animal becomes a nuisance or a danger to any person, if any condition of approval of the Permit is violated, if any other law or lawful rule is violated or if the health, safety and welfare of the public is threatened. And, a new Subd. 18 is added that shall read as follows: -- "Subd. 18. In addition to the other remedies and penalties provided in the ordinance, city officials, after approval of the City Council, are authorized to file appropriate civil actions for a temporary restraining order, temporary injunction or permanent injunction against any person violating this Ordinance." 2. Saving. In all other ways the Stillwater City Code shall remain in full force and effect. 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication according to law. Adopted by the City Council the 6th day of August 1991 . wafd~a~ ATTEST: -- M~U~ Publish: October 10, 1991 Affidavit of Publication e THE COURIER STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )S!!. COUNTY OF WASHINGTON ) Roberlllberty. being duly sworn, on oath says that he is the publisher or aulhorized agent and employee 01 the publisher of IIie newspaper known as The Courier. and has full knowledge ollhe facts which are staled below: (A) The newspaper has complied wllh all of the requlremenls consUlUllng qualificallon as a qualified newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statue 331A.02, 331A.07. and other applicable laws, as amended. (B) The prlnled------C-IIT___Qf___~T~11Wb.Tf:IL_________________________________000________________ --------__________________________QgQ~!'!"~Q~__!:J:Q_~___Z~6 ....... ___ __ -woo __ ___ ____ ___ _..__.. __ __ ___ __ .._....... ....._ __ .... ___ __ ___.. -- -- --... -- -.. .....- -- ---..- --- --...- ----- --""'oO ____ ___ ..__ __ ___ __ __... __ __ ......_ __ ___ __ __ _____ ___ ...... ___.._..... ___ __ ___ __ _____ __ ..._.. __ ___ __ _____ ........__ e which Is attached was cut from the columns 01 said newspaper. and was printed and published once each week, for---l-----------successive weeks; II was firsl published on-~~~~~9_~x.:__. thl9!:!:-- day of -Q-Qt-QP.-~J; 19-~1.--, and was therealler prinled and published on every----------m----m-to and Including the-----------day 01__000____000________. 19__000000; and prinled below Is a copy 01 the lower case alphabet from A to Z. bolh Inclusive, which Is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publlcalion of the nollce: BY:lkt-e-~-- TITLE: Publisher ' Subscribed and swom to before me on this otn \ --L-m--day ol-___D~m_Q~_C_______ 19-9.-1.. ' abcdelghljklmnopqrstuvwxyz ~c, EA'_\^' -,^"" '. N~I~~-p~b"~mm ____m___~_~_~~ ^^^^^^^^AAA^fu\^AA^~ ~ SUSAN C. ~liED~:C~S~N ~ -< Notarv Public - M,,,n"~OiaJ 'S Washington CallOW ~ '..... My C. am. .m. \ss;on [xp\rfs 9/18196' ~.~~~V~VV.V~VVYVVVV RATE INFORMAllON (1) Lowesl classified rate paid by com- mercial users for comparable space. (2) Maximum rale allowed by law lor the above matter ?:>l\4 $--------S___...:___,__ (line, word. or lnd1 ~ $----33.:-'2____ (line, word, or.inch ~ $---33.-,--]-~ (line. word, or inca rare) (3) Rate actually charged for the above matter e Received Payment-mm--------_____m 19-000----- The Courier By--- --- __000_____000 _______000__ ___ ________ ^,~1';. )t::-;_:(-,~ /}~"I" '.'0 S'l'1tIf... Md...". ' 'SU' tHE'CITY. OF 'rHEC'll;rcfjf STIU;.~TEADOl;$~: '.' 1;~~qinQ ~ ..0000"RPd& of, ~ =~-:~~=~erbY . ~"'__:".' ___~_-_ _".vl.:,-", ,>"""""',,... --,~"~> "Chilpter'27.01...~~. 1Y:&.~1~. 4nimalB,'Soeclll! }Jse p.r",it Reo~..,-~() person Shall harbor, mlllntain or contrOl.'.. dangerou.or undcmlellti~ 8I'limal wllhIA1It1il City of Stillwater_ witnoutfirst havjn<i~I'I' granted a Special Use Permit by tn. C!ty COunoi\;' " .'",,' Subparagraph 2. A wild. dangerOl.l'Ol" undomesticated animal shall be that which is not ofll species customarily used allan ordinary house pet, but onewhichwouk{ ordinllrily be confined to a zoo, or ~ ..mlch would ordinarily be (Ound in the wlkl~~ot this or any other country,Of(lrle 'Wflich' otherwise causes a reasonable person to be fearful of bodily harm or property darrl.;;Eish and birds are not Included in this d4!linitiQrt.j ..' Subparagraph ~. The Bf)plication lifllall. be rl1ad$Gn' a form providEId by the CityClttk *'nd shall'be adminilltered iriltles/ime ~"d i according to the procedure that aplll9l/.i,. all other Speclal Use Permlt~pro"idecr~r~ltle StillWater CityQlde".. ...' '.' '--' , ' Subparagraph 4. ,In addition to the sl.lbmitllll reqt,ti1en\entl requir<<lJorZ()l1ing .S~Use Permits. ~ application must containf>"'be ' accompanied by the. following information: . '. , A. COpleS QfalrFedflfal and State..1tS ihatar&requireclby1aw. ' , ... "'.,'.' ...', B.A copy of the BIll ofSa.Je or ~for the purahaseof the8l'limal. .. ...., C. A statement of the an10Unt of~or Cl)nsideration pajd. by . the applicant. for ownership of the animal. 0., A,completeancl detailed ~~ and diagr/im ofttle"conllnernent sP" prOj)Qsed fonhe ~/maI.,. ..'.. E. Wnttenp.roof tnat a4ualifie4 ve~rinariat:l h~~~d to th~owner to. provide care lothelll'li.l 8ild~ 4dvls4! the. ~r~dingi~.J:ar"<' .> ...... . F,~OCIf ofiin$~ ~_;..! ;; ),10de'rwritmg m.m.9r.n~rn );~ I' ~-of!tle ~,.... wil the public against bOdily injury.- .... caused by the animal providing forllr$ira of. $1.000.000 per person, per oqq,.Il"~~'~ fOr notice to the Clty withill90 d~$Qfltt' ._:;~r~tothe$~ ~ined ill the Z{)ning~for.1bO.....t or ~ial ofa Special Usel~m!t.. be denied for lajlure to sa,tisfy anY re9lSirement set forth abOve, !O(fre.to ~'dea safe and sanltaryOQn~ ~ fof"tJ)e 8nimal;or if itjlll~~'tl!I.~~Wi" ~~~ in a maonertnat .WiHI~~, '6. TQftpjrfnil,,i! gr~~;_'> not: . inO-1he aMilIaI. ",.".,',;\'" ,.f ubpar~raph1. The. P~mjt mar,~ 'r8'l<ll\erJ bYttleCity .Co\Jncllafter Ii pr~td~ 10 days notice,if the bei:omella~ ora danger to any f*$OIl. . ifaoycooditjoO of. appro1/a1 . of ..the .f.l4trmlt Ill, vl~lf anYo~rlaw orlawfull'Ult,.1S vlolJaled' .. orjtithe' h9at.h. nfe!y an4we1...,l\f the pUblIC iS~atllned, 'And,. new Subd, 1a14 ~M~'t~r 'tifollbw$: '!,'" '!",", ." H', tbJ : .) ;.h, \:t.. ~ 'I . ~>~ ~: ;}.~: :\"" ~::;.' l-e -' ~ .., ~ l1 di~ J.":h.' I"~ b;' e f'.,-.. .Subct 18. In adO.lIOn Kl me orner rctmctclies . and penalties prollided in the ordinance, city ofIcials, after approval althe. City Council, .,e authorized to 'He appropriate civil actions lor a JI!' temporary restraining order, temporary inJ\lnClion or perm~.injunctiof:!.against"ny .. personviolalinglhls~.', . 2..~ In all other ways theS~"water City , Code shall rerliain in full f9n:eandet{ect. ' 3. Effective Date ThiS Ordinance!shall be in full force andefleet from and !4fterilspassage andpublication~rding to law, Adopted by tile. CitylCounCllthe 6th day of August, 1991: 1$1. W;lIf)'~~aham~(1 Wa'!YAbrahamson. MAYOR ~"fTl;S1"' '. . < ............. .....!.. Y c Ir~E~ 10110 e a