HomeMy WebLinkAbout0728 Ord (Noise, Providing Elmination and Prevention of Prohibited Noise) e ORDINANCE NO. 728 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO NOISE, PROVIDING FOR THE ELIMINATION AND PREVENTION OF PROHIBITED NOISE, AND IMPOSING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION The City Council of the City of Stillwater, Minnesota, does ordain: I. The Stillwater City Code is hereby amended by adding the following Section 38.0~NOISE CONTROL AND REGULATION E "Subdivision 1. DEFINITIONS. 1. General. Words and phrases defined in this subdivision have, when used in this ordinance, the meanings given below. Any other word or phrase used in this ordinance, and defined in regulations of the Minnesota Polution Control Agency Noise Polution Control Section, NPC-1 and NPC-4, has the meaning given in those regulations. e 2. Noise. "Noise" means an unwanted sound. Sound to be measured by a sound level meter (SLM) having characteristics as specified in the latest standards, 51.4 of the American Standards Institute Calibration of SLM to be at least "second stage" traceable to the National Bureau of Standards. 3. L10. (dBA) which is period. L10 means the sound level, expressed in decibels exceeded ten percent of the time for a one-hour 4. LSO. L50 means the sound level similarly expressed and measured which is exceeded fifty percent of the time for a one- hour period. Subdivision 2. NOISES PROHIBITED. Ie 1. Radios, Phonographs, Paging Systems, Musical Instruments and other Devices. No person shall use or operate or permit the use or operation of any radio receiving set, musical instrument, phonograph, paging system, machine or other device for the production or reproduction of sound in a distinctly and loudly audible manner as to disturb the peace, quiet, and comfort of any person nearby. This includes operation of any such set, instrument, phonograph, machine, or other device between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. in such a manner as to be plainly audible at the property line of the structure or building in which it is located, in the hallway or apartment adjacent, or at a distance of 50 feet if the source is located outside a structure or building. - 1 - ~ 'e Subdivision 3. HOURLY RESTRICTION ON CERTAIN OPERATIONS. 1 . Recreational Vehicles. No person shall, between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m., drive or operate any minibike, snowmobile, or other recreational vehicle not licensed for travel on public highways, in such a manner that it is plainly audible at a distance of 50 feet from its source. 2. Domestic Power Equipment. No person shall operate a power lawn mower, power hedge clipper, chain saw, mulcher, garden tiller, edger, drill, or other similar domestic power maintenance equipment except between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. on any weekday or between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on any weekend or holiday. Snow removal equipment is exempt from this provision. 3. Construction Activities. No person shall engage in or permit construction activities involving the use of any kind of electric, diesel, or gas-powered machine or other power equipment except between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. on any weekday or between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on any weekend or holiday. Subdivision 4. RECEIVING LAND USE STANDARDS. e 1. Maximum Noise Levels by Receiving Land Use Districts. No person shall operate or cause or permit to be operated any source of noise in such a manner as to create a noise level exceeding the limit set in Table I for the receiving land use category specified when measured at or within the property line of the receiving land use. Table I. Sound Levels by Receiving Land Use Districts Day Night (8:00 a.m. (1Q:00 p.m. -10:00 p.m.) -8:00 a.m.) Land Use Districts L10 Standard L50 Standard L10 Standard L50 Standard Residential 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA 50 dBA Commercial 70 dBA 65 dBA 70 dBA 65 dBA Industrial 80 dBA 75 dBA 80 dBA 75 dBA For noise relative to period less than L-10, the following conditions apply: No indoor sound level shall be raised more than 6 dbc over existing background; no outdoor sound level shall be raised more than 10 dbc over existing background noise level. Ie The limits of the most restrictive district shall apply at the boundaries between different land use categories. The determination of land use shall be by its zoned designation. - 2 - ::......I " ~ Subdivision 5. NEW MULTIPLE DWELLING CONSTRUCTION. New multiple dwelling construction shall have a sound transmission class (STC) designed to 50; field measurable to 45; and impact isolation class designed to 50; field measurable to 45, in addition to meeting requirements of the Minnesota Uniform Building Code. Subdivision 6. ENFORCEMENT. 1. Notice of Certain Violations. When the Public Safety Director or his designee determines that a noise exceeds the maximum sound level permitted under Subdivision 4, he or she shall give written notice of the violation to the owner or occupant of the premises where the noise originates and order such person to correct or remove each specified violation within such reasonable time as is prescribed in the notice. The failure to remove or correct any such violation within the time so prescribed constitutes a violation of this ordinance. 2. Civil Remedies. This ordinance may be enforced by inj unction, action for abatement, or other appropriate civil remedy. e 3. Criminal Penalties. Every person who violates any other provision of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction, be subject to a fine of not more than $700 or imprisonment for a term of not to exceed 90 days, or both, plus, in either case, the costs of prosecution. Each act of violation and each day a violation occurs or continues constitutes a separate offense." In all other ways, the City Code shall remain in full force and effect. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication according to law. Adopted by the City Council this 7tfL August , 1 990 . day of ~ 11L~~ Wally rahamson, Mayor Attest: );t~~, d?-./t,J ohnson, C' Mary Lou e Published: Augus,t 23, 19:90 - 3 - Affidavit of Publication e THE COURIER STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )S!!. ) COUNTY OF WASHINGTON Robert liberty. being duly sworn. on oalh says thaI he is the publisher or authorized agent and employee 01 the publisher of tlie newspaper known as The Courier. and has full knowledge of the lacls which are slaled below: (A) The newsr':lper has complied wilh all of the requirements constitullng qualiflcallon as a qualified newspaper. as provided by Minnesota Slatue 331A.02. 331A_07. and other applicable laws, as amended. (B) The printed----------O.r.dinance__#.72a________________________._______________m____m_________ ..-----.........--.---....--.....-----....------------------------------...----------------------------------------------.--------- -----..------------------------------------...------------------------------......-----......--............--.-------..--------.-._- which Is attached was cutlrom the columns 01 said newspaper. and was prinled and published once each week. for-----loo---..---successive weeks; il was first published on--Thurs-day--. the ~23-r,d- day oIA~~t.--. 19---90---. and was therealter printed and published on every---------------------to e and Induding the-oo---------day 01 __________moo_____m. 19---------; end printed below Is a copy of the lower case alphabellrom A 10 Z. bolh Induslve. which is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind 01 type used in the composition and pUbllcallonlfrJJOlice:...lldkf~ abcdelghljklmnopqrsluvwxyz BY: - _n___ _ ___ __c__ _00 m_ TITLE: Publisher Subscribed and swom to belore me on lhls -d-3~ay Of____n I !__1\, I 01._________. f\AA^^^^M^^A^^MAM 9JD. ~~=~~. <A~ ~ <1 ~-,."", I 19---- -. ' N.'.'..,"<,.--.,....'....lO..... L SA M. .llBERTY . ~ i~:~t4-:1 Notary P,1Jblic. Minne$Ola < '.,5/.\'<' Washington 1'",..-. > -1) <....,.., ..........., -a-~m~maf1 ~,~t_YvV~~~~ NOlary Public ----....-0- RATE INFORMATION (1) Lowest dassified rale paid by com- mercial users lor comparable space. s---------8.5t__SD ~:~~c[3E (lbe, word. or Inch rate) $-___w.9..:._3.Q (line, word. or inca rate) (2) lOIaximum mle allowed by law lor the above matter (3) Rale actually charged lor the above matter . Received Payment-m------------m---- 19-000----- The Courier By - -- --- -- no. 00 __ ___ _nmmn_ no ___ __ ___ '..- 1. MaximUM .... Lev_ by .... celvlng Land U.. D18trlcte. No J*8On sball .,.,.lIe !)i' .se or permit to be oper- ~a~,'~_!p.,sucIla~,,,,,.'. to Ii tioise leVel f'xcHding '1he'llft!lit set in 'fable 1 tor the receiving land ,use C8tegOty specified when measured at or within the , property fine of the receiving land use. Table I. SolJnd Leyels by ReceiVing Land UseOistrlcts Qalj' (8:00 am. -10:oo'p.m) Land Use DillJricts e Nigttt (10:00 p.m. -8:00 a.m.) L10 StandardLoo,SUlndard qo Standard Loo Starldl*d Resldential65 dBA 60 dQA, 55 daA' , 50 dBA Commercial,70 d8A as dBA 70 dBA . as dBA\ Industrial,80dBA .,' " 7S'dBA .' 8OdOA ~dBA For noise l'elatiVe to period less than L" 10. the following conditions apply: No indoar sound level shall be raised more than 6 cftIc over existing background; 1)9 outdoor soutW level .hall be raised more than 10 dbc OWl existing background tioiselevel. , The limits of the most restrictiVe fjilWiol nn apply at the bou~s betw6en diftIr. entl8nd use categories. The determination or land use shall be by, its zoned designatiQll. Subdivision, ,5. NEW MULTIPLE DWELWoIG ,CONSTRUCTION. Ne\Y rmAdple dWelling constr~ .. have. ,.'. ~ trarlllllli,Ssion cills&(STC) de- ~' ,10 50;,fielll measurable to 45; lUId 1m- ~ ilolatioO class designed to 50; field .... ,,-,lelO 45,in addition to meeting require- ,meo!Sof the ,Minnesota Vni!orm .lWlIding I:ode. SubdMsion 6. ENFORCEMENT. 1. ,Noth,. of' Certain Vlo18t1oM. When'the Public Safety Director or his de- signee, determines that a noise exceecls !he maximum sound lfiJVel permitted under SuDdi- 'vijipn"'~he9l'.s~e$hall~~tten~. fit the violation to the owner or occuPant of 1M premises where the tioise originates and order suchpersontoCQl'reCt orAlmOve 84ICh speci- fied viQlatiOl1 within such reMOnable tiI1IIe .. is prescribed in the ntltice."~failure to remove !)i' correct any such violation Withit'lthe lime So prescribed constitutes a violation. of this ordi- /lllflC8 . a. Civil Remedi... This ordinance rnaY,ibeel'lforced' by.injunction, actiotlfor abatement, !)i' other approprilltecivil remedy. 3. . CrlmlnalPenatties. Ev,ry" person Who .violates any other provision of this ordi- nance is gUilty of. a misderneanorlllnd shall, upon~viction, be subject ~, a line of .not I1'IQftt lIl$'I$700O!' imprisonment for a term of not to exceed 90 days, or bOth, plus, in either case, the costs of proseeulion. Each aCt of vi- ol~tion and each day a violation ~curs'or continues constllutes a separaleoffen$e." .. . i In all other ways. the City Code ~aJlre- mali'loin fulllorceand eflect: . This Ordinance shall be in lull force and ,,,~..~l!11Q~r)t$J.>ll$~.llnd ~q1il;a- tioi1~rdinglOlaw. .. . . ~dOPtedllythe. City Council this 7th ~y of A4{iust.19\X).. '.' ',' '.... , '. . .', . ./SlWaIlII A~~p1lIOI1 .. " '!' '. Mav!)i' ATTEST:/sIMatv I-Qll~_ - r if'!" . . art QeIk 1I2Iiio~ e .