HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-06-25 PRC Packet . . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7, 8, . ~H~~te~ THE BIRTHPLACE OF MINNESOTA ~ STILLWATER PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING NOTICE JUNE 25,2001 The Stillwater Parks and Recreation Board will meet on Monday, June 25,2001 at 7:00 p,m. at Stillwater City Hall in the Council Chambers Conference Room 213,216 N, 4th Street. AGENDA Approval of April 23, 2001 Minutes, Park Maintenance, Handicapped Access to and in City Parks. Request for Employee Parking at McKusick Trailhead Parking Lot. Mooring of Boat at Kolliner Park. Aiple Park Report Proposal. Settlers Park Update. Request for Peddlers License to Sell Balloons in Lowell Park from June 21, 2001 through June 21, 2002, 9. Other items. CITY HALL: 216 NORTH FOURTH STILLWATER, MINNESOTA 55082 PHONE: 651-430-8800 . . . Parks and Recreation Board April 23, 2001 Present: Mike Polehna, chairperson Linda Amrein, Dawn Flinn, David Junker, Rob McGarry, Wally Milbrandt, and Sandy Snell man Staff: Community Development Director Steve Russell and City Administrator Nile Kriesel Absent: None Mr. Polehna called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. Approval of minutes: Mr. Junker, seconded by Ms. Amrein, moved approval of the minutes of March 26, 2001, as presented; motion passed unanimously. Planning items: ~ Old Athletic Field - Mr. Russell noted School District 834 has approved the agreement to allow the City to use of a portion of the Old Athletic Field for a playground. He suggested working with neighbors to see what kind of equipment they would like in the playground; staff would came back to the Board for approval after receiving input from the neighbors. Mr. Junker made a motion to recommend that staff obtain neighborhood input regarding the playground equipment. , Mr. Polelma noted that the County has been having vendors do most of the preliminary work, for example providing options of equipment that could be provided for a certain amount of money and then having a committee of parents/users select the vendor options. Mr. Milbrandt noted input would be useful in developing specs. Ms. Amrein asked about the side of the site, for example if it is large enough to accommodate picnic tables. Mr, Junker agreed that staff needed to be specific about the site size when surveying neighbors. Mr. Milbrandt seconded the motion directing staff to work with neighbors for development ofthe Old Athletic Field playground area; motion passed unanimously. ~ Staples Field - Mr, Russell stated that as recommended by the Park Board, the City Council has approval removal of the basketball courts at Staples Field and directed staff/the Park Board to find an alternative location for a basketball court on the North Hill and to work with neighbors to develop other uses for the former basketball courts at Staples Field. 10lm Schloe, 333 W. Aspen St., addressed the board. He stated he was vehemently opposed to closing down the basketball courts. He provided a petition of 30 names asking that the courts remain open. Also speaking in favor of keeping the courts open were Adam Nyberg, 924 N, Fourth; Don Greeley, 214 W. Stillwater Ave.; and Mark Walker, 333 W. Aspen. . During the Board discussion, it was noted the issue is a long-standing one that has been on the agenda for over a year, and these were the first positive comments the Board had received about the Staples Field courts. Mr. Russell noted that the Board studied the issue for over a year, did a neighborhood survey, had several reports from the Police Chief regarding the situation, and finally made a recommendation to the City Council, which the Council accepted. Mr. Polehna noted that there are plans to relocate a court somewhere in the North Hill area. Mr. Schloe requested that, at the very least, the courts remain open until a new location is found. He also asked how to get the issue back on the agenda. Mr. Milbrandt told Mr. Schloe and the others in attendance that they, as private citizens, could raise the issue during the open forum portion of a City Council meeting, but that the majority of the Park Board was against taking up the issue again at the Board level. Recreation Center/Lilv Lake management agreement: Mr. Kriesel reviewed the management agreement, which was included in the Board packet, noting the shaded areas indicated changes to the existing agreement with St, Croix Caterers Inc. Doug Brady, representing St, Croix Caterers, was present for the discussion, Ms. Amrein asked why the agreement wasn't changed to coincide with the city's fiscal year - calendar year. It was noted that the agreement dates coincide with the opening of the Recreation Center, as well as the hockey season calendar and ice time purchase agreements, . Mr. Milbrandt asked Mr. Brady if he is comfortable with the projected revenue increases for advertising and figure skating. Mr. Brady responded in the affirmative, Most of the discussion centered on the rates charged for the field house, It was the consensus that field house rates ought to be increased, Mr, Milbrandt, seconded by Mr, Junker, moved to accept the management agreement as presented, with Mr. Brady to return next month with three difference scenarios regarding increases in the field house rental rates and their possible impact on rental hours and the City budget, Motion passed unanimously. Lowell Park use policy: There was a brief discussion about what members wanted to include in a use policy, Mr. Milbrandt noted that in the previous discussion, the Board had talked about allowing use for the Art Fests, Lumberjack Days, Taste of Stillwater, etc. and wanted that put in writing, Mr, Polehna noted that with the north area of Lowell Park now available, additional events could be accommodated, Mr. Polehna suggested the City hasn't done a good job in protecting its investment in requirements for clean-up, provision of toilet facilities, etc. Mr, Russell noted that Board can specify uses, for example allowing use by non-profit groups, but not for commercial use, Members were asked to come up with possible ideas for inclusion in a use policy for further discussion next month, Request to sell necklaces: . . . . Mr. Junker, seconded by Ms. Snellman, moved approval of the request by David RocWin to sell glow necklaces in Lowell Park on July 4. Lake Links Trail Network Master Plan: Mr. Russell noted the final plan has been approved. He noted that the consultant has suggested that the City might want to go on record supporting a stronger connection of the Trail from Highway 96 to the downtown Stillwater area. Mr. Milbrandt, seconded by Mr. Junker, moved to direct staff to write a letter in support of strengthening the trail link from Highway 96 to the downtown area; motion passed unanimously. River Parks Center concept: Mr. Russell briefly reviewed a concept plan for a River Parks Center. The center would include a building that could possibly house the Chamber, a parking structure and pedestrian plaza at the existing Maple Island parking lot site. Ms. Flinn asked whether the parking structure would obscure vision to the river. Mr. Russell said one level of the structure would be below grade, so the impact would be minimized. Members were favorably impressed with the concept. Mr. Junker, seconded by Ms. Flinn, moved to support the concept and developing the concept further. Other business: Ms. Flinn noted that softballs are being hit into the basketball court at the Lily Lake recreation center creating a safety concern and asked if a net couldn't be put up to remedy the situation, Mr. Russell said he would pass that request along to the Parks Department. Mr. Polehna noted that May is traditionally time for the annual park tour. Due to Memorial Day, the May meeting will be held May 21 ; members will meet for the tour at 6 p,m. Mr. Polehna noted that Stonebridge Elementary School is redoing some of its playground and might be interested in having a basketball court there. Mr. Milbrandt suggested contacting school officials regarding that possibility, Mr, Junker, seconded by Mr, McGarry, moved to adjourn at 9:10 p,m, Respectfully submitted, Sharon Baker Recording Secretary · Memo To: From: Date: Subject: Parks Board Steve Russell, Community Development Director June 21, 2001 June Meeting Items Park Maintenance, Tim Thomsen will be present to describe City Park maintenance activities and answer Board questions. This could be a study item, Handicapped Park Access and Facilities, I received a complaint from a handicapped individual regarding lack of access to Pioneer Park, The Board can consider park facilities and park access for the handicapped. . McKusick Parking Lot Request, The enclosed parking lot request for use ofthe trail parking lot was referred to the Parks Board for comment. In the past, City staff has received complaints regarding use of the lot by local businesses for employee parking.* Kolliner Park. This subject was considered by the Council at their last meeting, This subject has been previously discussed by the Parks Board, Management of the area is difficult because of traffic and lack of facilities, In the recent past, the area has been closed for park use, boaters or pedestrians due to lack of securi ty , Aiple Property Park Proposal. The attached proposal for services has been provided by SRF, the park consultant. The Council has requested early use ofthe property, The report would result in a proposal to make preliminary, minimal improvements to the site for public use, Settlers Park. Plans for Settlers Park will be presented for Board approval. * Peddlers License Request. A request from a for profit balloon vender for use of Lowell Park from June 21, 2001 to June 21, 2002 has been received for review. The applicant will be present at meeting time for discussion. * *=attachment . STEVE: . JIM GANNON IS REQUESTING THAT THE PARKING LOT AT MCKUSICK LAKE ROAD AND OWENS STREET BE CHANGED TO ALLOW AT LEAST 5-6 "EMPLOYEE" PARKING SPACES. MR. GANNON SAID THAT THEY WOULD BE WILLING TO PAY THE FEES THA T HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED FOR OTHER EMPLOYEE PERMIT PARKING LOTS. . PLEASE HAVE THE PARKING COMMISSION REVIEW THIS REQUEST. THANKS. ~ /.7r~ /:/ - . . . . ~CONSULTING GROUP, I N C. TfdnsportaHufi. Civil- Structural. Environmental- Planning' Traffic' Landscape Architecture' Packing SRF Number: fo I 0'3 Y Suite 150 One Carlson Parkway North Minneapolis, MN 55447-4443 Re1l!rn 10 sender File after faxing @ C(,: r,~ N ake co yand ';;'V J LJ ail .' nal y~ W Discard Telephone Number (763) 475-0010 FAX Number (763) 475-2429 TO: FAXMITTAL Name: S fe-v'--e..- 'l.-vs ~ Organization: ~ of 5fi /I tv ~ FAX Number: @ S I) (30 - '9 '? 10 Name: voivvt ~ 5 fr~ 6 / ~ /07 FROM: Pages to Follow: Subiect_m pie . Date: comments:f~ n~$~ ~ p r~/)' ~, ;~ Vre / (#/~ ~ ~CONSULTING GROUP, I N c. . Tramportation' Civil. Structural. Environmental. Planning. Traffic. Landscape Archjfe(tu~e. Parking SRF No. PO 1034 June 6, 2001 Mr. Steve Russell Community Development Director CITY OF STILLWATER 216 North Fourth Street Stillwater, ~l\j 55082-4898 Dear Mr. Russell: SlJBJECT: THE AIPLE PROPERTY . Thank you for the opportunity to continue in assisting The City of Stillwater with the development of a public park on the Aip)e Property. We are very pleased to be a part of this meaningful investment that is being made in the City's unique natural resource - The St. Croix River. Pursuant to our meeting in your offices on May 11,2001, we have prepared the following scope and fee estimate, with a suggested schedule for the preparation of a detailed preliminary design plan set and cost estimate for an appropriate first phase park development project. It is our understanding that the purpose of our work effort in this proposal is to provide plans, sketches and estimates for a first phase park project, the program and budget of which will be determined in concert with City Staff and Commissions, The plans and estimates will be of sufficient detail to determine construction quantities and probable costs to within 10% and will inciude a determination of all necessary permits. The work will be completed on a schedule to allow consideration by the City Council in August 2001 for funding and construction in the year 2002, While not intended for actual bidding and construction, the detailed preliminary design plans will represent approximately 50% complete construction documents and can be develope.d into tinal construction documents by amending our contract, should the City so choose. It is further understood that the first phase park will include: a 10' wide looped bituminous trail on the Aiple Property connecting directly ~o existing sidewalks downtown; demolition of two (2) existing buildings on the property; site grading and vegetative cover; tree planting; picnicking area; possible parking area; related utility work; irrigation for turf areas, SRF Consulting Group, Inc. services do not include any work related to environmental clean-up of the site. We understand that the city has commissioned all necessary studies related to this issue, While a budget has not been established, it is understood that the first phase program should be achievable for $500,000 or less. OUf services will include one presentation of the plan and estimate, to the City of Stillwater City Council, the Community Development Commission and the Parks Commission, and 25 copies of a final plan set and illustrative plan, One Carlson Parkway North, Suite 150, Minneapolis, MN 55447-4443 Telephone (763) 475-0010 . Fax (763) 475-2429 . http:/ /www,srfconsulting.com . An Equal Opportunity Employer Mr. Steve Russell - 2- June 6, 2001 . A detailed listing of projected person hours and our current hourly rate schedule are attached. We propose to bilI the City of Stillwater for actual time expended on an' hourly basis according to the attached rate sheet, for incidental expenses (printing, reproduction), and for mileage not to exceed the IRS approved rate, Payments are due within 30 days of dale of invoice. We will not exceed a total billing of $29,650 (exclusive of optional tasks) without your plior authorization. We estimate that phase one preliminary design plans could be ready for presentation in eight to ten weeks. An additional two weeks would be required to prepare and deliver the final reports. We would be happy to discuss this proposal at your convenience. I can be reached at 763-475-0010. Thank you again for this opportunity [0 assist you. Sincerely, SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INc. \ arner, FASLA, AICP . e President John A. Larson, ASLA Senior Associate BJWIJAUdcw . Attachments . . WORKT"NO PERSON-I10UR ESTIMATf . 6A3IOl Peg. 1 CLIENT: CITY OF STILLWATER CONSULTANT: SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC, PROJECT:AIPLE PROPERTY PHASE I PREUMINARY DESIGN File: 5tilaippnl ...- EST 1 MAT E 0 PER SON. H 0 U R S ..... SA. TASK NO. WORK TASK DESCRIPTION PRINCIPAL ASSOCIATE PROF. TECHN ICAL CLERICAL TOTALS TOTAL FE;E 1.0 PROJECT START UP 1.1 Kick off meeting at City Hall. a 4 0 0 4 8 1.2 Rcquest and assemble pertinent pIans/dOCUments. 0 2. 2 0 0 4 1.3 Review existing $urvey data, determine additional needed. 0 2 0 0 0 2 1.4 Prepare memo regarding approval process. 0 4 0 0 0 4 1.5 Supplemental sile surveying. 0 8 0 32 0 40 SUBTOTAL. TASK 1 0 20 2 32 4 58 $4,640 2,0 PRELIMINARY DESIGN SCENARIOS 2.1 Develop 2 alternate Phase I park plan scenarios in sketch plan, 0 12 12 a 0 24 2,2 Prepare ooncept..(evel CO$t estimate for 2 scenarios, 0 6 0 a 0 6 2,3 Review meeting with City staff. a 4 0 0 0 4 2.4 Modify preferred alternstive and estimate. 0 4 12 0 a 16 2.5 Distribute pian/solicit comments from review agencies (MnIDNR. Mn/DOT, a 12 0 4 a 16 ACOE, NPS. Washington County) SUBTOTAL. TASK 2 0 38 24 4 0 66 $6,442 3.0 PREPARE PRELIMINARY DESIGN PLAN SET 3.1 Demolition plans, a 8 0 16 8 32 3.2 Grading and drainage plans. 0 8 0 16 0 24 3.3 Site development plans (trails, lighting, planting). 0 32 16 32 a 80 3.4 Irrigation concept plan. 0 4 0 8 a 12 SRF CONSU~ TlNG GROUP. INC. ENGINEERS ANO PLAANERS t.AIHNEAPOLIS. '-IN . . . 6ItiI01 WORK TASKS ANO PERSON~OUR ESTIMATE 1'''9.2 CUENT: CITY OF STILLWATER PROJECT: AIPLE PROPERTY PHASE I PREUMINARY DESIGN CONSULTANT: SRFCONSULTlNG GROUP,INC. SUBTOTAL.. TASK 3 F~.: stilaipphl ..... EST' MAT E D PER SON. H 0 U R S ..... SA. PRINCIPAL 6SS0CIATE PROF. TECHNICAL CLERICAL TOTALS TOTAL FEE 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 16 0 24 0 0 4 8 0 12 0 4 16 0 0 20 0 12 0 0 0 12 0 68 52 96 8 224 $17,892 TASK NO, WORK TASK DESCRIPTION 3,5 Outline specification. 3.6 Preliminary construction details. 3.7 Cost estimate. 3.8 Illustrative plan. 3.9 Public hearings (3 total). TOTAL ESTIMATED PERSON HOURS AVERAGE HOURLY BilliNG RATES ESTIMATED LABOR AND OVERHEAD ESTIMATED DIRECT NON. SALARY EXPENSES: TOTAL. esTIMATeD FEE 0 126 76 132 12 348 $140 $119 $70 $60 $50 $0 $14.994 $5,460 $7,920 $600 $28,974 $676 $29,650 ----- ~~:~~~~:J~.~ti~.~.;j~.j!li.:J>> -'iP~'~:~f5::;1~:..~:.:~--~~~~~.;ilik;':',~"';5&fiif.fi!\5:~t~~'~i;;:>;::~;~~,.~l;:~rf.~~~.~~~~~:.~s~;;r:~~_;~:~~l~~l1r\;~_~M~~j ESTIMATE Of DIRECT NON-SALARY EXPENSES: MILEAGE: PRINTlNG: 800 miles @ $0.346 $276 2S copies Phase I illustrative Plan 25 copies Preliminary Design Plan Set $50 5150 MISCELlANEOUS REPRODUCTION: $200 ESTIMATED DIRECT NON. SALARY EXPENSES $676 SRI" CONSULTING GROUP, INC. ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS '-lINNEAPOLIS, '-ll'l. . '3/610 1 CLIENT: CITY OF STILLWATER PROJECT: AIPLE PROPERTY PHASE' PREUMlNARV DeSIGN TA$K NO. WORK TASK DESCRI~ION COSTS PER TASK 1.0 2,0 3.0 PROJECT START UP PRELIMINARY OeSIGN SCENARIOS PREPARE PRELIMINARY DESIGN PLAN SET WORK TASKS "NO P"RSON-HOUR ESl1MATE . CONSULT ANT: SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC. . Peg. 3 File; stiI8!pQh~ SA. PRINCIPAL ASSOCIATE ..... EST I MAT E 0 PER SON - H 0 U R S ..... TOTALS TOTAL FEE $0 $0 $0 $2,380 $4,522 $8,092 fB.QG $140 $1,680 S3.640 TECHNICAL CLERICAL $1.920 $240 $6,760 $200 $0 $400 $4.640 $6,442 $17.892 $676 $29.650 ~::':i~-.51t1~?i1..!'f:.':;';"~~';~,U2.lMi!!~ie~;!ir:,~,:.;::::~",:.c..,'. ..~~.-:;.;.~..~:~~\;.';~g'it.Hr<$';i{Jrt;,;i;:X.;:,~:;;,'W~..B..'...."J)'i:'~!b,.~!,\,.'.",;;~,~,,;~jff.~."';L"'"'''i'iT.!;-~:':'~~'i~j\i.;;;;...,{...:~ ESTIMATED DIRECT NON-SALARY EXPENSES; TOTAL ESTIMATED FEE OPTIONAL TASKS ARCHITECTURAL SUBCONSUL T ANT: AlTENOANCE AT AODITIONAL MEETINGS: SRF CONSULTING GROUP. INC. ThoroecK Architects (Klosk/Gateway Oesign) ENGINEERS IINO Pl.ANNERS $3,000 $500 Each MINNEAPOLIS, MN. , ,. . . . City of Stillwater Peddlers/Solicitors Registration Form o Non-profit Organization ~or-profit Organization Organizations should attach a list of all peddlers/solicitors including name(with full middle name), address, date of birth, driver's license number, vehicle and license number. NA\IE AND ADDRESS OF EMPLOYER (credentials required): Phone No. ~dividual (please fill in the following) NAME: MI,I;4AS" $AeS $sepL PHONE NO,: bS/ 7/-7otJ.fJ Last First Full M1ddle Name DATE OF BIRTH .:: ( ADDRESS: 665' /1/ea/dtd 4,,...; pJ"&/M-/'1f /JJAI. s"SZ2S-//72 / DRIVERS LICENSE NO, STATE OF ISSUE ~# VEHICLE TO BE USED, IF ANY: Make ,(/Albolu Model ~kJ/I/ <:etr Color C-o/c{ License Number ~ State License Issued //),M CONTACT PERSON: (person that would be able to contact you ifnecessary) JU/(j/e /Al//;q/A-S 6S-/ 77'1 r?/9"1 PHONE NUlVIBER (cellular if applicable): NATURE OF BUSINESS AND GOODS TO BE SOLD 56/1 Ae;;u'~ h/k/ &t/hc/v5 LOCATION: ~ For Office Use Onlv Registration received by: ~__ . Date: Park & Recreation Board Approval Date: