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1986-11-12 PRC Packet
. . . r illwater ~ ---~ --- -~ THE BIRTHPLACE OF MINNESOTA J October 27, 1986 RECREATION MEETING: Wednesday, November 12, 1986 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 216 North Fourth Street AGENDA: 1. Approval of Minutes - August 20, 1986. 2. Report on Budget requests - What was approved and what was not. (i.e. Dick Blekum and Bob Bielenberg) 3. Report on progress of new building at Lily Lake Parking Lot. (Dick Bl ekum). 4. "Update" on present season's operation of Lily Lake Ice Arena (Bob Bielenberg). 5. Any new business. CITY HAll: 216 NORTH FOURTH STillWATER, MINNESOTA 55082 PHONE: 612-439-6121 . . . , November 20, 1986 Memo to: Mayor and City Council From: Stillwater Recreation Commission A motion was made to have the Lily Lake Recreation Center Manager's compensation be greater than the personnel working under him. Thomas L. Thoreson Secretary c.c. John Benson Wayne Wohlers Dick Blekum Bob Bielenberg Thomas Thoreson , . . . , - MINUTES STILLWATER RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 12. 1986 Members Present: Linda Kluy, John Rahm, Duane Nelson, Wayne Wohlers, John Benson and Tom Thoreson. Members Absent: Jim Swanson Also Present: Bob Bielenberg The Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Wayne Wohlers at 7:00 P.M. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion was made by Linda Kluy to approve the minutes of August 20, 1986. Motion was seconded by John Rahm. BUDGET REQUESTS: Dick Blekum's Budget was approved, as was Bob Bielenberg's for the arena. BUILDING AT LILY LAKE: The slab has been poured, plumbing has been roughed in. The building is scheduled to be completed in the Spring. OPERATION OF THE ICE ARENA: Everything is running good. Equipment is in good shape. NEXT MEETING: January 14, 1987 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 8:20 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Thomas L. Thoreson, Secretary . . . \ Phone: 612/439-6121 CITY OF STILLWATER MAYOR HARRY D. PETERSON On the Beautiful St. Croix 216 North Fourth Street STillWATER, MINNESOTA 55082 FINANCE DIRECTOR-GOORDINA TOR NILE L. KRIESEL COUNCILMEMBERS: BARBARA AVISE ANN MARIE BODLOVICK JAY KIMBLE BRAD MAC DONALD CITY CLERK DOROTHY R. SCHNELL CITY ATTORNEY DAVID T. MAGNUSON ,n oA- /!..4 (~e;n a..I(....t.,:i:. e. rU- Supe.k.U'L--1.0k.-1. aJu~uO-L .se..'Jo/rA. 1986 f!k.ea-1. IIHz1...nA:.a1...Yl-e.d M 1...1-h ma1...nA:.e.naYl-ce cHe.a.4 .cUI, laice. 1'7 eCk-eo):1...oYl- CenA:.ek. - So gk.eeLeLfS.t. a-t,n~:_Lf (aice - 14 aCk-e4. .t eaq_ue 401.tbaLi {.Le/..d, f-!onteYl-'4 [,. .L1.....t.Le .Leag.ue /-1...e.Ld, 3 .teYl-I'VL-4 co Uk...t4, ba-1.k_e.t bed.!... cou-tt (aLL aboue U,q..h,ted), -1.w1...m':~~:"nq. bea.ch, boe;):. -LauYl-ch-Lr-.q. W'tea, {-i..4h1...YUf doc':, pak.!:'!..'1/1.Lo,t, uoLLeLfbaL-L co Y'.A.t , 1...Yl-dook. 1...ce ak.eYl-a, awtonta.-t-i-c undek.q..k.ourui. uk.1...q.at1...o YI-. P 1...0 Yl-eek. nak.,,," - 2 Yl-d &- lauk.e-L-).t4. - 3 aCk-e4. k.e<l..t k.0 01!t4, p.LCf~Lc .tc.bte-1., {uep-La ce4, dk.i..Yl-k.1...Y''''f u:at ck., ban.o!4heLL, p-LaLf- 'lk.oi-uu! el7,u,Lpl:~enA:., PA:"CYl-1...C 4he-Uek., 4cen.-i.c u1...ew ot ua.,UeLf. 10weLL /'JC'A.le - St. Ck.o.:"><:. k.'L-ue-t, j'k.OnA:.a'le - 2 aCk.e4. k.e4-t k.OO!;t4, pA:"Cn.-i.C -ta.b,Le-1., {-Lowek. bed4, k..i.uek.-['/r..o/1;t i-i-4h.L-YUf, LauYl-ch1...YU}-, dk.1...Yl-k'L-Yl-I} wa-tek., COJ;tI':ui1A/t.Lf c;-atheA.1...rY}- ak.ea, 4CeYl-.L-C u1...ew, aL/ja.cenA:. .to bU41...Yl-e44 d,A-t/i.1...c-t. NOk.,t/uan.d. nak.k - NO/i.,tl-d...and flue. &- Coun-tLf IZd. 12 - I) aCk-e4. Lea'lue 40fbaL-L {~:..e.Ld, 4aY1.d-Lot ba.t-L f-i.-e.td., 40CCek., 3 U'J-h-ted. .teYl-IV:4 co Uk...t-1., pLaLfq..k.o UYl-d. eau~:"pr.te/1;t, l,1...Cfh-ted ho ckelf [,. {k.ee- -1.ka.ti..Yl-q.. k.1...YI-/:'4, WW'tllt~:YUf ho Y'Ae, dk.A:"Yl-k~:"Y1.q.. wa-tek., pwt/:..!..Yl/}. Lo.t, IM1.delL.q..k.Oun.d. Uk..i..q.a.t1...0Yl-. (-!ed1...Wlt ",a-i.-rvtenan.ce ak.ea4 (Ua4h1...l14toYl- pak.k - gk.ee-LeLf &- Chu-tchU.t S.t-1.. 21 aCk-e4. baLL '-1...eLd, P1...CYl-1...C tab-Le4, p-Lalf eq.u.i..pm.en.t., to-t- Lot, fk.ee- pLaLf ak.ea. -. . . ( '] " Sul'l/ti<l-e pM-ie. - Su.I'l/t~:'<l-e !1ue. & !--!1..dderl. Ucd-LeLf lYl.. 181 aCJc.e<l-. -to-t- -Lo~-::, {/r-ee-pLalt a/r-ea, baLL :rLeLd, q..k.oue<l- , o<t" " ,0 LaLf'1/r-ound eC'fl-t..i.,pr,1.evz;t., <l-pk.uce & piite, picYl.ic -tabLe<l-. ffeo.dow-Lak./" ,oak.it - C/r-e..u.wooc! '7e/r-/r-ace & ()n.-te-t-LacheYl.!:k.. - 3 aCJc.e<l-. baL'-- f1..eLd, -teyz.;v~ CO!u-t, ba<l-ke-tbaLL, pJ...aLfqAoH.r'.d ec.u~:'pmeYl.-t, ,oA~CYl.:..C -tab :.e<l-, <l-/ca-t1..Yl.Cj- /r-A:Yl.k. "'-7 :..... tu:!-1-e.lj----/.-to tJe /1 aC-l~e<l-. '" I '- - Q.,,-:"~.r;, - r r llk..Oue. v u/':.-t.L.e I ~>t~. - , C:,;:!...j,.e.L/::t. <l-.':17..t.i..w,- /r-~:'n.:'c, [;a.~.':et.6",LL, pLa.Lfq./r-ouYl.d er"u.i-,01.oent, ba!J (!LaLf1..r'.(j- M-ea. $-tap Le<l- ') ieJ...d - WUh..eY14 &Ya.t.tha. .S.t<l-. - 2 aCJc.e4.. 3 c.f,'7..h...ted .teYl.,1..<1. COtl4-t<1., baLl... fieLd, plaLfC}/r-ound.. eq.u~:'p;;teyz..t, b a<l-/ee-tb aLL, 2 <1./,-a.-Lina. /r-1..nl:.4., VJa/r...i;~'-1'UJ-- hou<l-e. (" -th I? d n. . '.., " - I & l? d ("~ I cJO U "k.0 CL.waL{ j/r-1..-anq..Le - '-'_.'~...1..--,--a-r.c D /:-oa.waLf C)A_<l-. - "2 aCJc.e. pLaLf1-k.Ot1.V..a eq_u1..pr.-r.eYl..t, ba<1.ke.tbaJ...J..., fk.ee- P-Laol a/r- e a, <l-/:.a.ti Y'.A} . I k.".....f'Z.,':.. Schu.Len.be/r-q.. pM-k - 2rl.d & /fa~e-L S-t<l-. - 2 a.CA.e<l-. baLL /1..eJ...d, OL.o.uo.k.Ot1.v..d eo, u1...p#tel"'..t. U I I :/ 10 tV rrtairz.tert.a.n.ce a/r-ea<l- .:( 0 -LJ...iVl.eA.1'J (7A. k [iji<l-cOYl41..n. -<1-uJe 0$' S.t. (k.01..>(. k.~:'uek. - It) aCJc.e<l-. C LO<l-ec. .to /Jub.L~c bLfLa.nc' beca.u<1.e of e>(.-t/r-v:l.e.tLf h.i..q.h. uanda-t..idr.!-. !1cce<l-ibLe bit boa.-t flH p;"cvl..i.-cir/..1" NiC}.h;tiyu/"aLe .oa.k.k - <1.ou.t:.h en.c' of N..i..a.h.'.;.il1C.a-Le /SJ...ud. - I 3~ aCJc.e<1.. tJ ~- .1 6 acte<l- open, l;a-~ance wooc1ed. POOk. aCCC<l-<l-. /la-tt.l4e a/r-ea, '"'pen. a/r-ea #/ (k.OA:""wood - en.t./r-an.ce n.ewt (/a/r-iYl.e C-iA.cLe - 6& aCJc.e<l-. <1.p/r->tce & p-LYl.e q./r-oue<l-, ,-u;.-tu/r-e a/r-ea, bO/r-cle/r-<l- baLf on. fon.q.. lake. IJpen. a/r-ea 0# 2 C/r-o;""wood - [n.-t-to.n.ce<l- oU N,Ujh-t.i-YUfc.le & NO/r--tfdand. !1ue<l-. -' It.!- aCk.e<l-. 3 aCJc.e<1. opeYl., bo.-La.nce woor!ed. COk.de/r-<1. on. .!'.on} la/~e. Open. ak.~a # 3 Ck.oi"wood - rt.ak.-tow <l--tk.ip between NOk..thJ...and and ?a~awYl. !1ue<l-. [ntk.an.ce o H NOk.-thland. 3& aCJc.e<l-. blurt & d/r-a-i..Yl.aq.e u/r-ea. -. . . n,l?en wtea L1 C-toi>(.wood - -J.ou-th 0 :r;n;te"t~achen D-t.. ? I ~ I t,1 ~ I , I 4 r- )1 ac-t.e-J. we<Yv 0'[ !\ok.-L..rl.-van.c. -,Vi?-. I.? 9 nace-J.-J.-i-b!...e, , . Cc 't. a <A'la. q. e. ak- ea. wa-iA-t-LaY'.o. , "";/:'''.1.ce.Laneou--1. ~~:.o..,~y1."tc.IW"n.ce Loac/ L-i-b,t..(Vc..~! C'AOU.;-Ld-J., "aL/'.-J. [,. -J..tep-J. o -Ld pk-~-J.o n -J..i:.!:.e, "a:'l1- S~t. I; L-J.-to,tLca!.. :;:CU-i:e-t. :l' ! ~ . .Lan.J-J.cape.d a.tea-J. a.t '-:0. (fa !..It _c:;[.. , . ~.J.. /Ju.k../,:,:..,;1.,r;, ,::...0.......... ': a,~vz. ~,~.. :~:,,_,Lc;:.d ),~. 5),t.e..p-1.., C/t.E.Mi1..L-t.t r~ ............. ,f) o..;-t..<,cL _C:.t. -J.;[.c.,I?-J.. <1..)'::-:,0<1-, 4.,~.>:::.. /J <1., ~eue~a~ ~!~~a~~ u~~c~ a.~ead. 1 :~~""v-~.2-1. 0'/- 4..!.....,/e.~Ua.:~'~4 /j,c.,-;:.:.t.z4ed a6o!~-t '-'::'0Ul1'1. ad.:>-:..cevz..t 'C:J c:.....:.Lf ,tJ/:-o/,)(?,Jr..'-"CLf_ "\'e.VJ (JeueLorJeJ1.!.eV'L.t Sk-. 1'i1..LV'I/i,-pa4k Loca.:ted ue.tween /owe.,Ll Ynn [;. hiq../1-/t..'(..,4,e - '~a.c.t.e. ('.. ~ . I ._"v.-'....-t..~e.n.c.. -J.he.L:i:.ek- w..,:-th CUi..J;;e G O"';'CIu...C .tab Le-J.. e ol<..d e.Jl..-J. o-i-c.tu.-te4au.e c-t.eek. ! I I 'j) epak-.tmeY'.A:. e~!p.Lo '-f ee-1- 5' ...:-nc./..u.d.i:.,-:,q. -1-u.peJ:.-u-i--1-O1<... '~Ine add.iA.-i-oii-a.L pe.-t-1-0,t i-Loa;[.-1- be:t.ween plZ-tk-1- tf...n -1-LA..I:tI:!e-t G -i-ce a-tena. iI'/.. rJ),i:.nte-t. . Schec!H__Le of ex.peYZ_cU__ti-vc.ed- - 1986 9 enelt-al... d-ur; r;L~:ed- .tUd-ue, .to !uel...d-, co,n li-.nc--td- co J...d dlt-Ln!:.. cund- --- I $ ,702.90 263.L/.) 160.17 11'1.)1 116.82 L/.19.77 11.96 205'.20 10.00 19/.)1 182.20 )9.5') L/.9.73 18.98 /20.00 167.21 265'./2 89.9L/. 6tf..88 L/.17.17 11.20 173.7) 28. )7 6L/..61 217.)9 75'.60 138.00 61.77 /14.29 II.QO 122.01 161.29 16>.81 cLeaS1-1..rUf haA-d waA;.e patt, It-oLl...elt-d-, blt-U4hed- --- . . d-i-~O or..-r..ed- , , bedd,i.-Y'~"'. p~cz.n-td-, buLbd- --- tUi<t-belt-, pL!ft:Jood e~c. 2 d-no W d-Clt-an elt-d- 24 caYl.d- t:Jad-p d-plt-a~ --- d-hee.t rr:e.tal... MOVe (LliCI/tI;t/>:q.. hou-~.e) --- ~lt-ead-e caA;..tIt-1..d~ed- .t ~'J' ~ .{ ~ e--u.~_-v-t.. yM calt--c.-t1-c_q_e.d- 1 u e ex..ti..Yl.Cju1..d-helt-d- blt-oom It-a/:..ed- f'1 Uolt-q-czn-Ue . ~aA;.den hOd-e gJc.a-1.4 4eed :tlt-ad-h caYl.d- d-hop vacuum --- COVLClt-e-te & fft,i-X. --- d-od --- It-Od-ed- & d-hlt-ubd- --- d-hovetd-, d-~uee~ee dOyen covelt-aLtd- ( hayaA-doud- cher.v:caL) --- elf e W (cd-hc-It-, fftad-kj q.-Lo v Cd- bun. bt-dbd- --- 1..Yl.d-ec-t1..c,:de- (' eo do It-an..t (c;_(J./l.b~c(cY'.4.1 - -- SkU I... 5a;w --- .tenn1..d- COUIt-.t w1..pelt-d- f 1...0 O/t-- dlt-Lf - - - d-W-l-r1.'t d-ea.td- --- 2 - ) 0 f:t d-ee-t.:"-a YI.d- 11 1..:t. hOd-e --- . :tenrt.1..d- ne.td-, d-.tIt-apd-, ancholt-d- --- {fJ ~,~~ [ lect.-t-i..ci..tL{ . o6.hop.o{i-i..ce N eado wlcvr..k. p a.-tk. 06. ha.t 1--YU.}- S.tapLeo6. co 1-/./-...to6. P1--onee-t pcvr..k --- No-t.t/dand pa.-tk. --- loulet-t pa-tk J' 0 weLL l'JIJ,-t_k. -ted.-t -to o/ito6. - -- $ ,5"82./8 15"0. )1 167.04 1/9.95" 7L 61 1,0)1.34 167.42 '19. i..,' 7 ( hel;~1--crz.Lo6. 3, q-o.-Lo6.. o6.o1-.L d.-te-t1-.La.rJ-t 1,277.'0 7/2.09 20 q-aLo6.. o6.e-Lec-t.-i..ue l~eed !:1---LLe-t re-t.tu1--.-re-t -- - 901.00 'J 0 po6.O 1-.L, a9---t":.,,L1.-r.te, (j.arz.d. .topo6.OU --- 447.00 a9--t,d1.-r.te 127.29 . t ,Wit e-to ck 42.5"2 I, _+-' 'I N eUA.--1.-1Uf Ovt. o6.hop --- 1,464.S7 'J-iA-eo6. o6.weepe,,,- - 3 .t-iA-e --- 9o-td .t-tacto-t - i-torJ-t -2 --- (heu. I-.ton .t-tl-/.ch - 3 --- 1/2.00 It.!-O.OO 220.40 I06.6~1 r.t-i..i..-L;{;a-ttf t.-tl-/.ck - 2 --- n _ ,-teed. 10 ,qr.te-t1--can LA.-rv.' en (nl1/[.6.e-tlj) --- 3/5".00 $at.eLL,U--..e .ter7/ta.-L . N o-t.th LaY',r' Dak-i:, wi..n.t:e-t 71.60 85"9.25" /16.60 S.t(7p~eo6. /-i..esd --- No-v-':.,J...-LatW. pcvr..k., d.v..r.tlite-t . . . :.~-~ @ [~~~pment 4epa~ I Q80 Caeu d.ie~c.,L n-Lc/Z-.!-{,p UiA"c/z. 2 ba;t-tev:"e<o. --- $ ,/22.50 3.'-71 128.L_!i/. 57.00 IH.Lt; 2:. 36 106.2t./- 4.4; 15.66 716.8') 47l/..03 63.0f ~f}I1.a~ort <o.w'uch . II m.u,ct- .,'t..2.-t4. vac~t-I_J7: pw::p --- hCO_c'4 [,. 1-!:'-4k2/t4 C he v . I - t.o rt c! w--; /'J -t;-tttC/:' b eLt4 D ;. ~~ e. L rJ JA..': n - - - a U]I1. . ~ I ,--..t,o yt..-t... ena. -t; fLe-':.;;; -iA-tat. - -- p~-LLeLf4 --- ert(v:"ne bLock hear! <0. b4a!?e pac' 4, /V a.t eA. /'J~':;/'J - -- , . Iq7 Dodae /'J~ck~o L~~ck '} [ b4ake pwtt.4 --- 4o-Lerto/:...d. 4W-tA.ch 117.15 16.00 ;t~rtC ~p pn.l&t4 - -- IS. It'} ']040 t.4ac.t.04 e-!_~t.ch p a-U.4 o_><..eL [,. bea4~n.q_4 38.97 In.70 7040 Y"OWC4 bLadc4 --- 152.6(,' 4p~nd.>_4 --- be >:"4 --- 7'). )6 71.51 ~040 4rtOW blowe4 b U<-k.-i..iU}4 [,. 4haft. fOS.;2 C1.o/trt Llec4e t.k.ac.-to4 4pa4!?- pLtUJ-4 - -- 4ea.t k,u - -- pO~nt4, COnaen4e4 t.lvtot.Ue cabLe --- t.J. I L/- t/.O.15' It/.. 2 5 5.5'0 . . . -:~~ :l.~ @ 0_ohn !'.:-eA_ ::~OtV'-1/:. beLt4 --- S , '31./5 71.':;5 bLCLde4 --- 'J/AA..{ 4Uieepel/:. I/:. c.e-L . . c.:- "t..f1-'7...e"t4 aO.LiS .thwtchelr- L'eL:t --- 8. L/-) tha:tche-'(. b/_ade4 --- /25.02 4:te.e.-k.-[A1-(7_ c,44e;itb Llf b eU::4 - - - Li60.0/J (J o. i./. 7 t;t. a QA1..C:..t 0 - -- 8.25 b .e.a-k..iA1-q.4 - -- ena-t-ne bLoc.': 172.06 582.77 4ol/:.eadel/:. , 4Leave --- /.60 g-ea-k.4 &- 4,I'J-LnneA. , - p.....:..a,c.e 29.63 b eCLIr-.LI"Uf4 &- 4pLruU..e 69.63 tV o,:t-t.o l1-a L r.~ 0 LVelr- be-:-t4 --- /].]0 4hcrA-,I'Jen l/:.eeL4 /66.50 r. . k..4....m.. fa 0 we.k.4 cl/:.C'-n/~.4ha.t,f " 56.)) b-La.de4 --- 32.35 {-LL:teI/:.4, P LUq-4, bealr--t.n.a " 60.19 Ck.-CLnk.4/1af:t Uihee.!..4 --- 6/i. H 7/.20 'Jol/:.d tl/:.ac:tol/:. ne Ui -d.-t aA.:te-t - -- IQ8.80 t' -L-LUM-Lf .tl/:.uc': b CiA>:. c-;':..l.f 1././.62 l/:.eb,t-U..c1 -d.-tal/:.:tel/:. 89.50 Spl/:.aLfel/:. 4pl/:.alj (j/A-J1. 10.00 . . ';.,; .;~ '.,r. . ;i~ /..~ . powel:. Ul:.oom. U eM-~YUf-1., -1.haft. ;j~ad e c;--':-,i-ru' el:. q../i.~ru!A:"11I} wheeL-1. 'JeLephone ~hop-ot';-~ee r-Ser.;,f.-:w...t. l-eA?,,4. tltk,) co Yl.-;.".e '~-ertz.ce [(7,u.'!-p:~teY1Z I:.e::a.u c!ta)iAe~ cLecrz. .::YVtnace - d-h.op --- -tepau phone an-1.we-t-i"..nq_ c!eo-!-ee -,:-epe;,iA. L~q)tt.4 - St.e;,rJ.c..e,j. t.envz/...j. C-Ov:4-::~ -terJa~-k. twtn.(;;ce - <1-110,0 Un~,Lo-tm. -tew-::'cz--L [,. Lau.ru!..tt.f -1.e-tv.{..ce /i er:!u eA..-1.h~{J-1. [,. du.e~ 4me-t-!-ean 90-k.e4t-t~ 4-1.4n. /f_t...nl". !?ee. [,. pCZ-4/:" .f.1-1.i'.-n du."..-1. (I)eed-1., ~h2,e-1., r; 'Ju.-t.:; - -1.u.b-1.CA..L,oJ:..-i-on 44U04 'i';atf 90u.n.d.o;t-i-on (' ~-1.eeLaneo u.-1. 4e{4/...q..ek.wt04 [,. r.tA~e40!Ocwe oven, -1.hop --- t.ow-!-na chM-ye --- conc-k.e.te Ok. .tenrl-!--:.. co,Vc-'c- '?.s1-Cc. pO<1-':~~ 6 c;,u.a/r...t 7,:...{A: U u.-Lb-1. , I. -1.heL,te/r.. - r ~o YI-E!te4 , !J a...-t I~ I -1.heLte-t eO/1.CA.e,te ,"o/~ -1.~au --- eonCA.et.e -'CO-k. po.j...C-1. Laq..-1.CA.eW4 - -- w.iA.e me-1.h, e"paY14~on j..o,i...,u.-1. --- -te,u;r.bu.k..-1.ertl-ent. ~t-ton ''Z~(}e4 Ua-Ue~ l~oY14 cLu.b --- ~ $ , '-17.20 '39.00 !t6b.7! / ;;; )- . ,; 0 50.00 26.00 '30 I. 60 177. 7_?' 2, 2L; 8. '36 50.00 50.00 25.00 10.00 610.00 5'0.00 2;].'.0::' 19:.50 5,05'8.00 ~!t./.~.OO- 17'~.00 /6.57 75'.00 >,058.00 . . . t~ 1..~~ .. (0 C a.rJ-&ta-L ou.-t.Lau ,;uJ.-c!v:"YU?..k-tf r;. ei'7-VlA..p,;,erzX- .tczUa.a.te k.MII] --- ,. I $ ,2!CJ.00 1,92).00 )L,l C). C)) f-Lc"U Iftowek. --- I . cna.-t.rw.a.w --- Ca.p.uc..L o14-tLa.u - o.th.er... k,.ep,Lcc~ po)-v:tiov~ o' b.ta..c/:4.0P, /\'ok,.;t/1.La.vu!.. CO~;l~4. --- 7,111./.00 coLok--cocz}:" ,Vo:):.,!-:.(,aru! COIU-t-1. --- it, 160.00 C c..n,vtr,[, ow::",'.cu/ - , ' - c;,"_'~I::JJ:;' () ,';;.,:..,uc. -t.enca.ce ICJ7cJ l)')c'Ie 1-,to!1- p,:"c'.'~~~p ,t'~14c/?. --- II,)"O.JO !~') a.-t..t- ,tL-'e -1.0.. ta.-t.,i..e.-1. d14P e-t. V i-1.o k-, S,tatY~e-1. (i..e-~d wa.k.J;,1...V'.'/"!, ho! ;-1.e - -- -1.14pek-vuok-, No-t...thLa.nd pM/: waI,:.I:t.t..j1,.7-- ho!".j,e - -- 1,901.00 2,151.60 7' 14LL "t.u-:te waq.ed ,i..nc-!..~td,i.At'7' -Lo 1"1f-ev,i..-ttf pel.{ S14pek-irU.enda.rU. --- 32,280.00 26, 37L,I.0) 26,813.0) 26,813.0) 11,366.)5" C. f\1 ichae,~ (iJ-i..L-1.o n '70d Na./ltbLe r;:obe".vt ea.k..tkel.{ Sco.t.t ScheL-L --- '].v.t r; /wlftden -- 2).)36.24 of '-ice Mwn-Lie-1. , , >6.3> $:t,U"Lwa:tek. paA-kd. dp:t. :tk.aIW.-eA--i-p-t of da-i-.l.AI wod: Log. - IQS6 . <lane 2 d.wep:t 8 J(,~rd~4. 9-Looded 6 . , - -t. ~t..nl'~4. CJ an. 1 S wep-t 8 - I '3-Looded 4 . , - k. -Lnl(.4. k.'Ln.:d.. SeA-aped 4tepd.. i-:/au,Led ,ruewood :to 4hop. p-i-c':ed u.p Uad.h a.:t 1.oweLL paA-!?.. le/au,Led {tAewood :to wak.,;t-l.YUj- hou.d.e4. 0.an. 8 - CLeaned .i..ce a-tena. Swep.t 3 k.l...nkd.. ?-Looded 6 -t-i.Yl-~4. 9-an. 1 - :thaw - cLeaned ak.eYl-a. S:tak.-tec. -i.Y1-<1.-ta L.L-i.Yl1. hea.:t-i.n.q. d.t.{ d.-t.e;:: 0 vek. bLeache-t4. 0. a Yl-. 3 - C LeaYl-ed a-teYl-a. S wep:t fOuA. -t-i.Yl-!_d.. 'J 1..0 od ed ho c,0.eLf -tl.n/:.. (ijo':./:eci 0 Yl- hea.:te-t4 - aA-el1-a.. () aYl-. q - -tha.w - wood. c .~e..a.n.ec~ a/;"..ena. '? ~i.,YL-L~l"'..ed ~:~r:-1."Ca. ,~r,i..,ft{7.. h;2aL ;:'jc.--.l.. cS w c.p.:t /:0 !.-!,..t'r.- . I ~/.....vz.,,,:,-1.. SpL-i;t (jan. 10 cl_eavz.ed o..":ena. ) (!){2.p<., '~Ott.--t -1:.'..-n/:.4.. f"i)(J..;j,hed ..[...-tu,c/:..a... ~'::;p(...i....:t wood. (~J1A:G..L,L.zd new -i.q.n-i.-tLo n d.w~tch ;~Yl- d :~ed.e:' :tk.t-f-ck. '1.an. I? ,., I -! - hi" ) - :, -<-eaneu. a.'i:.ena. :)wep.t oCi:el.f k..LI'U:'d.. '3!...oodcd 4.{.><. -t,,:"n./:4. ''?epa.ued hockeLf CjoaL 9Y1-<1.-taUed new ba.:t:te-t-i-e4 -i.n d Led.e-t -tk.u.d.. SpLU wood. 9-an. 14 - CLeaned aA.el1-a.. SwerJ.t ,,!0uA. k.-i-n)?-4. 9-Looded 1 t. f-i.ve -t-,:"Yl-1:4. SpL-i.-t wood. (Jan. 1 5' CLeaned a-':.el1-a.. CLeaned 4-tove p-i.pe4 a.t wak.,:t.1.-Yl-q. hOu.4e4. Swep.t 8 v:"nI:.4. 9-Looded 4-i.>(. k.1-nkd.. Sp :..i;t wood. QaYl-. 16 - :thaw - CLeaYl-ed ak.ena.. oS wep:t f-i.ve -t-i.rJ.I"4. C -LeaYl-ed pLe,,"-i.Cf.!....ac4 at. cu.ernz.. . Clan. 17 - c-LeaYl-ed cu.eYl-a. r'LeaYl-ed p-Le>(.-t.q..La<1.<1.. C.Leaned -i.ce f-to,;: 4tepd. and d.aYlA-{ed :them.. ilaYl-/ 2 1 (j.an. 22 ,heeJ-1..Yl-'c- ci-t-1..y-yte - Swept. -two -t.Ln.k.4. caYl-cd 4t,'p4. 4Yl-OW 1" - P-Lowed pa.t/:.-i.vz.I'_ /...0t.4 ad 8 k..i..vr.!'?4. CLeaYl-ed 4tep4 [,. 4.i..c:ewa.-Lk4. Swep:t 5 :U..ooded 4-i.><. k.'!~Yl-kd.. C-LeaYl-ed ak.ena. ~aYl-. 21 - C-Lean0cd ak.ernz.. Swept. {OuA. k.A:"Yl-/~d.. 9Looded d.'1.->(. -t.;,vr.!"d.. ['.'a4he..r:! aLL ;[;.k.u.ckd.. C -Leaned d.,Lu.c:'q..e -tom Cl.-'t en.a co nd eYl-4e-':. [,. d.UJ:~p -tan/e.. '1. a Yl-. 2tJ - CLeaYl-(;d a-':.erz.a.. C.!..eaYl-ed p-Le><.-i...g.Lad.4. oS Yl-O w 1 ". r; 1..0 wed pa-t.U..Yl-~: .Lo:td. ami L/- k.-i.vr.!"4. CLeaYl-cd 4i..d ewa.L/:.c [,. 4tepc. ~an. 27 - C-LeaYl-ed a..t..ena. i?od ,.~ervt :to , ~ COC.LOk.. C-Leak.e.d lJJa~/:"4 rJ.}.A:.A,/t Cl.ohrz. 0ee4e - /1e4Mon. -La-Ld u.,f]. CLca..r..ed C-to-i.>(.wooc' -t L_rz.kd.. h'au.Led f1-..z.ewoo({ ,to wa-r..,::-:...vt.q.. hOI-'..ce4.!peYl-ed -':.0 ad 4 :to :~!ea(!ow~c'..'i-k &:au.Yl-c!v~rl.q. a-tea a-t fl-i.~Lf Ca "_e. '1.aYl-. 28 - CLeaYl-ed. cu.el".a.. SwepJ:. e-U-j.h..-t r...-i.YI..':'d.. ?{ooded d.'[..>(. k.~:'V'..I~d.. p;.vt Yl-ew au.q..e-t Oi'. Har.:bon-i.. 9-aYl-. 29 - cYl-OW 2" - f)1...owe,d pa-tk.{..rz.,7' -Lo:td.. ''-'-LeaA-ed Wa..)../~4 [,. 4tep4. Swept :two -':.-i.Yl.k4. Pu.t. d.eco d atuJ"---t 0 Yl- Z o..;;~ b 0 V'.-i.. . ()aYl-. 10 - CLeaYl-ed aA-e.Yl-a. SLVfJPt. e'l.Cfh:t /(."vn.i~4. 9Looded aU bLf .!.oweLL. {)a-1.hed -tk.U.Ck4. ;).an. 11 - C-Leaned pcu.kd.. C.t..eaYl-f?Jd ak.el1-a.. Swep:t e-i.r;..h:t -t-i.rJ.Ie.4_ '3-looc..ed 44><. k.-i.vz./-~4. SCk.u.bbed aA- e Yl-a. b Leache-t4. S Yl-O IV _ P . /1. geb. 1 - C-L'?aned ak.ernz..!(od. p-Lowed paA-k-i.1V} -LO:t4 [,. k.-i.Yl-k4 Lfe4tvr..daLf. C-ieaned waLk [,. 4tep4. t< epa.ued 9.ohYl- 1) eek.e b-Lo we-t... @ geb. ~ - ~haw - Clea~ed a.k..erz.a. .S wep,t e..LJ..h;t ~,i.,YL/e.d.. CLeaned wa [o~ <_11- ,'"1. r ~ k. O.........)~VJO 0 C . . c !~eaned ~hCJ p [,. 0; {:"ce. ,-; efJC'--&:.ed. Ciotave-Lelj boLo weot. geb. 5" - ;thaw - ('leaned C'-otel1-a. SliJ2-p.t e/4ht. . I k.. .{..VL/(",d.. :~.Lea(Led ou.-t~je o ~~ aotena. _ a~heot<1.. 'J eb. 6 CLeaned wtena.. Swep.t /Ol~ot ot-i-It::~. a(~e coveot ;'oot .-ai'/. opeVVL-V!.,'_ a..t a.oteY'..a. !1u-YUf ~h/:eLc'.:"nn. 011. hec;tc-,,:.~ oue.,. b.!..2.a.clz.e)c-~. Ua~h.e~ t.otu-c!:..~. geb. 7 - ~'Lcam:d. tvtena.. Sw::.pt. {,:...ve <.:"n..L1.. ,?Looc'ed i.i.-ue ,~A:'ni.:.~. !!aw~ec!. .ue.wood .Go wa-"...r.t,ci,q- hou-~e<1.. 'J eb. /0 (f'L.fZ.l-t..4 20 (.eq..~-e.e~ - C Lea;1.cc' ak-e_na. Swep.t e.Uj.!y::' . , 1c.'~/1.....:..-j... ! ',"cu-'.e'_! , WOO:7- ;:0 wC'-k-;;V:n.a. , hot-!.~~e...'1.. ,",,~ec..rz.e.d -1.11..0,0. ,--eel). // - a)> Ci1. e:! '::.<: .f1.CCJ:. (i.. I: 0 ocD. /2 ((~e(}..v!..e~d c/,:~e..;u:,. ~ c/t.~-!-b;] Cc b.L.:!..ac/1e/t.-4. ~) wep.-t .-L,.ue k.. ~-:t/:..4.. --,OOL~,;S.r:' <l',--",~ .t.--..n...A. Yj e- ~Ur:",c_e..d .L.Lcrh?t-1. {..;-;. (}~Gcnh() !..1,4.e. oeb. 11 - CLe(J.n(:.D~ ak-eno... Swep.t {o>t./r.. ,t;A''!J:~. 9-Looc!ed .;-ouot . . ;z...{..YL:.;,:d.. C leaned ple..(/:"g.:C'-~~. $now P./~!. pLowed aotena pwt/>t.vl-7- -Lot.. 'J eb. / Lt - <1.11.0 w - c.Leam_~c! wtena.. C-~ear/.ed waLi?~ &- ~c.p<1.. PLo wed pa-'~i~~YIf- .f...o;C.<1. arw, e.i.-q..M k..i...yzJ':'4.~5VJe/')~~ lot.Vt k..1~n/?"c. geb. /) ~now -''''od e-Leal'/.e(1 paot!~~I1.:.]. Lo.t<1. [,. e-Uj.!u. ot-L.n,~~. 'Jeb. /8 - CLeaned waL/:~1. wU/z. bobca.-t. CLeaned ~ep aiu!. CJ:.o-i->(.wood ot'l.n.k~. 'Jeb. /9 - CLeal1-c.d wtef'/..a.. C-Leanerl ~ove p.i.-pe~ at. St.ap-Le~ Wa/uit-L./'U}.. hou.~e. :?epaued poweot bk-oom-. Swept. t.LiJO ot.i..I1.I'~~. CLewted <1.now Joto"t beh.t.ruj. wtena foot U.'J. C. cookou.-t. . 'Jeb. 20 - ~now Lo,M n.~nht. - CLeaned wt.ena.. pLo lved tJ(iA,kLn:c --:"0.t<1.. CLeanec: ~eo~ [,. walk<1.. " ,,,' I CLo~ed WQA.J;t.i.-~u!- hou~e~ toot <1.ea~on. 'Jeb. 2/ - CLeal1-e.d ak-emo. Cleaned wa-L/:<1. A:'VZ. Coto.(..>(.wood. Pu.-t n2.W -LA:'g.i:;t bu.Lbo1- .Ln ~a.febo. 'iJu-q- oid rue hl.{dk-aYZ-t-<1.. 'Jeb. 2~ - CLeaned aotem/.. Checked ~ep<1.. ~e-cLeaned waLk~. $hove-Led oid hl.{dotaYZ-t-<1.. geb. 2) - C-Leaned. ak.emo. 'iJU.Cf ou.-t hl.{d)c-aJ14.~. 'Jeb. 26 - CLeaned ak-e/".a. (,Lea)l-~d wo.1../:.<1. [,. ~etJ~. T"u.a Ovt.-t hudotaJ14.<1.. 0Y'0.taLLed ;ta.i.-l.-nat.e - ,0 -,. () ota.ntp 011. (f..i_e~E~t .totu.ck. pu,;t new L.i.-ceY/.<1.e pLat.e<1. Ol'/. all. .tk.u.c"::.~. hI-I dotarr..-t<1.. 'Jeb. 27 - C-Leane.d a..-tet~a.. 7) uq. oid ?eb. 22 C Lean.cod wtel1c. CL ea Y/R. d hoc/: .~-i.n;': oot <L.ce cot eCI;' ~oc,(..(d. \,'-t.cenu! pa,'(.,':,L.f'/./j- :..o,t. D u-9- out. hl.{dk.aYZ-t-~. (-i-ce c-teC'.,~: <1.0 c-!..a. L cance ~ Led w1...thou..t no;!:.i..ce.) (-r wt. 1 - C 1...eai1.ec/ aJ:.ef'/.c.. 'J.i.-vviAhed d.i.-r;-r;-.t.n1. o",t. hl.{dotavvt<1..'''. e,itovec: .~j...u.dq.e - oto:: co ,u!.eY/.<1.eot t.ani: aJ;. a-tel1a.. -~ e,'Jaue~ g.a-taq.e do Ok.. C Leaned p-Le>(.-i-q,La~~. f1la.~.. '-+ - C-Leaned a-tena.. CLeaned c<A.che-,,-I.{ ,tanq.e. P-i-c.':ed U-/J :;:'ota~h &- deb-'(.4 a.-t N,i..I1.~-pwtk, n I I [,. \I . +-1' J ' ! (' I '!" -'owe,,---.(.. 110'lA-l...a.u. pwt<.<1...ceal1-ec: p...e>(.,U}i..a<l.<1.. . Naot. ) - C-Leaned wt.ena. CLeaf'/..e.d .i.-nneot ~.i..de o{ da<1.hek. bOo.A..d~. ote{ot.i.-q.eotat.i.-on ~I.{M.en &- dehWlt.i.-d.i.-{i..eot at. wt.ena. (of wt.. 6 - CLeaned aotena.. CLeaned. c!a~heot<1.. fJa.i..YZ-t-ed t.Jr.auvr... Nwt.. 7 - CLeaned wt.ena. CLeaned da<1.heot<1.. Nwt.. /0 - CLeaned aotena, &- b-Leachek.<1.. HeLped $coU wuh caotpeJ14.ot'1 at wt.ena. ':look Na-t.i.-ona-L ~ '''pa/A /ita..t ,. , ~-.{..;,e('.. Leak<1. .{..n (1J . n~o WVl- -t-ee.L<l. ;to !? eec:<l. ,')-t- <l.hcz-t-pevz.J...nq.. 8 -t-o lUJ.fLf.:- 4.-11. p,~crl/...c .tabLe<l. :t:.h.a.-t needed -t-e- p LCZMnq.. So..n.c:~".d <l.-tep<l.. (1 CUe. . II - Cl...eczned a-t-erz.a.. :<e;;touec: bad boa-t-d<l. }-t-Oi;~ pJ...CI"i..L.C :tab ~e<l.. CH.t do WI'I- I I c,eczGC e.Lm, Uee a:t n A:'O nee-t-. (-fcu.. /2 - Spl...J...;t lVood. CLeavi.ed a/:-erz.a.. (loA. 13 - <l.now - CI~ennec! a-t-ena. CLeo..nec!. <l.-tep<l., wczL':-:.. [,. a-t-en.c:; pa-t-t" :.n?- Lo;t. /-/epped ScoU wA:;th ca..-tperV':'k..ll. MeU.. II./. - CLeaned a-t-erz.a.. rJ...c/~ed u..p :tiU'..-:"h. a:t a-LL pa-t-/.?-:... J<epcz,r>i-ed wa,:':e-t -:..-i...Vl-e a-t CaJ-ebo. [clq_ed [,. d-t-,i_:"~ecl new ('Oo./!-,'-:.. ,0'''- {J-1...CvU..c :tabLe~. (l~. 17 ~ , .-_~ ~~ a. V!.l?" :. c"~e..;U'-,. ,""I.' , ..:....c..c:-tc I a,...:. c. n :~/t.l! It.c;:.;~,e. fi' / ; 00-,0 ,^, ow;--z. _, c~~;-:. ~.t..D i I " cC-.c. 2........;:!- cV": --(,,0 i1.ee4. f'1cu.o u; - . r .~~. "t-a,,~.....i1. (..- <'...no ~u - '." -;:.....ea.:t:::?..( a/;,.er'LCL. pS.-:~.a..k.~te.(;' c.-LP...G..;.t :...vz.:~. ~ho p & ,':~c.!'.,~?:":.. rt.ew ;J..h.e.~u"~~7.. 1...VL 6a.-1.et:;e:~t. /:'IV:" ~,he,~u...i..,;.t~:. ~n 4-to.-te k.oom. [; ..t.e-a...k.k-a..t.g.rt.ed -1..UP/J L.:....e~. (1 eU. . 19 - San.c:~ec! -:..-tep<l.. tJ .ZAt"~4hed ."..)... . CUA.,...L..{,;I"'d} i1-p [,. , ! . na;1- ,...,t..VI-:;'- eL':1- ::'-,t.o:, P-i..onee4. pc-i/tch.ed .Leak J...n -:..h.op -t-oot. (IIVi-. 20 - CLea,'tcd cz-t-e,uz. CLeaned q-lVi-aCje. W04k.ed Oi1. -:..h.eLu-L.vz,g_ 4.-n ba-:..eJ:z.eYz.:t. SpLJ...:t wood. {jo:t J...n NV..-041j-a'1..i---te :~M ,':.L (jo.dd. (.,1 0..4. 21 - C -Leaned lVi-ei1.a. I} ,i..vz,L.<l.h.e.c! bu..'{'Ld">4 -:..h.etue-:.. [,. cLean-L,--z.q. l1.p ba<l.e;;z.erz.:t. SpL-L;t wood. Po-t-ted {Lo!oVl--:". 00..4. 24 - C-Leaned lVi-ena. CLeaned pa-t-k4. () p ened d,t.a-i,1'/4. a:t -t-J...n'~4. r . ... .! r-'a""'"""rz..t..e(L p-i,cvU.c :tabLe . bOeU.d<l.. Po;t:ted , , '[-(..0 we..k.d.. (' a-t-. 25' - C -Leo.nee' a4el1_o.. P 40vt.g.!-z;t -L.V?.. <l..tante4 ec.u..J...pmen-t,tom C -t-oJ...K.WO od -:..h.ack. p u..:t new {J...nq..e-t<l. 011. <l.weepe--t 'tee-L<l.; new u-Lczde<l. 011.. -th.a.-tche4. pa.i-n:ted :tab.!..e bOoA..d<l. 2nd. coa.:t. r{lVi-. 26 - CLeal--z.ed lVi-erz.a.. ,ic:czH...Led awaLf b4u..-:..h. {-t-o"t ,Cowe!..-L pa-t-k. !1a/A..-Led ,t...n :two :ton ch.a..Lk.. S .t 'J L' 1.1' {.,. k fI b'.J .. c we,1J _ -:..-u,_ewa_ 1"--:" a.:t O,.V_ p44.--1..0n, cente;te4Lf [,. ..--t..onee-t- pa-t-v. <l.-:..er,t 'vel'_ new p"~cn-t.C :tab Le b 0 c-vtd<l.. ('cu.. 27 - CLeaned waL/z..<l.. ('J...cked u..p aq.-t--i.....t..,i,':te {-t-o I lowe'!"L -t-":"'vzJ?. 8u...U....t -:..h..eLuc<l. A_n C-t-oJ...K.- wood 4h.O_C/:. liavt.-Ledi..vl- I :tOi1. fe..-t-)ti....LJ...-::e-t-. Co:t ,:towVl- 4ee.L<l. back f-t-o.::';eed<l.. r:a-t-. 31 - CLeaned pad'.-:... CLeaner,' u..p deu-t-.tA. l-to:': :t..tee4 ,ta!z..evl- (IOW,t cz:t pJ...ol'.ee-t-. ffe4a.-ted [,. de:th.a.:tc/teci (1 ';;;-t,i..en fhe,J...d. flp-t-u C Leczi1.e'} oAerw-. Cl1/~ dod ";Jt,.:~,:1. fo.t..L Li..ne-:.. [,. 1-J...i... i~ed 4.-it - - , {)),~il. L-"u;.:.e a:t {)'e-t-J...en 9-i,eLd. ,q r-t-,,:'L 2 - P -i,cked u..p :t-t-ee deb-t--L4 a-t ;')a<l.h.. ,oak-h.. 'jj e.tha:tche,{ :' -i,o vz.c..e--t [,. Wa-:..h..i-i1.q':!:..on. /Je-ta)ted VJa..-'..h.-i,'1.S'-_-tovz. [,. u..ppe-t No-t.th.!...cznd.. Pu..:t u..p :tenn,i4 ne:t-:... CLeaned 411.0 G- LfOAd. fI p-t-A:""L 3 - -t-aJ...rz. - CLeaned plVi-(:..<l.. eSeaM"! eU.el1.a. P J...cked u..p :thwtch a.:t ~,ja-:..b.. G- PJ...o nee4. . I?e,oaued -:..wcepe-t-. ,naLrz.:tec!.. -t-a,U.-J...rz.;,- ,,:0""- :tOJ...i...e-t4 a.-t j-,i-onee-t-. /Jo-t:ted tLowe44. fI ,o-t-u I./. - ']0 ok. do Wit -t-a.r.tp a.:t C -t-O-LK.WO od (j)cz--tJ1t,i_nq. h.on<l.e and. <l.-to-t-ed w-i.,rz.:te-t- fltach.J...ne-t-/f. ge...u-i....l.-i,J-ed h..onee-t- [,. Wa--:,.hJ...nq.J..:on. $:tIVi-:ted pu..-t:tJ...YUf :tabLe<l. .t:..oc;e:th.e,t. a.-t p-i,onee4. fl,04J.../... 7 - CLeczned ,oa-t-':d-. pu..-t aCf4-':""/....-:"',te on /Jol'/4.e J...nfu.-Ld. P-tepa-t-ed 80/t<l.e [,. 0 '{jk.-i,en {-i..e-Ld<l. t 04 h.J...q.h <l.ch.o o.L g..ur..-L<l.. flp-t-J.../... 8 - 'Joole. down -:"l1.Ow-fence cz:t {ja/fbe44Lf. Pu;t 4ee-L<l. on NaA:..i...orz.a.-L r.~owe4. pu;t :tab.Le<l. :tog.e:th.M a.-t pJ...oneVl-. fli.t.a.:ted 80l'/4.e G- <l.OCCe4 {J...e-Ld<l./ 7h.a.:tch.ed & fe...uJ.../...-i.."fed 8ol1.4e. ,) C9 . flpk.U q - /ieut-Le.d awalf .tha.tch. flck.wte.d NOk.tl1.-Larul. ou..tT;A:e..Ld. De..tha.tch.e.d <l.occe.-t. {i,dd, I?am<l.elf &- u.ppek. &- .!..owek. NOk..th-t..and pMk<l.. 9-i.'1J,<l.hed pu;t;t.i.-i1/" ou.-t .tabLe<l. wt P-i.OYT.eve.. flpk..U 10 - iiau.~ed awalf .t/-:.C'...tch. Swep.t u.ppe.k. No/v<-':./dand pwtk, [ad-t NOk.:t;/1.-LaY'.d &- Su.,VI.-i.<l.e.. 'Je.k..t-i...t..-i.ycd u.peek. i{-uh,Lad &- <l.occek. {-i.e-Ld. 'Ju.ne.d u.p .tA..ac-tok.<l.. ,J1&epak.ed -i.n!;~e td<l.. CLeanz.c!. wterza.. fl pk.A:.....L II CLeaned pCk./:..<l.. C-i.c!'..ed u.p aq.k..U-i..,1te a.t S.tap ~e..J. k.-t-niz. &- pu.-: -i.-t on bed..:' :/-.i..e!....d. P-i.cked u.p bek.J1t wt S-tapLe<l. k.A:nk &- k.e.-<l.eeded k.-i..n/~ ak.ea. Pu.-c. Old.. .tk.a4h can.<l.. fl pk.A:.....L 14 - k.a :~n a.'L d alf - C,~eaned ak.ena. ~~eaned nG..k./:<l.. /<e!Ja,:~e..d 1.~tO,.J)ek...j.. G ;~t.ou.ivted I .thel;t. ro:.ted , .~ ';-'..0 Wek.4. flpk.~L If - Cleaned pa~~4. e.;~OCrt'~e.(' bLc.CLc,tll-e..k_d at. ijJ'!)/t..-t,cJ1, ':,~e."-". ~,~'\?.n)~ .:'0 "n,vc..,-t .":jJ(..ove - if -to C}e;t ;two ;ton ~7:.-t--t(;o..ce. F5a.,i,Le.d wa.-t.e..k. 0 i..rl.ti..etd 4. fl pk.U 16 - CLeaned. pak./'..<l.. Co nC-lc.e-ted A:n k.aLLLJU}. o..tn A:oneek.. ;" u.-t ,.:u.Lch back 0 Vl. new hedq-e wtlowe.!.J. Dk.epOA2..a.. -i..nf1....e.Ld4. ')ek...tf.-.!..A:J--ed Su.Y/A.i4e &- [. No,':...t/1J..and. flpk.U 17 - 'Joole. down hod__elf bOG..k.d<l. &- <l.-tok.ed -ther.t~ Pk.epwted -i.n'l-i.e-Ld<l.. C--Leaned <l.hop. Cj o.t Q.eep k.u.nn-Lnq... 'Jk.an.<l.pLarz;ted .two (,:ap-Le<l. rk.or,t YI--W'l.M!.--t.1.f .to ~Ua<l.hin..l,;ton pwtk. fl pk.-i.-L 18 - k.ain aU, dalf - CLean.-eel wte.na. 7k.an.<l.pLan-ted .two ..Uce<l.. CLeaned u.p debk.-i.4 ~--t.om .-~ k.-i..uek. neak. doc/-:.<l.. ,DI.-'v--t new w.'-..rul.ow -i.n j..eep. . flpk.--i...L 21 - co-Ld - C-Leaned pwt'::'<l.. Pu.--t aq--t.-i...U.m.e on (') 't5k.iel1. iv/..::'ie Ld.., cyc..aded & pk.epa-t.ed Lt. '3ek..tu-i..J--ed new .tk.ee<l.. ':hed down Sa-te.LLUe<l.. (towed .;t.t..rU..--pwtk &- r!1f-t..t.Le. fl pk.i.L 22 - C .Lean.ed pOA.Ji'...<l.. nk.epak.ed -t..nf-i.eLd4. (] ek..t..i...!..iyed .tk.ee<l.. (! 0 ued.. !}-k.e e 11.. <l.n.ack lk.onr. S;I;..apLe..<l. .to / -i...Lq. Sp--talf eO: Ck.ac/~4 i,l. C-to-i.>(..wo od ..terz.I1---t-<l. co .1.k.--t<l.. fl pk.-i...L 21 - C -Leaned pwtk<l.. iUerz;t .to 1. a/::.e C <<If at.tek. .tk.ee<l.. '<. epa.--iAecL -i.n.{--i...e.td wt r50n<l.e. De.tn.wtch.ed Schu.-!..enbek.1J--. fJek..t.U.--i..}ed .Lowek. NOk.-th..-Larz.d. (,~owed Su.n.--t--i..--1.e &- <l.o.,te If-Lud<l.. fl pk.-U 2tt - k.aL.n - CLeaned pC-/f...k<l.. i'--LaYVted new .tk.ee<l. wt nU/c..4ek.q. S.tencued <l.Vfn.<l. on .to LLe.t do Ok.<l.. I: u.--t d-Ur...t &- <l.eed --!-n ho Le<l. wt (iJa4hA:n7'.to YZ.. flp-t.--i...L 2) - C-Leaned pak.k4. '3ek.-t--U.--i..}ed .tk.ee<l. o...t Nu.k.--1.ek.lf. 'Ju.k.ned on wa.te-t. a-t.r...:'oneek. pwtk, l)'!5k.ien J -Le.Ld &- ;tenrz"L.6- COH.--t...t<l.. :Zepo<l.-Ui..oned k.OC/:"'4 -i.'l. Cli.eek wt . - I t:!-"....n....-f...,- ,oak-Ie.. flpk.U 28 - Pk.e,'Jak.ed ~:'YZ.(i..eLd<l.. k.a.r..n - C-Leo.nee!. .'Jwt~:<l.. CLeaned wtena. /iookec: u.p ,1 f. p-cw:w.t.-YU} a.tl.oweLL pwtk .to.i..Le.t<l. & n.o<l.ed .thc!;t down. rsa--U_ed wa-tu 0 i iyz'~l..i...e!...d..<l.. Sauee!. p<..pe. flpk.U 2/ - C-Leaned pa/~!::.4. r;k.a~ied &- p--tepak.ed inf-Le..Ld<l.. r:1owed (lja<l.iVU',rton, '~-~d pk.,uon, S.tap-Le<l., /1itlk..t-Le, So. ,~dwq., If-Lud<l.., &- So. (!a.i..Y/.. -Lo.t. fl pk.-i.-L 10 - k.a-i.n ~a4.t vz..i..q..h..t - C-Leaned pwtl:.<l.. rk.epak.ed -i.YbJ~;"e~d4. Cu...t u.p CIu--iA--t!:ta4 .tk.ee at. c:)o. ."','CLA:"tt pCA/:-i...vtf} {at.. ~S.ta..Ic>::'ed m,al:...~ft(1" bartC} bowtda. tOk.. ho~tiJ,.e4hoe (JA:t.4/ . (lalf I - coLd - C.Leaned PM..!::'<l.. 'Jk.u,tl1ted rioneek.. Pu..t -i.n bany boak.c!<l. wt hOk.<l.e<l.hoe p--i..t<l.. flowed /'ioncek., Soccve. l--i..e-Ld, r) 'rsk.-i.en &- Su.n.--t-i.<l.e. f'!aq 2 - C-Leaned pwtk<l.. p-t.epwted --i..n{--i..e-Ld<l.. Nowe.d -L-i.bk.wtlf. Swep:t MCCM &- .5u.n.--t.v...e. /1au.-Led c.--L-i.ppiYUJ-<l.. Welded p--i..pe i-Ok. dock wt /--Uq. /4au.-Led Lw;r.be-t. :to dock <l.--i..te. :-, . . . fJ) l' C1 r ,,- r . ,. ., /~ d hi' . ~ (II ' .. k. 1,a,Lf ~ - ...ea.l1.ea. paA-:~-1-.')-tepa,.t.u;:. .(.r!.'t"~e.LC-1-. -'-tepaA-e. o.t-1-e-1-il.a.e p-1A.-1-. ',Otueo. ';~'!..i1-'~-pcvt, , I1ppe-t [. ~owe-t /io.t.th~an.d, N4-h;t,~YUj.cde, !5ol14e, [.[.W. No.....t/d...a-n.d.. /cIoolud u.p u-t-':g.cvt-i.on a..t C-to.:..>(.wood. (1 6 C.'L r . 1- . - ;. . I 5 +- .' . +- i; I 5 I )" - a.1f - ,eanca fJG--t>.-1-. ,.'-te!,a-tee~ .L.nr"vc..f...cc-1-. wep"" u.ppe-t'~O'vvrk.a.nc,. .. p-ta.lfea.. vA~Vk.-aA-Lf. (,'lowed nt.-1A.M!.41f, (!)CL4.h,~n.?tol1., /] 'fj-t-i.en {i..e-Ld, ak.-ou.n.d. -1-c-tut.ee pond blf CLIJj. f'-lalf 7 - CLea.ned po.-t:-1-. "-tciJ(1.-te,' -i.n~'LeLd.-1-.5pk.-a.l!eC: S.tapLe-1- eo.u,::' a.-tea [. C-i....tlf hG).J~. (J'a.te-ted .1.CW .t-tee-1-. '--owed :"ea('ow.i..a-tk., iSLur'-1-., Ca.k.-ne-f..-i.a.n. fle/{..aJ:..ed [. de:tha..tehed N'Jk...th -0.11/ 1J(7k.-/? [. 0 'tS-t-i.cn {i..e-:d. C-Lea.I1.:.d -1-Itop. "ep'!r:.cc(! bnLb-1- aA. Ck.-O/~>(.I~OOc' cou.k.-.td.. (! aif J) . , .'-,epa.AeC'. e(j~H~.,I~pr.t.e.Vvt. 8 - k..Q.A.At - C l.eczJ1,e,c' peA \4. !C;~tc.r)a..ted /Lni,L,e ~dd.. OO.t..tcc:!. , 5:~.Lo IJ) ek..-1.. /'l...... ..., . f " ~_ H...L,.. a. _.:,t.<::.;,U!/: r) ~o.i'!.,,'':<~ o..-t. f)<...Cv:..,'~c ..Ca,O<...C-..j,.. 114 -, aLf ,-,- .{"E?.C..i1.'-,:,: bench-1-. (:_'e i...,: eel H.p p ~G.Lf e..t.4.' b e.nchc.-1- q - -taLn - /J c/c-, ~.a... e n c':.....,';~ cr-; o-t u.,rJpek.- :Vov::"hJan.d/ i.:'e.!...("e,l eha:"',1. bG.cr~ 011. C}G..te. a..t K o-U>_ne.~ paA-/:. f1! aL{ /2 - C-Leaned pa/r...'?-1-. /^-tepcl1_cc[ .i..nSt-i.e-Ld-1-. pk.-epa-ted. hOk.--1-edz.o e p-,:...t-1-. /';'0 wed d.O ceek.- i.i..e..Ld, ." -i.o neel!.., i?, a.r.~-1-elf, } -i.;w cJJ., [cho .l n. [. eo l14e. Naif /1 - C-Leaned pO/r..k-1-. !ZG.-i.,~ a!...t da.Lf. ConC/r..e.ted -i.n p-LaLfek.--1- benched. a..t u.pp;k.- No/c..th...Lan.d.. C; o.t oLw;tb..:"nq. t-i.>(..tt.-1A.e-1- \<-k.-O;;~ C ood...:"n. .t0k.- new .to-i..Le.t-1- a..t (') 1/5k.-.i..en. C-Leaned -1-hoo. , " ~ ~.' .... I NaL{ /t./. - C.!..eaned pcvtk-1-. !?a/~ed [. p-t_epak.-ed .i..n!-i.e-Ld-1-. '~epaued baekdop wt Wa-1-h-i.nq..ton. Seedei'; q..oa!.. c-vt-ea a..t -1-oceek.- {;.i..e-Ld. ('-'owed l-i.b-ta.k..If, 50. (-'a1-I1.,oLd pk.--L.4on, 50. t?d I-i h . ~ __ J; , . +- r,. J I::' W If. , '. a'. -t..n;>;..o n ay/.t!. 't.-au.l1.CfLA_nq. cvtea (Z..(.. -~ -t..>vif . (taL{ / ~ - C.!..eanee! paA-k-1-. O.tepaA-ed .i..n{~e.!...d-1-.tz.-i.ue-t .w. back u.p -{,11. lowe.U .to.i...t..e.t-1- aq..a-i.n. 5wep.t. (r'a-1-h.-i.I"!.a..ton [. f) '/5k.--,:"en. (/owed [. [. W. No-t.th.Lai'l.d, 0 '8k.--i.en, NLfk...t.!...e [. f5.!..udd.. f'1aL{ /6 - C.!..eaned pG.k.-k-1-. r'-tepa.k.-ed -i.n,/.i..eLd-1-. Nowed [;. .tk.--i.nf.li~ed p.r..oneek.-. 5wep.t P-i.oneek.-. Mow ed,,:ta. p-Le.-1-. ,') e paVc.ed dk.-{,ni:.~V!.q. f 0 u.Y'..ta-i.n. P .r..eked u.p eLLp p -i.YUf-1-. NaL{ I q - CLeaned pa4k-1-. Pl1.e(Jevr..ed -i.nf-i.e/_..d-1-. Pk.-epak.-ed hOk.--1-e-1-/toe p.Ud.. /i'owu .!..OWel!.. No.u.hLand, !5-Ludd.. [;. nt.-1A.d.ek.-L{. 5wep.t -1-oceek.- {-i.eJ..d [;. [. tVo.....th.Land. NaLf 20 - C.!..eaned paA-/?"-1-. Pk.-epcY'r-ed. -i.nr.i..eLd-1-. 5pk.-aL{e.dS.tap-Le-1- COj.~k.-.t-1- [. 1k.-d flue. t5Lud. 1~lowed Su.n.k....Ae, u.ppek.- NOk.-.tIt!...an.d. [. lSol14e f-i.eLd. '7k..uw~ed lUL{. Nowed N0J...t":"nq..a-Le. S wep.t (r). N o-tt.h.LG.v/'(!..;~ e- po.t.ted {Lo wek.--1-. (f ~ / (' I r!. . n ' ., - 'd" I , 1- r +- ,- - (' d I? .'G.Lf ,: - .-{..eanE'._c ,004':-1-. !--tepa-ten,(.n~--t..eA_ _-1-. 1.;u.g. up ',"LOWek.- vea.d. G."" I)-t..onee-t. ,-iowe i,_cV',f.d.eLf, Neadow.!__cvt/:, Sch!.-t.!__enbe/r.q.., -1-ocec.k.- t":'e.Ld [. i'JG.-1-h.-i..n]..ton. Swep.t u.ppek.- No......th..Land. (11 22 C I I , 11 ' . ). " 5 ;t - . 'I d I I . I . ,- ,aLf - -c.eal1.et1. pO/r..'-~-1-. " k.-epo.-tec -l..ny-t..e-{.c.-1-. wep v ,')u./'Vr..'("-1-e. !';owe" o[.a~1.I1.Crv~Y''''i'l- o/r..ea, o[.-t..IJk.-aA-Lf, [. nf.>:"nA:"-pM..h.. ge-t.tLL~red 0 't5k.--':"en [. No.u.hLand otd.{-i.e.Ld-1-. pLaru.ed tLowek.-1- a.t P.i..oneek.-. f'laLf 21 - CLeaned paA-!-:.-1-. /J-tepoA.ed -i.nf-i.e-Ld-1-. Swep.t N-i.q.h..t-i..nq.a-Le [. NeadowLa.k..k. Nowed [. NOk..thLan.d, ~j}. Nok.-.t!1.--l.o.nC., /5ol14e, o-Le! pk.--i.-1-on, 50. Nai..n [. t-/Lf-t.t-Le. l"'!aL{ 27 - C.Leaned pc:..k.!~-1-. P-tepo.k.-ed -i.n{-i.e-Ldd.. (lowed J'oweU, 50. edwL{. [. (I). tYouhLand. C-Leaned u.p k.-,,:"ue-t deb-t-i.4. G..t.~oweL!.... Raked -i.nf-i.eLd.-1-. 5p-taLfed wak.-rz..{,nc;.. .tA.aekd.. f':alf 28 - C-Leaned pa-tk-1-. (J-tepak.-ed .Lnf-i.el...d4.. ']ook down -1-now ience a..t 50. 1.0we.!..-L & d.e:t .u:. u.p on n.o.u.h -1-.we. (lowed ak.-ou.nd C.I1.15. pond, -Lowek.- tYo/c..th1..a.nd, S.ta.p-Led. [. P -i.o neel!... . . . (f) N a-tf 2 q - C Lea-rl.ec' owt:':..-1.. r-'teoa,tec: 'Ln.f.i.e_-Lc:-1.. 7 ,U-Led -1.o:;~e (~Lo we/c. bed.-1. &- fJL"nt",d '"cLo we/c.-1. / '" . I lJ a--t r owe~:-L. ge-'t;::"-i.-L-i-}ed toweLL. (lowed u-ppe/c. No/t/th-La-I-u!.. Swe-p-t Schtdenbek-st &- So. ,ljdlvu. ,~Itdched. ,LLowe/c. bed.-1. w-(,th q.-'ta--1.-1. cL-i-/Jp-i-ntJ.-1.. I" 10 I iT /'1a-tf 30 C-Lea-:1-ed PaAi:-1.. ((owed S~tvl--t-i..-1.e, ~:,ra-dl.-i-ru;.ton, Schu-~enbek-q., iJOY'Ae &- rJ IJjv:"en. C/_u-ne 2 - CLea-ned ,oak-k-1.. Pk-epCi--'ted -i-nf-i-e!...c!.-1.. Pk-e.rJcvted ho-t-1.e-1.hoe cowt-t-1.. PLa-,ued &- wa..te/c.ed {l.-owe/c.-1. a..t .loweLL. !l'owed -La-u-'1.-chLvuJ- (1.k-ea [,. L-i-bk-OAtf. 7wtned 0;1.- waA::.e/c. -1.!!~em. a-t ('oweLL. t/epa-,ued -iAA-Lq.a..t-i-on c"t ,i'..'o/c.-thLa-d. IVa--te_k-ed NO/c..tlz.f..as-ul &- OIJj-t-!.-en. I}u-ne 1 - CLea-ned !;(u "_-1.. o-'teoo._-t.ec' ,,:";tf-i-cLc'-1.. ')-ta-/t/ted cLeanLM. Levee -tel.. (fowed .[oweU.., /feac:olu}..Juk [,. b-Lvr!-1.. ~Ua..te-ted OIJj-tA:en, NOk--thLa-r111 [,. '50n-1.e ,;LA:eLd. (l"t.YL2. L!. -"':d~ec.:1-e~"')(i>t.::d.";k.e__,'J'>':.e..~ /,V1,:, .:.~ ),L:~<-1.. f!"t...~~~e.d be.d.4. C p ~',C-y1./:"(>'" -;:'O~.:Je.k.-1. a>t rowe.LL. C u"t weed-1. a-La ~:_ ,n c.lvtcLS-t. -tee-1.. (j,u-ne 5" - CLearted tJwt./:4. r'k..e,na..t.et: . ,.. J .{,n.~- ,.t..e-Lc-1.. " I - j " h'" I' ' I -- !.'f...a-Y',;t.ec. ',;'..owek--1. [,. -j. ../c.u-U-j. a.-<.- <c:owe~~-:.. &- c.:.A::.tf ha-LL. Swep-t oj..r~ :'Jk--i--1.0;-z.. /(u-Lch_ed,.:Lowe/c.-1.. ,Sp-tc.ffec!. pk-A:-1.oVt. G- down-town .r')/c. weed-1.. S'Jk.ea-d -1.a-rul 0 n beach. i].~t-I1e 6 - CLea-ned paA.t-1.. P -tepaA.ed ,~vl.{LeLd-1.. !~ epa--i--ted dk-LI1./(A~YUJ_ ifo H_Y'.,:i:'a--i-I'/4.. C -Leaned -Levee /c.oa-d.~10wed ak-ou-nd C.U.I5. !JOrui,'7(1)it-1.etf, [cho /n. &- /-i-nden. !'Ju.-t new -t-'.Ae-1. on {/c.on 90-'td tk-acto/c.. Clu-ne q - Cl...ea-ned paAk-1.. fJ/c.epevted ,,:"s1-f-i-eLd-1.. l'Jk-ena-k-ed hOk--1.e-1.hoe c.ol-fA.--t-1.. 'JUl...ed &- -1.eeded d/c.owned aAea of No-t-th loweL-L. p-La-,ued {Lowe/c.-1. a..t /oweU. Swep-t f?am--1.etf. iI/owed Nwt-1.e/c.'1 &- 7-th ou;tl-i-el...d. H' u-ne 10 - C LeanecLiJaAl:-1.. /i/c.epO--ted .L/1",~-i-e(..d-1.. S wep-t nwt-1.e/t-tf. (:ia-te/1.ed new -tk-ee-1.. PLa-vl.ted iLowe-t-j.. Cw:.. weed-1. beh,LI'z4 band-1.heU at p-i-onee-t. 0-u-ne II - d/c.-i-3-J-Le a-U c'atf - CLeaned paAk-1.. jJ-tepa-'ted A:'tt-i-eLd-1.. fldded a1-/c.1.,{,..ulte &- iJAaded iVo/c.th)..a-YLd. .:"n(Lef..d.'?a-ked u-p weed-1. at l-,,:"onee/c.. SCk.u-bbed baruL -1.h.eLL &- q-a;yebo. 0-u-ne 12 - CLeanedpoAP..-1.. ''<a-i"ed &- pic.epoA-ed.:nf-i-eU-1.. {:)eeded new hedq-e-tow a..t p-i-onee/c.. Cu;t weed-1. on bank a-,t J;!rut-1.etf. Sp-tatfed weed ak-ea--1. a-t p-i-onee/c.. 'lu-ne 13 - Cleaned pak-k-1.. P/c.epa-ted -i-n5~-i-eLd-1.. Sp/c.a-tfed a-k-o',trul -t-i-e-1. a--t P,i...oneek-. ']-t-v,ttted Su-IVt-i4e. Sp-ta.tfed weed-1. a-t t,tl...nL-paAp... rowed P-i-onee/c., Su-n-t-i-4.€.,(:/a-1.h,i..nq--ton, Ol/j-ti.-en, G -1.occek- ;,,:"e.!...d. o u-ne 16 - C tea-nee! pa--'t,'''-1..r ?:-e,f)oAed -i-ns,,:"eLd-1.. fJk-epO-?:-ed ho-t-1.e-1.ho e p~t-1.. ('ja-tek-ed new -1.eed:"VU} e0:; r 0 weLL ') ,i.L.ted.. '!-I'I- WCi--1.ho u"t-1. wt J: 0 weU... /,- 0 wed lo weLL [,. b-Lvd-1.. t!u-ne 17 - CLeaned paA.'i:-1.. Pk-epaAed ,:"n{.i-eL/-1.. (,'owed St.ap1...e.-1., {llea-dowl...ak-le, Jjov14e &- l...a-u-nch-i-nq.. a--tea-. {l.' 0 wed. So. 17 d WII. StaA.ted pa--i-,u-i-wj- <;j-a,"febo. I}u-ne. 18 - C-Lea-ned pevt1:..-1.. P/c.epc.-tec A:n/-i-eJ...d-1.. ra--i-nA::.ed q-aJ-ebo. H~:u"Led -top-1.o-i-).., -1.eeded &- wa..te/c.ed wa-1.hou;t-1. a..t LoweLL. iJe-t-t-U-i---;.ed I~Ol'/4.e i--i-el...d. (jowed o--Ld p-t-iA-on. C),u-ne /9 - Cleaned peJr..!e-1.. r-tefJoAed .i-n~l-i-e--Ld-1.. (~Ia..te-ted () 'lj/c.l...en, .toweL!- &- p-i-oneeA.. ra-i-,ued band-1.heL-L. 0wte/c.ed -t-tee-1.. !),u-ne 20 - CLeaned pwtk&. P/c.epaAed -i..nf-i-eLd-1.. ']/c.-Unmed -1.M.u-bbeA.tf a-t -Li.-b/c.M.tf. {1Jcz,te/c.ed l.owe--L-L, ole/c..c..en &- eOl'/4.e. 7/c.-Unnr.ed -t/c.ee-1.-a-t-L pM.k-1.. (j) l}l-/.ne 21 - CLeaned ,.)Ci/t/:..~. P/r,e..'JuA,,-,,d ,L;1-i-A:"eLd~. /Ilr..epalr..ed hOk.'J,e~hoe ,r;1/C~. C~1.'t, 1-/.,0 fO-Lten . , . L'f-d) o-.t (/,:"o,1-eek.. ']Ir..A".-Jiti;;ed j.A.ee~ 0-Y1i. /;.o_u,Ler:' b/r,l-/.~h_. !~!owed CO-lr..neL'(,.O-n &- WO-1.hi-w}.ton. 'll-/.ne 2t.,l - C I , 'n ' . J - - I n I h. r .. " 1e ~} '(Olr.. LeO-ned. pc.k.,:~. ,'lr..epc./~ea. '~;1-':: .,e.lA[~. /-k.epoA-ea. wO-~ O~k- 0-'" -'_ 0 V 'C--c- co I'z.ct.e.te. PO-:.n"ted q-a(;ebo. /;owed N,[,.r;J-...t:"ng.o--~e, Cowek. i'iok.t_h__:~aru1, <l.occek. &- f) '1Sk.-Len f-Let..d<l.. 9-l-/.ne 25" - C-teane! oa,t/:..<I.. r,tepev'c-ec!. -i..'7-{A:"e-:..--d<l.. POvlA-cd cO;1-ct.e.te and <l.or'ded wa~hoi--'..t ,.;t towe.U,. .!~'a.-~_n;ted q,az.ebo. (, owed ~1.p,ne/~ Nouh.~,arz.d. "-t,0:",',ed !"a<l.h-i-'7-;,.to'1-. ~I-/.ne 26 - CLeaned , " r na.k./:<I.. i ,teea.z-ec ,[,.n{Le-Ld<l.. (!)a.te/r,ec' new dc.ed,!"wy,<I.. r. ' -'-, I i -' ~a. 1'2..1.....;:.;. c: f:..oweA..~. :7 n<l.-t aLL e,-;' I!_CW -tenl'z..i.<I. lte}~<I. a.-t -S.tc.pLe<l.. ,'? epa;"--ted c/,c;:,(,.1t Olt C'-o~e o--t _ o:~ - ,t,.--z.elr... ~, d ,. 'J" " [If~! I _J r- " I -_'J,.'J,taueJ w(.>-edA. ','''owe.." ,'';oV7..-1..e, f owe.-'""')...., <~.A..../)ir-,~-/t,Lf,.. I,Ok.4..-t1..-f.....a.vUL. tr ;;:,'I.A'Z.-L.-PC:/t,.i:. . I .... -, <..- '"- ~~ q.t-trz.e. 27 - CLc.ctrz.C'..r' r;Cl./t./>1... I '/'-e'-)C'::'~'~l ."YZ.'~~C-L:'.'4. r;k...:..:~:."ed j'~e~,:J h"ec<i,'.V?.. 0..~L DweLt... (:'owed ;:")0. (' cv:"1t &- t-' ~ c- ' ,. I ! .;.. ,t.oltee-t.dplr..cLfcG. L;'ee~.<I. -'v, 1 iVO-<>:"<I. (i.-c. C !v U.. &:..-Lb/r,IULf. C)I-/.ne 10 - " . C4:..t, y,y.~..e a.U_ r.' CUi - I C-Lea.ned :'Jcz....t/~4. rh...epalr..ec:' ,i.n{i.e.L:<I. &- hO/r..<l.e<l.h.oe COHA.;':<I.. ']k..u:tr,~ed oLd hedye ,,.,t "oweL.!... 'll-/.-Llf I - (!-t,[,.T--!-le o.rL-L dalf - Cleaned pad:.<I.. Dlr..epO-lr..ed(,.i1-{i..e-Ld<l.. '}e,u:J_,L':-J-ed new <l.eed,i..nr; a.t /' 0 weLl. CLeaned 141" do wned -tk.ee, bk.l-/.<l.h &- debk.,[,.<I. a-t t( oLL,i..ne---t ;/Jak./:'. 0,I-/.J...lf 2 - CLeaned .')O-Ir..,.':"<I.. !'/r,epCi/ted ,[,.;-z.!,[,.eLd<l.. Y?ef:~of.)ed fO/r__m<l. )~-tOI:" new coltct.e.te a.t loweL-L. ;1!owetJted 0 'l5k..r':"en, eOr'.,<I.e, <l.occek., (:'eadowLIUI~, Sch~d.ed)ek.q- &- .- . ,0 H..P'Vt.{.....:1.e. CJI-/.Llf 1 - Cleaned pad:<I.. P k.epO--teci. ,[,.nf-i..e~d<l.. Wa:tek.ed new <l.eed &- ""::"od Ci/tea<l.. CLean?-d {Look. --i..1t q-aJ-ebo. (lowed blf C.LL.IS. pond, llJ1weLL, StapLe<l. & YUtk.<l.ek.Lf. . 9uJ..lf 7 - Cleaned. OIU/:<I.. nlr..<2.IJeA.e,-i ,i..'1-,!,i..eLd<l.. ']00-':. down <I.ItOW ! , ;" I . II / .:_ ~ r;erLce u;[.. ,,110-1......./1 eoweLL !7epaued ()_Ohi1- .ficc-te r.~owek.. ('ot'Jecl <l.hop (flUe!., rl,[,.o.-l.eek., ""a--1-h,i.vt:?-,to'1-, /..-au.nch'["l1.lj, & .f"OWeA.. No-t.thLaru1. 9-u.-LLf 3 - C-Lealted pak.l?.<I.. P k.epe__lr..ed -Ln{':"eLd.<I.. ('j eeder: :;' Lo wek. b ed<l. a-t 0 weLL. D u-t ou.t. new ua<l.h can--1- a.-t ,cou1eU..r &- p,Lo;teek.. (fowed l...,[,.b-tcvtlf &- -So. ('a.LIt. C)1-/.-LLf q - C lealted pcvtk<l.. p-sepcvter{ ,[,.n;,'-,[,.c.l..o:<I.. 1) VUf .tk.eltch lolr.. w..'.A.e<l. -to qA-eel1- <l.hack. -Swep.t [:)a<l.h-i..vz.q_-ton. /.1ollJed :M~<l.eLf, l,[,.ru!.en, [cho .en., 0 'tsk.,,:"elt, I-/.ppe---t i'/o-tJ.:.l-z.-ic;,yz.d, <1.0 ccek. &- (', z.t k..t!...e. C l ea,ted <l.ho p. CJ_I~.L If I 0 C-LeO-Ited PIU",<I.. /"k.epwt.eci. ,[,.i'7-f,[,.eld<l.. Cu.-t b-tU,<l.h o-.t /oweL-L. r-i.-cked I-/.[J cLi.pp,[,.nq-<I. . a.t (,:iO-1-/t-r...n,..tolt. 9n<l.-tC:.LLcd eLfe wa<l.h a.-t <l.hop. li!owed N. loweLL, -SU,/1A-,[,.<l.e &- <1.0. edwlf. ()I-/.-!..lj II - k.a,':.1t a!..L dc-.-t - Cteavz.ed p,,--t,'-:-:... '~ep(l/L,ted <l.wc.epe-t. '(epLaced ba-r..L cock ,(,.;7- t.o-U~et. at. <l.hofJ. C tean:!.(~ pool a.-t lowe-L-L. Cll-/.-!..--lf I t.,l - C --ieaned fJaA.!:.<I.. 1/ a/:.ed &- p/r,eTJalr..ed ,[,.nJ,[,.eLd<l.. rk.epa,,<--ed ho-t<l.e<l.hoe co ~tA.t.<I.. I?, epa<i.vz-ted L,[,.lte<l. or;. "-L-Ll-f telti'"-iA. COI-/.-'r.---t<l.. Cu.t. bk.l-/.<l.h a.-t noweLL. Nowed W. NOIr..;~hLaru1. (), I r ii' C I J ' C' " J -" 'd n I' . - -I- r ' _-U,-:"lf J - k.aA:".t a~, caLf - -c-eanet,- PO/l..,-:"<I.. na,,,:ec. i-n<;-t.eL <I.. .Joo,: (~own :'-ence Wt- _/r,o-t->c- wood .ten't-iA. COvlA--t<l.. g o.t new {-La..':...!.. ntowelr.. &- <l.weepeA.. pa-tJ.:.<I. '}1r..01;~ g odd. C-Leaned <l.Mp. ~u1lf 16 - Clealted p0/l..4. Pk.epaA.ed ,[,.nf,[,.e-Ld<l.. Howed CowelL, GOn4e, O'ek.,[,.en,<l.occe4, [. Nok.-th-Land, No-tJ.:.h-Land ou.t.f,[,.e-Ld. ,'ZepaA..lr..ed <l.weepek.. ;.-.~~ '~ : \ ~:~~ . . ,. -,'~ . -,{ :~; :. . ~1 f Clu.lu /7 - hot - C -Lee-nee' pc-vtk4. P/c.epcvt.ed in}LeLd4. !-fo.u.Led -t/c.e-4h ca.n4 1-/c.oJ"o ba.LL c.tieLd4 -, '.:J ;; u ~ " I I I (1 ''1':\} .-, d p' . (./ h' ~ y ~ '- . 'r I?L d "-0 'owec..;.. p(lA-;~ _'l.J. I:owe J.{..on2.e/c., ',0.4 .{..i"UJ--t.OI1., u.ppe/c. 10/c..-t-n.-:"o.na. C? 0- V 4. r . --I- ' " f".' ,o.of..r"vt.-ea. .L~~n(~4 wt -,_.t.. Af COVV....t4. 0-u.-Lu '8 - Cleaned pa/c.-'2.4. '-It-eoCi./c.ed inJ:.i-e-Ld-:... ']/c./:..nmed hedq.e a.t /.[.,su C.)VV....t4. Swept " I I II Ii - I ruo.4h:"YI.:J.;~on, (! 0 wee:' lib/c.a./c.lf, Schu.-Lenbe,tg., R ar;t4elf & ('eacio wLc-vt.k. fj/c.o c/Uto.n {.Ln.-i.--:..hed b.La.d..tof'Jr).i..nq_ C/c.oi:(.wood tenn-u COl-Ut4. ;Lu.-Llf 2' - C-Leanr.d PCvt./2.4. PJ:.epM-ed inl,~.i..e-Ld4 & hO/c.4e4hoe COVV...l:4. Swept l':'eadow-LM-k. (.,' 0 wed t'U.q.h...t[.nq..ale, S u.Yl/<.i4e, J au.nch.u'UJ-, !5Lvd4. & I;t.i..n ,-.- pa/c.k. 0U.'{.lf :2 2 - CLeanee:' ::> cvt. /:4. l: It-ena.....ed .i..n/."-...eLd4. r; e oa.ued ,,' cu:taa.e -::'0 ...~o .i..Le,t IJ OA-.U....tio n4 arl.d. , ' L r .. I b'7vz,-,'-:..heL-L c....-t . .t.::>iseelt-. (,'owed So. "'a.i..tl., -So. lSc!.wLf., Sta.;':JLe4, l!:o-n4e, Co '/j/c..Len & oLd Pk-'hO n alt-:,a. ;J.u.Llf 21 - Cleaner! pM-k4. Pk-epc.lt-ed iVI..}i..e-Lc!.4. pu.;.':. fence back u.p wt C-to .i-:(.wo od .tenn.-i-4 COU./c.)':.4. (Jowed /:.i..ol1.ee-t & Y!M.-t4e-tl.{. Swept Lal1,nchii"UJ-, St.ap-Le4 & p-tLMn. Picked u.p CUppi..i"UJ-4. C).u.LI.{ 2l/. - C-Leaned pa-tk4. r.':.epa./c.ed i..:1.{i..e-Ld4. Swep.t Su.Y/A.ue. '}i..ni..4hed pUA:Li...nq.. u.p fence at C-toi:(.woo:"' COu.k.t4. flowed Ca/c.ne-Lian, ~Ua4h~:"YI.i:J.ton, ({J. No-t.th.-Land., !<(2I1~4elf & lowe-t NOk-thLand.. C)U.-Llf 25" - C-Leaned pa-tk4.'?aked & p-tepC'..-ted infieLd4. Cu.t o-tu.4h wt Stap/..e4 .tenn1-4 COU.-tt4. Swept I)}. '^/o-t,th)..and.. Picked u.p cLippinq..-:... ,'?ep-Laced b-token hlfd-ta.uJ...~:c h04e on Dodg.e t-tuck. got new chain4aw. ;J.U.-Llf 28 - CLeaned pa-ti~4. r'-tepa-tec!. -i.n':,'.i..eLd4 & ho-t4e4hoe COwt.t4. P.ep-i..a.ced Lock at KoLLi..ne-t pa-tk g.wte. -'<.epaued 'tohv/. Dee-te t-tac-to-t. Sen-t. C)eep 4twt..te-t to be -te-wo~nd.. Mowed ~'e-tien & [. N04thLand. ~u.LLf 29 - C.Leanee! pa.-tk4. P-tepc--ted in{i-e-Ld4. ('.10wed Li-b-ta./c.I.{ & 01.{ C. u.e. pond. 'Du.e; d-tc-ina.~e c!i..-tch at C-toi..:(.wood COu-t.t4. Dodg.e p~cku.p cau.g.!~ 1~:-te. ;J.U.-Llf 10 - -ta.i..n - Cleaned pM-k-:... P-tepM..ed iniie.td4. WO/r..ked on .t..t.U.Ck4. C-Leaned a-ten.a. r10wed p..i~onee-t, So. /jdwl.{., & t5on4e fieLd. 0-U.-L~f 2/ - CLearted palt-l'-4. f)-tepoAed inJ"i..eLd4. Nowed .toweLL, lCi.lti:ch-i.n__J, Neac!.ow.l...oAk, Rc..m.4elf, [cho .crt. [,. linden. Swept [. tYo-tth.-La.nd. flowed Schu..Lenbe4lf, [J)a.44/1...7...ton, & Nlf-tt.Le. flu.q.. / - C-Leanedpa-t/:.4. P-tepa-ted infie.Ld4. got one ton t-tu.ck ba.ck on Li..ne. Swept. ~eadowla4k. ~owed St.aple-:.. & u.ppe/c. tYo-tthLo.nd. 9/r..~v.l.ed P.i..oneelt-. flU.lf. Lt - Cleo.ned pa.-tt?.4. P-tepa./c.cd ~:"rt{~,i-eA~d4 & ho-t4e4hoe COu.k.t4. r:epai-ted doo/c. to toUet at. ,Dionee-t. Nowee!. -Lowe-t No-tth.Larul & fj-Lvr:4. Swept Schu.-r...enoe-tlf. !Z.epa-iAed 4weepe-t. 'Jook 0-eep r-tor.1. rue dptj a..t.tachecl hi..-tch, -ter,~oved t.an/?. flu.g.. 5" - Cleo.ned pa.-t/2.4. P.:-epM-"..d infie!..d4. ']-t-Un.m.ed -Lowe-t No/{..thi..aYU.1.. fle-tated & de...tha-tched OfJ!5lt.un & /Vo,;.....t.h..t..and. odfield4. Swept tYilfh.tiYUfa-Le. (fo wed Nie;h.tiY/./fo.le, Su.n-t-V..e, p-t-V..o n & So. (1 ain. flu.e;. 6 - Cleo.ned pa.-tk4. Plt-epa.lt.ed in{ieLd4. Weeded new hedlfe a-t pioneelt.. Swept. So. I3dwl.{., & u.ppe-t tYo-t.-th..Land. ~owu tson4e, Lau.nchiY/.if, Nu.lt.4e-t1.f & 40CCelt. fidd. . . -. ;g.~ fjj fhUt. 7 - -ta1..n - CLeal"'.eG fJaA-/-:4. SL~ep.t I4ppe/r- f\'olvt/-dana. 9n-U.aLLed p.LaC;.l4e t-to,;::'.i-OIV1- c.Lv~b a.t p .~o nee-t. ,c~ epaMed .t/r-aL~ek-4. ((Io-tked. 1..n lVt.ena.. flu.q.. 8 - C-Leancd PaA-k4. Pk-epo.-teci 1..1'1-{.i-eLc:'4. [:)o-t/-:ed. on -Vr.-ench. o..:t C-t01..>{.r>>ooc!. cowt..t-1-. C' J.' I d Ie ',' .,- (' 1'-". AI f' I / r '1 cJtJ)ept. -1-o('.ce-t -t,.e-e._-_. "otJ)ec. -A,U-taA-'1, , o-t-t..en, flO. __otJ)evt. <.r ,..i.onee-t.. flu.q.. II - C-Leaned. pa./r-k.4. I~d,-ecl. &- p/c.epaA-e~; 1..nct1..e.Lcl-1-. rk-epa/:.-ed ho-t-1-e-1-hoe COU/v".':4. C:~.t 40d wt 4heLt.ek- 4-&te at. :~1..o;tee-t.. /lfJp-L.1..ed t.o,'1-1-01... &- cod OV1. ba.n/" a..t /:':o:1/.;.C {1..e-Ld. flu.q.l4-1--t 12 - CLeaned. pak-/:-1-. (-tepuk..ecl -i-'1."~1..eLd-1-. ?1..n1..4h.ed 40dd1..YUj- at. !':olV1-e s.:"eLd.:Ueeded hedo.e CL..t f'11..olteek-. r-tefJa.t.ed 4h.e-Lt.(!..-t 4,,:...:te. /-/otJ)ed [. &- W. /Yo.t.t.h.Lan.d &- (/r.J~-Le. .' 7 f!ur::~. 1'3 - C.LeUI~c,(' tJoA:- f,.<1.. r-t-e.t:;(1../:.c,,-' ,r>'t:~"':c'Ld-1.. 'JeJr...~t,Ll/~:;ed d.occe.-t- :.~'..L(::.L,:'1~ [; to!.-:J~~>.t t/o/':;>~/-:-.Lo..yZ.d. .....,owec.l <(owe.t /''!O/r.,~'~/1.~Cy''d:~, row;z.L.L &. d.occe."t {.i.e.Ld.~-)o/c./~e,d ovz. d.he.~;te../:.. G/t . <..Of'2.eek.. fl u.q. . CLeaned {Jw'!:-"~4. !)k..elJak..,?..cI-i..n/.Le,Ld-1-. j , v 11"'/.v"':.o.-LLed ,'1OM-1- &- po:-tA.eci ~~oo.tLI't.('.:-o.~ -1-he.L;te4 It!- - aut r' 1..0 nee-t.. i',' 0 wed r' aa 4 '1 , [cho /11.., / ,Lnden &- Cak-neLi-an.. /114..1}. 15" - CLeaned ,'10_-tk4. !!)ok-i~ed 011. -1-heL.tek- at. p-Z-onee-t. :1iotJ)ed b'1 C.U.iS. pond, t5-LUd4. &- (lleadotJ)LaA./:. flu.q.. 18 - CLeaned pak..k6.. lJk.epa/r-ca 'LVI-::' LeLd4 &- hOk--1-e4/toC ,0-1..-1':'4. (JJo-t:':ed on 4heUe-t. !': 0 wed i' ":'-0 neek.. :)'';.aA-.ted ;::0 w-Ln;:, -Lo tJ)e-t N ok-t.hLal1.d. flu.q... 19 - C-Leaned pa.k-k4. Pk-epo..-te,-' ,,:'r!-{LeLd4. pOlAA-ed d.Lab pk- -1-h:e-Uek... (lowed So. f1?a.i..n., So. edtJ)'1" ':tin-.i...-paA-k, ~~PfJe-t &- -LotJ)ek. iVolvthJ__arz.d and 40cce-t 'lie-Ld. flW}. 20 - C-Leaned PaA.!:4. St.ak-.ted. k-ootLnq. 4heUe-t. t;:a1..n aLL da'1. D1..d bLock WOk./: aA:. -1.-tk.ee.t g-ak..o_q..e. :'iok-kec' 0;1- ~!a-1-h.e..t4 a-t ak.ena. flu.q.. 2/ - CLeaned. PaA.:'?-4. rwt k-oot art 4he-L-te-t. (JotJ)ed lotJ)e.U, 1..i..b-tCA.'1, Schu.-Lel1.bek-q., pk-~e-6.0 11., V' (; 0 lV1-e, O'iS-t-i.en &- (iJa.ch1..nq...ton. 'f)et.ha..tched 0 'S-tun &- 40CCe-t. {1..eLd. flu.q_. 22 - k-a.Li1. - CLeaned paA-k6.. .fl1..c;'<.ed u.p CL1..pp';..n.q..4. ~)o-t,(-:ed 1..11. aA.erl-C:.. fllMf. 25" - C-Leaned paA./?'4. NotJ)ed Stap-Le4, Y/.IIU4e-t'1, (-1'1~Le, (~a.1It4e'1, Lau.n.ch1..n.q.., f;leadow-LaA./e. &- So. 6dtJ)'1. flu.q-. 26 - C-Leaned !JaA..l:4. NotJ)ed W. No~h-LaruL, N1..q.h,t1..n.q..aLe &- Su.l1/l.l.Ae. Swept. S;tapLe4 G hawLed cL.i.pP1..I114. flu.q.. 27 - C-Leaned paAJ?4. r-fotJ)ed C. ;\!o/r-.th-.and. r'k.,U;t,:ted t.k-ee4.?epa,i..-ted C).ohl1. l.lee-t.e t.k.ac.to-t. fh~q.. 28 - CLeai1.p..d ,oak..:':4. (,lowed .'^oweLL &- p.i.on.ee-t. (i)o/r-:'-:.ed on -1-he-Lt.e-t. f! u.g.. 2 q - c.Leanee' pa.k./:4. p /i-ejJak-ed 1..v;'{1..e-Ld4. P lvt k-O 0 f on -1-heUek-. Sept.. 2 C-Leaned pa-tk-1-. Uak-n.1..4hed 4he-Lt.e-t. Repa.i.k.ed 4tJ)-t..n.q..d. at. p1..onee-t. C-Leaned 4hop. fl'otJ)ed oLd pk-l.Aon, So. (fa.Ln, &- 4occe-t f1..eLd. -ta1..n a U.. da~f - CLeaned pak.!t4. WOk.iced ~_rl- ak.ena.. /( epa~:'--ted /fe-1-MO 11. .t-tac.tok.. - C -Leaned pOA!?'4. {II c.tJ)ed C aA-n.e-L1..an, b-Lud4., Wa--:..h1..n.q...ton, r')'tS -t1..en, u.ppe-t &- Lo tJ)e-t No-tt.h.Land. StJ)ep-t ((la-1-h~:'n(J.tol1. &- 40CCek- 11..eLd. Sept.. 5" - CLeaned PaA.k.4. Pk.epak-ed C-to.i.>(.tJ)ood -i-nt1..e-Ld to-t t.oU/trz.a.t.tent.. Nowed L1..b-taA.Lf, o-Le!. p-t-iA.on &- /501V1-e t1..eLd. StJ)ept. u.ppe-t &- LotJ)e-t NOk-.th-Larz.d. p1..ck.ed u.p c.L.i..PP1..Yl.tf4-. Sept.. J S~pt.. l/- @ . Sept.. 8 - CLeaned POA.!:"4.. !a--i-d Ott;':.. 4.Lt.e fo"r- t.o~c-f..e-':.. b Ld~,. 0.): D 'fjk.~en {i.e-Ld. ('owed c.u.e. pOl'ui. Swept. a,:.ea at. p.i..ne [,. OweY'A. b-Lackt.op fo-t ;t,o.i.-Let. b-Ldq-. at. 0 Ifjk.,~el~ f-i-e-L. 'Jek.t.-i-/"i.,yC(': j,{.opc"r- r\'ok.J.;h-Land a:zd (1I/S-ti-en (i.eLd. i'owed Sch.de.nbe-tq_. Sept.. 10 - C-Lea:'1-'2d pa,t.!:..4.. 900':" d.own ~"ence, dj,{.'1 t.k.ench & hoo!:..':!-.! j,{.p wa.tCk. -L--:"ne S'Ok. .to.Uet. roweLL, 4.ocC':!-k. !-i-eLd [,. a.k.ea 011 Sept.. q - C -Leaned I Sawed [,. ,te;:~o ued PCV1.I?-4.. br ' ,~. " d ,e.g.. "a,{..n ;;:04.-C o~. ,,0,'1. Sept.. II - C Le,a.u,-,d pOk.i:..4.. !ka.i-.zed t!)a,tck. fk.O': t./c-ench at. () IS k..i..en. '~epLaced 4.t:!1-wJ- a.t !:ja4.h,L,,"C',,to n. fl4.4.e;::b Leo' u.V''':'! ek.CjAo Itnd p!Atm,/;-i-nf :"o-t new :to ,Uc.t.4.. ? eoa,~cd ( eq.u.ipf;terz;t. C.Lc..a./ted 4/!.0/'). Sep.t. I ~ - C.,Leavt~:d pOA".I:/J... l~ ;:6'''~cL_Le.cr ~e.:~;ek. [, ba.c/:'~,z.{,~Le(-:' u2,i:ch ;-0 :~ '!~4.i..el't ,to ,~,':"e.t-1.. /';o~,'}ed "St1.,YZ,...:."J:"';j..e, '!.2C.(':or,;),,~a-t.,.-':, '"' , r I c,;:4.eL!, . cno ~l rt.. " ;...Vli.' evz. [,. .Lcu.t.l1.c/7,..-Lvz.rJ. a.,tea. Sept.. 15' - C -LeMLer;' ,nOA,'~4. :"Ok..':ed ,Ln, a.k.ei~a. C ~ e&.~ 4.e ed.L,c-Y"u:1.4. 0 :'-,; 0 , { , /l.ec.o...,z , aA:. N. /'oweU. .I? 0 t.~t c:...cl ow::' new ..j...~;.w.. , (~t.Ok. /'.Lottee.-t. , P C.A./C. Sept.. 16 - C -Leaned , P 0.4 /~d.. PaLYVte,/ 4.'LA}n fOk. l;,i.ol~eek.. f'1owed P,i-oncek., 4.0 CCek., St.a.p-Le4., n~4.ek.1J & O'bk.-i-en f-i-eLd. Sept. 17 - k.a.-i-n - C -LeaIWA,! ,00,-:'/:4.. {:.'ok.i~ed 1-'" ak.ena..'? epa,~ed ,~~o we-:. [,. 4.pk.eadek.. Sept.. 18 - C-Leanedpcr-k-/:4.. (Vok./:ed -tAt a."r-ena.. F'w"::. fence back j,{.p a,t Olfsk.,i-en. f10wed lOtve-L-L, I') I' of- ' /. .. I & - of- '" &' I' . /, a4.n{..ngA"O n, o,c(, ,ok.440 n, ('t"_VI.-1,,- pa.k.r~, Mea (Vt.- 'j wen4. J-t-ne. Sept.. I q - k.a-i-n - CLeaned pM!:'4.. (:ioFtked a,t ak.ena.. S co-':..t. -LaU!. b.!.-o ck4. at. C UL! g ak.ag.e. . Sept.. 22 "1 , I ,', ' .. {, r' J?' , / ' I I' ',-<:-eanec, PCrA-:1.4.. :';~4.A..,'-,Cec new 4.1-q,n a,:: ,)."o.,eek.. .',e-,orYvVlx,ec o.ene,k. pa"r-fe. 4.'t.q.YI-4.. (.:1 0 wed b.tvd~. ~.~)o/t..kc~(: ~i,;t a.lc.e;UL. . Sept.. 23 - CLean;;d ,nak./:4.. !'lade, new ca4.t.ok. wheUtok. 't"r-ad,c-IU)- b.ta.de. Nau,Led [,. <Yta.cked {Mewood blJ 4.ho{J ~,'Ok. w-i-n-tek.. Nowed S~a.pLe4., No.towe.U & p.i..ol~ee"r-. Sept.. 2tJ. - C-Leaned ,nak.i':-4.. flnclto"r-ed 4.-i-.><: :t.o,b.Le4. .tJ 4.-sab -i-n 4.he-L);,e"r- a.t p-i-oneek.. 'JULed -i-n caue-1..n Cvt !''-o,~eek.. pu,t a,Lu,1~-i-nu.1!~ p-LaJ?4. on t.wo ,o1..cn-Lc .tab-Le4.. flowed bOYl-4.e. Se,nt.. 25' - Cleaned ,oa.k.k4.. pu,t new Ck.anJ?4.ha{t. -i-n ,oOWeA. ,1tOWek.. (Cowed N-i-g-tp:.-i-n..,'ta.-Le, -L-i-bk.a.k.Lf, Schu.-Lenbek.C} [; So. ('aA.-n. Sep:t.. 26 - C-Leaned pak.k4.. SCk.~,bbed -i-vv"::.ek.-i-ok. of baV'..d 4.heU. St.ac/e.ed iMewood. '~e;Ja,iA.ed powek. ntowek.. ,f'owed va.rd-4.elJ [,. So. bdwL/. S e,nt.. 2 q - C -Leaned /JCrA-k4.. ']k..{.n:r.~eJ :t.-tee4. wt J U.-L/ [,. N o"r-,tft.ta.nd. ? epa,i,~ed ha.:'/..' d/[,lJek. a.t. 10weLL k.e4.-t. k.OO':I4.. flowed Olf5"r--i-en, [cho In. [,. /.i..Y'Len, j,{.ppe"r- [; Lowek. NouhLa.nd, a./:-ou.nd pond b,! C.U.t5. and 4.0cce"r- r.i..eLd. Sep:t.. 30 - CLearLed. r)(1,k./~4.. /;orJec: hl!d"r-an-t at. OIt5k.-i-e.~ {1:eLd. (jowed [. & W. No-:.thJ.and and (1IJu-Le. Oc.t. I - CLeaned pa.k.!:4.. !:rok./:ed 0:1- p-L~~;:b-i-nCf {Ok. new t.oi...Le.t b-Ldq-. '~epa,uel~ ';~OWek.4.. f'10 wed Wa4.h-i-Y'__;,t.o n [; .)j,{.nk.-ue. Swept. La wek. No -T-t.hLand. Oct.. 2 - C-Leaned pa.k.k4.. ?-i-n-i-4.hed -i-Yl.4t.a-LLi-nq- dk.a.i..n4. {o"r- t.oUet.4. at. Olfjk.-i-en. 'J-i-rz.-i-4.hed mow-i-nq- Su.nk.-i-4.e. Swept. j,{.ppek. No-T-t.h-Land. ,;.. .....~ ~~~J ([j) () ct.. 1 - k.a,(.I1- ,La4.t. .~ :>1./"-:;' - C lea-ned pa.-'r-k4.. PI-WLpea wat.e.k. '/k.01:: aepk.e4.4.-i-on Jo-'r- 4.-Lab a.:t " , J . new t.o,i..Let. 4.t..te. Pj,{.;;':.. be-'r-n ak.oj,{.nd depk.e4.4.-i-()n.'Zel;~ouec' wa.tek. k.Ot:~ t.enn~ cov-k.t.4.. ".'J WOk.ked ~n a.k.ena.. Oct. 6 - C-Leaned pa.k.k4.. Nowed b-Luc'4.., old p-'r-,fA,on, -Lat1.;'!-ch-i-nq, a-'r-ea & yuu4.ek.IJ.'zepCLued 4.weepek. el'l.J-i-ne. nct.. 7 - C-Leaned pak.k4.. Pk.u-ned ~~ee4.. St.acked {-i-k.ewood. Oct.. g - C.LeCLned pcYc-/:4.. ,r;~a-L.Led new enCj-i-ne on 4.weepek.. vk.-i.ed o~ dep-"e4.4.,:"oi'i- tOk. dab. St.ac/eed juewood. .s p!..-i-;t ':,i-nd L,:~YUJ-. l) ct. q - C Leanee. n OA-'z.4.. '3 eL-Le(i,:'ak.~~,e. ,i cad e!-Y.t a..t ;"a4.hi.nq,t.o n; C.vt u-p an.d u,i,,:tr.wd bk.u-4.hed tj)c.t .10 - CLeav!.ec: "ak. 4.. ('oweJ .- cCoc:ow{.Oj;):. Sn>:..-t wooe'. ':eG,d,i.ec~ eq,~:"p!:tel1_t {or., ()Ln:tc-t. nc.t. ILl - CLeal~ec' ,.cvt/:4.. C,Lea.ned j,{.p t.k.o..4.h on j':'ek.k.ace4. a.t ,D-i-onc.e-t. ISLeul ov..t. ,~tk.,Lq.at.-i-on ! . ~ ,II "+- /. I , J C'" ~ ,I ~ , ! L r'h . +- i ,+- . ,_1-ne4. (1/_ / \ O"".A-:Y~CL~. v~,-" j,{.p -&tee ;:neu- re~, 0 vek. _ e~nH..':' -1A-a1-k.4.. SpL-i-t. wood. . Oct.obek. I) - C-Leaned pCLk./:4.. CLeaned j,{.p bk.u-4.hat. Che4.,t,~ 4.-tep4.. 9vv.Jca.L-Led lO/Ut4. tOk. 4..Lab at. new ,toUet. b-Ldrr. CLeaned u-p debk.-':4. {40i:. h'UJh wa.:te-t at. loweL-L. f!!owed (') 1t5-'r--i-en f-i-eLc!. ?}ct.. 16 - C-Leane.~ p a/:. k4.. Swept. Chc.4.-tnu;t 4ep4.. Conck.et,ed -i-n 4.ec..t-i-on o'l 4..U1ewa-Ue nok.t.h of c-i-;tlf hc"L!... 9n4.-tcr..!..Lecl k.e-be<A- & me4.h fOk. -touu 4.1-a.b. Spt,,"--t, wood. Oct.. 17 - CLeaned pa.-t,''e4.. I5tew o.tt. Vr.k..i-q.at.-i-on Li-ne4. at. Olfjk.Len & l5ol~4.e {-i-eLd4.. i<.epa~ed hockelJ boa.-td4.. po~ed da.b fOk. -to~Let. bLdrr. Oct. 20 - CL".CLned pc-k.lu. 9k.a.n4.pLan-ted 4.Mj,{.b4. at. -L-i-bk.a.k.Lf. W-i-n-tek.-i-l-ed k.e4.-tk.OOI~t4. at. iowe-L-L [,. P-i-oneu. ,,' :.,~ Oct.. 21 - f110ued 4.Mj,{.b4. at. .L-i-bk.ak.lJ. Pu;t u-p hockelJ bOa.k.d4. a.t. NOk.t.h-Land. Oct.. 22 - C-Leaned pOAk4.. p~ u-p hockelJ boak.d4.. Oct.. 21 - C-Leaned pak..~. Pa-i-YL-ted hockelJ bOa/r-d4.. p~ new bea.k.-i-~4. ~n 4.weepek.. C.Leaned 4.11.0,0. Oct.. 24 - k.a.-i-n a..L-L c!alJ - C,Leaned Pa/r-!:4.. i<aked j,{.,o -Leaue4. at. 4.hop. Cw-::' o'N bea.rtt at. boUont. o t 4.-tau4. a.:t 4.ho p. Oct. 27 - C-Leaned pa.k.k4.. r~ awaLf t.a.b-Le4. [,. benche4. at. p,:.,oneek.. Swept. & k.aked ,Leaue4. at. rUa4.h,i..I'U}:to n. (lct.. 28 C-Lea.ned pa.k./?4..'?-i-M4.hed 4.weep't./'Uj Lea.ue4. a.t. (iJa4.h-i-YLlJ.,ton. Swept. [,. k.a.ked p-i-oneek.. Oct.. 29 - C-Leaned pa.-tk4.. '?":n-t.4.hecf ,'l,a.k-i-nq- p-i-oneek.. (loj,{.nt.ed t.k.ee 4.pa.de on t.-'r-act.ok.. I\. . I I. I, h ,: ,. I: ,J ... . epa.1-k.ec uk.o,,_en 1J"k.au--","_cv__ne a.ng m.oj,{.I'IA-1-YUf. ()ct.. 10 - p-i-c:'~ed u-p ~eaue4. a,t P-i-oneek.. 'J-'r-an4.p-La.nt.ed l-i-ve t.k.ee4. !k.OI:t ~4.e-'r-1J -to Sk.. H-i-~h Schoo.L. 9-tan4.p~ant.ed !-i-ue t.k.ee4. t.o [. Nok.t.!t-L~nd. Oct.. 11 - CLeaned pC'-k.k4..'<epa.-i--tec~ pa.k.k benche4.. 'Jooie down t.enn-i-4. ne~4.. (Leaned 4.ho,o. Nov. 1 - C-Leaned Pa.k.34.. C-Leaned j,{.p f~owek. bed4. at. !owe-L-L. Raked [,. 4.wep~ 10we-L-L. C~ back -'r-04.e4. and M~ched. . Nov. if-(l!oued Wa.k.nt.-i-r'Uf hOj,{.4.e t.o St.apLe4. {-i-e-Ld. " .~ " i.: ~ ;,<" ::t;., tj :R1 . . " . <Ir< ,".-.: <c"i-' ~...,:;t.'i -..;~... '- -~~, ,;-....,. . @ !Vou. ) - pj,{.t. j,{.p k.am.p4. [. 4..t:.ep4. a.t Ck.o-i->ewood Wa.k.l1t-t-1'UJ' hOH,4.e. 900k uact.o-'r- ca.b4. [,. 4.now bLowek.4. -i-I'l. -::'0 4.hop. St.ok-ed r.towek.4., 4.p-'r-eadek. [,. cha.-Lkek. ,Ln C-'r-o-i->e 4.hack. !Vou. 6 - SrJJept. -Leaved- at. !Vo. lowe-L.L arulL-i-b-'r-ak.Lf. f)elU'J.ed j,{.p I:..-i-n/~ at. Sta-p,Le4.. Nov. 7 - C-Leaned pak.!e4.. Repaued bek.r,t4. a.t aLL -'r--i-nk4.. C-Leaned j,{.p d-i-k.t. on .c-i-'~IJ .Lake pa.k.ki-YUf -Lot.. p~ cab4. 0:0 t.k.ac-tOk-4.. !5-'r-oj,{.'1H-t k~Y'-dLi,YU} -i-n-to C}-a.k.ag.e. /1ou-med pLo w b,!-ade 0 n 1- t.o n t/..u.ck. Nou. ~o- p~ t.k-a4.h can4. awaLf at. a,U pa.k.k4.. ;'Zepa;Aed pOrJJe/f. b-'r-oo/:t. C-Leaned p-i-pe4. [,. ch-t.';~nelJ [Ok. bak-k-e-L ~ove -,:"n 9-C'A.a~',e and p,Lpe4. [,. ch;_m'l~eL! {Ok. f~Y'.ace [,. wood b~nek- -i-n 4.h.op.i'yt-'.J;aL1..ed 4.a,~d bo>(.e4. ,i.;~ p-i-cr~u-p4.. f,la.If..Led f':'k-ewood:'vz-to qA2"tarr~. No v. 12 - C.Le.a.I~ec' (,I eb)~ :.-">- ,'!t.Qi;t 4.Lep4. [,. l-Ua,U:4.. r .f..t j,{.;'J 4.!~O W {en.ce4. a.,: is aLt b Ck.k-IJ [,. St.a.p,Le4.. Nou. 11 - ('u.-t down !ead t.k-ee at. loweL-L. (lade, b-'r-j,{.4.h pUe 'fOk. bOI'lJ-i-k.e fOk. Dowmown CaOltnc.u. Nov. 14 - C~ down dead uee4. a.t /~oLU__:~ek- pa.-'r-k. Cu.-t [,. d-pLU; wood. !ia'f-'~ed bk.u4.h lOk. boniue. No v. I 7 - C -Leaned a.k.en.a. & bLeacltek.4.. l1 aded aq-k.,i--L,ute ,Co St.apLed- -t-i-nk and I;"'-ee- 4.ka.t.-i-nq- k.-i-n'" a.t. Ck.o-i->eLuood. SpLU; wood at. 4.hop. Nov. 18 - 4.now 2" - CLeanee! a.k.en.a.. CLeaned waLk4. w-i-t.h u-<..ade. C-Lea.reu.' dep4.. p-LorJJed l. ....... pOA:~1-YUf '(,0-<...4.. Nov. 19 - C-Leaned ak-en.a. & b.Leachek.4.. C-Leaned p-Le>e-i-q-La.4.4. at. a.k.ena. .t(epa-i-k.ed pa.k.k benche4.. <d.J1.D VJ- l'J . /'.: . .,;. Nov. 20 - r.Lowed pO/:':-1-Y//}, -Lot.4.. C-Lea,tec: 4.now {k-o::; 4.AJieiiJa.U~4. & ~ep4.. C.Lea.ned Mena.. C.Leaned p-Le>e,Lq-Ia.<J4. Nov. 21 - C.Leaned a-'r-en.a.. CLeaned p-Le>e-i-C}-La.4.4.. CLeaned 4..t:.ovep-i-pe4. a.t. Wa.k./;~-i-YUf hou-4.e4.. ~}.uedSt.apLe4. 4.hack. Nou. 24 - CLeaned a-ten.a. [,. 4.ck.j,{.bbed bLeachek.4.. RepLaced L-i-ne4. on a.k.en.a. -t-i-nk. Nou. 2) - CLeaned ak.eY'..a.. /!a~ded {uewooci. -to Wa.k.II~-':"nq- hou-4.e4.. Wa4.hed t.k-j,{.ck4.. ;g""vvt b a.k.-'r-eL do ue fJk. Stap,Le4. 4.h..a.ck. Nov. 26 - C-LeaY'.R-d O,k.ena.. Cu.-t j,{.p dowl1,ed :t-'r-ee a.t 8. NOk-t.h,Land. c~ j,{.p 0 Lei -Lw:tbe-'r- i;k-o.:t k.-i-vek. dock {Ok. t-i-k.ewood. C!-eal~ed 4.11.0,0. 1) ec. I - C'-LeaY'.R-(~ ak-enCl. f)od:ed 0 n L;:,b-'r-a./c-IJ k-eno va,t-i-o n. '\.epa-i-k.ed 0 ve,'(.,heod 'lak.aq-e ci 0 ok.. I) ec. 2 (Uo-'r-!:ed at. L-i-b/f./Zk.Lf aLL dClIJ. Dec. 1 ('i o-'r-ked at. .L-i-bk.ak.u. C -Leaned & 4..t:.a.k.t.ed ILo od,i,YLQ, 2 -'r--i-nkd- wt tv o k.t.hLayuL [. 2 at. '/ .' St.a,I'JLew {u,Ld. 1) ec. 4 - 9-!-0 oded 4. k.-i-n,'~4.. WOk.':ed a.t .L-i-bk.a.k.IJ. 1) ec. ) - CLeaned a-'r-en.a.. '}.Looded 6 -'r--i-n/u. Dec. 8 - C-Leaned a..-tena. C-Leaned ak.chek.1J -'r-a~e. 9~a.L-Led ba.k.-'r-el 4.-t.oue at. St.ap-Le4. 4.hack. Dec. q - 9looded 7 -'r--t.nk4.. Swept; dep4.. (lade new 4.afe-tLf 4.C4een tOk. doue at. St;ap.Le4.. Dec. 10 - 9-Looded 7 /f.-i-nPA. fldded t.o bek.M4. at. !Vo-'r-t.!~and & St;ap-Le4.. Repaued powek. bk.OOM. . . ,. .'~\~ ~? i~~ @ Dec. /1 - 4.now 1" - C-Leak.ed 4.t.ep4. [,. wa-Lk4.. p-Lowed pak.k-i-YUf~ot.4. [,. 4.even k.-,:"n~4.. 9looded 2 k--i-nk4.. 16 - 7 k.-i-n!?4. f-Looded at. n-i-q.M:.. 17 - 7 k--i-n ':4. fLooded at. ~ 17.t.. a,t .! 0 we-LL pa.k.k. Dec. /8 - 'J[ooded 7 k--i-nft4. at. nUj-h-t,. Dec. Dec. . , 4---'.....rt..',:',-:1.. 19 - r.1Looded 7 C Lea.ne,:! a,tc.na. Swept. 2 . , ...t,-t....yZ.,".<1.. r.1Looded 7 -t-i-''1I:4. a.t. nLq.h"t. 22 - Dec. fLoode(i~ 7 k-~'''':4. a..t VI- :,a.!7.t.. /of elo ~', oc' (~e pLc,bip -tk-j,{.ck {'.' , ... ..; 'A_",n'l.4. 4.-L.O'l.-en . , a.k..k. .A.....v ec . 21 - Dec. 24 /V)r.l. ('M-i-4.:tY.~a.4. . -'r-ee at.; ('-i-oneek. pa.k./:. ,~and4.he[L dook. open. C-Leaned aA,ena. 9114-taUed ncw Loc/?, on band4.h2.Ll dook.. (ift a.{;. Vl-oon. Dec. 26 - 9~nace a-t 4.hop b-Lew !u-4.e. /zepa-i-k. ca-Ll. 900k ki...ndL-i-nq. t.o Wa.k.,lt.f-n,} ho~e4.. r.1Looded 7 k...t.n/:4. a..t n-i-q./U. Dec. 29 - CLeaned a-'r-ena.. Swept. 1 k.1...n/:..4.. ShoueLed 4.Vl-OW {k.O'it hockelf -'r-'('I'Lk. Pwi:. t.oo-L bo>(. 0 n Vl-ew uu-c/e-. [r)o-'r-/oed 0 n dead t.k.ee at. 10 weLL pak.k. Dec. 10 ?-Looded 7 k..i.YL.~4. at. n4ht.. Dec. 1/ - C -Leaned o,-t.ern. !?epa.-i-k.ed 4.:tep4. at. Ck-o-i->(.wood wak.m.f-Y''1- hou-4.e. 9yt4.,taLLed {-Lood l-i-q.ht.4. at- St.aple 4. wa-'r-,;t-i-nlj ho l-t4e. !Vode-ed 0 n dead :t-tee at. .! 0 weLl pak.k. Pa.k.k D pt.. . I 987 e u.da. et. It.et<.j,{.ea ["p-La.na-t.-ion of ca.pua.-L o~-LalJ Ue1lf.4.: c/o - ot.hek- ~~pk-ovement~ Re-coto-tcoa~ l-i-~~ fa~~ t.enn-i-4. co~t.~ "'=- lU~-Le t.ot.4. p.La~ "e'q:'u.:t.pm.ent Re-k.oof 4.hop bU9- --- c/O - lo we,LL pa.k.k -i-m.ok.O v el1~ent4. k.eb~d pool a.nd ma~ok. k-e-4.odd-i-~ . c/o mach-i-nek.~ & e~j,{.-i-pment i:.~1 Ua.c.tO-'r- wUh 104 -t-n. bat.w-i-YUj MOIllek., ca.b and powek. bk.oom. - (k.ep-La.cement fOk- 12 ~k-. o-Ld ~ok.o e~~pment) 9--'r-oj,{.nd4. 9-k.oom.ek.-~llIeepek. --- (k.ep-La.cement tOk- 14 1Jk.. o-Ld n~ach-i-ne) 4. no w- b-Lo wek. at.t.achr..ent to k- Clo hn. D eek. t.k.a.c.tOk. (k.ep-Lace.rt.ent {Ok. 2 0 ~k.. o-Ld l1;ach-i-ne) ~~i ed9-ek. --- l'Zep-Lace 1980 Chev. d-i-e4.eL p-i-ck-j,{.p uu.ck --- Rep-La.ce 1981 Chev. l-t.ol~ dw:~p Uj,{.ck. wUh p-LOIll 90t.a.-L ca.p-l-t.aL o~-La~--- . $ '>,000.00 '>,000.00 1,000.00 $11,000.00 !.l:~ $ '>,000.00 $22,1.>0.00 $ 6,400.00 $ 900.00 $ 800.00 $10,2)0.00 $/8,000.00 18,000.00. $16,000.00 '. $82,2)0,00