HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-04-28 PRC Packet
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APRIL 28, 1997
The Stillwater Parks and Recreation Board will meet April 28. 1997 at 7:00 p.m. at the Parks
Department Headquarters, 1372 S. Greeley Street, Stillwater, MN.
1. pproval of February 24, 1997 and March 19, 1997 minutes.
2. iscussion of possible purchase of property adjacent to Meadowlark Park.
'im and Signe Cowen - owners)
3. lllctional update from Parks Director Tim Thomsen.
4. pdate of operation of Lily Lake Ice Arena.
5. pdate on Long Lake Surface Use.
6. pdate on sports complex.
7. pdate on availability of tax forfeiture lots in Oak Glen.
8. ew Business.
9. ld Business.
10 djournment.
Update on Lonll Lake Surface use
According to Steve Russell a joint meeting will be held by the Planning and Park/Rec
Commissions on May 12, 1997 (7:00 p.m.) at the Stillwater Public Library. A report and
recommendation will be available at the joint meeting.
,eration of Lily Lake Ice Arena by SCVHA.
I have met with Dick Anderson and the staff that has been operating Lily Lake Ice Arena
for the past three years to obtain information on the operations of the arena from their
perspective. However, I have not yet met with members ofthe St. Croix Valley Hockey
Association. The Association is still in the process of gathering information and
developing an operational plan. A report should be available at the next meeting.
Functional update from Parks
See attached report.
Possible purchase of land adjacent t .eadowlark Park.
Tim and Signe Cowen will be at the meeting Monday to further discuss the City's interest
in purchasing Lot 9 and possibly part of Lot 10, which are adjacent to Meadowlark Park.
The City and the Commission have previously discussed the possibility of purchasing the
lots. It now appears that the opportunity is available to actually purchase the land. The
Cowens would like to know what the City intends to do as they need to decide on
whether or not they are going to connect sewer and water (from the Interlachen III
development) to lot 9. (Also see memo from Steve Russell).
A inutes.
The minutes from the meeting of February 24, 1997 are included in the packet for your
approval along with the minutes of the meeting of March 24, 1997 (the minutes of the
February 24th meeting were not available for the past meeting).
item #-
Items for discussion for
of 4/28/97
24, 1997
City Coordinator
Park and Recreation Commission
New business.
Approval of application to sell
David Rochlin applicant
New BusiaeB
glow necklaces in City park on July 4th,
U ate on availabili of tax forfeiture lots located in Oak Glen.
At a previous meeting staff informed the Commission that certain lots in Oak Glen may
be available for possible acquisition by the City for use as parks and/or open space (and
possibly for drainage purposes as well). The lots are presently tax forfeit. However, there
is a redemption period available to the owner and the redemption period runs to August,
1997. Therefore, the lots are not available at this time. However, staff will present this to
the City Council at the appropriate time for possible acquisition (it is my understanding
that the Commission desires the acquisition of at least three of the lots - the lots that are
adjacent to Stonebridge Trail and Johnson Drive).
The City's fund raiser for the complex, Bob Ballantine (Compass Development, Inc.), has
indicated to me that he is making some very good progress and although it is too early to
know how successful our fund raising efforts will be, he is confident that the City can
raise the funds if the "right project" is constructed.
Update on new s ,lex.
City staff continue to work with the Minnesota National Guard and the Architect for the
sports complex to come up with a layout for the new facilities. I have attached a schedule
that indicates the present time table for certain events related to the complex. One of the
key components to the complex is the Community Training facility (Armory). Staffwill
be having a workshop with the City Council next Tuesday (4:00 p.m., April 29th) to
discuss the status of the Training Facility. You will be updated on the results of the
workshop at the next meeting.
There was a general discussion of Mr. Thomsen's letters of
March 24, 1997, to the Board regarding the ice arena issue
March 7 and
Mr. Pearson expressed the SCVHA's appreciation
who have been so cooperative and helpful this season
Mr. Junker moved, seconded by Mr. Liehr, to direct the proposal to Mr.
Kriesel, who will continue discussions with SCVHA and bring a
recommendation to the Park and Recreation Board at the April meeting
Motion passed.
the arena employees
SCVHA [ al t ase Lil
Tom McGlinch and Troy Pearson, representing the St. Croix Valley Hockey
Association, gave a representation regarding the association's request to
lease Lily Lake Ice Arena from the city of Stillwater. A similar
presentation was made to the City Council on March 18, 1997. Discussion
and dialogue followed regarding the pros and cons of the proposal,
including: management, capital improvements, operating expenses, new
arena construction, present and future ice needs. Mr. Kriesel listed some
of the concerns the city needs to consider management public ice
team, high school team use
The minutes of Feb. 24
997. were not available
Mr. Junker called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Del Peterson
Tim Thomsen, Parks Director; City Coordinator Nile Kriese
Tom McGlinch and Troy Pearson, St. Croix Valley Hockey
Association (SCVHA)
David Junker, chairperson
Linda Amrein, Nancy Brown, Rich Cummings
Rob McGarry, Ken Meister, Leah Peterson,
Mike Polehna and Steve Wolff
AI Liehr,
March 24, 1997
Submitted by Linda Amrein
The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
Lon Lak
Mr. Junker has spoken to the Planning Commission chairperson. A joint
meeting between the Park and Planning boards is tentatively planned for
April. Mr. Junker will confirm the date to the Board There was a brief
discussion regarding the process
Also discussed were other
for future park use
properties that
Mr. Junker moved, seconded by Mr. Liehr, to recommend to the City Counc
that it acquire Oak Glen parcels 1901, 1825, 1835 through tax forfeiture
for possible future park planning. Motion passed.
may be ava
New y..
Mr. Thomsen reported on several properties that may be available to the
city by tax forfeiture. Members discussed possible uses of the lots should
the city acquire them. Total acreage is about 1 1/4 acres.
ff tan
Mr. Kriesel reported at as a result of a meeting between
Planning Department and Park Board members (Mr. Junker
Peterson), he will attend board meetings to serve as liaison. There was a
discussion of the board's needs and concerns regarding staff assistance
and coordination. Discussion diverted to the future use of the Aiple
property, with regards to paring needs.
the city
and Mr.
Mr. Thomsen
March 27
announced there would be a meeting at City Ha
regarding Meadowlark Park. Board members were
at 7 p.m.
nvited to
The City has prepared a drainage improvement plan for the park and held a meeting with the
neighbors to go over the improvements (March 27, 1997). The drainage improvements are
scheduled for completion this summer. Follow up meetings will be held with the neighborhood
over the summer to come up with the park activities that will be accommodated by the park (ie.
picnic, play equipment, sport field, basketball court, etc.). It may take more than one year to
make the improvements to the park dependent on the neighborhood desires and final
improvement plan. The park dedication fees can be used to make capital park improvements,
purchase land, improve drainage and otherwise improve this park. Around $50,000 is available
from dedication fee payments.
Last year when the Interlachen III subdivision was approved the Parks Board reviewed the park
dedication requirements for that project and recommended to Council the payment of the
development Park Dedication Fees. Meadowlark Park is the neighborhood park in the
"Fairmeadow" area of town and the idea was to improve the condition of the park and to
purchase adjacent land to provide better access for the Interlachen III Development area.
Meadowlark Park
Improvements Update
Steve Russell,
Nile Kriesel,
Community Development Director
City Coordinator
Staff will return to Council
park and a park improvement plan.
Interlachen III & IV.
No action FYI only.
with a recommendation in regard to a contract for grading for the
This cost can be paid for by the park dedication fee from
It is anticipated that grading/drainage improvements will
improvements later in the summer.
begin in June
Park and Planning staff will meet with the neighbors and Park Board members on developing a
redesign plan for use of Meadowlark Park.
1997 and parking
On March 27, 1997, a meeting was held with neighbors, Jim Peterson, Trailhead Development,
and Tim Thomsen, Parks Director, regarding drainage improvements to Meadowlark Park. SEH
proposed a grading/drainage plan that was discussed. Neighborhood concerns expressed were
preservation of large Oak trees, conditions of existing drain pipes and construction access to site.
Tim Thomsen, Parks Director, was present to go over a menu of possible park improvements
once the park is regraded.
Steve Russell,
Community Development
Mayor and City Council
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Mr. Junker referred to other parks-related issues that will need to be
addressed in the not-too-distant future -- the Aiple property, planning for
the annexation area. What the Park Board is asking is for help to allow the
Board to address the major issues that will be coming up, he said
Mr. Peterson noted that Mr. Thomsen does an excellent job in the day-to-
day operation of the department. He suggested what the Park Board is
missing is direction and guidance and being kept informed of issues that
should be central to the role of the Park Board -- issues such as land
dedication vs. fees in new developments, ways to utilize city-owned land
around Long Lake, for example. Mr. Liehr said what's missing is the kind of
perspective Planner Sue Fitzgerald provided for the Board which is why
the Board has asked that she be in attendance at meetings.
Di ion f Park B
Mr. Kriesel and Mr. s were present for the discussion. Mr. Kriesel
asked members what type of assistance the Board needs from the City and
what is missing in the current arrangement.
I j
Ms. Amrein asked for a clarification of the identify of Mr. McKnight
referred to in the Old Business section of the minutes of Jan. 27. Jim
McKnight is the head of the Stillwater Water Department. Mr. Liehr,
seconded by Mr. Peterson, moved approval of the minutes of Jan. 27 1997,
as amended; all in favor.
Mr. Junker called the meeting to order at 7
o p.m.
Ken Meister and Steve Wolff
Tim Thomsen, Parks Director;
City Engineer Klayton Eckles
City Coordinator
Nile Kriese
David Junker, chairperson
Linda Amrein (8:40), Nancy Brown, Rich Cummings, AI Liehr,
Rob McGarry, Del _Peterson, Leah Peterson
and Mike Polehna (8:40)
Feb. 24, 1997
Mr. Junker opened the discussion by saying the intent was not to formalize
a position, rather it was to come to some type of consensus as a board
before meeting with the Planning Commission. He also noted that there are
major concerns regarding water runoff/water quality that are beyond the
Mr. Junker thanked members for their attendance at the hearing. Since the
hearing, additional correspondence was received from Jon Engelking and
Bob and Janet Meisterling; the Meisterlings spoke in favor of allowing
small motors for pontoons, etc.
Mr. Cummings, seconded by Mr. Liehr, moved to direct city staff to make a
recommendation to the City Council that Ms. Fitzgerald be assigned to
work with the Park Board and that function be included in the position's
job description. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Peterson asked that the
Park Board be notified of the Council's action on the request.
After a lengthy discussion, it was agreed that Mr. Kriesel and Mr. Eckles
would talk with Steve Russell, Community Development Director/Planning
Department head, about assigning Ms Fitzgerald to work with the Park
Mr. McGarry said the real need is for more communication and being kept
informed and involved in planning issues that impact parks
Mr. Peterson said the Board is not asking for another person, but suggested
that perhaps working with the Park Board should be included in the
planner's job description. Mr. Cummings suggested the position could be
structured so that SO percent of Ms. Fitzgerald's time could be devoted to
parks issues. Mr. Eckles said SO percent would be "pushing it" regarding
the need for another planning person.
Mr. Eckles noted that
attending Park Board
staff needs.
f Ms. Fitzgerald is going to be doing more than just
meetings, it could impact the Planning Department
Mr. Cummings suggested that the missing ingredient is that of
planning/administration. He said he could envision Ms Fitzgerald as
that person. '
Mr. Polehna said the City and Park Board should
and taking a proactive approach to long-term
like the city of Woodbury has done.
be putting plans together
park and recreation issues,
There was a discussion about allowing docks. Mr. Liehr said he favored not
allowing docks as they affect the aesthetics of the lake. Mr. Cummings
said if the desire is to preserve the wooded shoreline, docks shouldn't be
allowed as property owners probably would cut trees to the lakeshore. Ms
Brown said her concern was with the number of docks.
Regarding hours of use, the consensus to bring
discussions was sunrise to sunset.
consensus was
safety, erosion,
to Planning Commission
Mr Junker said allowing 10 hp motors or less could ultimately be a
recommendation for not allowing motors at all or allowing only electric
motors. He said 1 0 or less is a good starting point for discussions with
the Planning Commission. He reiterated that members were not being
asked to make a final decision on a recommended use at this time. The
to allow motors of 10 hp or less, citing concerns regarding
noise, etc.
Mr. McGarry noted the problem with allowing motors on Lily Lake is the
public access at the lake; there is no public launching area on Long Lake.
Mr. Thomsen noted there was a big commotion" when the city moved to
disallow the use of gas-powered motors from Lily Lake, but he said people
learned to live with that regulation. Mr. Thomsen suggested the Board
might want to consider having regulations consistent on all lakes in the
Mr. Polehna agreed it
to enforce speed limits
would be easier
regulate the size of
motors than
Ms. Peterson noted that according to state statute there
restriction for persons operating a motor of 25 hp or less; she
annexation will put more population pressure on the lake. Mr.
responded that safety is an issue on any lake
is no age
also noted
Mr. Junker suggested a
hp or less. A 1 0 hp
favored allowing
starting point of allowing the use of motors
motor is sufficient for pontoons. which most
of 10
scope of the Park Board and should not be considered n making a
recommendation regarding surface water use. Mr. Cummings noted that the
water quality issues would be addressed in the AUAR study.
Respectfully submitted
Sharon Baker
Recording Secretary
Mr. Liehr,
seconded by Mr.
1 sin
Mr. Liehr noted the membership roster included In the agenda packet
indicates he is in his second term on the Board. He said the roster should
be corrected as he has served more than two terms.
moved to adjourn the meeting at 9
New b
Ms. Peterson provided som~ /information on a shade
for March 25-26. She said she would like the city to
City designation and said she would be willing to
take the tree inspector training.
tree short course set
move toward the Tree
attend the course and
Mr. Thomsen reported that most of the skating rinks were about done for
the season. He also said that preparation of the McKusick area plan is
under way, but there was nothing more to report at this time.
Regarding the use of smowmobiles and four-wheelers
taken as those uses come under existing city ordinances.
Cummings had nothing new to report.
no position
The discussion concluded. with five members -- Mr. cummings, Mr.
Peterson, Ms. Brown, Mr'. McGarry and Mr. Junker -- indicating they favored
allowing docks. It was the consensus that allowing docks was more an
issue of aesthetics.
Mr McGarry pointed out the lake property is privately owned. Mr. Junker
suggested that if docks are allowed, the length of the structures should be
regulated. Ms. Brown suggested that people who already have docks on the
lake might sue the city if docks are disallowed.
Reference Map
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117. 72
131 T31N
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129N 129N
12 127N
R22WR21W R20W
Location Index
w E
0 50 100
Scale in Feet
This drawing is the result of a compilation
and reproduction of land records as they
appear in various Washington County offices.
The drawing should be used for reference
purposes only. Washington County is not
responsible for any inaccuracies.
Source: Washington County Surveyor's Office.
Phone (612) 430-6875
Parcel data current through: March 31, 1997
Pioneer Park shelters and rock gardens
Lily Lake - restroom doors, electric panels, arena windows
Ramsey Grove - almost all the playground equipment has been torn apart
Croixwood ballfield bases have been stolen
and rock
Parks damaged so far this year are
Since the weather has been getting nicer, we are starting to get a lot of vandalism in
our parks and town. I have talked to a lot of citizens who live next to some of our
parks that are being vandalized and asked them to call the Police Department if they
see anything going on. Most of them do not wish to get involved because they do
not want their property vandalized. I will be talking to the Police Department to see
if we can come up with some solutions and have it published in our local
newspapers for a Town and Park Watch.
O'Brien Field at Lily Lake will be getting a new back stop put in within the next
two weeks. It was budgeted for this year
Adult softball leagues start April
The Stillwater Eagles are buying the Parks Department a portable gas powered
pressure washer to help cleanup all the graffiti in our parks. This is one item we
can use because lot of our parks do not have water or electric.
From April 3 to April 22, the Parks
the downtown flood. At this time, I
to the flooding as it is too early to tell
Department have a total of 831 labor hours on
do not have a damage cost to Lowell Park due
I will
keep you posted
Tim Thomsen
Parks Director
Update for April
28 meeting
Park and Recreation Board
I want the Park and Recreation Board to know that I researched and examined
options to get a Disc Golf Course built at Neal Avenue and McKusick Road, as
well as Croixwood. The City does not have enough usable land to build even a
nine hole Disc Golf Course at this time
As of April 24, 1997, there is not enough usable land that the City owns to
install a Disk Golf Course on Neal Avenue and McKusick Road. After talking
to the DNR and people designing this type of course, they told me that there
was not enough land to even put in a nine hole course on the 13 acres that the
City purchased. The reason being, the two streams that flow through the
property are designated as trout waters and require a certain amount of setback.
A copy of the letter from the DNR is attached. Last fall I took Klayton Eckles
and Sue Fitzgerald to look at some park land in Croixwood to see if they
thought it would be a good spot for disc golf. This land was east and west
Northland. We all agreed that it looked good for Disc Golf so I contacted the
designers of Disc Golf courses and asked them what they thought and requested
them to look at the land. They told me that it was too close to the homeowners
and that it would not work for Disc Golf.
Disc Golf UDdate:
We should be receiving the soil test and prints back
bids to get the wall rebuilt. We hope to begin this
will keep you updated
project sometime in
soon to enable us to acquire
June. I
Pioneer Park UDdate:
It is unknown if the site would require stoml water pondil1g areas. Willlhe sill: require parking areas?
We would object to the direct discharge of storm water to Browns Creek or its tributaries. Infiltration
basins should be utilized to eliminate discharge ofwann water containing fertilizers or pesticide residues
:lnd impervious surface runoff.
TTY. (
It is I.IIlk:ncMn ifany facilities are planned or if an irrigation system would be needed.
to activities that could adversely impact Browns Creek.
We would object
The DNR would like to suggest oilier alternatives more compatible with the site.
k Preserve the area as green space (leave the site as is).
B. lncreased user access, Develop a trail system (boardwalk?) through the site with stream
bank access for fishing. Iocluded could be possible stream habitat improvements and
educational information on the value of the Brovms Creek watershed and stream.
These alternatives would either maintn.in or improve the existing ecolo~..ica1 and educational values of
the site.
It appears the entire site is within the Shoreland Area (300' from Lhc OHW). The proposed use would
require a conditional use permit from Stillwater Township. Additional concerns are grading and filling
in lhc shore impact zone (~ the building sClback distance) which is 100', as well as vegetative clearing
wong the creek btulks. For zoning infonnation regarding the proposed project in the Shore1unu District
please contact Stillwater Township (Mcg McMonigal at 476-6010) nnd Washington County HELM
(Dennis O'Donnell at 430-6690).
BrowT1,5 Creek and i!I. tributary from Long Lake (82-21) is on the Sile:. Both streams are designated as
trout waters. Any activity below the ordinary high water (OHW) elevation, which alters the course,
current or cross-section of protected waters or wetlands is under the jurisdiction of the Department of
Natural Resources (DNR) and may require a DNR Protected Waters Pennit. The official OHW on
watercourses by definition is the top of the bank. Please contact this office if there is a need to do a field
determination of the official OHW,
We have reviewed the pl"Oposal for a disc golf course that the City of Stillwater is considering at
comer of McKusick Road (Hwy. 64) and Neal Road, and have the following comments.
the southwest
Dear Mr. Eckles:
Mr. KlayWn Eckles
City of Stillwater
216 North 4th Street
Stillwater, MN 35082
Proposed Disc Golf Course on Brov.ns Creek
August 28.
Minnesota Departnlent of Natural Resources
Metro Waters - 120'0 Warner Road, St. Paul. MN 55106-6793
Telephone: (612) 772-7910 Fax: (612) 772-7977
27727573 =>
Browns Creek Watershed Management Orgnnu...ntion
U.S. Army Corps ofEnginecrs~ Ralph Augustin
Washington Soil & Water Conservation District, Mark Donctlx
Washington County HELM, Dennis Q'DoIUleU
Stillwater Township, Meg McMowgnl
The comments in this letter address DNR - Division of Waters jurisdictional matters and
concerns. These comments should not be construed as DNR support or lack thereof for it
particular project.
Construction activities which disturb five acres of land, or more, are required to apply fOf a
stonn water permit from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (Dan SullivM @ 612l296~
Ifconstruction involves dewatering in excess of 10,000 gallons per day or 1 million gallons per
year, a DNR Appropriation Permit is needed. You are advised that it typically takes
approximately 60 days to prO(:css the pennit applicntion.
Appropriate erosion control measures should be taken during the construction period The
Minnesota Constnlction Site Erosion and Sediment Control Planning Handbook (Board of
Water &. Soil Resources and Association of Metropolitan and Soil and Water ConservUlion
Districts) guidelines, or tlleir equivalent, should be followed.
following comments are general and apply to all
proposed developments.
There may be wetlands on the site tbat. are noL under DNR jurisdiction. The U.S. Anny Corps of
Engineers should be consulted regarding pertinent federal regulations for activities in wetlands. In
addhion, impaclS to those wetlands should be evalua~ by the ciLy in accordance with the MinneSC,lLa
Wetlands Act of 1991.
Mr. KJayton Eckles
City or Stillwater
August 28, 1996
Page 2
Mr. Junker referred to other parks-related issues that w need to be
addressed in the not-too-distant future -- the Aiple property, planning for
the annexation area. What the Park Board is asking is for help to allow the
Board to address the major issues that will be coming up, he said.
Mr. Peterson noted that Mr. Thomsen does an excellent job in the day-to-
day operation of the department. He suggested what the Park Board is
missing is direction and guidance and being kept informed of issues that
should be central to the role of the Park Board -- issues such as land
dedication vs. fees in new developments, ways to utilize city-owned land
around Long Lake, for example. Mr. Liehr said what's missing is the kind of
perspective Planner Sue Fitzgerald provided for the Board which is why
the Board has asked that she be in attendance at meetings.
j ion f rk B
Mr. Kriesel and Mr.
asked members what type
what is missing in the current arrangement.
( E
Eckles were present for the discussion. Mr. Kriesel
of assistance the Board needs from the City and
Ms. Amrein asked for a clarification of the identify of Mr. McKnight
referred to in the Old Business section of the minutes of Jan. 27. Jim
McKnight is the head of the Stillwater Water Department. Mr. Liehr,
seconded by Mr. Peterson, moved approval of the minutes of Jan. 27 1997,
as amended; all in favor.
Mr. Junker called the meeting to order at 7
o p.m.
Ken Meister and Steve Wolff
Tim Thomsen, Parks Director; City Coordinator
City Engineer Klayton Eckles
Nile Kriese
David Junker, chairperson
Linda Amrein (8:40), Nancy Brown, Rich Cummings, AI Liehr,
Rob McGarry, Del Peterson, Leah Peterson,
and Mike Polehna (8:40)
Feb. 24, 1997
Mr. Junker opened the discussion by saying the intent was not to formalize
a position, rather it was to come to some type of consensus as a board
before meeting with the Planning Commission. He also noted that there are
major concerns regarding water runoff/water quality that are beyond the
Mr. Junker thanked members for their attendance at the hearing. Since the
hearing, additional correspondence was received from Jon Engelking and
Bob and Janet Meisterling; the Meisterlings spoke in favor of allowing
small motors for pontoons, etc.
Mr. Cummings, seconded by Mr. Liehr, moved to direct city staff to make a
recommendation to the City Council that Ms. Fitzgerald be assigned to
work with the Park Board and that function be included in the position's
job description. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Peterson asked that the
Park Board be notified of the Council's action on the request.
After a lengthy discussion, it was agreed that Mr. Kriesel and Mr. Eckles
would talk with Steve Russell, Community Development Director/Planning
Department head, about assigning Ms Fitzgerald to work with the Park
Mr. McGarry said the real need is for more communication and being kept
informed and involved in planning issues that impact parks.
Mr. Peterson said the Board is not asking for another person, but suggested
that perhaps working with the Park Board should be included in the
planner's job description. Mr. Cummings suggested the position could be
structured so that SO percent of Ms. Fitzgerald's time could be devoted to
parks issues. Mr. Eckles said SO percent would be "pushing it" regarding
the need for another planning person.
Mr. Eckles noted that if Ms. Fitzgerald is going to be doing more than just
attending Park Board meetings, it could impact the Planning Department
staff needs.
Mr. Cummings suggested that the missing ingredient is that of
planning/administration. He said he could envision Ms Fitzgerald as
that person.
Mr. Polehna said the City and Park Board should
and taking a proactive approach to long-term
like the city of Woodbury has done.
be putting plans together
park and recreation issues,
There was a discussion about allowing docks. Mr. Liehr said he favored not
allowing docks as they affect the aesthetics of the lake. Mr. Cummings
said if the desire is to preserve the wooded shoreline, docks shouldn't be
allowed as property owners probably would cut trees to the lakeshore. Ms.
Brown said her concern was with the number of docks.
Regarding hours of use, the consensus
discussions was sunrise to sunset.
consensus was
safety, erosion,
to bring
Mr Junker said allowing 10 hp motors or less could ultimately be a
recommendation for not allowing motors at all or allowing only electric
motors. He said 1 0 or less is a good starting point for discussions with
the Planning Commission. He reiterated that members were not being
asked to make a final decision on a recommended use at this time. The
to allow motors of 10 hp or less, citing concerns regarding
noise, etc.
to Plannmg Commission
Mr. McGarry noted the problem with allowing motors on Lily Lake is the
public access at the lake; there is no public launching area on Long Lake.
Mr. Thomsen noted there was a "big commotion" when the city moved to
disallow the use of gas-powered motors from Lily Lake, but he said people
learned to live with that regulation. Mr. Thomsen suggested the Board
might want to consider having regulations consistent on all lakes in the
Mr. Polehna agreed it would be easier
to enforce speed limits.
regUlate the size of
motors than
Ms. Peterson noted that according to state statute there
restriction for persons operating a motor of 25 hp or less; she
annexation will put more population pressure on the lake Mr
responded that safety is an issue on any lake.
is no age
also noted
Mr. Junker suggested a starting point of allowing the use of motors
hp or less. A 1 0 hp motor is sufficient for pontoons, which most
favored allowing.
of 10
scope of the Park Board and should not be considered n making a
recommendation regarding surface water use. Mr. Cummings noted that the
water quality issues would be addressed in the AUAR study.
Respectfully submitted
Sharon Baker
Recording Secretary
Mr. Liehr,
seconded by Mr.
1 in
Mr. Liehr noted the membership roster included In the agenda packet
indicates he is in his second term on the Board. He said the roster should
be corrected as he has served more than two terms
moved to adjourn the meeting at 9
Ms. Peterson provided some information on a shade
for March 25-26. She said she would like the city to
City designation and said she would be willing to
take the tree inspector training.
tree short course set
move toward the Tree
attend the course and
Mr. Thomsen reported that most of the skating rinks were about done for
the season. He also said that preparation of the McKusick area plan is
under way, but there was nothing more to report at this time.
Regarding the use of smowmobiles and four-wheelers
taken as those uses come under existing city ordinances.
Cummings had nothing new to
no position
The discussion concluded with five members Mr. Cummings, Mr.
Peterson, Ms. Brown, Mr. McGarry and Mr. Junker -- ndicating they favored
allowing docks. It was the consensus that allowing docks was more an
issue of aesthetics.
Mr. McGarry pointed out the lake property is privately owned. Mr. Junker
suggested that if docks are allowed, the length of the structures should be
regulated. Ms. Brown suggested that people who already have docks on the
lake might sue the city if docks are disallowed.