HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-125,. RESOLUTION NO. 99-::125 APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT RENEWAL WITH IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Stillwater, Minnesota, that the Agreement between the City of Stillwater and IKON Office Solutions for maintenance and service for Administration and Community Development/Building Inspection copiers, for the term December 15, 1999, through December 14, 2001, is hereby approved, and the Mayor and appropriate city staff are authorized to sign said Agreement. Adopted by Council this 18th day of May, 1999. ATTEST: Ja K' a r ~ ~~ Morli eldon, City Clerk MAY-05-99 WED 02;26 PM t.._ ~y ~N fa(Tice SdUtiOIIS IKON SUPPLIES FAX N0. 6123853789 MA f N'1'E:NANCF: AGRL+EMENT I:Cfcctivc and ltipding only whc~1 rCCCivcd and. arceprcd Uy IKON Slsip'To Account C'ampany Name Address c;ty Stntt: Zip Contact Phone Nuntbcr I•ax Nurnbcr C1'!Y OF STIC.LWATER ADM1N C))r.PT 2~i G N 4rf~ S'T 5"I'II.I •WA"i'ER MN 5508? CI IANTia.i. [CADlI~{ G5:-430-8800 GSl-43U-8809 Bill 7'o Account Company Name Address City 5latc Zip CotttaM Phone Number lralX NambCr P. O 1 Make Model Serial Nutnbcrl Il) Number Beginning 1Vletcr i3asc Per Copies Included Overage MIN[7[.TA MG001 3 l 11070 $ 3955.34 YF.AIt 320,000 .01231 Ml'TA AGS90 37002445 ~~ 1 Copier! raz (Pants, Labor, Alacl:'1'oner ~. ncwcloper} ~ Facsimile (Parts mid I,abar) C-.__.1 t'olor Copier {Parts, Labor, Tuner Rc Developer) ~ Other: 13i11tnl;: Annuul ~~ Quxrtcrly ~ ManUtly ~ Install Mate: 'VARIQII- S-~ ~pRlraet Start I~dtC: ~Z!(s ~~ ,b[ontftly invoices levy than 5250.Ot1 are subject to S?S,OU per month surrltarge. Fax contracts arc subject to tutr)n:11 invoicing. Llasc billed in advtuuc, uvcrt~t;cs in arrears. copy chlrges arc b.tst:d un meter readings from clients or on an estimated basis: Ortlionc to submit meter readings arc by meter esrds, phrnte, ar fax. COM M 4.N'1'S: '"*I•:l+l<'"1`I?C'PIVF. 12-15-9q RATFB ARP: GUARANTEED FOR 24 MUNTIiS** CompanyN~~rtt~ City of Stillwater Autit~tiixt [Yy Jay Kimble !'tome Prk~r -rte r Siwnaturu ~/ 1~OR IliU1V IJSE t)NI.X ~ • ~-^ Accepted Cur ii:nN i3y M1KF:I{~ld, 1:N I l7 plrae P/!u! _ n SigruAur~ '-'r~ !~ rate __S- 1 ti -9 9 .. Titlt: Mayor ~~_ Phone 651) 430 x$00 I)atc 5-5-99 Phouc Xfli-374.1 10/S/9. MAY-05-1999 WED 11 37 AM IKON SllPPtIES FAQ N0, 6128853789 P, 03 s ,., ,~ r II~OMV PERFORMANCE GUARANTEES Each of the totlowing guarantees romaln In farce as long as the product(s) ortlexed herein arc wntinuouely covered by IKQN's Authorized Maintenance and Supply program. 1. YOUr equipment is guaanteed to pCrfCRn to manufaClufei'3 SpacifiCaYOna• if vac are unable to iopalf the equipment in your office, wo will prOVrde you with a loaner unlit tltC repair ha , been mrttp~totl. The equiprrtont must have tk:en acquired Iran IKON and contlnuousy cavactl by the ItCON lwthorized Equipment and Soppy program 2. In flit seven county metro area ~ will respond to your emeryency scrvke rats in under four (4) hours (two (2) hours tot segment 516 copier, high volume pnrtter an4 Canon C! C 1000} in zonC one, daring regular business hours (B a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding hoFdays). if ii takes more than tour hours for two Hours} from when wo rocelve your calf to when our service technician arrives atyour olAcE, you wlfl receive, upon request, a 5Yo aedrt voucher io be applied toward any service or supply Invoice from IKON. Qne voucher per invoice, maxsnum value of tT100.o0. GuaranlCCS for Grestar irtinrrosota and Wisconsin may vary 9. Thu tradc•up value of your IKON supplied ortice equipment towards new, more expensive esquipmeM when your needs expand is guaranteed as rollar+s: Up to Z months - 1A0'/o; 3rd month through 6th month • >•S'rL; 7th month through 12th morrtts BD56 of value;l2months or greater- tail market value as determined bN IKON. On digital oftlce equipment the O'ade•up vaiuC is guaranteed as foAows: up to 2 menthe .100 d,; 3rd through 6tt1 month - 60°rL; 7th through 12th month • 40 ~ of vahra; 11 months or groatcr ~ fair market value as determined by IKON. Leese plans also have upgrade pnvlleges, Please ask for detaits_ 4, lnitiat key operator training is Inducted For each System wilhhin thing (30) days Of Instapstton. Twentyfour (24} hour notl(tcation for rancetlaion of !raining session requred. AfG~ thirty (30) days, additional training can de oblalned on a lee per session Weis. rs. If equipmunl covered under an IKON Toner Inclusive Program maintenance agreement does Trot perform awarding to the rrfanutacturer's specifications at any lime durng the life of This agr~~rrtent, IKON, al its sole discretion, wet replace ar upgrade the equipment with similar oquipment or buy ft back for the trade in value specified in paragraph 3, provided Utal the Customer sutenlts written rmtifiCalbn and allows IKON 3o days from the dale of such notlficalion to resdve the problems wiut the equipment. The CuslornrY's lease payments, as weft as all olhor obligations due IKON, must tx3 cdrrcnt at the time. PERMS AND CONDI'CIONS Maintenance Services • Durirtr~ the term harcor, IKON wilt repair or replace in accordance vrilh the forms and conditions of this agreement any part of the Equipment which beovmGS unsen+lceablo due to normal usage (other than eonssrmebte suppAesy. Replacement partswin be tumished on an excharge basis and will be new, roCOndrlloned ar used; all pans removed due to replacement wdf pecort~e property of IKON. Mairkonance services provided by IKON antler this Agreement do not include the. following: A repairs resulting from miwao (Including wi4rout hrrnlation Improper voltage or the use of supplies that do not conform to the manufacture's cpocificalions). 8. te'3sits madt9 nCCCSaary by service porformad by persAns odor than IKON. O. sOIViGC a'tits or work whlCh the Cuslametr requests lobe portormed outside of regular business hours (unlPSS mverad under extended Hour service contract). O, removable cassette, copy cabinet, suit trays, or arty Item not relah)d t0 the mechanical or electrical operatbn of the equipment. E consumable supp0es such as paper, staples, devetcptlr, toner o- master (unless owered under TIP or EZCopy program}. F. tu~pafrs and or service calls resuRing cram attachments not purtna ;ed from IKON. G, any soRxraro, system support Or related connectivity unless spacr7red in writing. H. movement of 1hC Cqulpment from ono IocaGott b anoltrer. Charges A. The brio maintenance charges wilt be payable by the Customer in awance in accordancC with the terms of tMs agreement. Any overages will be payable on receipt or Imroice, Thu ban S(er o! equipment ffom Ioealiat inticatod Ort the face her00f may re5rrll in an increase of maintenanoo Charges W the terminaGOn Of x11s agreement B. ThC Toner Inclusive Program 19 based art manuf.~eturer supply Constrmpoiarr rates- IKON will deternanG and delNef supplies in accordance with agreed upon usage Consumption Of covered supply prottucts varying slgnifrcartly from expelled usage may rG^SUH in additional chargCS for suppies. C. The Custamor agrees ro pay when cue, aM boxes, where applicable, related 1Q this agreement Customer Obligations - Cuslornor agrees to provide a place for ass, inclutling electric service as speciAed by the marsrftcturer, Customervrilt provide adequate facilities (or use tiff maintenance personnel In connection with the main~nanes of the equipment. These facdides win be within a reasonable distance of the equipment to be serviced and will ba provldCd at rw charge. Custetnert0 provide 300 degree service aru:ss to equipment. Customer will provide a key operator for the oquipment and make ooeratas available for instruction in use and care of the a(ltlpment. AN supp~es fur use with the equipment will be provided by Customer and wtA vitae! manufacturer sp~~ciGcations, anJ it is the responsibility of the Customer to have the supplies available for servicing. Customer agrees that systems utilizing similar supplies must be coveretl under similar maintenance pror~yams. t_imitations -There are no warranties. Including the irrtptied warranties of mGYCflanlabiliN and 8tnoss for a p,9rttoylar purposC, not specified herein ravpCCt{ng the parts, supplies and mnlnienancs sorvlcCS provided under this agreement IKON olio!! not bC Ilabie for non-performance caused by circtlmsbnces beyond its control rnrtuding, but not Umited to, work stoppages, lire, evil di:abCdiCnCe, riots and ae~ of God, In no event, wit IKON be liable for arty Indirect, Special or consequential damages arising out of this agrounent or services provided under this agreement. This agreerrrsnt becomes void should the L~quipttent k covers be connected to a copy control device the! is not authorized by IKON. Tartu of Contract - This sgreemerri a valid for Twelve (12} rrtonths unless otherwisC spr;eified, or until the number of Copies purchased, !f applicable, have boon consumed, whiGtever COmP.s first. early Termination -Unless otherwise permitted, no retuntl or credit evil! ba given on eery termination of the agreement prior to the lout length of term or consumption of Copies purchased, It applicable, wltlchever comes lust. If ttie agreement has not txen paid in fun sor the current term, the Customer agrees to immediatey pay IKON the remaining portion of the total contract minimums, it the Cuatomor purcdtases other equprnant from IKON in the same product group, IKON may credit the unused porAOn towards the purchase of a maintenance agreement on ine new equipment. U tno Customer tails to pay wtthln thirty (30) days or due daDe for the equipn>Cnt ar maintenanrs servl~es, D(ON reserves the right to withhold services from that Cquipmen4 or cosy terminate the maintenwnce agrocmm! Renews i - At expiraGan of any term or of any extcanaed term this agreomantwill automaticaly ronow for a twelve ('l2} month perloa, Tfte contracted rate maybe adJuatea to IKON's Nan prevailing rates, which will bs reACCted fn an Inuease on rho renewal data. Either party has the right b laminate the agreen~nt at the lime o} renewal. Any Halite of cancellation must be reCCivod in writing al bast thirty (90) days prior to the axpiraUon of Ne current agreement. Assignment - This agreerrwnt is not assignable. Any attempt to assign or transfrsr ar0r of the rights, duGCS or obligations t~~reaf is void. 10/1/98