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BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Stillwater, Minnesota, that the Joint Powers
Agreement for the Brown's Creek Watershed Management Organization, as amended
(attached as Exhibit A) is hereby adopted.
Adopted by Council this June 4, 1996.
Additions are underlined.
Deletions are stricken through.
Ex hi btt p..,
Re~ ~ 96..,143
THIS AGREEMENT is m~de ~nd entered into a~ of the d~te of
execution, by oHd Bot~leGn the parties anit.l!i af ~eVCrnl'l\CHt within to
create the Browns Creek Watershed Management Organization
(hercin~fter referred to ~::; "WHO"). Each party realizes that the
success or failure of the Browns Creek Watershed Management
Organization created by thio agreement is dependent upon the desire
of each member community to cooperate in the exercise of joint
power to solve a common problem. Each party to this agreement
pledges its cooperation to meet the requirements of the
Metropolitan Surface Water Management Act, Chapte~~~~wg 1902.
(!liaH. ctat. 473.879-472.iSl~) Minn. Stat. ~li103B.201-.255 (1994 &
Supp. 1995). as amended.
WHEREAS, the munioipalitiQc a~Q t~wn.aipL parties are
qovernmental units within the Browns Creek Watershed. all of which
have power and responsibility to construct. maintain storm water
manaqement facilities to improve water quality. to promote qround
water recharqe. and to protect. promote and preserve water
resources wi thin the Watershed; and h:rlo :lUthori ty purouant to
--ltiRnw.-S~a1;. {71.s9 to jointly ::mdjor oooporatively sy a~reoment,
QXQrc1E::g any PQ~lQrE:: COIQlRon to tho oontraotincj partieo 1 and,
WHEREAS. the parties have authority pursuant to Minnesota
Statutes section 471.59 to jointlY and or cooperativelY by
agreement. exercise any powers common to the contracting parties;
WHEREAS. the parties have authority pursuant to Minnesota
Statutes section 103B.211 to iointly or cooperativelY manaqe or
plan for the manaqement of surface water in the Watershed:
WHEREAS, the parties ed'e desir&1:!5g, ~ to cooperatively
develop~a .urfacQ Watershed Management Plan for the Watershed
and to institut~ programs to conserve soil and water resources
through implementation of practices that preserve and use natural
storage areas, control excessive volumes and rates of run-off,
effectively reduce or prevent erosion and sedimentation, promote
ground water recharge, improve water quality and prevent flooding
in order to protect and manage the natural and a~~ificial water
conveying systems of the Browns Creek Watershed~~ ~nd
HW.IU~A. I tRQ p:dlrtioo h3'1C r::j c:Jted the al tcrnoti ve of Uinn.
btat. CB~pt:9r IlJ sGoauoo thcy, thcmoclvco, individually and
col19cot i u91y h.ug hro.a pouorc uhion maltc l36!33iblc the at.t.ainment
of thg p1.lrp~t:~~ };lorgiFl \:ithout c3t-abli:shinq an additional taxing
~l1t-}-l''''~i t-y ~ nri Tori thout it:ol.ting docicion tftJ..lc.inlJ furthcr from t.he
now 1 Therefore, the parties t.o t.hi.!! aqrccment do mutually
agree as follows:
General Purpose
1.1 It is The general purpose of t.he part-~c3 to this
2greement is to establish an organization to jointly and
cooperatively develop and implement a Surface Watershed Management
Plan and program,2 to prgt:grvQ and U~G natural lfJ..tcr ctorJ..gc and
rQtQntion ~YQtgm in ordor t02
il) Rgdu~g - to tho qreatoct praotioal extent the pUblic
capital gxpgnditUr'iUa RQCQSSlUT to oontrol cl!Oc!313ive v6Iu:me~ and
rat-e~ of run off;
b) Improug wiltQr qua.lity:
C') Preuent flooding and crocion from ::surface flows,
d) PromotQ ground ~~ater rochar~G:
c) rrotcct and enhance fish and wildlife habitat ailll Wd.L~L.
rQcrgational faoilitico, and
f) SQcurQ other benefits accooiatcd ~ith thc proper
managemQnt gf ~urfage 't:atcr.
.al. protect, preserve. and use natural surface and
qroundwater storage and retention systems:
Ql minimize public capital expenditures needed to correct
floodinq and water quality problems:
~ identify and plan for means to effectivelY protect and
improve surface and groundwater quality:
Ql establish more uniform local policies and official
controls for surface and groundwater manaqement:
~ ?revent erosion of soil into surface water systems:
!l promote qroundwater recharge:
gl protect and enhance fish and wildlife habitat and water
recreational facilities: and
hl. secure the other benefits associated with the proper
management of surface and qround water.
In addition to the above purposes, the Browns Creek. Watershed
Management organization shall serve as the watershed manaqement
orqanization for the Browns Creek Watershed and shall carry out all
of the duties and responsibilities outlined in Minnesota Statutes
sections 103B.201 throuqh 103B.255.
1.2 The boundaries of the Browns Creek Watershed Management
Organization are .!!et fort-h defined in the attached Exhibit I~
attaohod hereto and incorporated by reference here..i..l1 aml ::.hall lJ~
her~inaft:Qr rQfQrr9d to ac the "Area".
1.3 In general, the Watershed Management Elan may include
projects which accomplish the following:
a) Preserve and use natural water storage and retention
systems in order to reduce to the greatest practical extent the
public capital expenditures necessary to control excessive volumes
and rates of run-off;
b) Protect and improve existing water quality in lakes and
streams through proper land use and appropriate conservation
c) Prevent flooding and erosion by implementing flood plan
management and erosion control systems:
d) Protect and enehance fish and wildlife habitat and water
recreational facilities by reducing pollutant loads to lakes and
e) Undertake needed programs to promote ground water
f) Provide a mechanism for the review of local land and
water management plans;
g) Provide a forum for resolution of future
intergovernmental disputes relating to the management and
protection of the Browns Creek Watershed;
h) Provide cooperation on a united basis on behalf of all
units of government within the ~ Watershed and with all other
levels of government to facilitate soil resource protection and
water management in the area. '.
The above descriptions are not intended to be exclusive or
overly restrictive of the'conservation plan or the program, but are
rather intended to act as a guideline.
2.1 For the purposes of this agreement, the terms shall have
the meanings as defined in this Article.
a) "CulluuL:.sion" . "Browns Creek Watershed Management
organization." "BCWMO" The organization joint powers watershed
manaqement orqanization created by this agreement, the full name of
which is the Browns Creek Watershed Management Organization. It
shall be a public agency of its members.
b) "Board" The Board of Commissioners of the cvlwui.ssion
BCWMO consisting of one Commissioner from each of the governmental
units which is a party to this agreement' and which shall be the
governing body of the CVIIUu..i...,..,.iOIl BCWMO.
c) "Council" Means the governmen'taling body of a
governmental unit which is a member of taio eemmi53ion party to
this aqreement.
d) "Governmental Unit" Means that Cit:y, 'i'ownship, CouuLy,
Soaool Diotriot or other political 3ubdivi3ion cited in !!innesota
S~a~. i71.S9, Subai~ioion s.
-9S!) "Commissioner" Is any person appointed to the COMui33ion
Board by each ~ouncil or in the Commissioner's absence, the
~) "Browns Creek Watershed," "BCW. " "Watershed" Unless
otherwise stated, means that area within the boundaries of the
BCWMO described in the attached Exhibit 1. de~cribed and set fo~th
~n ~xhibit 1 attachod horeto and inoorporated by reference herein.
Board of Commissioners
3.1 The governing body of the Commicsion BCWMO shall be its
~oard. Each Council shall be entitled to appoint one commissioner
on the Board and one Alternate who may sit when the Commissioner is
not in attendance and oaid this commissioner or Alternate shall be
called a Commissioner.
3.2 Each Commissioner and Alternate shall be appointed for a
three year term~ The Commissioner or Alternate may be removed by
the appointinq authority before term expiration for violation of a
code of ethics of the BCWMO or appointinq authori ty or for
malfeasance. nonfeasance or misfeasance. after beinq provided an
opportunity for hearinq before the appointinq authority.
Commissioners or Alternates holdinq the position as an elected
official who are not reelected. or are serving an indefinite term
at the pleasure of the appointing authority. may be removed by the
appointinq authority at will. In accordance with Minnesota Rules
8410.0040 a decision of the appointing authority may be appealed to
the Board of Water and Soil Resources. and ohall Derve at the
ploafi:ure of tho Council appoi.nting E:uch Commiccionerl and ouoh
Commifi:fi:ioner or Alternato may bo removod by the counoil at any time
with or ~'ithout cau,"Q. The term of tho firE:t appointeec ohall
bog-in thirty dayc :liter the execution of this a9reem~nt ahJ LIlt::
t~rro of the first appointQQ ,"h.ll be aE: followcl
Bayto~m Townchip - 1 year term
Grant Tour.s;:hip - 2 year tQrm
Huqo - J yoar term
May Towns;:hip - 1 year term
stillwator - 2 yoar torm
stillwator TownE:hip - J year term
FOllmling the appointment of the initi.l Commissioller(s) and
Altern3.te(o) for tho initial term cpooified abo"le, all future
appointmonts s;:hall be for a J year t8rm.
The terms of appointees shall be as follows and repeat until
Bay town
3.3 Vacancies. A vacancy on the CU1Luu.i~~.iuu Board shall be
filled by the Council whose membership position on the CU11UU.i~~.iuu
Board is vacant. Each Council shall follow the notification
procedure for fillinq vacancies as required bv Minnesota statutes
section 103B.227 (1). (2).
3.4 Compensation and Expenses. The Commiccion Board member
shall not be entitled to compensation or reimbursement for expenses
incurred in attending meetings, except to the extent the Council
misht may determine to compensate or reimburse the expenses of the
member it appoints.L. in which case the obligation to make such
payment shall be that of the individual council and not of the
Commi~~ion BCWMO or Board.
3.5 Officers. The COlRlBiacion Board shall elect from its
membership a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary -ai*i-
LTreasurer and further officers as it may be necessary to
reasonably carry out the purposes of this "agreement. All such
officers shall hold office for a term of one year or until their
successors have been duly elected by the members of the Commi33icn
Board. Any such officer may only serve while a member of the
Commiooion Board. Vacancies in office shall be filled by the
membership of the Commi~3icn Board by election for the remainder of
the unexpired term of such office. The duties of the Chairperson
shall be: to chair all meetings of the Board. to siqn all official
correspondence. to sign instruments on behalf of the BCWMO and
Board. and to be a siqnatorv of the Board's accounts. The duties
of the Vice-Chairperson shall be: in the event of absence or
disability of the Chair~erson. the Vice-Chairperson shall succeed
to the Chairperson's powers and duties. The duties of the
Secretary/Treasurer shall be: to ~repare and distribute all aqenda
and minutes of the Board's meetinqs. to oversee all of the Board's
accounts and records. and to be a siqnatorv to these accounts and
3.6 Quorum. A majority of the Board shall constitute a
quorum; in the absence of a quorum, a scheduled meeting shall be
3.7 Meetings. The Board shall meet at least once annually.
The regular meeting date of the C01lulli~sioh Board shall be
established by resolution of the Cemmioaien Board and may be
"changed from time to time. Special meetings shall be held at the
call of the Chair or by any member giving not less than 40 hours
three days written notice of the time, place and purpose of such
meeting delivered or mailed to the residence of each Commissioh
Board member or to the City Clerk for each member City and/or
Town~. If a person receives actual notice of such meetinq at
least 24 hours before the meetinq. all notice requirements of this
section and of Minnesota Statutes section 471.705 (lc) are
satisfied with respect to that person reqardless of the method of
receipt of notice. All meetings of the Commi:3:3ieR Board are
subject to Minnesota Statutes section 471.705 (The Minnesota Open
Meeting Law). The Board shall adopt rules qoverninq the
. shall be distributed to the governmental units of the Commiccion
BCWMO. Such distribution of the Commi~~ion BCWMO assets shall be
made in proportion to total contribution of the commi..ion parties
required by. the last annual budget.
Effective Date
This agreement shall be in full force and effect upon the
filing of the certified copy of the Resolution approving said
agreement by each governmental unit.
Organizational Ueetings
After notice of the effective date ha~ been issued, a date
will bQ ~~t for the Board's fir~t mQQting Said mQQting ~h.ll takQ
place within <<;0 dayo after the effecti-,;e date of this agreemel1t.
The Cemmiaoion Board and/or the Councils of the parties may
recommend changes and amendments to this agreement. Such
recommendation shall be forwarded in writing to all of the Councils
of the parties. Amendments shall be adopted by three-fourths (3/4)
vote of the governing bodies of the parties within 90 days of the
referral. Hm.~QvQr , any am&n4ment ~.'hich ch.ngQii tlHil mQthod of
appro~.l for impr9ngmgRt~ or thg fiRaRoiR9 gf tAg CgmmisQioR muct
hQ unanimo'1C:::] y aprrov~d.
. proceedinqs of its meetinqs. but unless otherwise provided.
Robert's Rules of Order. Revised shall be used.
3.8 Annual Meetings. At the firot meeting of the Doard and
At the Board's regular meeting in January of each and c'lery year
therea.ftor the Board shall elect its officers as stated l1el:ein
above. At the organization meeting- or al!!! l!!!oon thereafter as it lLlay
bQ rail.onably dona, tho com:mio::don ahall adopt reasol1able ~ \11t::~ u[
proceduroE and rogulationo governing it~ meeting~.
3.9 Commicoion BCWMO Office. The office of the Commiooion
BCWMO shall be at:
Washinqton Soil and Water Conservation District
1825 Curve Crest Boulevard
Stillwater. MN 55082
All notices to the Commiooion BCWMO shall be delivered or
served to said this office. The designated office of the
Commission BCWMO may be changed from time to time upon an
affirmative vote from of a majority of ft~ membera' the Board
present at which a quorum is present at a regularly held meeting or
special meeting called for that purpose.
3.10 Alternate Members. One alternate member to the
Commi~~ion Board shall be appointed by each party to this
agreement. Alternate members may attend any meeting of the
Cemmioaion Board and in the absence of the appointed Commissioner
have the right to vote on behalf of the eft} or ~own~hip entity
which the alternate represents. If a Commio3ion Board member is
also an officer of the CommicEion Board, the alternate shall not be
entitled to serve in the place of such officer when he or she is
3.11 Voting. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes section
103B.211 (1) (c). any action taken by the Board shall be by majority
vote of the Board present at which a quorum is ~resent. Except an
action taken by the Board to order a capital improvement project
shall be bv at least a two-third's vote of the Board present at
which a quorum is present. unlea3' otherwi::se l!!!tate herefl1 o~
reTd r~d by lj;llw AmendlUQt1t.. t.o t.ha annual oparating budgets
rQTlire a 'three-fourth. Pi <1) maj ori ty of tho COlBIRiooion.
~ct.ion. t.ilkan by the Commi~~ion to order projcct~ o~ to a~~e~s
lUamDQr. for imprO'tTelUQrrts shall r~T,jre a +hre€' fnur'ths P/4)
majorit.y vote of the Commio~ion: all other mattero will carry by a
EimplQ majority.
Commiooion Board Powers and Duties
4.1 Commi~3ien Board. The BCWMO. acting by its duly
appointed Commio~ion Board of Commissioners shall have the powers
and duties a-s. set forth ~in this article agreement and as
prescribed by law.
4.2 Rules and Regulations. The commiccion Board may
prescribe and promulgate such rules from time to time as it deems
necessary to carry out its duties and the purpose of this
4.3 SurfacQ Watershed Management Plan. Pursuant to Minnesota
statutes section 103B.211 (1) (a) (1) the Board shall have the
authority to prepare, adopt and implement a Watershed Management
Plan for the Watershed meeting the requirements of section
103B.231. As required by law, the Commi3~ion Board shall prepare
revise and update the BCWMO's a Eurfaoo Watershed Management Plan~
to be completed by the date specified by laWT
Th~ plan to be adopted by the Commiooion 3hall:
a) D06:cribe the cxictinq phycical environment, land use
development within tho Waterohcd arca, und development proposed in
oxi6:.ting local and metropolitan oomprchenoi'l'.'c plano1
b) Prcocnt information on hydrological 3ysteRl3 and their
components and ~xisting and potential problems related thereto,
c) state objectiuQs and policie6: inoluding management
prinoipalo, :llternativeo and mOdific:ltiono, water quality, and
protection of natural charactoriotiool
d) Set forth a managemont plan, incl~ding the hydrologies
and wattWr quality condition6: th:lt will be sought and significaht
opportunititW. for improvement: .
~) n~~~rjb~ rnnflicts, if any, bQv.IBen the Waterohed rlan
ann existin~ plan. of local government;
f) Set forth un implementation program. cOl1~~;:,LcllL w.iLh Lh~
m~~a~~ment plan whicn include. capital improvement programc and
!'::t-::Inn::lrn~ ::Inn !'::C"!hpnnl~!':: fnr m~~t- ; nlJ t-h~ <:-omprehenc:i ue plan. and
official controls of local government units in the Waterohcd to
bring about conformanco '(,d th the Waterohcd rlan; and
9) ~et out a procQdurca for amendinl} the p] ('n T"~
Watershed Management Plan .hall bo 6:ubj cot to local govern>ment
r9UitWw as rQquirfild by the Ast.
Upon complotion of the plan, bu-t. before final adoption by
t-~~ nr~ani~::It-jon, the organization .hall submit the plan for review
and <:-omment to all C'ountiQs, soil and ~l1ator conccn"ation diotricto,
to'ims and E:tatutory and homa rule citieo having territory \lith the
Any local government unit which expect3 that a substantial
iUQQnament of its local comprohencivc plan ,fill be nece:Jsary in
order to bring the local water management plan into oonformance
~ith the Watcrohed Plan 6:hall decoribe, ac opecifioally ao
possible, vdthin it. C'ommfilnt., the amendmentc to the local plan
wl'; cb it' expe<:-ts will be n4iCfils.ary. sb,ty dayo after oubmiooion to
thQ local goufilrn:mfilntal units for comment, tho organization ch:lll
aubmit thfil plan, any C'OU\mfilnt. rfilcfilived, and any appropriatQ
am~nd",ents to thfil pl..n to the Board of the County or Countie6
ba"7in~ territory ~1ithin thQ Wat4ir.hed If any loc..l govfilrn:m~nt..l
Iln;.t.. f;::li ] c::. TO C"omplQtQ its rovicw :md COJtHftent3 within tIle
prQSicribQd PQriod, unlocc an extenoion i3 agreed to by tIle
organization, tho progr~m chall be deemed approved. The County
.h.ll appro"Q or disapprovo proj octe in the oapit~l improvement
program which may require the provioion of County funds pursuant to
Section 112.60, Gubdivision 2, 0:1:: sectioll 413.883 u[ Lht:: M.imlt::~ulcl
statutQ Tho County ch~ll have 60 days to co~plete ~t~ ~t::vit::w u[
~ho Capital Improvement rrogram. If the County fail3 to complete
it. rQviQw within thQ prescribed period, unloE:E: an Q>etenE:ion ic
agreod to by tho organization, the program oh~ll be deemed
RQviQW by thQ NQtropoli tan Council and other ctatc agcnoicc ;),0
provided in Minnesota statutoc 473.878 et ceg. ch;).ll be followed by
tnQ Commi.~;"'''''
The revised and updated Watershed Management Plan shall include,
but not be limited to:
gl applicable sections of the existinq Watershed Manaqement
Ql a description
environment since the
Q1. changes in proposed development in existinq local. county
and metropolitan comprehensive plans:
.sll. updated information on hvdroloqical systems and their
components and existinq and potential problems related thereto:
.fU. proposed chanqes in ob;ectives and policies of the
Watershed Management Plan: .
!l proposed chanqes in the Watershed Manaqement Plan:
9l u~dated information reqardinq conflicts, if any, between
the Watershed Management Plan and existinq plans of local
bl. an u~dated implementation program includinq proposed
capital improvement pro;ects and their fundinq.
All amendments to the Watershed Manaqement Plan shall adhere
to the review process provided in Minnesota statutes section
1038.231 (7. (8l . (9l, except when the proposed amendments constitute
minor amendments as defined in Minnesota Rules 8410.0020. subpart
10. Such minor amendments shall adhere to the procedure provided
in Minnesota Rules 8410.0140. subparts 2. 3. All amendments shall
be adopted in accordance with Minnesota' statutes section 103B.231
(10) and Minnesota Rules 8410.0140. subparts 4 and 5. If the law
and rules are amended, approvals shall be as required bv law and
the provisions in this section shall be amended accordinqlv.
of chanqes in the existing
initial Watershed Manaqernent
Plan was
4.4 Local Plan. After the adoption of the Watershed
Management Plan, each local governmental unit within the Watershed
shall prepare a Local Water Management Plan which must include a
description of the existing and proposed land uses; definition of
drainage areas, including volumes, rates and paths of storm water
run-off; identification of areas and evaluations for storm water
storage; description of water quality efforts which may be needed
. to implement the plan; and an implementation program including
official land use or development controls and a Capital Improvement
Program, if needed. In addition. each Local Water Manaqement Plan
must meet the requirements for local plans as described in
Minnesota statutes section 103B.235 and Minnesota Rules 8410.0160
and 8410.0170. The Board shall also prepare minimum standards for
local 'Plans. These standards shall be included in the revised
Watershed Manaqement Plan and shall be consistent with the
requirements of Minnesota Rules 8410.0110.
After consideration but before adoption by the governing body of
each local qovernmental unit, the Local Watershed Management Plan
shall be submitted to the Commi3oion Board for review for
consistency with the Watershed Management Plan adopted pursuant to
Minnesota statutes section 103B.231 ~7J.B78. The Commi~3ion Board
shall approve or disapprove ~ the local plan or parts of the plan
thereof. The Commis~ion Board shall have 60 days to complete its
r~view. In the event the Commi33ion Board fails to complete its
review within the prescribed period unless an extension is agreed
to by the local unit, the local plan shall be deemed approved.
4.5 Projects. The Board may initiate. undertake and
implement oroiects of the BCWMO. "proiect" means planninq and
development. construction. maintenance. repair. or improvement of
the Watershed for a purpose for which the BCWMO is established.
4.~6 Information and Data. The Commiasion may acquir~ and
rQcord such information and data y1ithin the Browns Creek Watershed
ar~a ~s it deeU'llii tlQCQs.ary to accomplich ita purpOOClJ ao 3Ct forth
hQrQiJL Such information or data a~ collect.ed .shall be full}'
~v~i'~h'~ fnr all memb~r. of thQ Commiscion and the public.
The Board may: (a) acquire and. record information. data. make
necessary surveys or use other reliable surveys and data and
develop proiects and programs to acquire data to accomplish the
purposes for which the BCWMO is orqanized: and (b) establish and
maintain devices for acquirinq and recording hYdroloqical and water
quality data.
4.7 Water Resource Management Activities. The Board may
conduct studies and monitorinq of water resources within the
Watershed and implement water resource manaqement programs.
4 .-68 Claims Entry on Lands. As provided rittrin Minnesota
statutes sections 103B.211 (1) and 1030.335 (14) 471.277 and 112.43
~ the Commi~~ion Board or its aqents may enter upon land within
or without the Watershed to make surveys and/or investigations to
accomplish the purposes of the Commi..ion BCWMO. The Commi33ion
BCWMO shall be liable for actual damages reSUlting therefrom from
entry. b11t: e'UE'ry p~rc::nn Anyone who claims damages shall serve the
ChairmaRperson or Secretary of the Board of Commissioners with a
Notice of Claim as required by Minnesota Statutes section 466.05.
4.79 Contracts. The Commi33ion Board may make such contracts
and enter into agreements as necessary to fulfill its obligations
under this agreement. Such contract~ or agreements shall be in
accordance with the Uniform Municipal Contracting Law as set forth
~in Minnesota statutes section 471.345. 471.01 at caq.
4.10 Cooperate with other Entities. The Board may cooperate
or contract with any state or subdivision of a state or federal
agency. private corporation. political subdivision. or cooperative
4. &11 Employment and Professional Services. The COll~(lis5ion
Board.may obtain such prOfessional services and/or contract for
services and may also utilize existing staff of the parties to the
extent that the member parties consent thereto. ~ The Board may
also employ other persons as it deems necessary. If 3taff acr~'iecl3
of .:l. pa-r-ty arc utilized, ouoh ocrvioco chall not reduoe the
financial commitmQnt of the parties to tho operating fund of the
Commiccion unlesc the Commiccion r:o authorizer: tho same hy a
majority voto of the Commi&&ion members in &uch case& a& whoro the
utilization of staff &er\'icer: arc to Be oubotaHtial_
4 . 12 Borrowing Funds. The Board may borrow funds from an
aqencv of the federal qovernment. a state agency. a county where
the BCWMO is located in whole or part. or a financial institution
authorized under' chapter 47 to do business in this state. A county
board may lend the amount requested bv the Board. The BCWMO may
not have more than a total of $200.000 in loans from counties and
financial institutions under this SUbdivision outstanding at any
4.~13 Construction or Interpretation of the Watershed
Management Plan. The ~ommissionr Board by a majority vote, r:ha11
may determine such matters involving the construction and
interpretation of the Watershed Management Plan. All such formal
determinations as to any aspect of the Watershed Management Plan in
interpretation or construction shall be reduced to writing by the
Secretary of the commiooion Board and be annexed to the Watershed
Management Plan following its passage.
4.1064 Committees. The Commiooion Board may appoint such
committees and sub-committees as it deems necessary to gather
information and make recommendations back to the Commicr:ion Board.
.9.l. The Board shall create a Technical Advisorv Committee
that will report at least annuallY to the Board. The membership
should include. but not be limited to: one of the officers of the
Board: the Board's technical advisor: a representative from either
the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources or the Board of Water
and Soil Resources: and a representative of the Washinqton County
Planninq Department.
QL The Technical Advisory Committee shall advise and assist
the Board on all matters affectinq the interests of the Watershed
and make recommendations to the Board at its request on
contemplated projects and improvements in the Watershed. Committee
determinations and recommendations must be endorsed by at least a
maiority of the members.
4.15 Regulate Use and Development of Land. Pursuant to
Minnesota Statutes section 103B.211 (1) (a) (3) the Board shall have
the authority of a watershed district under chapter 103D to
requlate the use and development of land in the Watershed when one
or more of the following conditions exist:
1il the local government unit exercisinq planninq and zoning
authority over the land under sections 366.10 to 366.19, 394.21 to
394.37, or 462.351 to 462.364, does not have a local water
manaqement plan approved and adopted in accordance with the
requirements of section 103B.235 or has not adopted the
implementation program described in the plan:
1iil an application to the local qovernment unit for a permit
for the use and development of land reauires an amendment to or
variance from the adopted local water management plan or
implementation proqram of the local unit: or
(iii) the local qovernment unit has authorized the
organization to reauire permits for the use and development of
4.16 Construction and Transfer of Drainaqe Systems. Under
Minnesota Statutes section 103B.211 (1) (a) (4) the Board may accept
the transfer of drainage systems in the' Watershed, to repair,
im~rove, and maintain the transferred drainage systems, and to
construct all new drainaqe systems and improvements of existinq
drainaqe systems in the Watershed, provided that: 1) proiects may
be carried out under the powers qranted in sections 103B.205 to
103B.255 or chapter 1030 or 103E: and 2) proceedings of the Board
wi th respect to the systems must be in conformance wi th the
Watershed Manaqement Plan adopted under section 103B.231.
4.17 Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes section 103B. 211 (1) (a) (7)
the Board shall have the authority of a watershed district under
section 1030.901 to file approved assessment statements with each
affected county.
4.18 Emerqencv Authority. If the BCWMO has an approved and
ado?ted Watershed Manaqement Plan, the Board may undertake and
perform emergency proiects in accordance with Minnesota Statutes
section 103B.252. (a) Declaration of emerqency. If the Board
finds that conditions exist that present a clear and imminent
danqer to the health and welfare of the people of the Watershed and
that to delay action would preiudice the interests of the people of
the Watershed, or would likelY cause irreparable harm. the Board
may declare the existence of an emerqency and designate the
location, watershed or subwatershed unit, nature, and extent of the
emerqencv. (b) proj ect order. Once an emerqencv has been
declared, to the extent necessary to protect the interests of the
Watershed, the Board may order that the work be done under the
direction of the Board and its Engineer , without a contract.
Exam{Jles of an emergency situation would include, but not be
limited to: creek blockages that cause imminent property damage
and septic system floodinq: bank or slope failures on creek causinq
erosion and imminent road damaqe or failure: imminent, threateninq
occurrence that creates multi-;urisdictional problems.
Annual Budget/Administrative Funding
5.1 Method of Operation. The Commiosion Board may collect
and receive money and services subject to the provisions of this
agreement from the parties and from any other sources approved by
the CommiE:sion Board and it may incur expenditures and
disbursements necessary and incidental to the effectuation of the
purposes of this agreement. Funds may be expended by the
CommiE:E:ion Board in accordance with procedures established herein
in this aqreement. Orders, checks and drafts shall be signed by
the Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson and the Treasurer. Other legal
instruments shall be executed on behalf of the commiaoion BCWMO or
Board by the Chairperson and the Secretary.
5.2 Oporating Fund. Budget. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes
section 103B.211 (1) (a) (5) the Board shall have the authority of a
watershed district under section 1030.911 to adopt a budqet. On or
before August 1 September 15 of each year, the Commigsion Board
shall prepare and adopt an operating budget for the following year
for thQ purpose of prouidil1l] fl:mn!:: Tn npp,.....h:. Thp ~nlnln; ~!::; nn!:: '
DUE:inQ.. and decide on the total amount necessary to be raised from
ad valorem tax levies to meet the BCWMO's budqet. Before adoptinq
the budqet the Board shall hold a public hearinq on the proposed
budqet. The Board shall publish a notice of hearing with a summary
of the proposed budqet in one or more newspapers of qeneral
circulation in the county in which the Watershed is located. The
notice and summary should be published once each week for two
successive weeks before the hearinq. The last publication shall be
at least two days before the hearing. The budgets ohall not,
however, De in an amount great or than tho oquivalont of one-fourth
of onQ mill lQuy on all rQal property v!ithin tho Middlo st. Croix
Valley Watershed District. Any hudget which exceed. .uch
limit.tionlRu~t bQ appr~'ed by ~ll memher ~~ln~i19
5.3 Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes section 103B.211 (1) (a) (6)
the Board shall have the authority of a watershed district under
section 1030.915 to certify its budqet to the county auditor.
After the Board adopts the budqet and no later than September 15,
the Secretary of the Board shall certifY to the auditor of the
county within the Watershed the county's share of the tax, which
shall be an amount bearinq the same proportion to the total levy as
the net tax capacity of the area of the county within the watershed
bears to the net tax capacity of the entire Watershed.
5.3 The ~nnual adminiDtr~tive expenac3 3hall be budgeted and
borne by each voting member in thQ following mannQr:
a) 10 peroent Gh~ll be borne by e~ch party ba:5ed UpOl1 tIle
total acreage of each party aa a percent~ge of the acreage of the
entire Wa~er3hed,
b) 20 peroent Dhall be borne by each palty La::.~J upuu Lh~
iUiliiiQ..QQ valuation of ita area of the iiatersllcl..! a::. d. p~.t:c~Iltage or
the aDoeoDed v~luation of the entire Waterohcdl
c) 10 percent ,"hall be borne by oaoh party baaed upon
population of its area of thQ Watershed as a percontage of the
total population of the entire Water~hed area.
T~e budget ahall be adopted by the Commi33ion upon three-
fourths majority approv~l of all votinq representatives at Lhe
ColmtliE:E:ion. After approval, the Secretary :5hall ce.L:tify Lh~
adopted budget to each governmental unit on or before September 1
of eaoh year together with a atatement chowing the ~mount3 due from
each period. Each governmental unit chall p~y over to the
Commiacion the amount o:tJing in t"t179 equal inotallmcntc, the firct on
or bafore .January 1, a.nd the sacond on or before .July 1, in
accordance with thQ tax year for which the amount due i3 beinq
5. 4 Administrative Fund. Under the authori ty qranted in
Minnesota statutes section 103B.211 (1)(a)(5.(6). the Board may
make an annual tax levY on all real property within the Watershed
for the administrative fund. The administrative fund. consistinq
of an ad valorem tax levv. shall be used for qeneral administrative
expenses and for the construction or implementation and maintenance
of projects of common benefit to the Watershed.
5.5 Survey and Data Acquisition Fund. Under the authority
qranted in Minnesota statutes section 103B.211 (1)(a) (5) .(6). the
Board may levY an ad valorem tax on all real property within the
Watershed for the survey and data acquisition fund. The survey and
data acquisition fund consists of the proceeds of a property tax
that can be levied only once every five years. The levy may not
exceed 0.02418 percent of taxable market value. The balance of the
fund may not exceed $50.000. The fund shall be used only if other
funds are not available to the BCWMO to pay for makinq necessary
surveys and acquiring data.
5.6 Orqanizational Expense Fund. Under the authority qranted
in Minnesota statutes section 103B.211 (1) (a) (5). (6). the Board may
establish an orqanization expense fund. (a) The orqanizational
expense fund shall consist of an ad valorem tax levy on all real
property within the Watershed. and shall not exceed 0.01596 percent
of taxable market value. or $60.000. whichever is less. The money
in the fund shall be used for orqanizational expenses and
preparation of the Watershed Manaqement Plan for pro;ects. (b) The
Board may borrow from the affected county up to 75 percent of the
anticipated funds to be collected from the orqanizational expense
fund levy and the county affected may make the advancements. (c)
Unexpended funds collected for the organizational expense fund may
be transferred to the administrative fund and used for the purposes
of the administrative fund.
5.7 Watershed Manaqement Plan Levy. Pursuant to Minnesota
statutes section 103B.241 the Board may levy an ad valorem tax to
pay the increased cost of preparinq its Watershed Manaqement Plan
under section 103B.231 and 103B.235 or for proiects in the approved
and adopted Watershed Manaqement Plan necessary to implement the
purposes of section 103B.201. The proceeds of any tax levied under
section 103B.241 shall be deposited in a separate fund expended
onlY for the purposes authorized by that section. The Board may
accumulate the proceeds of these levies to finance proiects in the
5.8 103B.251 Capital Improvement Cost certification.
Pursuant to Minnesota statutes section 103B.251, if the BCWMO has
an adopted Watershed Manaqement Plan in accordance with Minnesota
statutes section 103B.231, the Board may certify for payment bY the
county as provided in section 103B.251 all or any part of the cost
of a caDi tal improvement contained in the capital improvement
proqram of the Watershed Manaqement Plan. The certification of the
Board may apportion the cost amonq some or all of the subwatershed
units in the Watershed and for this purpose may require the
establishment of more than one tax district in the Watershed. The
Board and county must follow the procedure outlined in section
103B.251 (1)-(8).
5.9 103B.251 Maintenance Levy. Pursuant to Minnesota
statutes section 103B.251 (9) the Board may create a maintenance
fund for the normal and routine maintenance of improvements
constructed in 'whole or part with money provided bY the county
pursuant to 103B.251 (6). With the aP9roval of the county the
Board may impose an ad valorem levy on all property located within
the Watershed or subwatershed unit. The levy shall be certified.
levied. collected and distributed as provided in section 103D.915.
5.+10 Annual Accounts. The Commi33ion Board shall make a full
and complete financial accounting and report to each Council
annually. subiect to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act.
Minn. stat. ~~ 13.01-.99. as amended, all of its books, reports and
records shall be available at the BCWMO office for open examination
by any member of the public at reasonable times to be established
by the Commiscion Board. at their office.
5.11 Annual Work Plans. On or before September 15 of each
year, the Board shall pre9are a work plan that describes proposed
proiects, Drograms. includinq studies and monitoring of water
resources in the Watershed. as well as maintenance of existing
Drojects. for the followinq calendar year. The work plan shall
include. but not be limited to. descriptions of proposed projects.
a timetable for implementation. and proposed methods of financing.
Works of Improvement
Delete oriqinal text of Article VI. Replace with underlined
material below.
6.1 103B.251 Capital Improvements. Pursuant to Minnesota
statutes section l03B.251. if the BCWMO has an adopted Watershed
Management Plan. the Board may certifY for payment bv the county
all or any part of the cost of a capital improvement contained in
the capital improvement proqram of the Watershed Manaqement Plan.
In order to implement and order capital improvements to be paid by
the county as provided under section 103B.251. the Board must
follow the statutory procedures outlined in section 103B.251 (1)-
6.2 Other Plan Capital Improvements. As provided in the
capital improvement proqram of the BCWMO's Watershed Manaqement
Plan. the Board shall have the authority to implement and order
capital improvement proiects identified in the adopted Plan
necessary to implement the purposes of section l03B.201. Pursuant
to Minnesota statutes section 103B.241 the Board may levv a tax to
pay the costs of such proiects. An action taken by the Board to
order the capital improvement proiect shall be in accordance with
Article 3.11 of this aqreement.
6.3 103B.245 Special Tax District. Pursuant to Minnesota
Statutes section l03B.245 each party to this aqreement planning for
water manaqement under sections 103B.231 and l03B.235 may establish
a watershed manaqement tax district in the Watershed to pay the
costs of planninq. In addition. pursuant to section l03B.245 such
party mav establish a watershed manaqement tax district within the
Watershed or a subwatershed unit in the Watershed. to pay capital
costs and routine maintenance costs of the water manaqement
facilities described in the capital improvement proqram of the
plans. The tax district shall be established by ordinance adopted
after hearing bv the governmental unit following the provisions of
section l03B.245.
ARTICLE -vr7 2
Miscellaneous Provisions
7.1 Insurance. The Commiooion Board may contract for or
purchase such insurance as the Commiccion Board deems reasonable.
7 .2 The CommiEcion shall not have the powcr to lc"r.l a cpceial
aoceGcment on any privately or publicly owned land. The Commission
chall have thc power to require any member to contribute to costs
allocatcd or aooeGocd according to the other provisions of this
7.2 Bondinq Authority. The CQmmi~cign Board shall not have
the power to issue certificates, bonds or warrants.
. ' ,~
I .
~ Eminent Domain. The Commi~8ion Board shall ~have the
power of eminent domain and chall not oT.m any intGroct in roal
property (All intere~t~ in land shall be held in the n3me of the
corporatQ lUQmbQr ,,'hQrQin ~aid landi:: are locabad). in matters
pertaininq to capital improvement pro;ects in those cases where the
individual parties will not exercise the power of eminent domain on
behalf of the Board.
7.4 Annual Newsletter. In accordance with Minnesota statutes
section 103B.227 ( 4) the Board shall publish and distribute at
least one newsletter or other appropriate written communication
each year to residents in the Watershed. This communication must
explain the BCWMO's water management proqrams and list the officers
of the Board and their telephone numbers.
8.1 Each lRombor party agrees to be bound by the terms of this
agreement until such time as it is dissolved.
8.2 This agreement may be terminated by dissolution pursuant
to the procedures set forth below or by the unanimous consent of
the parties of this agreement.
8.3 Dissolution. Any qovc~n~Gntal unit party may petition
the Board to dissolve this agreement. Upon 30 daye notioa in
writing of Qach gouQrmRQrltal unit, the bOard shall hold a hearinq
unci upon a faver3ble vote by 3/4 of all the eligible 7ete3 of the
then oxicting board of reprQsentativQ~, the board lUay by
reoolution, recommend that the Commission be di~.olved_ Said
~Qsolution shall be submitted to each governmontal unit and if
ratified by 3/4 of the gouernmental units ~Jithin 80 daye, aaid
board .hall di~.olve thQ Commi.~ion allowing a reasonable time t~
oomplete \-Jork and progrQ.~ and to di.poliiQ of perliional property
owned by the Commission, if any _ Upon receipt the Board must
forward a COpy of the petition for dissolution to the Board of
Water and Soil Resources and Washinqton County. After ninety days
from the date on which the Board of Water and Soil Resources and
Washinqton County received a COpy of the petition for dissolution,
the Board shall hold a hearinq on the petition. Followinq the
hearinq the Board shall by its order dissolve this aqreement and
the BCWMO if the Board determines: 1) that at least two-thirds of
the qovernmental units which are parties to this aqreement concur
in the petition for dissolution~ 2) upon dissolution the members of
the BCWMO are willinq and able to assume ownership of the BCWMO's
assets and the responsibility for manaqinq and maintaininq any
BCWMO proiects as necessary to accomplish the purposes of Minnesota
statutes sections 103B.205 to 103B.255 and to implement the
Watershed Management Plan of the BCWMO. Upon dissolution of the
Commission BCWMO, all property of , the Commiccien BCWMO shall be
sold and the proceeds t.horoof together \:i tb and moneys on hand