HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-106 . :. i. .i" RESOLUTION NO. 96-106 APPROVAL OF CONTRACT BETWEEN CITY OF STILLWATER AND GLEWWE DOORS, INC. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Stillwater, Minnesota, that the Contract for the City Hall/Fire Department Remodeling/Addition, attached hereto as Exhibit A, by and between the City of Stillwater, Minnesota, and Glewwe Doors, Inc., is hereby approved, and the appropriate city staff is authorized to sign said Agreement. Adopted by Council this 7th day of May, 1996. ~ ATTEST: ~&1 D (J ).. ok Modi eldon, City Clerk ' .'" / Exhibit A 9fJ .;;0) 9 51:.. ~{/ - AlA Document AIOI/C'Yfa Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor where the basis of payment is a STIPULATED SWt! 1992 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER-ADVISER EDITION THIS DOCUMENT HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES; CONSULTATION WITH AN ATTORNEY IS ENCOURAGED WITH RESPECT ro ITS COMPLETION OR .'tlODIFICATION. Tbe 1992 Edition of AlA Document A20I/CYla, General Conditions of tbe Contract for ConstruCion, Construction .'tlanager-Adviser Edition, is adopted in tbis document by reference. Do not use witb otber general conditions unless tbis document is modified. AGREEMENT made as of the Twenty :5L"'t (26) day of February (In wordf. mdicau t:kJy. montb and year.) Nineteen Hundred Ninety SLx (1966) in the year of BETWEEN the Owner: (Name and address) City of Stillwater 216 N Fourth St. Stillwater, MN 55082 i. and the Contractor: (Name and address) Glewwe Doors, Inc.' 935 Apollo Rd. Eagan, MN 55121 For the following Project: (Include detailed description 01 Project. location, address and scope) Stillwater City Hall/Fire Dept. Remodeling/Addition 216 N. Fourth St. Stillwater, MN 55082 The Construction Manager is: (Name and address) Geo. W. Olsen Construction Co., Inc. Box 20 Stillwater, MN ,55082 The Architect is: (Name and address) BWBR 400 Sibley St. St. Paul, MN 55101 .. The Owner and ComractOr agree as set forth below: COpyright 197';, 1980, @1992 by The .\meric:m Institute of ArchitectS. 1735 New York Avenue. N.W., W:1Shingmn. D.C. 20006-5292.lll:productionohhe m:ueri:ll herein or subscmbl quoction of its provisions without the wrinen permission o{ the AlA vio~tes the copyright 12ws of the Caited Sctes ~nd will subjeCt the viol:uor to \eg:lI prosel:\llion. j~; AlA DOCUMENT A10'1/CMa . OWNER.CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT, CONSTRUCTION MANAGER-ADVISER romaN' ....L".. . @1992 . THE ....MERlC.\N lNsrrn.rrE Of .\ROilTECTS. 1735 NEW YORK ....VE....,',:E. NW. WASHINGTON, D.C. 2tlO<J&5292 . WARNING: Unlk:ensed ARTICLE 1 THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS rhe Comr.:t.:t Dot.:uments consisc of chis Agreement. Conditjons ()f the COn(ncc (Gc:nenl. Suppkmc:t:lf':' :md ocher C(Jodi. ':ions). DrJ\\'ings. Spednc:.ttions. Alluenu:.t issueu prior to e::<ecutinn of this Agn:ement. Other uot.:uments !btd in this Agree. ment :.lnc..l y!oditiCHions issueu :Ifter e::<:et.:ution of this :\greement: chese form che ContrJct. :md :lre:lS fully:.l p:.trt or' the Concr:!ct ;c; if :.lct:lched to chis Agreement or repe:Hed herein, The Concr:lCt repre:;ents the: entjre :lnu ime3:::tc:d :.lgre::r:1ent bc:twee:n the:: p:lrtic::; he:reco :mu supe:rse:des prior ne::;;mi:uions. re:prese:nt:ltions or :lgn:ements. c:ithe:r written or ur::!. Ao e::nume:ntion of the: , CanerJct Doc.:ume:nes. other th:.m :vtollitk:ltions. :lppe:lrs in Article: I). ARTICLE 2 THE WORK OF THIS CONTRACT The Comr:lcmr sh:lll e:::<ecute the entire Work described in che ConcrJcc DocumentS. excepc to che e;<;tenc specific:lIly indh.::!ted in che: Conenec Documents co be the: responsibilicy of ocher:;, or :IS followS: Bid #11 Hollow Metal - Wood Doors- Finish Hardware (Mater-ial Only) Bid Package: 08111 08211 08710 Standard Steel Doors & Frames Flush Wood Doors Finish Hardware Special Notes: 1. Labor by Carpentry - Bid #7. 2. Final cleaning of finish hardware by Owner. ARTICLE 3 DATE OF COMMENCEMENT AND SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION 3.1 The U:ltc: of commencement is the u:lce from whic.:h che Concr.lct Time: of P:1rJgnph 3.2 is me-.:..;t:rd. :lOU sh:.t11 be the d:lce of chis .-\~n:e:mene. :IS nrst ':\"tim:n :lbm'e:. unless :I diffc:n:nt d:lte is sc:.tte:d below or pro\'L-;illn is m:.tlk for che d:lte: to be: thed in :.t nocice: to prot.:e:ed i.sslle:ll by the O\vner. nlls,'rl t/.,. .llll" of ,'w",,,,',,,wm'Ul, i} il .IiJ),""" In"'l Ib.: d.It,. ..{ Ibis Agreement ur; if "ppli"llhll!. SllIte Illllt tl'l! .I.ltl! It'IIl;,,, /i."'(,'.I111 J '/1,"<" II. pn....'....d.1 Cnless che: d:m: of commencemc:nt is esc:.tblishe:d by :I nOtice to prnce:e:d issued by the Owner. thl: Contr,Ktor sh:.tll notify the Owner. through the Construction ~!:ll1:lger. in ,:\"ricing nut less Ch:lO tive d:.t'[S hefore commencing .he ~()rk to permit the: cimely tiling of morcg:lge:;. me:ch:mic's liens :lnll oche:r securicy interests. 3.2 The Coocnctor sh:111 :lchieve Suhst"Jnti:l1 Complc::tion of the entire Work not \:lter th:.tn (11Iso:,-t Ibe ,'alemlar ,lute,," ,,"mhe" uf ,'alell/lt/,. ,/d."S d}(t!" Ibt! .Illte..f 'lJI"nrencemellt. .~/su illst!rt tllIY "'!rJlliYl:IIII!IIlS }i" ,'((r/i,'r )"lljl.lllti,,1 L,,,,,ph'li"II "i ,'t!rlt/ill purtiulI.< "1 tiN WiJrk. if lIl1t .<Illteel t!/st!u'I)..re ill ,bt! e...llr,,<' Ot'l"!Utll'II/S,) )-:: ::::-:::-::~::: ::.;...._'.-.. i -----~--- ART1CLE ~ CONTRACT SUM _ f th Cont::e: &.e Contr:lCt Sum . perfarm:1nc~ 0 e 1'- . funds for the Concoctor s _---------00 ur5 C ntr:::c'or In current I 0 ------------ 'The Owner sh:ill p:l.y the 0 ..' R dred Twelve & no 10 -:---- 'ded in the (:;r.t::e: DocJments. . Th usand i!'ou~ un .' . d dedUCtlOns :1S pravI 5 i:tty Nl.ne 0 ). subject to :lddmons :In , . Cone::.e: Dcc::r::e:lCs :lnd :lre 69,412.00 'f:mY, which :lre descnbed tn the th ~ lIowing :utc:::n:1te5, I. , C et Sum is b:l5ed upon ea' e:rJl7U:O lb. c;UC'...cion of ,2 The ontr::: Owner: us an to b~ ntad. by Ib~ Owt'wr ~s~id.) ';:eby :lccepted by the . . d alcernQUs. 1[ dKU.ons 011 ocbW alurn:; lb. dt1" until wblch cbQl .....ount os . or o~r id",ti{.t:tJClon o[ :U:CllpC. sbowing rb~ amount {O,. .tJt:b QJ'f r;au lb. "ulflbWS <I scbeduu of such ocblff' oltrrnaUS "r.S .~grff""C'111. (JlfQCb <II.,. . :.