HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-297 . . . . .., RESOLUTION NO, 97 - 297 APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION MANAGER AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF STILL WATER AND GEORGE W, OLSEN CONSTRUCTION CO" INC, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Stillwater, Minnesota, that the Construction Manager Agreement between the City of Stillwater and George W. Olsen Construction Co., Inc. for the St. Croix Valley Sports Complex (Ice Arena & Fieldhouse) hereto attached as Exhibit A, is hereby approved, and the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to sign said Agreement. Adopted by Council this 16th day of December, 1997. ATTEST: q7 -;;'97 . AlA Document B80llCHa Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Construction Manager ldJi.!re the CO!lstructiol! .HCliwger is NOT (/ CO!lstructor .... 1992 EDITION njfS DOCC\IE.\T !I..,S fJIPORT.4NT LEGAl. CO\SEQCENCES. CONSCI.T.-1TfCM irF/H .-IN .tlT! JR.\"f:T IS ENOJCRAGED iFITH RESPECT TO ITS COMPLETION UR .I[ODIF!C.1T!O.\ Tilis d()cu/IIl!nt is intended to he used in conjunction Leith We Jf)f).} editiolls of .-1/A Do<."umellts !JJ.,iI/C.lla. AIOI/ClIo (1I1d ,-1 1 (JUc.\ [a AGREEMENT made as of the Fourth day of November 1I1 the veal' of III :1 'Iro'.' illdll-:t!l' ,;0 ;f/lIll//l uud i't 'iI I' j Nineteen Hundred Ninety Seven ($1,997.00) BETWEEN the Owner: CITY OF STILLWATER 216 N. Fourth St. Stillwater, MN 55082 I Ydnlt' {.{J/d (/ddrl'\.1 i . and the ConstnlCtion ylanager: GEORGE W. OLSEN CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. BOX 20 Stillwater, MN 55082 (,\'unll' ,uul <idd"i.'."S! fur the f()llu-wing Project: ST. CROIX VALLEY SPORTS Cm1PLEX (ICE ARENA & FIELDHOUSE) Ill, ,';idl' ,/crtf,-h'('! IIt'S,"!"!!)!:1 'U !II !'rt,iL't';' l(Jt Cl[lr!il (uh/J"L'SS (uld ,,-OJ/)('./ f \. 1675 Market Drive Stillwater, MN 55082 The Architect IS fu~KENY KELL ARCHITECTS P.A. 821 Raymond Ave. Suite 400 St. Paul, MN 55114 (\'dll/e ({Jft! "ddn_'-'_~-J . The O\\"l1cr and Construction ;\-tanager agree as set forth below. ( .\ lP\TH.,:h [ t ')-,", I'),'-\I) I q\) ~ ~~\ ':'rll' :\lllcf1(~-;ln IIl....tIrUlL' (l( .\rcllHt.'u_". 1- ~..:; ,'\l'\\' y\ q'~ _\\'Cnul'. ~ .\'\' , \X';l.",lllrt).:[( \11. D( 2IJ1 H Ih-":; ..,;()..! - 1\l'P:'( ,ductH 1f1 (Jt [he flUCCI"I:!! hUTIll (>1' "llh..,r:Jflti:li qU()[;l(!( HI ,:f if... ~'rl~\l"'ll Ill" \\'lrlll'lJ{ \\'r1!ft'!l lX.rmi....sI\1I1 I Jt' th...... ,\J.\ \'!\ lUte."; {he C()l)\'rJ~hf LJ\\'..; (It [he! 'illtl'li "[;I(L'''; JnL! H-dl "Uh!l'l'{ till' '''lilb[()r ill Il'g:d pnl"<--'ltJ(1l111 ~ ~~___S-: .... ..=.:;: AlA DOCUMENT 8801/CMa . ()\\\E!((( )".'TI~I( TI()\\I.\\..\( ;E!~\( ;(,('I..\IF,\T ' ('I'Ie [':)fTI(),\ . \1.\'. JIM":. l'Ifr .\.\IER/l..\'\ '''STITt'a: ()j-" .\HCIIITH TS, 1-';":; \T\\ '1l11,h: \\T'\i !', '\\\ \\\"l!l'\(;TO.'\ [)C ..:1l/lf](',.;2{)..: . WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and will subject the violator to legal prosecution. 8801/CMa-1992 1 . TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGER ARTICLE 1 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER'S RESPONSIBILITIES ...... 1.1 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER'S SERVICES 1.1.1 The Cunsuuction .\Lmager's services consist of those .;en'ices performed bv' the Construction .\bnager. Construc- tion .\lanagers employees and Construction Manager's con- sulullls as enumerated in Articles 2 anJ 5 of this Agreement and am' other services included in Article 14. 1.1.2 The Construction :'vlan:lger's services shall be provicled in conjunction with the sen'ices of an .-\rchitect :lS describeLi in tile edition uf .-\IA Document BI-Hlev!:l. St:lnd:lrd Form ()f .\greement Between Owner :lnd Architect. Construction .\Ianager-Adviser Edition. current as of the date of this .\greemem. 1.1.3 The Construction .\LlOager shall provide sufficient organiz;j[ion. personnel and management to Glrrv out the requirements of this Agreement in In expeditious Jnd eco- nomical manner consistent v'lith the interests of the Owner. . 1.1.4 The services covered bv this Agreement are subject to the time limitations cont:lined in Subp:lragr:lph L\:; 1. ARTICLE 2 SCOPE OF CONSTRUCTION MANAGER'S BASIC SERVICES 2.1 DEFINITION 2.1.1 The Construction :'vlanager"s Basic Services consist of those described in Paragr:lphs 2.2 and 2.5 and Jny other ser- vices identified in Article 14 as part of Basic Services 2.2 PRE.CONSTRUCTlON PHASE 2.2.1 The Cnnstruction .\-ranager slull review the program t'ur- nishecllw the Owner to ascertain the requirements of the Proj- ect and sIn!! arriv'e at a mutual underst:lnding of such require- ments witll the Owner. 2.2.2 The Construction .\\anager shall provide a preliminan' evalu:ltion of the Owner's progr:ul1. scheclule and construc- tion hudget requirements. each in terms of the other. . 2.2.3 Based Dn carh' schem:ltic designs and other design cri- teria[m:pared h\' the c\rchitect. the Constcuction .\l:1nager shall prepare preliminarv' estimates of ConstruCtiDn C()st for pro- gram requiremeIlts using area. v'olume nr similJr conceptual estimating techniques. The Construction .\\;mager shall pm- \'icle L"\lSt ev-;tluations of altemauv-t" materials and sv-stems. 2.2.4 The Constl"uction \1:ll1ager shall expediti(luslv- rev-ieV\' design documents during their dev'elopmel1t and ;llh'ise (In propnscd site use and imprnv'emeIlts. selection of materials. huilding s~'stClnS ami equipment. Jnd methods ot' Project deliwrv', The Construction \lanager shall prov'ide recom- mendations on rclati\'e feasibility of construction methods. ~lvailabilit\. of materials and labor. time requiremel1ts for pm- curemcnt. insullaliun and cllnstructiun. and f:ldurs ['el:ited to cnnstruction cost including. hut nnt limited tu. cnsts of alternati\'e designs (lr m;Herials. preliminac\" budgets. and ros- sjble economies 2.2.5 The Construction .\\:II1:1ger shall prepare and period- icalh' upclate J Project Schedule for the Architect" rev-ie\\' and the Owner's acceptance The Construction \Llluger shall obt:lin the Architect's approv-:ll for the portion of the pre- IiminJry project schedule relating to the performance of the Architect's services. In the Project Schedule. the Construction :'v!anager shall coordinate ;ll1d integrate the Construction :'vIJnager's services, the Architect's services and the O,'lner's responsibilities with anticipated construction schedules. high- lighting critical and long-lead-time items, 2.2.6 As the Architect progresses with the preparation of the Schematic. Design Development and Construction Docu- ments, the Construction .\lanager shall prepare and update. at appropriate intervals agreed to bv- the Owner. Construc- tion .\lanager and Architect. estimates of Construction Cost of increasing detail and refinement. The estimated COSt of each Contract shall be indiclted with supporting detail. Such estimates sha.ll be provided for the Architect's review and the O\\'ner's approval. The Construction Manager shall :ld- vise the Owner and Architect if it appears tha.t the Construc- tion Cost mav exceed the btest approved Project budget and nuke recommendations for correCtive action, 2.2.7 The ConstruCtion .\\anager shall umsult with the Owner :lnd ArchiteCt regarding the C()nstruction Docu- ments :lnd mJke recommendations \'lhenever design det:lils Jdversely affect constructihilitv. cost or schedules, 2.2.8 The Construction .\\;mager shall provide recommen- dations and information to the Owner and .\rchitect regard- ing the assignment of responsibilities for temp()rarv Project facilities and equipment. m;lterials and sen'ices for C()Il1- mon use ()f the Contractors, The C'lnstruction \bn:lger shall \'erifv that sLlch requiremems and :lssignmem ()t respon- sibililies are included in the propnsed Cnntract Documents. 2.2.9 The Constn.lCti()n :vlanager shall provide recom- mendations and information to [he Owner regarding the allocation of resp()nsibilities h.lr safetv programs among the Contractors. 2.2.10 The Cunstruction .\tanager shall advise un [he divi- sion of the Project intu individual CumraCts for various categories of W'ork. including the method to be usee! for selecting Contractors and awarding Cuntr:lcts. If l11ultiple Con- tr:lets are to be awarded. the Construction .\l:mager shall review the Construction Documents and nuke recummen- dations as required to pmviLk that (I) the \\'urk of the Cnn- traCtors is coordinated. (.:) ail requirements tilr the Pmject have been :lssigned tl) [he appropciate Contract. I.') the likclil,o\lll (If Jurisdictional disputes has been mInimized. and (-I) proper L"()ordin~![ion has been prol'ided for phased construction 2.2.11 The Cnnstruct!un .\tanager shall prepare a Project con- struction schedule pruviding rill' the components of the \X()rk. Including phasing nf cnnstruClinn. tllnes ()f cnml11encement AlA DOCUMENT B801iCMa . O\\\F.\\,U)'\STRI CTI<.lN \1.\\.V;E1\ .\(;REE\IE'\T . lW,2 U)!T!()\ . ,VLV' . ~ 19')2 ' TilE ,\\IEl{IC.\\ INSTIllTE OF ,Vl{CJ InECTS, \-;; \EW \<.lI\K .\\E.\I'E. \\\'. W.\SIII\CTO'\, D.L ,21)()()('.'2<J,2 . WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and will subject the violator to legal prosecution, B801/CMa-1992 2 . Jnd completion required of e;Jch Conrr;Jctor, urdertng and ddivcn' of products requiring long lead time, and the uccu- pallc\' requiremenrs of the (h....ner. The Construction \,-I;;n. ager shJII prO\'ide the current Project construction schedule for e;Jel1 set of hidding documents 2.2.12 The Construction '.lanager slull expedite and coor, dinate the ordering and cieliven' of mJteriJls requiring long JeJd time 2.2.13 The Construction \'lana14er shall Jssist the 0\\"1"1er in selecting, rewining ;lI1d coordinating the professional sn. \'iceS of sun'e\'ors. special consultJnts and testing laboratories required for the Project, 2.2.14 The Construction '.bn3ger slull pro\'ide an ;malvsis oJ the types and quantities of lahor required for the Project and re\'ie\\" the ;J\'aibbility of appropriate categories of labor required for critical phases, The Construction '.1an:lger shall make recommendations for actions designed to minimize adverse effecrs of labor shortages C 2.2.15 The Cunstruction \'l:1nagcr shall assist the O\\'ncr in ubuining information regarding applicable requin:ments fur equal employment opportunit\. progr:lms for mclusion in the Contract Documents . 2.2,16 Following the O\"\'ner's Jpproval of the Construction Documems, the Construction ivlanager shall update and sub. mit the btest estimate of Construction Cost and the Project construction schedule for the Architect's re\'iew and the Owner's 3ppnJ\"al, 2.2.17 The Construction I\I;l11ager shall submit the list of prospecri ve bidders for the Architect's re\'iew and [he O\\"ner's apprO\'3!. 2.2.18 The Construction !>lJJ1Jger shall de\'eJop bidders' in. terest in the Projen and establish bidding schedules The Construction Manager. with tlle Jssistance of the Architect. shall issue bidding documents to bidders and conduct pre- bid conferences with prospec!lYe bidders The Construction Maruger shall JSSiSI the Architect WIth regard to questions from bidders and with the issuance of 3ddenda, 2.2.19 The Construction 1\lanager shJlI recei\'e bicb, prep3re bid an:liyses 3nd nuke recommendations to the Owner for the Owner's award of C011\racts or rejection of bids 2.2.20 The Construction ,\-1;tnager shall assist the O\\'n(:'[ in preparing Construction Contracts and advise the Owner on the ;lCceptabilin' of Subcot1[raClor.s and materia! suppliers proposed by Contractors 2.2.21 The Construction '\lJnager shall assist [he O\\'ner in obtaining building permits and special permits for permanent imprOlcmems, except for permits required to be obtainl'd cl!rect!\' ))1" [he \'arious Cot1[r;lctors The ConstrUCtion Mana- ger shall verit\ that the Owner has paid appliclble fees and assesSl11l'nts The ConstrUCtion \lan;lgl'r sh;lil assist the O\\'ner :mcl Architect in connection with tlw Owner's responsihilll\' for filing docul11e11\s required for the ;lpprm':Ii,s llf gll\'l'r!l' mC'I1[;r/ :Iuthorities h:II'ing IU!"IsdictltHl ol'er the P!"lljec.t . 2.3 CONSTRUCTION PHASE-ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT 2.3,1 The Con"ruction J'luse will commence \\'ith the :Iw:lrd of thc' il11tial Constructitll1 Contr;ICl or purchase ordl'r :lt1d, logc,thn \I'jth the Con.;rruction \1:ln:lgn',5 ohlig;ltllln tll pro. 3 8801/CMa-1992 I'iell' Basic Ser\'lces under thiS Agreement, \\'ill end ,"0 dJ\'s after final pa\'ment to all Contractor.' i,' due 2.3.2 The Construction '.lanager shall pro\'ide Jdml\llStrJ- tlon of the Contracts for Construction in cooperation with the Architect as set I(Jrth belo\\" and in the ediuon of ,-\IA Docu. l11ent A20LC.\L\. Ceneral Conditions of the Contract for Con- struction, Construction !>lanager-Ad\'iser Edition, current as of tl1e date of this Agreement 2.3.3 The Construction Mana,ger shall pro\'lde administrJ- tll'e, management and related sen'Ices to coordll1;lte scheciuled acti\'ities and responsihilities of the COl1lraclOrs with each uther and Kitll those uf the ConstructJun :.Ianager, the Owner and the Architect to endeavor to manage the Project in accor- cl:lnce with the latest appro\"ed eStim:He of ConstrUCtion Cost. the Project Schedule ;md the COll[rJct Documents 2.3.4 The Construction Manager shall schedule and conduct meetings to di,scuss such m;ttters :lS procedures, progress and scheduling, The Construction :.lanager slull prepare and prompt Iv cbtrihute minute,' to the O\\"ner. Arcl1itect and Contr:1Ctors 2.3.5 ltilizing th,. Construction Schedule, provided h\' the Contractors, tlk Cunstructiun \'lan:lgcr shallupclate the Proj- ect construction schedule incorpol'atJng the actl\'ities oC the Comr;lCtors on the Pruject, including :Icti\'in' sequences and dur;mons, allocation of I:lbor Jnd materials, processing of Shop Drawings, Product [);n;1 ;lI1d Samples, and deliver\' of prod- ucts requiring long le;ld time and procurement. The ProjeCt construction schedule shall include the Ov.:ner's occupanc\' requirements sho\\'ing portions of the Project hJ\'ing occu- IXlI1CT priorit\ The Construction .\1:lI1Jger sllall update and reissue the ProjeCt conslfuCtion schedule as required to shO\\' currell[ conciiuun, If an upd;nt' indicates th:n the prel'ious!\' approved Project construction schedule may nOl be me\. the Construction i\1:ll1ager shall recommend corrective action to the Owner :lI1d Architect 2.3.6 Consistent \'\"ith the \'ariou,s hidding documell[s, and utilizing inform:ltion from the ContractOrs, the Construc- tion l\lJnager shall coordinate the sequence of construction and assignment oC space in area,' where the Contracrors are performing \X'ork 2.3.7 The Construction \LII1:lger shall enc1ea\'m to obtain satisfacron perform:ltlce from C1cll of the Contr;lctors The Construction \Lll1ager shall l"Ccommend courses oC action to the Owner wl1t'n requircmel1\s of a Contract :Ire nm being fulfilled 2.3.8 Ttle Construction :.lanager slull monitor the appro\'ed estimate of Construction Cost The Construction Man;Jger sh:dl show ;JCtLI;d costs I(n :Ictil'ities in progress and esti- mates for uncompleted tasks Iw W;II' of comparison \\'ith such appn )\'ed esrim;lte 2.3.9 TIle ConstruCliol1 \Lll1ager shall cle\'elop cash !lO\\' reports ;1l1c1 foreC:hts f, >r the F~ojeCl :lI1cl :Ic!\'ise the Owner :1l1c1 Architc'c't :1.' I( 1 I'aruncc',' het\I'een actu:d and budgeted ur cStill1~l1l.:d (\ )'-,{.... 2.3,10 The C(IIlSlrllctllHl \Li:lagn ,hid! lluinUlil :tCUlunt, Ing r,'clJrcls l)J] :llIlhl,r!I.,'d \\','rk perl(lr!11L'c!lInc!er unit Cl'S\>, :Idditllln;i! \\'( lrk pnf'lr!1ll'd (111 the h:l.si,5 l If :1,'W;i! (( ).51.5 (If Lihor :lIld Ill;Jtni;i!,s, :llld 'lthe!" W',nk rnlllll'ing lIC'CllUntil1g records 2.3.11 Tile C"nstrunioll \LII1;1ger ,h.i11 delel'lp :lI1d imple, mel11 procedure., lor tIle relll'''' ;111c1 proccs.'iing of appliCl- tioll' Iw Contl';Il'(lIl'S 101 pl'()gress :lI1d fin;Ii p;I\'menr.; ^/A DOCUMENT B801/CMa ' l l\\',FF,( (),SlFt ("Tit)" \\-1",\(;1-:1{ Al;I{I-:E\\F,T . 1"')2 F[JITIO, 'IF\' "'1""2 ' Tllt-l11l':FIC-I" l,-:sTlTtTI OJ ,\HCtlITECT.5, \-,; '-:F\\ YOI{J.; ,\\'E'-:\ ,\, '-: \\' \\\5111'-:' ;Tl '" 1)( ~"""l ,,,~,,~ . WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and will subject the violator to legal prosecution, . BJscd un the CunstfUcWlI1 \Luuger's observ;ltions ano evaluations U[' eJch Cuntrauur's ,...pplicJt](lll for Payment. the Cr1nstruuion \tanager slnll ['el'iell' :tnd certih' the :lIllUUnrS due the rl'specrll'e C, )ntLlcturs 2.3.11,2 Tile C()lbtruUlon \\;ll1:\\.;<:r ,11:\\1 prepare a PflljeCl ,-\pplicauon (,)1' 1':IYllleIH h:lsnJ ll!l thl' C'"llr:luurs' Certlficucs 1llr P:IIIll<:[ll The Construuiun \lan:l~t"I:; ctTllfiClllun tl)r p:ll'ment shall conslltute :1 rq)IT,enutJ(ln to [he Owner. based on the Construction .\tanager' deteLnlIn:uiuns at the site JS pro- \Ided jn"ubpar:lgr:lpl~ 2" 15 :;71d 'H1 the oau comprising th<: CU\1(ractul's ,\pplicauun:; fur P:l\"menr. thar. to the best 111 the C( )[lstructioll ,\tan:lger's knuwleoge. inform;uion :lllO belief, the \'('urk has progre:iSed to the point indic:lted ano the qualit\ \)t th<: I.'fork is in aculrdance with the Contract Documents, T1le r'ureguing repre,<:ntatiuns :lre subject to an el'Jlua(Jun uf the \Xl)rk fur con(urm:lnce with the CUiltral.t l)uCUl11el1ts upun Substantial Completion, tll result., u( subsequent tese.-; and inspectiuns, [() minor deliJtiuns (rul11 the Cunrract Ducuments correctJble prior (U comp!etiun and to specifi~' qu"tlifications expressed bl' the Cunstru~.tion .\Lllnger The issu:lnce of a Certificate for P:I\'l11ent,h:tll tunher Cl)[lStitut<: :l representation that the C(Hltr;lctur is cmitkd t'l pal'menr in th<: amount certified . The is,uallce uf a Certificate for Pannent shall not he a represenr:ltion th:Jt the COIl,truc(Jun ,\lan;lger Ius (1) nude exh:lustil"e ur continuous un-site inspections to cheCK the lJu',lIity nr quantity uf tl1<: Work, (2) rel'icwed constrUCtion means, methods, techniques, sequences for the Contr:lctor's own \Xllrk. or procedures, (;I) l'el'iewed copies of requisitions receiwd from SuhCuntr:IClors and material suppliers and other data requested hI' the Oll'nn tu suhstanti:Jte the Contractor's right to pa\'menr or (-1) ascertained how or tor what purpose the CuntLICtur Ius used nhl11el. pre\"iously paid on accounr or' the Contract Sum 2.3.12 The Construction .\Luuger shall re\'ielY the safeC\' programs den:loped Iw eJch \Jt the Clntractors for pur- poses of courdinating the safeC\' programs with those of the uther Cuntr:luors TIle Construction .\l:l!lager's responsihilities ((lr cuurdilutiun uf safet\' pmgr:\ll1s shall nO( extend to direct contrul rl\.er 1)[' c1nrge ur' the act.' ur omissiuns uf the Con- tractul'S, Suhcumr:lc([)['s, ag~'J1(' ,)[" emplul'ees (If the Con, tra,:tors or SuhcontLluors, ,)r ,\11\ 'Hher pl'!"S(lnS perfurming purtiun" uf tlK' \\'urk :lI1d 11\)( directly empl\JH:d hI' the C()nstru,."tiun \Lunger . 2.3.13 The Cunstl"lICtt< Hl \\:ll1ager' slnll determine in gen- eral th:lt the \\'( lrK uf e:lch Cuntractur is heing per(ormed ill accurcLtllcl' with the ['equiremenrs of tile Cuntr:lu D(lcuments, ende:l\"(l['ing to gU:lrd the Ol\'ner against defects '.lnd ddickn- cies in the Work, A,s appropriate, the Construction \\:lI1ager sh:1I1 h:l\'e autlwrit\, UpO!1 I\"["i([en authuriz:l[io!1 from the Ollner. (() require additl( Hnl inspecti( 111 ur testing of the Work in accordance with the prol'isiuns uf the COlltract Documents. I\'hether ()[' not such \\i)rk is r'abriGlted. illst:Illed or com, pleted The Constructiun \\:lI1ager. in consult;ltion with tll\: ,-\rcllitel't. m:1Y reject \\"urk \\'hich dOt:'s nut conform to tIle requiremellh of the COlltr:ICt D(lcuments, 2.3.14 The CUlbtruuir)1l \Lunger ,hall ,chedule and cour- dill:lte the sequence ,)f cunstruction in ',lccordance with the CUlltr:ICt \)ucumems :lI1d tile latest approl'<:d Project con- 'tructi')[l ,chedule 2,3.15 \\ith respect [() eacll Cut1trxtor, uwn Work. the COt1- srru,'t!ul1 \l:tt1ager shall l1m h;l\'e control O\'t.'[ or charge of and shJll nor be responsible (or construction means, meth- ods. techniques, sequences or procedures, or (ur safetl' P["t"clutions and programs in cunnection With the Work ot each ot the Contractors, since these are soleI\' the Cumrac- tor's responsibilitv under the Cr)nHact tor Constructiun, The C(lnstruction .\I:lllager .;hall nor be respunsihk tur a COIl([aC' (0[", tailure to ClITI. out the \\"()rK in accmd;lnce with the ['especti\"(: Cuntract Ducum<:l1rs The Cunstruction \lanager 'h:1I1 not have control ol'er '11' charge uf :!Ct.' ur ol11issions ut the Contractors. Subcontractors, or their :Jgems or emplovees, 'lI" at1\' other persons performing portions of the IX'ork not directl\" emplcll"ed b\' the Construction .\1iiT:tga 2.3.16 The Construction \l;lIuger shall transmit to the ,-\rchi- tect requests tor imerpret;ltions of the meaning :Jnd intem ot [he Drawings and Specifications, and assist in the resolutiun of questions that mal' arise, 2.3.17 The Construction \lanager shall review requestS for changes, Jssist in negotiJting Cnntractors" propos:ils, submit recommendations to the Architect and Owner, ano, if thel' are acceptt'd, prepare Change Orders and Cunstruction Change Directives which inC<lrporate the ,\rchiteu's modifi- CJtions to the Documents, 2.3.18 The C,Jnstruction \l:lllager shall assist the ,\rchitect in the review, el'aluat!on and documentation ut Claims 2.3.19 The Construction \lar1:lger shall recdl'e cenificates ot insurance from the Contractors and forward them to the O\vner with a cor)\" to the ArchiteCT 2.3.20 In collaborJtion \vith the Architect. the Construction \lan:lger shall establis11 :Jnd implement procedures for expe- diting the processing :Jnd approl'a1 of Shop Dr:l\vings, Prod- UCt Data, Samples Jnd other submittals The C()Ilstructi( 1n \lanager shall rc\'ie\"\' all S110p Drawings, Product Data. Sam- ples and other submittals from the Contractors, The Construc- tion :\I:lnager shall coordinate submitt:lls ",;ith information contained in relJted documents and transmit to the Archi- tect those which have been appn)\"ed b\. the Cnnstruction \lanager. The Construction \!;mager's actions shall he taken with ~uch reasonable promptness as tu Duse no de1:II' in tile Wurk or in the :lctil'ities of the Owner, lr Cuntractor,s, 2.3.21 The COt1struction :>'lanal!.ef sh;rll rec:ord the prugress u( the Project. The ConstI"llctiun \l:l11ag<:r,hall su1Jmit writ- ten progress reports [u the Owner and :\IThiteu Including 111- fOJ"lw,ltion on each Comractor and each Ccl!1tr:lcto(s \X'(lrk, as well as the entire Project, shuwing percentages uf cum- pletion, The Construction \tanager shall keep a dailv log cun- taining. a record of \\ieather, each Col1tractor's \'('urk on the site, number o( workers, ioentific:ltion uf equipment. Wurk accomplished, problems encuuntered, and uther similar rele- vant data as the Owner ma\" require, 2.3.22 The ConStruction \Ian:lger sh:1Ilmail1tain :It the ProJ- ect site for the Owner one record copy' of :111 COIHr:lcts, Ora\\"- ings, Spccificatiuns, addenda, Change Orders and O(her \Iuditkations. in good order and marked currenth' tu ['ecord changes and selections made during construnion, and in additiun, appr\wed Shop Drawings, Product Ihta, Samples and simil:tr required submittals, The Cunstruction '-Lunger "h:1I1 mainr;lin records, in duplicate, ut principal building layuu[ lines, cle\"",ltions of the hot(()m of f(lutings, tluur Ie\"t'ls ;ll1d ke\' site elel'ations certified hI' a qualitled surl'eI'or (lr pi"Ofcs- sir ;11:11 engineer. The C(lnstruction \lanager shall make all ,uch records a'vailahle to the :\rchitect and upon l'Ot11pletHln ()f the Pmject shall deliver [hem to the Owner AlA DOCUMENT 8801/CMa . (l\\'"\FR,( '( l:O;STHlCTI( ,:O;\I.I'i..\CER ,ICREDIE"T . I')'!e FPITIO, . \1.\' . c'I'!'Je ' TilE \\IEI'I<.\:O; 1:O;,STITlTE UF ,-\I(ClIITFCT', 1-\; '\1'\\ Y,JRK\\T\IT, \\\ \\',I'II!,',I')\ 1)( 2()(JlIl'.;e"e' WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and will subjectlhe violator 10 legal prosecution. B801/CMa-1992 4 . 2.3.23 The Construction Manager shall ammge for the deli\'en', storage, protection and securit\' of Owner-purchased materials. S\'stems and equipment that are a parr of the Proj- ect until such items arc incorporated inro the Project. 2.3.24 \\'ith the ,-\rchitect and the O,yner's maintenance per- ,unnel. the Construction I\1anager shall observe the Cunrrac- turs" final testing and stan-up of utilities, operational s\'stems and equipment 2.3.25 \X'hen the Construction Manager considers each Con- [ractor's Wurk or ~l designated ponion there,)f substanriallv cumplete, the Construction Manager shall. joint1\.' with the Cuntractor, prepare for the Archirect a list of incomplere or unsatisfacton items and a schedule for their completion, The Cunstruction I\lanager shall assist the Architect in conduct- ing inspection, to determine wl1ether the \\fork or cksign~Jted porrlun thereof is substanri:JI1\.' complete 2.3.26 The Construction I\lanager shall coordin~Jte rhe cor- rt"ction ;lI1d cumplcti()n of the \Vork Fullowing is"u;lI1ce of ~l CertifIcate of Suhstanri:tl Completion of the \X(lrk ur a dnigna1t"d purtlon thu\:uf. the Construction I\\:lI1:igcr sh:tll e\':Jluate the cumpletiun of rhe \X'ork uf the Contractors and nukc rClOJ1lmCnd~JlIOn,' to thc Archirect when Work is read\ !, n final inslx'Ctiun Thc Construction \bnager shall as"i,l the ..\rchitect m cunducung final inspec[lons 2.3.27 The Cons1ructiun I\\:Jnager shall secure and trans- mit to the '\rd,itect \yarranties and similar submiu;lls required Iw the Contract Documents for delin"r\" ro the Owner ;lI1d delincr all ke\'s, !l1anu;i!s, record dr;n\"ings :Jl1d mainrenance ,t(lcks to rhe O\\'ner The Construction \l:mager shall forward 10 the Architect a final Project Applicltion for P~I\"n1enr upon complianu: \\'ith the requirements of the CoIHrac1 DucumelllS, 2.3.28 Duties, responsibilities and limitations of authorit\ of the Construction I\lanager as set forth in the Contract Documents shall not he restricted, modified or extended \\'ithout wriuen consent of the Ownt:r Construerion J\lanager. '\rehiteer and COlHr;lClOrs, Consent shall not he unreason. ;lhh' withheld . ARTICLE 3 ADDITIONAL SERVICES 3.1 GENERAL . 3.1.1 Tht: ser\'ice,s descrihed in this Arricle 5 are not included in Basic Ser\'ict:s unless so icJentifit"d in Arricle 1-1, and the\.' sh:1I1 he paid for h\' the Owner ;JS pro\'icled in this Agree- ment, in :Idclition to the compcns;lliun for Basic Sen'ices, TI,e Optional ,'\dclitiona] Sen'ices describeclunder l';tr;Jgraph ,,\,.., "h;lIlonh he rnn'iclecl if authorizecl or confirmed in \\"riting h\ tile O\\ner. If ,enices descriheclunckr COlllingenr Adcli- \i\)\1:11 Senices 1I1 P~iragr;lph .'\.2 are rt:quired due to cir- CU!l1St~tnccs benlncl tht: Construction \l;tna~er's control. the C,'n,'lructiol1 ~l;lI1~T shall notit\ thl' OWI~cr prior 10 CO!l1' !l1elKing such ,el"\'ices, 1 (the Owner cleems tl1;\\ such sCl"\'ices de,crihnluncler 1':lragraph 5,2 ;Ire not n:quir'ed, thc O\\'ncr ,h;i! I gl \C promp1 \\Tittl'l1 nl lllCl' IU the COI1,'l run iOIl '\l;lIugcr If the O"'I1LT illclic;IID in \\'I'i1il1g 1JUI ~III In p;lrr of,uc'h (:l)ll!ingelll ;\clcli1i'l!l;i! Sl'J"\'ices arl' nll! n:quired, thl' C()I1' ,!rU<."\l<ll1 \Liruger ,\1;111 \1:IH' nlJ llhlig;lIillll 1\) pnl\'ide ih( !"l' ~l'!"\'il'L.."i 3,2 CONTINGENT ADDITIONAL SERVICES 3.2,1 I'rll\'lclmg ser\'ice' required hn';ILlsl' l)f signllk:1Il1 5 B801/CMa-1992 cl13nges in the ProjeCt including, hur nor limited to, ch;mges in size, qualit\', complexitv or the O\yner's schedule, 3.2.2 Prm'iding consultation concerning replacement of Work damaged b~' fire or other cause during conslruction, and furnishing sen'ices required in connection witl1 the replacemenr of such Work 3.2.3 Providing sen'ices made necessan h\" the termination or default of the Architect or a Contractor. II\" major defeers or deficiencies in the Work of a ContractOr, or !J\' failure of perform;]J1ce of either the Owner or Contractor under :1 Con- toct for Construction 3.2.4 Providing ser\"ices in e\alUa1ing an extensi\'e numher of cbims submitted by a Contractor or others in connectiun ~\'ith the \X'ork, 3.2.5 Pr()\'iding sen'ices in connection \yith a public hear- ing, arbitration proceeding or legal proceeding except \\'here the Construction \lanager is part\" thereto 3.3 OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL SERVICES 3.3.1 Pro\'iding sen'ices reLlti\'e to future facilirles, S\Srel1b ;lI1cl equipmel1l 3.3.2 Pro\'iding scn'ices ro investigate existing conditions or f;lcilities or to prO\'ide measured dr:nYings thereof 3.3.3 PlO\'iding sen'ices It) \-erih thc accuracy of dr;lwing' or other il1formation furnished b\' rhe OWl1er 3.3.4 Pro\'iding sen'ices required for or in connectiol1 \\ilh the Owner's seleerion. procurement or instalLlIion of fur- niture. furnishings and relared equipmenr 3.3.5 Pro\'iding sen'ices for tenanr impf()\"emenrs 3.3.6 pf()\"iding a 11\' other sen' ices not otherwise included in this Agreement, ARTICLE 4 OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 The Owner shall pr(l\'ide full informa1ion reg;lrcling requiremel1ls for rhe Project. induding a program \\'hicl1 shall set forrh the Owner's objecti\"es schedule, consrr:lint, ;lI1d criteria, including space requiremel1ls and rebtioJ1ships, flex, ihilin', expandahilin', special equipment. s\'stems, ~1I1d site requiremenrs, 4.2 Tl1e Owner shall establish ancluplLnc an o\'eLIlI huclge1 for the Project based on consu!t:llion with the Construction \lanager and Architect. ",'hicl1 "hall include the Con'truction Cost. the Owner's Other cost, and reasunahle colltingen' cies related to all of these costs 4.3 I f requested lw the Const ructlun \I:mager. the O\\'ner ,hall furnish evidenct" that finaJl5:ial arrangement' h;I\'e heen 111;lde to fulfill rhe O\yner's oblig;ltion,s under thi'\greel11cnt 4,4 Thc O\\ner sh;lll design;lIc ;1 represenr;lti\l ~IUll1oriznl ll';tel 011 rhe Owner'" beh~tlt will1 re"pn:1 Il) tl1e i'nljec1 Tl1e O\\'ner. nr such aUll1nrizn! reprl'st"nUtl\'e, skill rencl...'r cln'l' '1()lb in ;1 timely m:lnner pert;lining tll ...locUlllenl.' 'u))mll- tl'd b\' the C0l1s1ruction ,\!;rn~lgl'r in ordn I" ;1\', lid unrc;lson;lhle deb\' in thl' orderh' ;1I1d'equenti:tI pl'ogrcss ,,(' the CunstruClion \l:lIuger, ,er\ICe' 4.5 The Owner shall retain :111 :Irchllect \\'hose ,eJ"\in:s, du- ties and responsihilitit:' ;Ire clescrilwcl in the eclition of ,\IA AlA DOCUMENT B801/CMa . OWXFI\,CO:\qH\CTIO:\ \l,\'\Al;ER AC.HED1F:\l . 1')')2 EDIT1U:\ . AIX' . ,.')\<)')2 . TilE ,\.\\EHICA:\ I'\STIH'TE OF AHO IlTHTS, 1-" '\):.\.\' YUHl-: :\\'1':\1"[, 1',\);'" W,\5III'\C,TO:\, DC 2(1lllll',"2')2 . WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and will subject the violator to legal prosecution. . Documenr BI'IJlCMa, Standard Form of Agreemenr Benveen Owner and Architect. Construction Manager-Ad\'ber Edition, currenr ;lS of the d;lte of this Agreement. The Terms and Con- ditions of the Agreement Bet\veen the Owner and Architec[ shall be furnished to the Construction 7\lanager and shall nO[ he modified \Yithuut \vri[[en consent of the Construction \l:mager. \I'hich consent shall not be unreasonabh' \\'ithheld The Construction :-I:u1Jger shall not be responsibJ~ for actions t;lkcn tl\" the Architect 4.6 The Owner shall furnish structural. mechanical. chemical. ;lir and \\";Jter pollution tests, rests for h;I7~lr(,ious m3tenals, and other Llhoraton' and en\"lronmenral tests. inspection,s and reports required bv l:iw or the COntr;lct Documents, 4.7 The Owner shall furnish all legal. accounring 3nd insur- ancc counseling setTin:s a,s mal' he ncceSS:ln' at all\" time for the Project. in~']uding auditing' sen'ices the'O\,'n~r ma\' re- uire tll I'<:'tit\ the Contractors' Af1plications for Pa\"lllent or tl) ;hcertain hl)\\' or for \\'hat purposes the Contractors hal'e used the mOI1L'I' paid hI or on hehalf of the Owner . 4.8 The Ol\'ner shall furnish th<: Construction :-bn;lger \\itll ;1 suftlcieilt quanti tv of ClJl1struction Documents, 4.9 The sen'lces, inform;1tion ;l1ld report,s required hI' P;lra- gr;lphs -I ') through -1,1-\ shall be furnished at the Owner's e,"pense, ;Ind the Construction :-l;ll1ager shall Ix: emitled to rdl upon the accuuCI and CumpJeteness thereuf 4.10 Pmmpl \\ritlen notice sh:tl! he gil'en b\' the Owner to the Cun,structioll ,\I;l1lager ;l1ld Architect it' tile O\\ller hecullle,s J\I'are of am' fault or defect in the Project or 11011- cllllfurlllance with the Cunrract Documents, 4.11 The Owner resenes the right to perform COllstructioll and oper;ltion,s rebtnl to the Project wirh the O\\"ner's own lorces, and tU award contracts in connection wllh the Pmj- en which are 1l0t p:m of the Construction !\lanager"s respoll' sihilJties under this Agreel1lem, The Construction .\l;rnager shall n()rih' the Owner if an:' such independent action will Interferc with the Construction M:lI1ag<::r's ability to perform tht, C, H1stl'uction !\l;mager's responsibiliti<::s under this Agre<::- ment. \\'hen performing construction or operations reLlted to the Project, the Owner ;lp:rees to be suhj<::ct to the S:l111e ohligatiollS ;ll1d to hal'e the same rights as the ContraCtors 4.12 Infot"!ll;!tion or services uncler the Owllt:r's control shall he furnished b\ the O\\'ller \I'ith reasonahle promptness to ;11', lid deLli' in the orderil progress of the Construction .\!an. ;Ign\ sel"l'ice,s and the progress of the \X'ork ARTICLE 5 CONSTRUCTION COST 5.1 DEFINITION 5.1.1 Thc-Co~ruction Cost shall ht' the lottl COSt or l',stj- I1Utl'll cost It) the O\I'nn of ;tll elements Uf the hO!t"et ,ksignctl "1 ,spl'l'ifll'll 11\ Ih,' ,\rchilt.ct . 5.1.2 The Consrruc"tI'Jll CU,slsJull lIldudt, the cost;1[ l"llrrenl l1urkl't UID 01 LIh"r ;lIldlluteriab furni,shed hI rht, O\lnl'r ;lIldcquiplllCl11 tlcslgnnl. spn'itil'll.sekc"ted ()! ,speei;i1i1 PI'lI' l'ltlnl IlIr hI the .-\rdlJtect. plus ;1 reaso!l:lhle al!o\\';lnCC till' tht, C')lltunur,s (JI'crhe;ld ;llltl profit III ;Itldilil)n, :1 rca,SO!l' ;Ihk ;tlll l\\;IllCe for cOll\ingeneies sh;i11 he Jf1L"lutkd tor 1ll:lrker cOl1ditions;1{ the time of hidtling and till" ch;l1llles in the W'lrk durin,~ COllstrllnio!l Excepl :IS providecl in Suhpar:lgr;lph ) J:'>, ConstruCtion Cost sh;1I1 also include the compensa. tion of the ConstruCtion .\l:l11:lger ;lnei Construction .\Ian- ager"s consu!tams 5.1.3 Construction COSt does not include tht" compens:l- tion of the Architect and Architect"s consult:IIltS, COSts of the land, righrs-of-w:II' fin:1ncing or other costs \yhich are the responsibilit\ of the Owner :1S pnwicled In Anicle -I If am' ponion of the Construction \1;magers compens;lIion is based upon a perce\l\age of Construction Cost. then ConstruCtion Cost. for the purpose of determining such ponlon, shall not I11clude the compensation or the Construction .\1:l11ager or Constructio!l \lan;lger"s consultaIlts 5.2 RESPONSIBILITY FOR CONSTRUCTION COST 5.2.1 EnluatH)lb of tht" OIl'I1('r',S Project huuget, prelimi- nary estimates of Construction Cost ;1I1d detailed estimates of Constructiun COSI prep;iretl h\ tht" CO!l,strucuon \1:l11ager represellt the Constructiun .\Ll11agn',s hest judgment a,s :1 per- son or entit\ Llmiliar \\'ith the construction l11t1ust1"\ It i~ recognized, hO\\T\'<:'t, th;1t Iwithe'r the Construction :-lan;lger nor the Oll'ner ha" U )nt1"< 11 \ )\er the c, )st l)f Lib, >1", Ill;lteri;i!,s or equipmenr ()\Tr COl1tLIC[Ors" methods of d,.termining hitl prices, or lll'er competitJl'e hiddl11g. market or negotiaung conditions, ,-\ccordingh', the Construction ;..bn:lger cannot :Illcl cloes not warrant or represent that bids or negoti;lteti priccs will not I'arv from the Project budget proposed, e'suhlishetl l)! ;lp)Jr'lI'ed I)\" tht' O\I'ner. or from am' UJst cstimate or (T;i!u;ltion prepared hI the Constructilll1 \bn;lgn, 5.2.2 '\0 fixed lilllit of Consrruction Co,St shaJJ be establisheci as a condition of this Agrcement bl' the furnishing, f1roposal or est:1blishment of;1 Project budget unless such fixed limit has been agreed upon in writing and signed b~' the p:trtie" hereto, If such :1 fixnl Jilllit h;h becn eS[;lhlished, the Con- struCtion J\lana,l!er shaJJ be permitted [0 include contin, gencies tin deslgn, bidding and price escalation. and shall COil. suit with the Architect to determine \\'hat materi:l!s, equip- mell[, component S\',Stem's ;l1ld tI"j)es of construction are to be included in the COll[ract Docullle\l\s, to suggest rClsonablc adlustments in the scope of the Project. and to sug,l!est inclu- sion of alternatc hids in the Construction DOCUIllCIHS to adjUSt the Construction Cost to thc fixecllimit Fixccllilllits, if any. ,S11;11I be increased in the amoullt of am' increase in the Con- tract SUIllS occurring after execution of tht' Cll11tracts for C< lnstructil)n. 5.2.3 1f the Bidding or '\cgoti:ltiol1 Phase has not commenced v,ithin 90 cla\'s after submittal of the Construction DocumelHs to the Owner. an\" Project budget or fixed limit of Construc- tion COSt shall hc adjusted to reflect changes in (he ~en<:r;J1 lc\'el of prict.'s in the construction inclustl"\' be[\\'tTn the tbte of submission of the Construction !)ocume!l[,s to Ihe O\\'ner ;ll1C! the cLlle on \\'hich propos;i1's ;Ir(' sought 5.2.4 If:1 fixed limil of C/i7isrrucrion Cust \;tdiustnl ;\S pro, I'iclnl in SubP;ILlgr;lph ')2 ,~I i" exeet'c1eclIA the 'sll/ll of till" IO\\'t'S( hon;1 fitk hilis ,)J negotLlln! prop"s;tls !)lllS the' COil' structi\ln \LIIl;I,~e(,s l'sti1l1;llt' of lllher eklllt'llt' (If ('lllstruc, t I' ll1 I:, hi fl II' Ihl' 1'r< 'Inl [ht, ( )\\l1l'l" slull ,1 gi\T \\'1'111('11 ;Qlpr, II;J! [>I ;111 ilhTC;I'l' III such flXetl I JIll it, .2 ;luthlllVl' rchltltlillg ,Ir lenl'!"' II [;Ilill).: [>I t hl' Pr< lj, eCl \\'Hhil] ;1 rC:1.s(lluhlc time .3 if the Pm)ccr i.s ;lb;lnli, llll'c! tCi"lllin;It,' In ;lccorcbllCc \\'HI1 P;lugr;lph I),':', or AlA DOCUMENT Ba01/CMa ' I )\\'",IXO ) ,""STIl I 'CTlO'\ ,II.,I'iM;ER AGRFI':\lF"T . 1'>')2 I])'TIO'\ . ,,1.\' . [O'Jlj')2 . TIiF "\lERICA'" 1.",'sTITt'TI: or ,~RCIiITECT.., 1-," '\1'\\ lOll" A\'E"I T ,,\\' \\>-\,-;III'\GTO'\, DC 21)()(I(>,';2'J2 ' WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyrighllaws and will subjecllhe violator to legal prosecution. 8B01/CMa-1992 6 . .4 ~'()o~)Cr~l(e III re\'i~ing the Project scupe and quallt\' ~\s required to reduce the COllstruerioll C:O~L 5.2.5 It thc \)wilcr chooses to pmccnlundn CLiI"'><: ~,2-+-+, the Cun,tl"uc[J(JIl \lanagcr. \\'ithout Jdditional dUl"ge, shJII coopnate with the O\\"ner Jnd ,\rchitect ;\s n<:Ce,>"ar\" to hl"ing the Constl"UUI<Jn Co'>t wl(IlIIl the t'i,nl limlL if esclhli,,>hnl ,I'> a c()[lditioll of this -\gl"ccm<:nt, ARTICLE 6 CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT ACTIVITIES 6.1 ClJlbtruerion support acti\'iti<:s, if pnl\ided by the C(lll- struction \LlI1agec shall he g<J\"<:rI1nl bv separate conrl"ac- rual agreem<::nts unles~ otherwise pr\l\'ided in Article 1-+, 6.2 Reimhursahle expenses listed in ,-\rtick 1-+ for con~truc- tion support aui\'ities mav be suhject tu trade discounrs, rehates, I"efunds ~lnd amounr~ recei\'ed from sales of surplus nuterlJls and equipmenr \\hich,>h~ill accrue to the Owner. and the Constructioll \1;lIlager ,'>hall make pr\l\'isiuns so that the\' CII1 he seeur<:d ARTICLE 7 OWNERSHIP AND USE OF ARCHITECT'S DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS . 7.1 The f)r:twing~, ~peeitk~l(ions and other documents prepared Iw the ,-\IThitect ;lrl' instruments of the ,\rdliteer"s selTice through which the Work to be executed b\' the Contr:lctor., is de~cribed, The C:<ln~tructi<)l1 \Linager may retain Olle record set, The Cunstructioll \LIIl;lger "lull nut own 01" claim a L'o!wright in the Dl"a\\"ings, ,~pecificltiollS and otll<..'r document~ pl"ep;.1red I)\" the .-\rehitect, and unless otherwise indiclt<:d the ,\rchitect shall hL' deemed tllC author of rhem and will I"etain all common 1:1\\', SUtutOJ"\' ~Ind othel" reseJ"\'ed rights, ill addition to the copnighc ,\[[ copies of them. excepc che C'H1~uuccion \Llluger" recurd sec Sh~ll! he returned or ,suit~lhl\' accounted for to the Architect, on requesr. upon com- pktjoll of the' Project The Drawings. Speut"iCltiOnS and other documenr., prepared Iw the ,\rchiceer. ;lIid copies thereof fur- nhhed to the Construction \1:uugn, al"e fOI' use ,,>okh' \\'itll res peer [Il tll1s Project Thl'\ :lre not to be used h\' the Con- ,reuction \tanager lm other pruleCl.' or for JdditllH1s [(l this l'nlject out'>ide rIll' S,'(lpe ot' rill' \\"ork \\'irhout the speclfiL' written Clllbel1t of the Owner Jnd'\rclmel'c The ConstruL'- tiun \Lunge!" is gr;mted J limited liL'ense to use '.lIid reproduce ~lpplic;lhk pmtions of rill' Dr~I\\'ings, ,'ipecific:ltiuns and ocher documel1ts pl"epared h\' the ,\rchitcer appropriate to and t'OI" use in the pert(JI"ll1anee of the Cl H1structi< Jl1 \LlIiager's sel"\"ices unde!" rhi,s Agreel11enr .\11 copies l11ade under this licl'lb<: -,hall hear the sLltutOf\' cop\Tigl1t notice, if al1\', shuwn on the [)r;twings, Specificl- cions Jl1d mher doeumenrs preVlred hy the ,\rchirect Suh- mittal ur distrihution to meet official regulator\' requirements ur fOI" mhel" purpuses In connection wich this Project is nut to he clHbuued as puhhcariul1 in def()~.Pti(ll1 ()f the ,\rclli- tects L'op\right lJr mher l"esl'l"\'ed I"ights . ARTICLE 8 ARBITRATION 8.1 CLIlI11S, disputes m (Hller l11~ltlers in question het\\"L'en till' p~lrtie,> to chis .-\greel11el1t artsing <Jut lJf 01' I"clating [Il thl.' 7 B801/CMa-1992 ,\greemenr ur hre~leh thereof shall be suhJect tu and decided hy arbitratiun in acclJrdance \vjth ehe Cunstructiun Indusrr\' ,-\rbltl"atiul1 Rules of till' Amel"ieal1 .\rbitration ,\ssociariul1 CUi"- I'entl\" in efkct unless the p;.1rties mutually agree otherWise, 8.2 Del1und fllf arhirratilJn ,shall be tiled in \vrlting \\'itll che lHher pan\ (0 this Agrecl11el1t and \\'ith tile ,\mUiCln ,\rhicLI- tion ,-\,,>souation, ,-\ dennnd t(lr arhit[Jcion ,hall he made within a reasunahle time ;Itkr the cLlil11, di,>pute m orlwr matter in question h~ls arisen, 111 I1lJ e\'elH shall th<: demand fOI" arhicration he made after the d;rte when institution of legal \)1" equitable proceedings I)ased Dn :;.l.l.l.:h \.Iaim, dispLlt~ or other matte!" in quesllon would be Inned 1)\' rhe applicahle st~ltutc:s of limitatiol1s 8.3 :'io al"hitration ~ll'ising (Jut of ur relaring to this :\gree' ment ~lull include, b\" consolid;rtion, joinder Dr in am' uther manner. an addition;t! person Ul" emi[\' not a part\' co tillS .\greemenr, except b~' wriuen cunsell( containing ~l specific reference to this .\greemc:nr signed b\' the Owner. Cunstruc- tion \Linager. and an\' uther pel"son or enw\' soughr to be jOlnnl. Consent to ~ll"hltration involving all ~ldditional pel"son or entity shall not consritute consent to arbitration of all\" cbim, dispute or other maner in question noc descrihed in the wrinen consent 01" \\'irh a person 01" eIHit\' not n~ulled (lr described rherein The t'oregoing agreement to achitraCe and other agreements [0 arhitrate with an :ldditional person or en- tit\' dulv consented to bv the p;rnies to this ,-\greemem shall he specificalI\" enforceable in accordance wirl1 appliClhle b\v in al1\" cuurt h~l\'ing jurisdiCtion thneoL 8.4 The award I"endered b~' the arbitl"aror or arbitrators shall he final. and judgment mav be emered upon it in accordance \\'ith appliClhle law in ;111\' coun ha\'ing jurisdiction thereof ARTICLE 9 TERMINATION, SUSPENSION OR ABANDONMENT 9.1 This ,\gceemenr ma\' he terminated h\' either pan\' UpOI1 not less than se\'en da\',," \witten notice should the other pal't\ fat! suhstantial!\- tD pecform in accordance \vith the terms Dt rhis :\greement rhrough no fault ()f the part\' initiating th<: tecminaeion, 9.2 If the Pwieer is suspended h\' the l!\\'nec tOI" I11OI'~' tlnl1 ,':'0 conseCl.\ti\"e d'.p,s, the C()nstruerion \Lunger sh;1I1 he ,'0111' pensatcd for ser\'ice,' pnformed pl"iol" to nDtice ot such ,u"pcnsilJn, \,\'hen the Proieer is l"esul11ed, th<: Constl'uerton \Luuger's eDmpens~ition shall be equitJhh adjusted to pm- \'ide fllr expenses incul"red in the iiltL'fruption :Ind l"esul11p- tiOil of the Con"truerion \-I;rn;rger"s senices 9.3 This .\gl"eement 111:1\' he terminated b\' the Owner upon nm less tl1;111 seven dav,," wrirren Ilotice to the ClJnsrrucrion \Llnager in the e\'ent [hat the Project is permanenth' ahan- doned If che Pmject is abandoned hy the Owner fOI" mOl"e rhan 90 consecurive da\'s, the Construction \-bnager nu\' ter' minate this Agreement b\' giving writtcn notice 9.4 Failul"e ot' [he O\\'ner to make pa\'ments to the Construc- tion \-bnager in accordance with this ,\greement shall be con- sidered suhsunrial nonperfornunce and cause fOI" tecmination, 9.5 If the Owner fails tU make pa\'IllerH when due th<: Construction \lanager for services and expenses, che Con- sm.lcrion \-1~lI1ager ma\", uplln se\'en d:)\'s' written notice to the OwneL suspend pel"fornunce of sef\'ices under this .-\greemenL Cnless pavment in full is received by [Ill' AlA DOCUMENT B801/CMa ' U\\S!XCU'iSTHCLTllJ:-; ,\1.\,\,\(;I:K ,\(;Kt:E.\IE:'-IT ' I')')c U1ITI( l\ ' ,\1.-\" , 01')'-'~ . THE ,\,\11:1<1<:.\'< I:'-ISTITI.TE UF .\KCIIITECTS, I-.\'; :'-11'\\ \( ll<Io: A\T\lE, "W. W,blll:'-l,;TlJ:'-I [) C ~()()()",,~'l~ . WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U,S. copyright laws and will subject the violator to legal prosecution. . Con"rruuion \LlIlager within "Ten da\'s of the date or' the n()(ice, the sw,pension shall take etfecr w'ithout funher n()(iee, In the e\:ent uf :I ,uspension of sen'ices, the Construction \Ltn:lger,h:i11 11:11,' IW li:lhilit\' tlJ the Owner tor dela\' or damage ,':I used tlJ tile ()wner hecause ()f ,'uch "u"pensio'n tlf -\<':[\'ICI..:''' 9.6 in the ,'\"Ull "I t<.:rmlluti, H1 11< ,t the t:lLllt I ,( the Cunstruc. Ii, Hl \LI/l:lger. thL' CunstrUCl/on \LlIugn ,Jr.lll he compensated tiJr sen' ices per(oi"lned priur tu termlll:ltiun, together with Reimours:thlc E,'\penses then due :lnd :111 krmin:ltiun Ex, pen,ses :tS ddined in P:lr:lgrap!1 L)- 9.7 TermllUtlun r:xpelbes ;lre th'lSe C,)sts direcrh :lttrlhut, ;lhle to termin:ltiol1 for which the Con"truuiofl .\laluger is 110l mher,vise compens:Hcd, ARTICLE 10 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 10.1 l'l1kss mherwlst: pl"lH'ided, tlli'; Agr\.'emel1t shall h\.' gOl'erned Iw the Ltw t J[ the pLtce \vhere the Project is louted, 10.2 Terms in this A,greemem shall ha\'e the same me:lning as those in the editiol1 of ,\1.\ [)ocumem ,\21Ji/C\la, Cener:1I Cundition" of the Contract tor Construuiofl, COflstruuion \Ianager.,\d\'iser Edition, current :IS o( the date of this ,\grcemcnt, . 10.3 Cluses of :Ictiun her \\"lTI1 Il1\.' p:lrties to this ..\gn:e. mem pen:lil1ing t'l acts or failures to :Ict shall he uecmeu to h:l\'e accrued :ll1d the :lpplicable statutes of limitations shall commence to run 110l I:Her th:l11 either the date of Subst:lntial Ctlmpletion for :lCls or failures to :let occurring priur to Substantial Cumpletion, or the date of i,suance of the final Proiect Certificate for Pa\"ment (or acts or failure, to au occurring :lfter Suhstantial Completiofl, 10.4 Waivers of Subrogation. Tile O\\'ner and Construction \Lln:iger \\':Ii\'e :ill cighh :lg:tinst eacil ,)ther and against till' Contract'lrs, ,\rchiteo, cllnsultant." :lgeiltS Jnd c'mplo\'ees ,Jf an\" of thelll, (or d:Il1lages, hut onll' to the extcnt co\'ernl h\' propen\ in"ul'anc,' during construction, e:>;cept such rights as the\' m:I\' ila\'e to the proceeds of SUch insur:ll1ce as sct (onl) in the nliutJll of ,\1.\ j)OCUllll'lH A":!lI.'c'\LI. Cenecil CtJndi. ti, Jib of the Ct Jl1[I";I,'t i, Jr C, Jlbtruui, Jil, C, JilStruCU, Hl \LlIl:lger. \d \'iser f-:diu, Ji1, l'urrent 'IS \ If tlw lbtl' ,)[' I his\greeml'IH, Till' O\\'ner and Ctlllstcuction \Lllnger e:lcil,Iull requice ,imibr \\'ai\"l'I"s (mill their C'JiltCIUOC,S, .,\rchiteu, consuluncs, Jgents, ,Ind pel's'Ji1s or entities :Iwarded :iepJLlte l'OIHraus :idlllinis. tered under the Own\.'l"'s own forces, 10.5 Thc O\\'ner anJ CIJllstruction ,\LInager. respectI\'ek hind thelllsell'es, tileir p:lrtner:i, :iucceS:iors, :lssigns and legal represenUti\TS to the mher p:Irt\' 10 this ,\grel'ment Jnd [0 the partne!"s,'iUlTessor.'i, Jssigns Jnd Iega! represeilt;lti\'es of ,uch other P:II.t\' with re>IK'ct to all co\enancs of this :\gree. ment \ieither Owner noc Ct)lblructi'Jn .\Lunger slull assign this Agreemem without thc written ,"JnSeIH tlf the other . 10.6 Till., ..\greel1ll'nt l'epcesL'nts the entire and integrated :lgreel1lelH IJetween the Cl\\ner and c,Jilstructt< Jil ,\Lll1;lgl'r :ll1d >upcrsedes all prior negou;aions, l'cpcesel1t:ltiolb tlr :lgree, meilts, eith\.'r \\Titten ,)I' In:11. Thi" ,\gwel1lcl1t m:I\' he :lInended tlnll' Iw written instrument signed hv both Owner ;ll1d Con. struction .\bnager. 10.7 :\,lthing contained In this Agreement shall l"rl':lte a con. tractual n:Laionship with or J caUSe of action in fa\'( Jl' of a AlA DOCUMENT B801/CMa . t )\'(',IXCO,STRt CliO'.; \L\:-iAGER ,\GREE\\E:\T ' I')<)e EDITIO" ' ,\I'\" , ~,I\)<).! ' n IE ,\,\IERIC,\.\: I.\:',ITITTE OF ,\RCllln:crs, 1-," :\E\'( "JRK ,\\1'::\11':, ,\'(' W\,'!II:\';'!"'J:\, DC .!flll()'>"e'J~ ' WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and will subject the violator to 'E!9al prosecution. third pan\' apinst either the Owner or ConstructiOfl .\Lll1ager, 10.8 l'nless otherwise pnJl'ided in tilis ..\grel'ment. the Con. ,tcuction .\LlIuger :lIld tJk Construction \bnag~(s cllnsult;mrs slnll ha\'e nt) responsihilit\ for the discol'efl, presence, Inn. dling, l'eIll()\':11 ur disposal of or expo,url' of persons to hazar. duu" il];lterub in am' [ilrIll at tl1e Project site, lIlcluding hut nl J[ lin1l[cd t( J '.I,bl'stus, ashesltls pi"< Iducts, p' JI \'l'hlurinatnl h/pheml (PU3) 'lr utller tUXIC ,'iuhst:lIlces, ARTICLE 11 INSURANCE 11.1 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER'S LIABILITY INSURANCE 11.1.1 Tl1e CunstruCtion .\1anager ,hall purchase from anJ maintain in a comp'.ll1\' m comp:lflies Ll\vfulh' authorizecl to do business in the jurisdictllHl in which the ProjeCt is located such InSlll"ance .IS will protect the Cunstruction .\lal1ager froIll cLtims set turth below which may arise out of ur result from the Construction .\LInager', operations under thi, ,\greement :lnd tiJr which the Construction ,vbnager nul" he legall\"' liable, .1 cLlIrlls under \vorkcrs compensJtion, clisJ.lJilit\' hendit :lIld other similar emplm"Ce Ixnefit acts \\'hlch .Ire :Ippliuble to the operations to be performed: .2 claims tor eLinnges beuuse of bodilv injun'. occu' p:ltiollal "ickness or disease. or de:lth of the Con, "'flIcrion .\Ltnager"s ~mplo\"ees: .3 cbims for damages beuuse ot' bodil\"' mjul"\', "ickness \lr disease. ur death uf :111\' person other Ihan [he Construction \Ltnag\.'r"s emplu\'ces, .4 CbllllS (or dam:lges Insured b\' usual persun:iI injun' !i;lbilit\' c()\'erage \\'hich arc susGliiled (I) b\' a per. SOil :IS :1 result o( an offense directl\" or indirectl\" rebted tu emph1\'ment of such person h\' the Cun. 'truoiun \I:m:lger. or I":) h\' another per"uil: .5 l'\;lims for ,t1mages, otller dun to the \X()rk itself. beclu:ie of injun' to or destructioll of [;lngIhle prop. nil, includlllg loss of use resulting therefrom: .6 cLtillb ftlr d:lm:lgD hcuuse of bodill injun', death tlt'I puson or propert\' d:lllng'~ ari>ing OUt ,)f l J\\nerSllip, nninlen:lnc\.' tJr the o( a mottJr \'ehicle, 11.1.2 Thc l11sur:1I1Ce required h\' Suhpar;igl'aph 1l.l.1 shall he \\ritten (or nut Ie,s than limits of liabilit\' speCltied in ,\rti. ,'Ie 1,1 llr reljuired lw l:l\\', \\'hiche\'er cO\'erage is greatu Cu\'er:/ges, whethel' \\Titten on :In tlccurrencl' ur eLliIlls.nude 11;I.'ii." Sh:lll he iluintained without interru[)tion ['rom date of ,'Uml11ellCeIllenr elf operatilJl1S under this AgreeIllellt ulltil eLite ot final p:I\'mem :lIld terIllinatiull of an\ cu\'erage rl'quirn! tu he maintained after fi 11;1 I pa\"lll\.'llt ARTICLE 12 PAYMENTS TO THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER 12.1 DIRECT PERSONNEL EXPENSE 12.1.1 Direct Personnel Expense is defined as the direCt ,sal:lric, tlf the Cunslruction .\Linager's personnel engaged on the ProJect and thc poniun uf the cost of their l11andatofl' .I11d custOl11an' CO!1[rrhutiuns Jnd henet'its reLnnl thereto. such :1.' emplo\'ment tx,,'s :lIld uther,ututon' emplO\'ee bene. 8801/CMa-1992 8 . . . fits, in~ur~111n:, ~ick leave, holid~l\'~, 1'~ICltJon~, peIl;;loll~ :llld ,imibr l'()ntJ'lhlltJOIl,'i and beneh[;;, 12.2 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES 12.2.1 IkimhllL'iahle E.\:pelbes ~lre In .lddirIO/1 [0 C()JllIX'lb~l- [Ion for 1),I'il ~111d ,\ddirlon~11 SCI"lICc" ,111el inclulle e\:pense,' Incurrni hI [hl' (:,}flSrrUnil)[] \Llnager and (:onsrrUC(!(IIl \Lin:li'us l'll1pl')It'C','i and cOIl.'illlunrs [n rhe inceresc llf che I'mkcr as [,len[ltled in che tull('\\"lng U~luses f:\:pef1o;e of [ransporurion in l'lJI1neuion \\'Icll rhe 1'1"< ljl'l'C: eXIX'[bl',o; in connenio[fwich ~Iurhonzed ouc-of-co\yn rr~II'el. long-di,'iunce cOl11munlcau(lns: and kes p'aid for s\::- cUl"ing appmnl of auchoricies l1a\'ing jurisdiction (In:r cht' Pmjecr Expense of reproducciuns. postage, express deliv- enes, ekcrronic bcsimile cransmissions and lunuling of Draw- Il1gs, Spl'citk~l[i(lnS anu ocher documents, If auchorized in ad\"ance Iw che Owner, expense (If ()\'errime \\"I,rk requiring higher (Inn reguLlr races, I':\:pense of addirional InSllr~111Ce cO\'er:lge or limiiS requescl'll hI' [he Owner 111 excc..s of chat n\lnn~rllv carried hI che Con<cruccl()[1 \LLnager ' 12.3 PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNT OF BASIC SERVICES 12.3.1 ,\n inicial pa,'menr as set forth in Paragraph L\ I is rhe minimum pa\"menr under thIS :\greemenr 12.3.2 Suhsequellc p~I\'mell[s for B~ISic Ser\'ices shall be made nHH1rhh' ~md, where applicahle, shall he in proportion ro ser- \'iccs perti lrmt.'d within each phasc ot ,SL'I"I" ice, on rhe h~lsis e'et ttlrth in Suhparagr:lph 1:\,2 I 12.3.3 [t',lnd (U [he exrcn[ rhar tile time inici~IiI\' estahlished in Suhp:lragr:\ph 1:\ '1 I of [his ,\greemenr is eXCl:edecl or exrended rhrough no faulr of the Consrrucrion .\Ltruger, com- pensation for an\" ser\"ices rendered during the addiClonal period of rime shall he computed in (he manner set fnrth in Suhpar:lgraph U,,-\ [ 12.3.4 \\'he!1 compensarion is hased (111 a perccnc:lge lltCU!1- ,trul'riun Cusr ~Ind ~lf1\' portiuns ot chc [)[(\leu ',!re deleted I'l' (ltllet"\\"ISt: nuc constructed, compcnsatlon t()r th,be portions of the Pmiect shall he pa\"ahle [ll [he: e~te11l ,se!"\lLTS ~nl' per- formed on (h(lse ptlrtions, in :lccordance with Suhp:lrag['aph 1,-\,2 I. based on II) the lowe.o;r hon:l fide hids or negoriart:d propos~t1s, or (2) if no such hids (Jr propu.::>.:lls ~re recei\"ed, [he brest apprO\'ed es[imare uf such portions of rhe: Proieu 12.4 PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNT OF ADDITIONAL SERVICES AND REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES 12.4.1 Pa\'ments on :lccount of clle Consrruction .\1~lI1agero; :\cldirional Services and for Reimhursahle Expenses shall he made monrhl\" upon presentarion ot rhe Consrruccion .\Ltn- ager"s sraremenr of ser\"ices rendered or expenses incurred 12.5 PAYMENTS WITHHELD 12.5.1 'io cleducClons shall he m:lLie from rhe C,)J1srruccion .\Lmagers compensarion on account of pen:lIr\'. liCJuid:lted damages or mher sums withheld from p:l\'menrs (n Contf:lC- toJ'S, or on account of the cost or' changes in \\'ork other than chose for whicl1 (he Construction .\lanager has heen found (n he liahle, 12.6 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER'S ACCOUNTING RECORDS 12.6.1 Records of Reimhursable Expenses aml e\:penscs pertaining ro ,-'\ddiriollal Sen'ices and sen'ices pertlmned l1l1 che hasis of a mulriple of Diren Personnel Expen,se Sh:lll he :I\'aibhk to rhe Owner or rhe O\\'Iler's authorized represen- [ati\'e :It mutualll convenient limes 9 8801/CMa-1992 AlA DOCUMENT B801/CMa . l)\\":\EH,Cn'\STRICTIO"\ \1.\'\,\CER ,ICREl':\IE"\T ' 1"1)-' UlITI():\ . \1.\' .: \'\'\2 . Till'. ,\\\ERIC\:\ I:\STIT\TF OF ,\RUIITECTS, \-,;' "\FIX' YORK\\T"\C'F, ,,\,' \,'\SIlI:\,;TI)"\, [, (: -',,(1<\(,,'-',\2 . WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S, copyright laws and will subject the violator to legal prosecution, . ART1CLE 13 BASIS OF COMPENSATION fhe ()'t\.,or.er .)Il:ld ,-':)rnqC:l,):.ue [he ,)[1S~i:'!C:lun .\,(In:lge:- JS rol/o\v:; 13.1 \.\; :>dT:..:..L ?.-\Y\IE.'IT '.Jr ,n::U 'le T\:l'(~.e .tDUP ~.\~e::'_tC()\~ Fifty Four Thousand Three Hundred One --- r)<:i!.~r' ~ 54,301.00 ::'l.'-i !.\~!-~::':--:"':c::.r .inl~ ::-ec.ii(ed :t') :hc: ')1.vne:-.; -l(:....~ur'![ .:[ -:11:1: "",'. i~1C'~~~ 13.2 BASIC COMPENSATION 13.2.1 fOR BASiC SER'.-rCES, 1.s ,jesc\bc:d ',("\ ,'\'[[:c:e 2, Jne: In\")ct'.e ,e\':c::s inc'uueJ in ,'\'[tlcie ',-i J~ pJrcH 3J~ll Je~'."C::j S:.;sIC CDmpensJ.cion sr!::ll be comouced )S [oilows ror ?re-Consuuc:ion ?~:..tsc ServIces Included in Article 13.1. 'fJlserr ;'W~l:;; '-J/I.:(lffl,041I!SQtifJlI, ,'Hc{u,lilf!.; ;/;puiu/1!" _'i1ms.'n~l/(ipi~s I)r ,/#:'rr.:i:!HIC1ges., for ConSC[UC,lOn Ph:l5e Servlce.s One Hundred Eigh t Thousand S,ix Hundred Two Dollars ($108,602.00). Payment to be monthly based on percentage (%) of project completion except, upon 75% of completion of the project, the Owner may withhold an additional % up to a maximum of 25% of the contractors fee for construction services ($108,602.00). 13.3 COMPENSATION FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES 13.3.1 FOR ,\DO[TIONAl SERVICES OF THE CONSTRCCTiON \\.\N.\GER, :1.:i de:;cnbed in ,'\'rtIc!e.1 1nd J(1\ ocher ;ervic:s Included in ,\mele l-i JS ,\ddicion::l1 Ser':ices, compens::mon sh::!!! be compuced 1S follows: < flfSt!rr 170.)1,) of L'omOI!1lstl!1I)Jf. !m.:ludiug TCltl!)' UJICl.or ntW(fp/~)' U/ Dl1"f:'C! Pl::'rYOlulf11 r:.-'pf!llSI:! lor Pr-nu.::puls (lnd >1mpl(IY~':'s :lJfd :clt."UI/1' ,/Jrrll(./.I'(II.\ Clod .ld.,.>/!.\' '-'m.ol1n'':'1::'5. 1/ Tt>C/I;'';-f:?d. !t'/t'''lllr 'pI:!Ct/ic _Hdt':I.'~'S :0 :Io,,,cll .:.,,,r!ft:u/or 'nl'!/1ods "1 :.:om(Jf1!tStlt!fH/ aP.nI\~ (1Iff!r.:I..'-'.\(ln~) . GWO, General Conditions Construction Costs allowance as per attached schedule. total estimated cost is $199,630.00. The allowance of $199,630.00 will be considered a "not-to-exceed" estimate and any costs that will result in charges in excess of the estimates (line item and/or total) will require the approval of the Owner. The The Construction Manager must submit invoices, or bills and other documentation reasonably required by the Owner evidencing expenses incurred under the "Allowances" in support of any billing made to the Owner for Allowances. Final actual costs are to be determined at the end of the project. 13.4 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES -- None 13.4.1 FOR REi.\[BCRS,.l.BlE EXPE:-:SC:S, 1-' Je:;c:,beC :n P:lcJ.gc:::.ph l22, [)ursJ.ble Expenses,,] mulclplc: of ( :'\:In::ger Jnd [he COn.:ic[uccion .\hnlgtr, cmplo\.ces Jne! consu]c:lnes ,n .1nct 'In\' ..)C(1C[ ~cems lnC:'..tl..teu \iI ,.l.ructe t-..: J~ Ret~l~- ) urnes ,he e:-:pe:1ses :l1c:rred"\ C:1e Cun:;cruc:IUI1 ,he ineere:;, or" [he Pr()!e~': 13.5 ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS -- None 13.5.1 IF THE SASIC SERVICES co\'ered b\' ,hIS ,\greemem h:1\'e noc beerl compleced wlchln monchs of che d::ce hereof, chrough no r:tuic of ,he Conscrucrion .V[::!n::ger. eX1:ension or ,he Conscruc:::on ,\(:tn:1ge(, serVices be~;ond chac cime shail be compens::ced J.S provided in Subpar::!gr:lohs 12,) 3 :J.nd 13 ) 1 13.5.2 P::vmencs :He due and panble () d::vs from che dace of :he ConStrUC,lon \\::!n::lger's invoice, AmouneS unpaid () dJvs Jicer che inVOice dJce 5hJll be::lr imerest :J.C che rJce encered below, or in che lbsence chereof::c ,he [ept ,::ce pcev::lling from Clme co lime ac che pcincipal pl::ce of bUSiness l)[ che Conscr~\c' clan \'[::n::ger. /h/s~rr rare 0/ inff!r/lS{ a!!,rf:!~d :tPOIl,j . CiIlT"1' fatl'S aud rf:!qutrl:!!1tf!!/ts ~utdr:!r :})t! ,=l1de!rai Tru{I) :fI f..=-rlding .--tc:. :)':mf!aT :)"{aii:! and ioedl i:()1ISlIml!r '.:rf:!di: iou"_\ dud {,(1H:!rr-l!g:t/,j({(Ji/.\ ~It ;/11.: (){l"ll:'r I ~-/fl(/ CUflstruCflon ,~fall(l!:{'!r') pnllc:pal placi!s of fJU:)'llflt:iS. (bl! locatEOI! 0/ {bl! prOJf!C: .11ld ~'sftu...n+!re Inav d//f!(": :hlt !'Clftdity {II tIllS pr,,{'::,uJJt _)/Jt:u/a: it!'.!.~t/ ~lc.ll"lC;<: )hou/d he oh(aiJled !nth rftspi!ct (0 deleoolls or moct/JiGrtIOIlS. and also regarding rf!qllir~me!l{s sw.:)) as u'rU:i-!ff discl{)sur>:::s or :/'ClJrf!rs.j 13.5.3 The r::!ces :llld mulcjples sec Forch for ,-\ddicJOn::I1 Sc:rvices 5h:l11 be :lnnuJJ[v :J.diused in Jccord:J.nce \vlch norm::1 :;::J:1rv review pr:lCcices of ,he ConSt[UCClOn \,[anlger, AlA DOCUMENT 8801/CMa . OWNER,CONSTRCCTtON ~L"'''AGER ,\GRE::~IE"'T . 199c EDmON . ,\1.\-' '<;;1992 . THE ,\MERlC.\;' iNSll1l..TE Of ,\ReHtTIerS, no :>IEW YORK WE:>ICE, NW WASHINGTON, DC. 201)06.;292 . WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates liS. copyrighllaws and will subject the violator to legal prosecution, B801/CMa-1992 10 . . . " . ARTICLE 14 OTHER CONDITIONS OR SERVICES 11i/'crt dl'~l."!!)(!rJiI., IiI ithcr )t.'n-lCi..'~- it/eJltl/l' 1dd{f/(JlI({{<L'rr'ICl'.~ illclfuft'd W/(/lfJ/ Hi/SIC ("lnl/)l')I~(/111}n ({J/ul lI1IJdi//\",i!iIU!\ !II Oli.' /i{!\"J}/I."!f ,ilui Idl!/-('iI'llnl;/! '('/"!!,!, /Jh !iid('d ill !j,!\ l,r.!.rL'l'!!lI..')t!! 14.1 Limits on Insurance Tht: IllSur:lnCl' required /1\ ,....nicle [[ ,hall he written t'(li" not less th~1n the following limll', or greatn II reqLl1red h\ :~I\\ I!nsi.'rf (jll' 'fWd/it (/11//(/1" i/OI'I//lIf.' If!" f/l(' (//I/iru!}n({h' u!.\{(r(UlCc illl"rS ill fi{{/}tllll" I As per project spe~ifications prepared by Ankeny Kell. This Agreement elltert'd into as ()I the lLl\" and \ear first written ~Ih()\'e OW:-';ER CONSTRl"CTION \lA:--JAGER U~;7ZNS~~ (';I,!.!,'latlfn.') ",,,,,,,,,,c7~ ,~ltJ:':tlllh' "'~/'lit~1' fr1 bl'e) {Y} A-~ 0 fl____ a~.v/ E &/UC/A#/t/ k (Printed }/(I1He dud trt!t') , am CAUTION: You should sign an original AlA document which has this caution printed n 'ec;, An original assures that changes will not be obscured as may occur when documents are 'eprcducsc See Instruction Sheet for limited license for Reproduction of this document, AlA DOCUMENT 8801/CMa . U\\'\Ef(,CO'iSTRlClIO\ \L-\\,~l;FI{\l;RLE\\L:-;T ' 1'~}2 UlITI()\ . ,\l.\'. ~,IC)C)2 . TI IF ,~\\E1{IC.\\ I\STIT\ '"iT OF ,~RU IITl'CT', \-",; \1'\\ YOI{!-;\\ 1'\11-:, \ \\' \\'\,III\CTO\, DC 2()()I)(,,';-,"2 ' WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U,S, copyright laws and will subject the violator to legal prosecution, 8801/CMa-1992 11 .--" '. ALLOWANCES Material Labor Total 1. Office Trailer $ 4,500 $ 4,500 2. Job Site Utilities: 2.1) Water $ 500 $ 500 2.2) Electricity $ 3,800 $ 3,800 .3. Job Site Telephone/Fax $ 2,100 $ 2,100 4. Job Site Toilets $ 850 $ 850 5. Project Sign $ 1,000 $ 150 $ 1,150 6. Superintendent: 6.1) Construction Period $ 45,000 $ 45,000 6.2) Warranty Review $ 500 $ 3,000 $ 3,500 7. Rough Hardware $ 500 $ 500 8. Layout: 8.1) Building Layout (GWO) $ 110 $ 500 $ 610 8.2) Site Layout (GWO) $ 150 $ 1,000 $ 1,150 8.3) Licensed Surveyor $ 3,500 $ 3,500 9. Shop Drawings Review/Xerox $ 2,000 $ 1,000 $ 3,000 10. Temporary FencesIBarricades $ 1,500 $ 1,000 $ 2,500 . 11. Extra Insurance $ 250 $ 250 12. Dumpsters $ 16,000 $ 16,000 13. Clean Up - Bulk $ 500 $ 2,500 $ 3,000 . I ' . . Qti Ilwate~ TH: 3IAT,~?'_~C:: 0; ,\1I~~:SOT~ ~ November 4, 1997 .... George W. Olsen Construction Co., Inc. Box 20 Stillwater, MN 55082 Re: Stilhvater Sports Complex Hockey .Arena Dear The City of Stillwater (Ovvner) has undertaken the construction of an indoor ice arena, intended far youth athletic activities (the Project) and the construction is financed in part from a grant under Minnesota Statute Section 240A.09 and 240A.l 0 (Mighty Ducks Act). A sales t3..,( exemption thereby exists under Minnesota Statute S297A.25, Subd. 61 vvith regard to the gross receipts from the sale of construction materials and supplies for use in the Project whether the purchases are made by the Owner or a Contractor. Co., Inc. The Owner, therefore, appoints George W. Olsen Construction (Contractor) as O\vner's Purchasing Agent to act on behalf of the Ovvner in the purchase and acquisition of materials, supplies, and equipment installed or used in or incorporated into the Project necessary or required in connection with the performance of this Contract, in a manner consistent with Minnesota Statutes, Section 297A.25, Subdivision 1, and Minnesota Rules, Section 8130.1200, Subpart 3, Paragraph 3, so that neither the Owner nor the Contractor will be required to pay sales or use taxes on the materials under Minnesota Statutes, Section 297 A.a 1, Subdivision 4. Contractor, as Purchasing Agent on behalf of the Ovmer, shall, in accordance \'lith the Contract Documents, including the specifications and all provisions concerning submittals and shop drawings, coordination and time of completion (1) purchase of the materials, (2) collect and process all invoices or other statements from vendors or suppliers of materials, (3) submit payment requests to the Owner, and (4) upon receipt of necessary funds from the Owner, disburse such funds to the appropriate vendors and suppliers on behalf of the Owner. C:;-'( H-"LL 2'6 \JORTH FOURTH S;-:L:"WA"E? ,\WJi\jESOTA 55082 P~CI\JE 612-439-5121