Meeting wa,s cAlled to oroer nt7:30 P.M. by secretary Gordon Smith with the
following members present - William O'Brien, Lawrence Junker, Gordon Smith.
Supervisor Blekum also present.
The combining of Pioneer Perk & Lowell park wa,s discussed. The Lwwell Pn,rk
board was to hAve been invited to this mepting to see how they felt About the
matter, but secretary Smith forgot to contact them. He was instructed to
present the lllB.tter to them as soon a.s possible.
Discussion then turned to skating riru~s. Mr. Blekum listed the rinks presently
ml3itained by the city as follows: Lily Lake hockey rink - St. Mary's School _
So. Broadway Triangle - Staples Field - Aspen St. - and two at the Jr. High
Athletic field. At the latter location the School district provides warming house,
caretaker, heat & lights. Mr. Blekum discussed his failure to provide decent ice on
the Aspen St. ri~ because of the poor location of the hydrant for flOOding.
The hydrent is located a. block from the rink on the N .E. corner of the intersection
of Wilkens & Martha Sts. This necessitates laying hose across Wilken St. ,covering
hose with a bridge for traffic A,nd spreadi~ sa,nd on the street to try to keep the
whole \'/Orks in place. Traffic is heavy on this St. Also this set-up reouiresa a
helper to slow down the traffic. Beca.use of having to wait Around until a helper is
AvailAble, the rink does not get flooded when it should. The committee voted to
uest the City Council to insta.ll A. hydrant on the S .E. corner of above intersection
W. corner of StAples field) AS soon as possible; becA.use we have a one-mAn
depArtment in the winter time, And so r.lust make B, one-mA.n operation to be successful.
Wesley Underhill, JR., business menager of the St. Croix Valley Hockey Assn.
arrived and spoke to the comr.littee about another indoor facility like the one
recently constructed at St. lI.a,ry's Poilllt. It was generally agreed that the best
s1h.t:e for such a fA,cility would be the si te of the present hockey riru<: at the senior
hip.:h school. After much discussion on possible ways of financing the coomitte agreed
there i'JaS not much they could do, but request the City Council to delve seriously
into the matter of find.ing out how much, if any, federal aid is available for
recreational projects of this type end what strings are attached.
l..jr. BlekUI::l mentioned that Our Saviors Lutheran Church on li\live St. has a large
parcel of land near the "vi.A.V.N. radio twwer a,nd contacted the School recreation 4ept.
last fall asking if either the school or the city could maint~in B. public rink at
this location. They "Here told that both t.he school tmd city rec. depts. had a.ll they
could hAndle this year. The co::unittee voted to consider the matter for the next
seeson as the conseRUS is that !:lore rinks a,re needed in the city.
Next the committee's Stillwl'l,ter Capital Recreation ImprovemenTProposal (SCRIP)
wa.s discussed. and amended slightly. The committeed voted to reintrocluce the proposal
to the City Counc1h.l since there are now two ne,,; coul'lcilmen who .ijlov/nothing of the
project. The co~~ittee also voted to request the council to seriously consider
attaching the ,tost o,f this program ($70,000.00) to any bonding .program that might be
undertaken in the near future.
COW1ITTEE ~~ETING OF FEB 17, 1969 (cont.)
1-11'. O'Brien then introduceci. the subject of \lmter fowl on LILY LAKE o,nd the V
resulting pro"blem of chiggers "brought a."bout as a conseouence. The Committee voted
to reouest the City Council to enect I'l.n ordinance prohi"bi ting the reAring of
waterfo\lll (ducks & Geese) by private 'pArties oJ! the lake.
Discussion then turned to the pro"blems encountered in mAintaining the city40wned
property located across the river in Wisconsin. After lengthy discussion it was
agreed thAt \I:hile this property(LEgion Eeach & site of old: tourist cAmp) served 13
very useful purpose in itn dAY, for so~e years now it has not justified the expense
incurred by the city in relntion to the use 01.11' citizens mAke of the fp.cility. Also
there [-Ire constAnt MlCi l:lUltiplyin{~ conflicts nnci problems with the 'iiisconnin Townnhlp,
COU-"lty rmd stn.te governmentHl ngf'ncies involved. It 'iolA-S nlso brought out that nt the
tiI:le the old beach house \liaS condemned, the committee was not in favor of constructing
a new facility. The committee then voted to recomend to the City Counc~l that
negotiations "be instituted immedia.tely with St. 'Joseph's township and/or St. Croix
COlli"lty regarding the leasing to either of the above this property owned by the
City of Stillwater, located in St. Croix Count~r, Viisc. (Including the Legion Beach
facili t~r) to be used for recreHtiona.l purposes; and that the city of Stillwater,
effecti ve immediately, discontinue ol,era.tion o'f Legion Beach.
The meeting was fldjourned at 10:30 p.m. The committee authorised & instructed
Mr. Blekum to present the above rea.uests to the City Council on behalf of the cOr.1ffiittee.
1-1I~!l;T"7;",S OF r,.::;:T7Y":"1,", : Tt.TG,] (}4' !\, ^ v 7 19t<A
1.._ , ',-
Meeting called to order in the municipal building at 7:30 p.m. ~Qth thefollo'wing
present: 'lJilliam O'Brien, La1:Jrence Junker, George 'Hohlers and Joel Blekum. supervisor
of facilities. ,\bsent: Gordon Slr1i th and Hyron Helstrom.
The main purpose of the rrleeting Has to select applicants for caretaker and life~'"Uards at
Li~T Lake Beach. The following tHO girls Here present and intervie\-Jed: Jean Carlson -
17"2 yrs. senior lifesaving certificate - Laura Elvig - 17~ ;)'rs. senior life saving
certificate; both would be available at the start of the season. Seven other girls were
reviewed by letter of application. Mr. Clarence Diethart Has present as applicant for
After carefull consideration the follO'.ving Here recomended for this season and
are listed belOH Hith appropri:-lte pay as set up in tr:e schedule approved last fall
and included in this year's budget:
CARETAK~R - Clarence Diethart ~ $400.00 per mo. plus concession.
from and after Kay 15, 1969
Cindy C:-l.dden - lfT.S.I. - -I- ~ yrs. - S1.85 per hr. CRt. 2 Croixside)
Mary ,To Frenzel - 'IT.S.I. -3 ;Yl'S. - $1.80 per hr. CRt. 4 StillvJater)
Susan Frenzel - 'd.S.I. - 4 yrs. - S1.85 per hr. CRt. L} Stillwater)
pay of $1.65 per hr. Hhen called.
Susan Eandevidt - 935 - 5tb Ave. So. ~tilhlater
sandra Handevidt - 935-5th Ave. So., Stillwater
Donna Clemings - oak Park Heights
Ki t L.JT Cadden - croixside
Laura Elvig - Rte. 6 Box 17, stillwater
Jean Carlson - Rte. 5 stillwater
All life~'"Urds from and after May 30, 1969
T'iseussion then turned to Legion Beach. Satisfaction was expressed t.hat t.he beach was
finally closed. Motions were made and carried that the diving dock should be moved
to Lily Lake and that the building should be dismantled and saved to be used as a utility
building at LilJT Lake when the area is redeveloped. Lawrence Junker expressed a
willin[ness to take the building .apart at a fee and Has to go to the site and size up
the situation and report to the committee.
Other motions passed: th~TtHo loads of fill be hauled to So. pdl.JJT. Triangle.
That a Harming bouse and c:lretaker be provided at Staples field.
Th'it a resusitator kit be purch1.sed !ppf.IY4tf/ for Lily Lake beach. lVloneJ.' to come
from budget for Legion Beach.
VJilliam 0 I Brien
acting secretary
The meeting opened at. 7:30. p.r.1. at the l"1unici;Y1.1 building .-lith the followinr; members
present - George \\Tohlers, Hilliam 0 I Brien, Gordon Smith. Absett _ La\vrence Junker and
r;yron Helstrom. 111'. Blekum \-Jas also pr~sent.
The primary purposG of the meeting W'1:3 to consider applicants for position as caretaker
for Pioneer and LOIvell Parks.
Two men appeared for intervielv in response to the add for park caretaker:
Eike Geiger - 106-s. 1st st. age 20 ~'ears.
Yikc Brmm - 105-3. Harriet st. afe 20 years.
r. Geifer is a student at U. of M. night school, International Business Course. He is
engaged to be married and plans to do so this sumner. He had clerked at Day tons and ran
a yard service as a youth.
Hr. Brmm is a veteran of the arm~T. He had formerly worked at O'Brien state P'l.rk and
described his duties there as simib.r to those requir<ed b;y this job. He is currently
employed at the Ammerman Co. but desires to Hork outside again.
fjAfter discussion it was decided thrlt Yr. Brmm Hould be the man to bire. Both candidates
r~l(1 expressed interest in the .lob after Mr. Blekum described it.
SO:rle discussion was given relative to hiring a :'ull-time man because of the work load.
The board recomended that provision be made :'01' a full-time man, and that if 111'. Brown \wrks
out he be offered the job. This \vill be decided during the December budget meetin!;
Gordon Smith, secretary