HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-11-20 CC MIN232
The meeting was cal
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Others Present:
NOVEMBER 20, 1984 4:00 P.M.
led to order by Mayor Peterson.
Councilmembers Bodlovick, Farrell, MacDonald and Mayor Peterson
Councilmember Kimble
City Coordinator, Kriesel
City Attorney, Magnuson
Finance Director, Caruso
Secretary, Schnell
City Engineer, Meister
Zoning Administrator, Zepper
Fire Chief, Chial
Police Chief, Mawhorter
Citizens: None
Press: Stillwater Gazette
1. MR. CHIAL reported that Tim Bell and Bob Barthol were accepted for the Federal Emergency
Management Arson School which will be held July 8 through 19.
2. On Motion of Councilmember Bodlovick, seconded by Councilmember Farrell, the Council author-
ized the attendance of Gordon Seim from the Fire Department to a three-day seminar at the
University of Minnesota in January. (All in favor)
1. MR. ZEPPER reported that he has been checking on some of the houses and buildings in the
City. The owners of the B. W. Harris Building are going to proceed with their Convention
Center with an On -Sale Wine and Beer license and they will be removing the loading dock
on the north side of the building. They have cleaned up most of the debris in the area.
He felt that something should be done about the Monaheim house on North Fourth Street and
also a house at 110 East Hazel Street, and the Garavalia House on South Second.
There was discussion about proceeding with the condemnation of these houses and to ve
them torn down. This amount will be placed as a lien against the property. (Mr. Magnuson
is proceeding with this and will file the necessary papers and form to have them condemned).
2. The Council consented to have the Zoning Administrator attend the Zoning Seminar at
the Earl Brown Center in December.
1. On motion of Councilmember Farrell, seconded by Councilmember MacDonald, the Council
authorized Mr. Meister to advertise in the League Magazine for the sale of the old light
heads taken down from Downtown Stillwater. (All in favor)
2. On option of Councilmember Bodlovick, seconded by Councilmember MacDonald the Council
set the date of June 1, 1965 for the completion of Local Improvement No. 215 by LPO Electric.
(This is for the removal of the old light poles) (All in favor)
3. MR. MEISTER reported that the cost of leasing a grader is $3,000 to $3,300 per month.
4. 0n motion of Councilmember Farrell, seconded by Councilmember Bodlovick, Mr. Meister was
authorized to advertise for a Class C sewer maintenance man. (All in favor)
1. On motion of Councilmember Farrell, seconded by Councilmember Bodlovick, the Council
authorized Betty Caruso to attend a conference on December 5 for City audits. (All in favor)
2. There will be a budget meeting with the Police Chief, Parks Director and Library on
November 28 at 5:15 P.M.
1. On motion of Councilmember Bodlovick, seconded by Councilmember MacDonald, the Council
set the date of December 18, 1985 at 7:30 for the public hearing for the liquor license
for Michael McGuire. (All in favor)
2. MR. MAGNUSON reported that the hearing date for the dismissal of the City from the Orrin
Thompson case will be held on December 7.
1. On motion of Councilmember MacDonald, seconded by Councilmember Farrell, the Council
approved the transfer of Gerald Post from Skate Guard to Zamboni Operator at the Arena
at a salary of $4.60 per hour. (A11 in favor)
November 20, 1984
2. On motion of Councilmember Bodlovick, seconded by Councilmember MacDonald, the Council
authorized the attendance of one person (either Mr. Magnuson or Mr. Kriesel) to attend
the Tax increment Seminar on December 4th and 5th at a cost of $200.00.
(all in favor)
1. There was discussion an the Wayne Johnston property on West Orleans Street - Mr. Meister
explained that thesixty foot street by the Norman property has not been dedicated to the
City - each parcel is subject to the easement. According to Washington County the split
of the Johnston property was recorded in September, 1981. There would also have to be
percolation tests done for the sewer and water for this property before any building can
be done.
2. 0n motion of Councilmember Bodlovick, seconeed by Councilmember MacDonald, the Council
authorized the Mayor and Acting City Clerk to sign Change Order No. 2 for Local
Improvement No. 206. (all in favor)
Mayor Peterson recessed the meeting at 5:00 P. M. until 7:30 P. M.
City Coordinator
NOVEMBER 20, 1984
The meeting was reconvened by Mayor Peterson.
The Invocation was given by the Secretary.
Also Present:
Councilmembers Bodlovick Farrell, MacDonald and Mayor Peterson
Councilmember Kimble
City Coordinator, Kriesel
City Attorney, Magnuson
Secretary, Schnell
Councilmember-Elect, Junker
Press: Stillwater Gazette
Citizens: Mrs. Wayne Norman and another resident from West Orleans Street, &
Linda Bartlett
On motion of Coumcilnasber Bodlovick, Seconded by Coumciluuerber Farrell, the minutes of the following
meetings were approved: (all in favor)
November 8, 1984 Regular 7:30 P. M.
LINDA BARTLEIT appeared before the Council regarding the transfer of the ReguIar-and-SUnday Cn-Sale
Liquor Licenses for Jim Beams Rye Saloon at 124 North Main Street.
Ch motion of Councilnenber Bodlovick, seconded by Councilnnter MacDonald, the Council
approved the transfer of the On -Sale Liquor Licenses for the bar at 124 North Main Street to Linda
Bartlett. (all in favor)
This was the day and tine for the continuation of the public hearing for Cawe No. 559 for Wayne
Johnston to construct a duplex on West Orleans Street.
MR. JQrSiCN did not appear for this hearing.
MR. MA AISUC4 explained that the sixty foot right-of-way terminates at the westerly end of the Linson
Plat and fran that point on there is only a thirty foot right-of-way which the City obtained in 1980
from Charter Oaks which is part of the Feely Plat. North of the section line there is no right-nf-way.
This roadway to these hares has not been dedicated to the City - each of the owners have an easement
over the roadway and each has an equal interest in it. He has searched all of the records and he
cannot find anything where the City gave Mr. Johnston permission to split this lot - this lot does
not have frontage on a public street. In order to make this a public street, the City would have
to get a deed from everybody that has this easarerton their property description. This area is
not an approved sub -division and unless the Council would grant him a variance to build a driveway
he could not build rn this split off lot.
Co motion of CohrciLsniter MacDonald, seconded by Coumcilmenber Bodlovick, the Council
denied the Special Use Permit for Wayne Johnston to build a duplex on West Orleans Street since
this lot does not front on a public street. (all in favor)
1. Ch motion of Coumcibrenter Farrell, seconded by Coumcilmenter Bodlovick, a resolution was introduced
"DIRECTING THE PAYMFNr OF BILLS". (Resolution No. 7418)
Ayes--CounciIrembeis Bodlovick, Farrell, MacDonald and Mayor Peterson
Nays --None
2. Change Order No. 2 - Local Improve -rent No. 206 - (See 4:00 P. M. for action).
3. Cth notion of Coumcilnerber Bodlovick, seconded by Coumcihmerber MacDonald, a resolution Was
Ayes --Councilmenters Bodlovick, Farrell, MacDonald and Mayor Peterson
Nays —None
Hoverer 20, 1984
235\ •
--COUNCIIMW.4ER a owvlCK asked that the Council name an alternate for the Cable Camnission for
the City of Stillwater. (Action delayed until Decanter 4th).
—COUNCIIFffFIDFR BODIL ICK info/ llbi the Council that she had received a mmnnication fran the Metro-
politan Council stating that the City of Stillwater is entitled to $2,671 grant nonies for the
Comprehensive Plan and Betty Caruso will prepare the necessary fours to obtain this honey for the City.
—OCUNCIIMEM R FARRELL stated that the City is ruining the tennis court areas when they flood then
for skating rinks and asked that Mr. Blekum look into an alternative for the skating rinks.
—MAYOR PETERSON requested that due resignation by Keith Avise fran the Charter ()omission, that
'Itm Farrell be appointed as his replacement.
On notion of Councilarenber Bodlovick, seconded by Coincii n nber MacDonald, a resolution was
AYES—Councilmanters Bodlovick, and McDonald and Mayor Peterson
NAYS —None
ABSMINED--Councilmenber Farrell
1. On notion of Nuncihrenter MacDonald, seconded by Councibnarber Eodlovick, the Council approved
the following salary schedule for the Ice Arena Employees as rem.mended by the Recreation
Commission: (Effective date Decanter 1, 1984)
Zanboni Operators
Skate Guards
Head Skate Instructor
Assistant Skate Instructor
Ticket Taker
Score Keeper
AYES—Nl.cilmaibers Bcdlovick
NAYS--Corncilm tuber Farrell
$4.83 per hour(with the exception of Gerald Post who will
$3.75 per hour/receive $4.60 per hour)
$3.60 per hour
$270.00 per season
$8.00 per lour
$25.00 per game
$15.00 per gave
$15.00 per game
and McDonald and Mayor Peterson
(motion carried)
2. The Recreation Ornmission approved the clearing of the ice on Lily Lake in front of the Ice Arena
for public skating and this infornetion is to be given to Mr. Blekum.
1. On notion of Councilmenber Bodlovick, seconded by Cancilmsmber McDonald, the claim fran
Patrick Pashek, 904 West Pine Street for a sewer backup was directed to be sent to the rt rry-
Kearney Insurance Agency. (all in favor)
2. On notion of Counrilmenter McDonald, seconded by Counciimenber Farrell, the Council granted
permission to the Citizens for Better Living to conduct their usual canvass in Stillwater
fran November 26 thru Decerber 20, 1984. (all in favor)
--On notion of cbuncilmenber Bodlovick, seconded by Councilrmnber McDonald, the Council approved
the following On -Sale Club Liquor Licenses together with Surety Bonds, etc. (all in favor)
for 1985:
American Legion Post 048
103 South Third Street, Stillwater Renewal
Fraternal Order of Eagles 094
227 South Main Street, Stillwater
Stillwater Country Club, Inc.
1421 N.Fburth Street, Stillwater
Stillwater Lodge No. 179 - Elks
279 East Myrtle Street, Stillwater
--C n notion of Councilnrenber McDonald, seconded by Councilienter Farrell, the Nnmcil approved the
following Off -Sale Liquor Licenses for 1985 together with Surety Bonds, etc.: (all in favor)
J. L. H., Inc. dba John's Bar
302 South Min Street, Stillwater
Kinsel's, Inc.
118 East Chestnut Street, Stillwater
Meister Corporation
112 North Min Street, Stillwater
The Liquor Store (Robin W. Asmus)
13900 - 60th St. N., Stillwater
November 20, 1984
—On motion of Councilnenber Farrell, seconded by Council enter MacDonald, the following On -Sale
Wine Licenses were approved together with Surety Bonds for 1985: (all in favor)
Cobblestone Cafe, Ltd.
324 South Main Street, Stillwater
Silver lake Restaurant Renewal
241 South Main Street, Stillwater
—On motion of Concilnentes Bodlovick, seconded by Councilmanher Farrell, the following Contractor's
Licenses were approved: (all in favor)
Dvorak Construction General &Masonry New
5750 Highlands Court, lake Elmo 55042
—On motion of Councilor Bodlovick, seconded by Councilrt'anber MacDonald, the Council approved the
following Cigarette Licenses: (all in favor)
American Legion Club Renewal
103 South 'third Street, Stillwater
J. L. H., Inc. (John's Bar) Reneged
302 South Main Street, Stillwater
Kinsel Liquor Store Renewal
Second and Chestnut Streets, Stillwater
Meister Corporation Renewal
112 North Main Street, Stillwater
Stillwater lodge 8179 - B.P.O.E. Renewal
279 East Myrtle Street, Stillwater
--Co notion of Concilmenber MacDonald, seconded by Councilmenber Bodlovick, the Council granted
fall in favor)
the following Beer Dermot - to construe: 12, 1989-
David Scho wailer - Labor Temple - Private Party with recorded music - Saturday, Decen"er
6:00 P. M. to Midnite.
--Ck notion of Comcilmenber Bodlovick, seconded by Councilneter MacDonald, the Council approved the
following Raffle Gambling License:
(all in favor)
Church of St. Michael New611 South Third Street, Stillwater
COUNCIL s*+-+m, ycontinued)
COMICILEMBER MAC DCALD ingtdred if Orrin the n an was licensed as a contractor at this time and
MR. KRIFSEL will inform W. Zepper to be on the alert for such a license.
The following resolutions were read and on roll call were adopted:
1. Directing the Payment of Bills
2. Employing the City Clerk - Johnson
3. Appointing Ton Farrell to the Charter Commission (Onncilenber Farrell abstained
ADJCREIENr Councilnenber MacDonald the n'eeting adjourned
On notion of Cancilneter Bodlovick, seconded by
at 8:25 P. M.