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.e first meeting of the Stillwater Recreation Board was held at the City Hall
..Jay 6, 1948 at 7:45 P.M.
The membership of the Board, having been appointed in the prescribed manner, is
as follows:
Elmore C. Twetten,
Willard J. Hagerty
Clarence C. Cayou
Harry A. Swanson
Grant T .vValdref
George C. Kutz
Nick A. Junker
Term expires Dec. 31, 1948
City Council:
School Board:
" II Dec. 31, 19
11 " Dec. 31, 19
" II Dec. 31, 19 -
The meeting was called to order by Nayor E;. C. Carlson who served as temporary
chairman.with City Clerk Lester R. Brower as temporary secretary.
All mem~ers of the Board qualified by signing the oath of office.
George C. Kutz was nominated chairman and on motion duly made, seconded cmd
carried, was elected.
Harry A. Swanson was nominated secretary and on motion duly made, seconded and
carried, was elected.
The ~ayor and City Clerk retired from the meeting and Chairman Kutz .and Secretary
.~ Swanson. assumed the duties of their respective offices.
,A general discussion of various phases of the Recreation program followed. The
following decisions were arrived at:
Fritz Bierhaus, High School Physical Education Teacher, was called and
asked to attend a meeting of the Board on Mond;:Iy, May lOth to present his
ideas as to the type of program to be adopted were he to be hired as director.
The Chairman agrea::l to insert a news item in the Monday Gazette announcing
the need of lifeguards for Lily Lake.
The liB" League Softball sponsors to be asked to. meet with the Board on
Monday night.
Meeting adjourned until Monday, V~y 10th at 6:30 at the Schulenberg School.
. .. Becretary.
A meeting of the Stillwater Recreation Board was held at the City Hall May 10,
1948 at 7:30 P.M. following an inspection of the Schulenberg situation at 6:30.
Present were: Kutz, Junker, Cayou, Twetten, Hagerty and Swanson.
F. W. Bierhaus presented a thorough discussion of the recreation problem and made
many suggestions as to the type of program that might be adopted.
Douglas Ames joined in the
boys' baseball program.
/djournment at 10:00 P.M..
discussion explaining
JUNE 7,1948
A special meeting of the Stillwater Recreation Board was held at the Collector
of Revenue office at the City Hall June 7, 1948 at 7: 45 P. M.
,,-.;.. ~
Present were: Kutz, Twetten, Hagerty,Cayou, Swanson, Director Bierhaus.
On motion of C. C. Cayou, seconded byW. J . Hagerty, carried unanimously, the
Secr'3tary was instructed to write the "B"League president instructing him that
all purchases of equipment must be made through F. W. Bierhaus and bear his "OK".
On motion of W. J. Hagerty, seconded by E. C. Twetten, carried unanimously,
the salary of Tom Abercrombie, beach guard, was raised to $130.00 per month.
, On mot ion th3 meet ing ad journed at 9: 17 .
JUNE 28, 1948
Regular meeting of the Stillwater Recreation Board was held at the City Hall
on June 28, 1948 at 7:30 P.M..
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Present were: Kutz, Hagerty, Waldref, Junker, Swanson and Director Bierhaus.
Robert E. Swanson, V. F. 'Vi. Adjutant presented a request from his organization for
information relative to the operation of the concession at the Lily Lake bathing
beach, stating that they were interested in makL~g a bid for the concession.
On motion of Hagerty, seconded by Junker, and carried by unanimous vote, Grant T.
Waldref was instructed to advertise for bids for the'operation of the L~ Lake
bathing beach consession in the Gazette.
After a general discussion vdth Director'Bierhaus on progress of the recreation
program, adjournment was taken at 9:55 P.M.
. t
MEETTIlJG 'MAy 24, 1948
Meeting called to order by Chairman Kutz at 7:30 May 24, 1948 at City Hall.
-- Present: Hagerty, Cayou, Kutz, Junker and Swanson.
---- ~
Councilman Hagerty reported that the budget of $4,200 had been appboved by the
City Council.
On motion of Hagerty, seconded by Junker, and carried, the application of Frederick
W. Bierhaus as over-all superVisor of the sunnner program was accepted. The applica-
tion of Douglas Ames as b~seball and softball supervisor for the boys was also
accepted. Salaries of the two men were Bet at $600.00 each for the sunnner.
A group from the Washington PTA with John Luhman as spokesman was present and
stated that their organization favored the. continuation of the playground at Vlash-
ington School.
The application of Thomas Abercrombie as lifeguard was referred to F. ii. Bierhaus
with authority to hire him at a salary o~ $100.00 per month.
On motion of Cayou, seconded by Hagerty, and carried, Mrs. Elmer Brudos and Miss
~osephine Pozzini were elected playground directors at salary of $125.00 per month.
Jake Schauer appeared on behalf of the Eagles Lodge stating that they would be
willing to furnish equipment for softball for the younger boys and Rev. Alexander
Nood on behalf of the Ministerial Association inquired whether a Church League
could be organized for men and boys not qualified to play in the "A" or "B" leagues.
Mr. Ames was requested to work out details of these proposals.
';~..'.. .
-.- . . .
Gn motion of Cayou, seconded by Swanson, Jack Leversee was elected beach
superVisor, to be in charge of lifesaving and swimming classes, at a salary of
$150.00 a month for two months.
On motion of Hagerty, seconded by Cayou, and carried, $300.00 was allocated toward
expenses of the liB" League softball, to insure a season of. ga.Ines for that League;
principally for umpires, lights and balls.
On motion of Swanson, seconded by Junker, and carried, F. Vi. Bierhaus was authorized
to buy baseball equipment in the amount of' $101.70 and to spend $25.00 for each play-
ground for necessary equipment and replacements as well as sufficient lumber to make
standards for volleyball and badminton nets.
On motion, the meeting adjourned at 10:25.
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Secretary .
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JULY 12, 1948
A special meeting fo the Stillwater Recreation Board was held at th~ City Hall on
July 12, 1948 at ~:30 P.M.
Present: Kutz, Waldref, Junker and Swanson.
Bids for the operation of the Lily Lake Bathing Beach concession were as follows:
Louis J. Harvieux - $600.00 per year or $50.00 per month.
V .F . Vi. : Provide a stock. of refreshrnents to be. offered to the public beginning
Saturday, July. 17th, . and sooner, if practicable.
Provide suitable personnel to operate the concession and to assist in the
c caretaking of the building within the reasonable limits suggested b) the Bpard.
Continue to enlarge the facilities and services to be offered the public
and make reasonable investments toward the improvement of the facilities.
Offer concession services until Labor Day, except during abnormal or prohi-
bitive periods of weather and under lmreasonable conditions.
If venture is a financial success, ,make suitable monetary donations to assist
in defraying operating and maintenance cost.
On motion of Waldref, seconded by Junker, carried unanimously, the concession was
granted the V. F. W. under the conditions a~d terms referred to.
On motion by Junker, seconded bYiialdref, carried by unanimous _vote, the Board
agreed to sponsor a Midget Baseball Team at tournament in St. Paul Park, at a cost
of $2.00 entry fee plus transportation of $8.00 to ~plO.OO.
The Secretary was mstructed to write a letter to civic clubs, labor, veterans,
and businessmens organizations, through the co-op"'oration of the Stillwater Association,
asking for names of members of those organizations to be selected as members of the
advisory cOIllmittee on recreation, as provided in the Ordinance.
On motion, the meeting adjourned at 8:57 P.M.
AUGUST 16, 1948
A special meeting of>t.heStillwater Recreation Board was held at the City Hall
on August 16, 1948 at -7:.30 P.Id.
Present: Kutz, Jtmker,.Cayou, Swanson and F. W. Bierhaus.
On motion of Swanson, seconded by Jtmker and carried UIla.n.imously, Jack Leversee
was hired as relief beach guard for $6.00 per day for five, days after his regular
contract expires.
On motion of Swanson, .seconded by Cayou a vote of thanks was given F.. W. Bierhaus,
Jack Leversee and all.employel;l of the Board for the fine job they have done in
directing recreation and the beach program for the summer.
On motion,
the ...eting was adjourned at 9:25 .P.II. .....b
4 . .. Secretary.
SEPTEMBER 27, 1948
Regular meetingof' the Stillwater Recreation Board was held at the City Hall on
September 27, 1948 at 7: 30 P .1I.
Present: Kutz, Junker, Hagerty, Swanson and Waldref.
A delegation from the Schulenberg district was present and made a request for a
full time program for 1949 and a skating rink for the1948W49 winter season.
On motion of Hagerty, secmded by Waldref and carried unanimously, the request .
was filed until the budget is ma.d.e up and taken into consi ation in the bl1dget.
OCTOBER 6, 1948
Special meeting of the Stillwater Recreation Board was held at the City Hall on
October 6, 1948 at 7:30 p.M.
Present: Kutz, Junker, Hagerty, Waldref, Cayou and Swanson.
The purpose of the meeting being to set up a budget for 1949, the following
figures were suggested and approved by the Board:
Lily Lake
Life Guards salaries
Lights & telephane
, Miscellaneous
St. Croix River
Life Guards salaries
Caretaker (Ed lIcKnight)
Supervisor & instructors
Softball equipment
Playground equipment
Cost of sponsoring "En league
Installation of lights
Hockey rink (lumber & labor )
Extra help
$ 7,035.00
On motion, the meeting was adjourned.
~".~- --~
NOVEMBER 16, 1948
A special meeting of the Stillwater Reereation ~9I'd was beld at the Cit,
Hall on November 16, 1948 at 7:15 P.M.
J-i Present: Kutz, Waldref,Cayoil,Hagerty and Swanson. Lyle Cran was also present.
The Recreation Budget for 1949 as approved by the City Council was. presented
and discussed:
Lily Lake:
Life Guards salaries
Lights & telephone
St. Croix River:
Life Guards salaries ~
Lights, repairs & maint aaaaee
Mis cellaneous
Softball equipment
Cost of sponsoring "Bn league
Iristallation of lights
Extra Help
On motion of Cayou, seconded by Hagerty and carried unanimously,
,Lyle Cran ~washired as earetaker of the skating rinks at a salary of $175.00
per month.
On motion the meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
DECEMBER 28, 1948
Regular meeting of the Stillwater Recrea.tion Board was held at. the City Hall
on December 28, 1948 at 7: 30 P.M.
Present: Kutz, Waldref, Cayou and Swanson. Lyle Cran and, J.A.D:Abererombie
were also present.
A general discussion of skating rinks and. the winter program occupied the
entire meeting.