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J.UroARY 29, 19$2
Regular meeting of 'the Stillwater Recreation Board was. held at the City
Hall a.t 7:30 P.M.
Present were: Junker, Pozzini, Wald:ret, Grove, Bourdaghs and. Swanson.
.uso present were:Si~ C. Wihren and, John GEU.owi:tz representing
t,he Washington P'l'4,.~ Ado1pbGarey representing the llcKusick Lake
Councilman laurdaghs reported on the skating rinks calling attention to
the fact tlija,t we are still having diffic1dty clearing the rinks atter
a snowfall. Some ti:me was spent in discussion and. it was fin.a1.1y de-
cided to hireAl Ritzer to clean r1nks in case of a heavy snowfall
since he bad. a loader to use for 'that purpose.
Councilman Bourdaghs also reported on the fin8.ncia.1. condition of the
budget for 19$2 s'tating that the float for the St. Croix beach had
been. recondi'tioned by Axel Thomsen, who sandbla!tedtbe floats and
the Huller Boa.t Work,S who ~ed the entire dock, at a. tatal cost to
the City of. '399~80. He said that 128.00. had been spent for operating
the lights a.J1d 129.87 was the cost of installing a floodlight at lie-
Kusick Lake, 116.00 for another light bill. Thee" with McKnight t s
JIOnthly sa.la.ry of '$0.00 resulted in total expenditures for, January
of $$23.67, leaving l1B $3,l63.33 for the remainder of the year.
The Secretary was instructed to write a letter to Fire Chief John
Colombo expRSsing our appreciation for the fine WQrk, done by.his
men and himself ,in flooding rinks this wiater.
The Chairman asked each of the committee men to prepare a budget
for his departmentllsting the amounts. of money needed to operate
during 19$2.
On. motion adjo'llT."tUlJent was taken at 9:35 P.M.
. PSe~.
FEBRUARY 26, 1952
Regular meeting of Recreation Board held at City Hall on February
26,1952 at 7:30 p.a.
Present were: Board Members lialdre:f, Grove, Bartkey, POBBini and S'WaIlSon.
A discussion of budget needs for the beaches and skating program occupied
the entire time of the meeting.
Grove stated that the St. CroiX Beach would need $1600.00 and Bartkey sug..
ges1ied that Lily Lake beach required at least tl312.oo as f'ollows:Care-
taker $387.$0, Lifeguards $625.00 and Maintenance 1300..00. A report :from.
Bourdaghs asked. :for 1500.00 for the skating program.
Since the budget now stands at $3,163.33 (aw of' Janua.ry3lst) and :M:cKnight IS
salary will taket550.00 more of this amo'QD.t f'orthe year, there was, only ^
$2,613..331eft, obviously some re-arrangement ot the program. is necessary.
The conclusion was reached that _ set up a Sl1'imming' p,ogram to begin on
June 15th and continue it as long as the money holds out particularly since
we areAl t sure o:f the. siaries we will have to pay :for helptbis summer.
Another. item considered is the fact that most of the expense connected
With the skating program comes af'ter the first of the year, consequently
could be paid out of next year IS budget.
Adjournment was taken at 8: 50 P .a.
b, tib.
. .... ....ecre.
DRCH 25, 1952
Regular monthly meeting of Stillwater :R.~crea.tion Board was held
at the City Hall on J4a.rch 25, 1952 at 7 :30 P.M.
Present were: GrantT. Waldref, Ray C. Grove, Art Bartkey,
C. D. Bourdaghs,. Harry .A. Slf'a.!lSon.
Bourdaghs reported on skati.ng, stating that $500 should be ample
:to carry the program through an entire season, the larger part
of this being spent after January 1st. A general discussion of
budget problems and possible ways of handling our meager funds
followed his report.
It was the general opinion that. the Board would carry ona summer
swimming program similar to last year's, to begin about June 15th
and to continue as long as funds hold,ollt.The Secretary was i.n-
structed to put a notice in the Gazette asking for applications
for lifeguard and caretaker positions.
Bartkey reported that he had received an estimate from Louis Semple
covering weed removal at Lily Lake beach, new chains and a.nei1<>rs
as well as poles for the dock, all to be done at a cost of $175.00.
He was authorized to s~e that this work is begun as soon as, possible.
Adjournmen:t was taken at 8:35 P.M.
.... ... . . ecreary. .
HELD '1'U ES DAY , APRIL 29, 1952
MAY 27, 1952
Regular monthly meeting of the Stillwater Recreation Board was held
at the City Hall at 7:30 P.M. on May 27, 1952.
Present were: Board Members: Waldref, Pozzini, Junker, Grove, Bourdaghs
and Swanson.
The minutes of regular meeting of April 29th were read and approved.
'l'he matter of identification of beach lifeguards was again discussed
and the suggestion made that we furnish them with composition helmets
painted white and lettered in black. The Chairman volunteered to
carry out this idea.
On motion of Bourdaghs, seconded by Grove, carried UCi.animously, the
American Legion and Fraternal Order of Eagles were granted $100.00
each to help defray the expense of their baseball programs.
On motion, adjournment was taken at 9 P.M.
I ecretary.
June 241 1952
Regular meeting of Stillwater Recreation Board was held at
the City Hall at 8.:00 P.ll. following a seve:Nwind and raiD.
Present were: Board. .embers Waldret. Bourc1aPS. Poszini.
Bartke1 and SWanson. ("Skip. Waldref was alao present).
Ifinutes of the meeting of by 2'7th were read and approved.
Bartkey reported on conditions at Lily Lake stating that
two loads of till were needed on the road and that weed
dragging had been done too early and tbat additional work
was needed at this time.
On motion of Jd Swanson. seconded 'Of Bartkey and carried.
additional weed removal was authorized if the work could
be done at a cost of about $25.00.
On motion of Poszini, seconded by Swanson. carried. Bour-
daghs was instructed to see the City Engineer about the
additional fill needed on the approach to Lily Lake Beach.
On motion of Bourdaghs, seconded by Bartke,., carried.
Bourdaghs was authorized to ask the City Engineer for help
in removing rocks fro. the Legion Beach and haul them away.
The Secretary was instructed to call Glenice Jordal or
Pam (Kay'l) !iesbi tt for additional lifeguard help and it
not available to advertise in the Gasette.
On motion, the meeting was adjourn.d..
Regular meeting of Stillwater Recreation Board was held at the City
Hall on Tuesday, July 29, 19~2 at 7:30 P.M.
Present were: Grant T. Waldref, Lawrence M. Pozzini, Nick A. Junker,
Arthur E. Bartkey, Clarence D. Bourdaghs and Harry A. Swanson
. of June 24th
Minutes of regular meeting/were read and approved.
Art Bartkey reported for Lily Lake Beach as follows: Ua Rose Jarchow
has resigned as caretaker, and Mrs. Harold Lange and family appointed
in her place. The fill for the road has not been delivered by the City
crew. Weed dragging had been completed by Louis. Sempel and his crew.
Bills were read and approved for payment as follows:
E. C. Vinson, haulingfor Lily Lake Beach for June
Louis Sempel, June 30, 3 men and drag, 4 hours
Moelter Construction Company for balance of this
Board's commitment on Staples Field grading
The last item was paid out of Board funds held over from last year in
special account - not a part of the regular City budget for recreation.
C. D. Bourdaghs reported for the Legion Beach in the absence of Grove,
(still out. on account of illness) - High water prevented the removal .
of rocks authorized in June. Aline McDonald has been hired as relief
Grass cutting on the parks was discussed at length. The decision finally
arrived at was that we will try to get the Park Board to finance mowing
grass at Washington Park, Staples Field, the South Broadway triangle and
the mem.orial park at Chestnut and Third Streets.
On motion, the meeting was adjourned.
AUGUST 26, 1952
Regular meeting of Stillwater Recreation Board was held at the City
Hall August 26, 1952 at 7:30 P.M.
Present were Board Members: Waldref, Pozzini, Bourdaghs, Bartkey
and Swanson.
A letter addressed to the City Clerk by Rita M. Carrell and Shirley
M. Schlief of St. Paul commenting on the conditions at the Legion
Beach was read. Quoting from the letter: "It is always clean and
neat. . there is never a charge for the use of the facUities, ex-
ceptchecking. The staff is efficient and friendly. It is never un-
comfortabl,. crowded. As a result of the watchfulness of the staff
there are no rough, noisy or ill-mannered people. We feel relaxed
and at ease there.11 The answer in response to this letter by Mrs.
Gower, Deputy City.. Clerk, was also read.
On motion of Swanson, secondedby' Pozzini,carried unanimously,
the sum of $30.00 was appropriated for the expenses of the softball
team representing Stillwater at the State Tournament to be held in
Virginia, Minnesota, over the Labor Day week end.
On motion of Bartkey, seconded by Bourdaghs, carried unanimously,
the Lily Lake Beach committee was authorized to have the diving
dock hauled up on the beach to dry thoroughly, the Louis Sampel
truck and "Winch to be hired at a possible expense of $10.00.
Following a general discussion of other matters, adjournment was
OC'X'OBER 6, 1952
Regular meeting of the Stillwater Recreation Board was held at the
City Engineer's Office at 7:45 P.M. on October 6th, 1952.
Present were: Grant T... Waldref, Arthur E. Bartkey, Richard A. Kearney
and Harry A. Swanson.
Since Nick A. Junker, who represented. the School Board on the Recreation
Board, has resigned as School Board member and his office on that Board
taken over by Richard A. Kearney, Dick automatically became a member of
the Recreation Board and was welcomed as such.
Nick,A.Junker,having resigned from the School Board of
the City and also from the Stillwater 2ecreation Boa.rd,
BE IT, RESOLVED, That the Stillwater Recreation Board here-
by recognizes the faithful service to our ,Board rendered
by Nick A. Junker and take officia.l action in appreciation
of his services by adoption of this resolution to be placed
in the minutes of this meeting held October 6, 1952
e The business of the meeting being. preparation of a budget for the yea:1/of
1953, the Secretary was instructed to prepare a letter to the City Council
asking for the following amounts:
Salaries, caretaker and lifeguards
Supplies and expenses
Painting, maintenance of building, enlarging beach
arealind ,dragging weeds
Caretaker Salary (Set b:{ City Council)
Lifeguards and extra beach help
Maintenance and repair of build.ing
Snow removal
Fuel and,' miscellaneous,
Baseball and. softball support
$ 1,200.00
600 .00
On motion, the m.ae-gingwas adjourned~
NOVEMBER 5, 1952
Regular meeting of Stillwater Recreation Board was held Wednesday,
November 5th, 1952 at 7:45P.M.
Present were: Grant T. Waldref, Richard A.Kearney, Arthur' E. Bartkey
and Harry A. Swanson.
Dick Kearney reported that he had discussed skating rinks at the School
Board meeting, that the hockey rink North of the Activities Building would
be used by the High School team but would be open for public skating any
time it was not needed for games or practice. He volunteered to discuss
the matter of a weekly schedule with Francis' Brown, hockey coach so that
public notice could be given each week as to which nights would be open
for skating.
A general discussion of skating plans followed.
Adjournment was taken at 8:20 so' the members could go home and sleep off
the effects of Electionnight.
. ..../ ... . Secretary
NOVEMBER 25, 1952
Regular monthly meeting of Recreation Board was held at the City Hall
November 25, 1952 at 7:30 P.M.
Present were: Grant T. Vfaldref, Arthur E. Bartkey, Lawrence M. Pozzini,
Richard A. Kearney and F.arry A. Swanson.
Dick Kearney reported that he had discussed the use of the High School's
hockey rink for public skatl..l'J.g with Francis E.' Brown,hockey coach, and
that Brown was willing, in fact eager to co-operate with our Board, stat-
ing that he was interested in as many kids learning to, skate as possible
sl..TJ.ce he will need good skaters. as replacements, on his team. The School
authorities will take care of flooding, clearing and management of the
rink. They are willing to allow public skating every eveniTJ.g unless the
team has a postponed game or practice session.
DickaJ..so talked to Wes Windmiller trying to interest the "sn club in
handling the concessions at the rink. Vies is to talk it oyer with the
boys and let us know what their decision is.
Skating at the other rinks was discussed at some length after which
adjournment was taken.