HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 PRC Packets G ,~R f>OIV :; M ( rt'1 ~ CITY OF STILLWATER ~ RECREATION COMMISSION STILLWATER,ll1INNESOTA MDlUTES OF MEETING OJ' BECBEATION OOMMISSION May 6, 1968 Present were George Wohlers, Gordon Smith, Myron Melstrom, Bill O'Brien and Diok Blekum, reoreation supervisor. This meeting was oalled for the purpose of seleoting lif$gUards for the oity beaohes for 1968 seasOn. Meeting was opened at 7:30 P.M. SALARIES: The following wage scale was set for the season in acoordanoe with our 1968 budget: Q.UAL IF IOAT IONS SEnior lifesaving oertifioate ---- Water safety instruotor certifioate --- substitutes (with either of above) --- III HOUBL Y RATE MIN. $1.,50 1:60 1.60 --- 66q' MAX. <tIP' $1.70 - 1.80 1.60 III differenoe between min. & max. aooounted for by 5; per hour inorease for eaoh years previous .experienoe. CARETAKERS to be paid $300.00 per month plus prooeeds of the conoe~sion oonoession to -~ be operated at no expense to the oity. SEASON: Lily Lake beaoh will open on Memorial day, as will Legion Beach providing personel are available at this time, otherwise Legion Beach will open June 6. Both beaches will olose at the end of Labor Day. Hours from 12:00 noon to 8:30 P.l.f. At 8:00 the following applioants for lifeguarding appeared before the board. (others listed below applied by letter): Mary Jo Frenzel --- James Brownson --- Robert Foster --- qualifioation Sr. Lifesaving w.~. I. . Sr. Lsg. Sr. Leg. All appeared well-qualified, were interv~ewed and disoussed. After disoussion, the following staff was tentatively selected: LEGI01~ BEACli OARETAKER *** Charles Mix, 6~ S. 3rd, Stillwater -- $300.00 per mo. Lifeguards --- Cindy Cadden, Oroixside --- $1.75 per Hr. Jim Brownson, River Crest Rd. Stillwater --- $1.50 per Hr. . Lily Lake Beach Oaretaker ---Greg Peterka. Croixside --- $300.00 per mo. Lifeguards --- Sue Handevidt, 935-6th Ave. S., Stillwater --- $1.70 ;,)(~r hr. Robert Foster. 1507 Harriet St., Stillwater ~- $1.50 per hr. Alternate lifeguard (both beaohes) Mary Jo Frenzel, Rt. 5, Stillwater --- $1.70 per hr. '" e a . -r CITY OF STILLWATER RECREATION COMMISSION STILLWATER, MINNESOTA (minutes of meeting of recreation commission may 6, 1968, cont.) Other applicants were approved as substitutes as follows: Donna Clemons Bonnie Fellerman Marjorie Stennes all at $1.60 per hr. when called. Mr. Blekum then discussed his operations to date and the use of the new equipment that is now available ( tractor and attachments and pickup truck). Mr. O':9rien brought up the subject of the IISLOW, CHILDREN PLAYING" sign that was erected on S. Broadway near the triangle playground, but has been removed and requested that it be re-installed. (to be referred to city council) After a further general discussion the meeting was adjourned. Gordon Smith secretary r -!.no sn dlaTq o! uTq!�amos op use ognn sTq? �nog8 ' auoamos g!-Tm '3iTE� oa. 63ITT RTaaaouTs PTnoM 0,,k uam�Saa�sTm sTq� oq- p'aa uB *nd og, aapao uT o!� @Aeq 9M sB aej ss eTtq �Cazeo o!� pua$UT pus aoTTod aa�BAATTM aq� . jo suoTI.oB 9-T gq-TM pa�snOs ip SIg9no.zoM. TTs aa8 aA • aTBs aq uaaa you SBm ags saouB�smnoaTo asaq� aapun •2uTu9aa aq!� UT GMJ!. Iaoge B soj auoTs aaag sT TaTT auo ua�Jo LsTg� gq.Ta do qnd oq. anBq GM pTnogs AM •Sq.TTBnxasomog pue 'xos 62uTqutap so saoT!�oBad atj!� UT uoT9,8onpa ao uoT�onxpuT 4Tasa peou you op ogm goeaq smga. uo uaapTTgo OTJ!�TT Susm os —TB eau aaags •suoT!PL- pagTaosap aq!� Jo TTS passau!�Tm aTdoad anoj !�ssaT !.a tfolgA suosaad pasnoou To apTs aq!� uo aaa& aoTTod .za!,sATTTq-S agq. !�Bgq- .xanoo —"P o!� eousanssBea ou senn !�T pun 62uTg� do puT3[ 8T4 g4TA do !.nd 04. an9q pTnogs am a.Bg!� uossaa ou sT aaag4 Taal OM sTaT.? 9a8 sn jo oM aouTs •same goBaq agl. Jo I -no mag4. 3IoT3i 09, uaaa ao mays.Rs age uT Tog —ooTS Jo SLOTS aoi aldoed esaq!� Isar og, pasnjaa pus 'aaaq aTag�. pagsB!.s aTd —oad agT aaagm use gsBa� aq!. xoago oT peenjea 'auaos ag9. o� .RTaq-BTpammT mTr g4TA& 03 01. Pasnjaa 'ubop oueo aoTTod ags •sTg� a3iTT uoT�BnTs �uB UT op o!. paj-ona!�suT uaaq aeBg am ss aoTTod a9!.smTTT4-S ago pauogd RT91.BTp9mmT aye •aso ataq�'apTeag saT!�TAT!�os Tvnxasomoq uo 2uTRaaso uam egq. so om� passauq.Ten puss uoTssaouoo aq!� una ogee s.Roq 2uno.9 TBaaAas g4Tm RuoTB 'uosumoag mTr Pus saTq.TAT�os q.uaoapuT uo 2uT —SaaBo aaam .9!.asd eq!. moal uumom pub uem V •q-ou PTP !�nq PTnom gaq� pTse Saq!� pus .9Bms aaeq aTaq� 9,nd o!� mattq. PTo!� any •goBeq agq. ,�s 2uTxuTap aaam (pTo sasali aaT3—S!�U999. STagBmzxoadds) s�TnPB 2unOS uaq. 09, VgVTa Sspoy -Baas oTu —oTd aq� UT pub goBaq sTu4 uo TB2aTTT sT saRBaaaaq oTTogoolu 2uT3iuTaQ •SSPog, quapTouT uB UT PanTaoaa ;o 3108T agq. aagq-Ba ao--uoT!oa!�oad aoTTod agq. g!�Tm do pa; axe am •gosag uoT99Z xToao •P�s age 4-B aa�BenTTT�S do R9,To age Sq pasoTdma epasn9ajTT aaagq. aas am :saTS aBea s9,os9uuTT9 'aa!BmTTT!S !aaa!�s gganod g!�aoa ZTZ TTounop -tq.TD a94.BmTTT!�S 996T `CT STnr sl.oseuuTw SaagsnnTTTgs 'aaj!�s paTgs g4aox CT9 ~~ -~ ~J.. I~"",, CITY OF STILLWATER RECREATION COMMISSION STILLWATER, MINNESOTA MEETING NOTICE On Friday, September 6, 1968, at the City Hall, next year's budget will be discussed and prepared for submission to be included in 1969 funding. The meeting will start promptly at 7:30 p.m. You are invited to attend. o ~/ Y'Q~ G~mith Secretary \ ..- ~' I. II. III. IV. V. VI. .. CITY OF STILLWATER RECREATION COMMISSION STILLWATER, MINNESOTA AGENDA Report from Supervisor Discussion - Caretaker problems Discussion of Lifeguard problems Lifeguard and Caretaker salaries Discussion of 1969 budget requirements Recommendations ".' ,; CITY OF STILLWATER . RECREATION COMMISSION STILLWATER/ MINNESOTA TENTnVE BUGET PROPOSA.I.S FOR 1969 :i.ECJUa.TION SUPERVISION ---- $4,000.00 ~ ~ PLAG:iOUNDS . ~~--- personal services -----$75.00C~ Lel!:ion coach -------- 200.00 _ ~ 4~ dirt for softball field ---lOO.OO~ . Lights &. miscl. ----- 200.00 ~ $5~ ~-{' ~ persoaal services ----- T 111!It J..} lf8?, LV supplies & expenses J{lfg 7,20 rope --- $ 45.00 Phone &. electric power - 200.00 1st aid supplies--- 20.00 cleaning supplies &. toilet paper -- repairs to building -- Paint, etc.---- new spring board --- new boat --- oiling lot total LILY LAKE BEACll r total LEGION B:a:AC:I personal services supplies &. e:penses rope --- Phone & elc. power--- paint, etc --- cleaning supplies &. to ilet pa,per---- Diving dock repairs -- Misel. --- ~- $575.00 '5.00 100.00 60.00 325.00 200.00 150.00 ~ $1,135.00 ~ -TbZ2..ZiJ / H nUT kll !,O.go $ 45.00 75.00 40.00 20.00 150.00 50.00 total $400.00 tt I 6-0 .80______ lil){,O.QO SKAT ING personal service.. caretaker, Lily Lake rink &: warming house fuel oil--- elect, phone & misc.--- $615.00 100.00 100.00 total ~15.00 ~, . S"1~O~ \~ ~gfc;,~ t./ '? lrO, 91) '5 ~zz. 'Z.o =l~ ~O.Oc)l . 'l0l <0, Of) t t}JS; ~ ' ,Ob . A t6" "1) I ?P 1 , if S"7c;,00 2.9 J ",00 4 )~OleO 'i b tJ.Z,zo q rTOO,ol> , ~ C;13 f 0 i) J ,. CITY OF STILLWATER . RECREATION COMMISSION STILLWATER, MINNESOTA 'J..1-~ b ----=-= 1 '3, ~ 0 PARKS PIONEER PAll personal services ---- supplies 8. expenses 10 new park tables --- fertillzee 8. weed killer paint, ete --- cleaning supplies !viiscl. --- I? S(J,OO $iJ+~O.OO' ~ 410.00 50.00 50.00 ~6:~~ V~ $2,025.00 '-'f35" fJC>~' la,wn sweeper ---- $350.00.> fertilizer 8. weed killer---- 200.0Q sign maker kit --- ~lO.OO see-saws for Wash park--- 60.00 me chinery 8. equipment ma,in tainance~200. 00 , t c::r 3~ . t10 :;1. 659, 00 ~a (ld.ao 6"77 f),OO t -::z. 0.2-:;- 0 0 :;J- -e :3 5' f () 7) -:::2-o00fl>D ~5V.cJO ) P ARKS IN GENERAL 6. SUPERVISION $J,~t,.OO g~d.~~ total park ----$5,8~).&0 b "77 (J, D() SUGGESTION Lowell park expenses ha.ve been running considerably over what the ci ty is reimbursed from the trust fund for the last few yea,rs, due to lack of mana.gement of expenses. Since tax revenue must be used to make up deficit, this park shou~d be under city control. expenses ~ast year persona,l supplies 1967 , ~,99'7"':'75 135'o.t>o 1,572.72 t'f)?Z.7Z- .: ..' 2. ~ L~ j '.2. $4,570.00 'income from trust fund -- $1,895.82 , . Ron Ehlinger suggested that we contact fund board members to get o.k. to hire one man to take care of both pioneer pa.rk 8. Lowell park at sale,ry nea.r $450.00 per mo. put Lowell park under ci t;y park dept. and income from Lowell fund be put into ci ty pa.rk fund. Also suggestion by Mr. Ehlinger that since we are going to need caretaker for Lily Lalce wa.rming house & rink, perhaps we should put on a permanent employee in rec. dept. who could act as regular caretaker at Lily Lake both summer 8. winter 8. assist supervisor in other seasons. Part of his salary is already accounted for by caretakers wages at Lily La,k:e beach in summer 8. at Lily Lake rink 8. warming house in winter, tr. j) - oP t?..<) /) j ~' {')-5.~~ ., --~ .. e . CITY OF STILLWATER RECREATION COMMISSION STILLWATER, MINNESOTA STILLWATER RECREATION COMMISSION Meeting: September 6, 1968 Present: G. R. Smith, Councilman Wohlers Nonmembers: Wayne Loland, Assistant City Administrator; J. R. Blekum, Supervisor of Recreation The meeting opened at 7:45 p.m. Mr. Blekum reported on the summer beach program just past and indicated that the biggest problem encountered was low morale caused by immature caretakers. This, in turn, was caused by the resignation of Charles Mix from the Legion Beach. Thereafter a sixteen year old lifeguard (Jim Brownson) was asked to take over as caretaker. Although he did as well as could be expected, the problem was that the lifeguards of the same or more advanced age were not inclined to take orders from him. Supervisor Blekum recommended hiring a full-time caretaker who could be used at Lily Lake in the summer and in the warming houses in the winter, with plenty of repair work to do in between. He felt that activity was such that he would be justified. Discussion of Mr. Blekum's report brought out that the root of the problem was that salaries for the caretakers were not adequate to attract qualified people. Further discussion resulted in recommending that we try another year of hiring seasonal people, but raise the salary to $400 per month. Also, we will try to line up caretakers through the winter and spring, preferably a teacher or other seasonal worker. The Commission did not act on Mr. Blekum's recommendation for a full-time caretaker because of the following reasons: (1) we would still have to hire a caretaker ,for the Legion Beach, so it would remain a problem; (2) the new employee would come under the union contract between the city and the union, and administration of overtime hours in the summer followed by low need in spring and fall would, at best, be difficult; (3) we would probably have to pay $350-400 plus benefits for such a person, which would make the cost considerably higher. . .. ~ . e . Stillwater Recreation Commission Meeting: September 6, 1968 -2 The following rates of pay will be used for beach employees next year. Caretakers Lifeguards SLC WSI Substitutes $400 plus Start $1 .!f5 $1. 65 $1. Vb concessions Max. $1. 75* $1.85* *$0.05 increase per hour per year of applicable experience. It was also decided that Mr. Blekum's salary should be increased from $450 per month to $500 for 1969. Mr. Blekum reported that next year Orange Larson could not be employed at Pioneer Park (in 1969) because of a heart condi- tion. Furthermore, he reported that Lowell Park Trust Fund had produced only $1,895.92 and that expenses for running the park would be in excess of $4,570 and that the difference between the $4,570 and the $1,895.92 would have to be made up out of parks budget. He felt the operation at Lowell Park was somewhat extravagant and that we should ask the Lowell Park Commission, through the Council, to turn operation of Lowell Park over to us. Accordingly we would be able to operate it for about $2,800, which is near the average of $2,700 that the Lowell Trust Fund &46,000) has generated over the years. The attached budget for 1969 was then worked out and will be presented to the City Administrator for adoption in the 1969 city budget. At 10:05 p.m. Mr. W. L. O'Brien arrived and expressed the opinion that he would like to see the recommendations of Mr. Blekum fol- lowed relative to the full-time Lily Lake caretaker. He said he doubted that a seasonal caretaker could be gotten for the $400 per month plus concessions. He also felt that the lifeguards' salaries should be increased further. Mr. Wohlers was inclined to go along with him, but then decided to sit tight on the original Commission recommendation. Mr. Smith agreed to ask the Council to consider our recommendations on Lowell Park. Meeting adjourned 10:35 p.m. ~((j2~ Gordon R. Smith Secretary .. CITY OF STILLWATER '. RECREATION COMMISSION STILLWATER, J1.1INNESOTA RECREATION COMMISSION Budget Proposal for 1969 Recreation Supervision $4,000.00 Playgrounds Personnel services Legion Coach Dirt for softball field Lights and Misc. Total $ 75.00 200.00 100.00* 200.00 ~~:: ~~ 575.00 ci ~ ~ ~ j~ f''J Skating Personnel services (caretaker, warming house) Fuel oil , elect., & Misc. Total r . 815.00 t" '" E ; ~ i- ~ r- i F b ~ ~ ~ e ~ $615.00 100.00 100.00 Lake Beach Personnel services (caretaker and lifeguards) Phone & electric Rope First Aid supplies Cleaning and toilet paper Repairs to building Paint, etc. New diving board New boat Lot oiling Total $4,487.20 200.00 45.00 20.00 35.00 100.00* 60.00 325.00* 200.00* 150.00 " ~~ ~ ~ r !. ( $5,622.20 . ",)-.t\ ~ . . '. Recreation Commission Budget Proposal for 1969 Legion Beach Personnel Services (caretaker and lifeguards) Rope . Phone and electric power Paint Cleaning supplies & toilet, paper Diving dock repairs Misc. $4,160.80 45.00 75.00 40.00 20.00 150.00* 50.00 Total *nonrecurring expenses TOTAL RECREATION ....2 $4,540.80 $15,553.00 Increase over 1968 budget mainly due to increase in salaries and nonrecurring expenses. Parks Supervision Pioneer Park Personnel services 10 new park tables Fertilizer and weed killer Paint Cleaning supplies Misc. Total $1,350.00+ 410.{)0 50.00 50.00 25.00 50.00 Other Parks Lawn sweeper Fertilizer and weed killer See-saws for Wash. Park Machinery and maintenance Total $ 350.00 200.00 60.00 200.00 TOTAL PARKS +Providing we can combine Pioneer Park and Lowell Park personnel services; otherwise would be $1,440.00 *Same; otherwise would be $4,835.00 ~_~~:' ,.-,..";'t....,;;;..~:'~-"', ,.',., ""'_""- $2,000.00 $1935.00 810.00 $4,745.00+ 1;-1 S' 'J' 3, ()6 ~-~-"-:-p' 0 () ''J 0 JH", i . r I